Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 45 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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So I decided to finally EV train a lot of stuff I bred the last few days, found out I have a Relaxed Steelix.. Any use in that or do I really want Sassy?

Non Mega Steelix prefers a Careful/Sassy
Mega Steelix prefers Impish/Relaxed


Still looking for a cloner.
So I've been breeding Mantykes for a while. Finally found a Calm one among some Modest/Timid/Bold 5IV ones. Was wondering if anyone would be interested in some of the leftovers?

All Mantykes have these details:

Swift Swim Mantyke(M) 31/x/31/31/31/31 (+Amnesia, Haze, Mirror Coat, Tailwind)

Mantyke (M) - Timid - Swift Swim - - Dark - [1599]
Mantyke (M) - Timid - Swift Swim - - Dragon - [2034]
Mantyke (M) - Timid - Swift Swim - - Dragon - [0360]
Mantyke (M) - Modest - Swift Swim - - Dragon - [3665]

All are still in their eggs for now I can hatch them on request. Sadly the good natures like Calm/Bold the Calm is for my guild and had my friends take their picks first before I came over here so just 3xTimid/1xModest are left but these are Mantykes so wanted to see if any interest :o

I can trade them for pretty much anything I dont have 1:1. All what I have can be found in the region tabs in my signature for reference however for smogon rules nothing on that list is for trade unless I put it up on here. If you want a female parent I can throw in a Calm Imperfect Female you can use to rebreed it alongside the perfect.
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So I've been breeding Mantykes for a while. Finally found a Calm one among some Modest/Timid/Bold 5IV ones. Was wondering if anyone would be interested in some of the leftovers?

All Mantykes have these details:

Swift Swim Mantyke(M) 31/x/31/31/31/31 (+Amnesia, Haze, Mirror Coat, Tailwind)

Mantyke (M) - Timid - Swift Swim - - Dark - [1599]
Mantyke (M) - Timid - Swift Swim - - Dragon - [2034]
Mantyke (M) - Timid - Swift Swim - - Dragon - [0360]
Mantyke (M) - Modest - Swift Swim - - Dragon - [3665]

All are still in their eggs for now I can hatch them on request. Sadly the good natures like Calm/Bold the Calm is for my guild and had my friends take their picks first before I came over here so just 3xTimid/1xModest are left but these are Mantykes so wanted to see if any interest :o
I'll take the modest one if that's okay:)
In need of someone to check some eggs for me

Edit: omg is there really? My bad, had always thought people ask here.
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non mega adamant scizor , evs:-/252/4/-/-/252, move set suggestions?
Sciz doesn't need 252 Speed, you want it to be bulky. As for moves, Bullet Punch, U-Turn/Bug Bite, Superpower, Pursuit, Knock Off, Roost, Swords Dance. Depends on what you want to do with it, Choice Band or bulky SD...
I'm looking for a vivillon with HP ground(31/x/31/30/30/31, timid, Compound Eyes) in any colour but yellow or pink.

In return, I can offer a yellow HP ground vivillon(same IVs, timid, compound eyes) OR HP fire timid protean greninja OR shiny audino OR HP ice timid evee(no HA).
Hey, does anyone have a HA sigilyph (tinted lens)--preferably modest?
*if you also have a moody smeargle, I can trade you both of these (either krabby or kricketot)*

Can offer:

  • 31/31/31/31/??/31 ralts (male)--adamant (spitback)
If shiny sigilyph, I can offer
  • 31/31/31/xx/31/31 shiny krabby (or kricketot)--adamant
Thanks! :)
Just going to ask again if anyone has a Piplup/Prinplup/Empoleon that knows the move Defog that I could trade for/clone.
And I know you can't breed defog onto the Piplup line, the Piplup or Piplup evolution would have to have been from gen 4 and taught the move defog via TM.
Simple question time:

Does Kyogre respawn after the E4 when you faint it during the main story?

And what about Rayquaza and Deoxys?
Looking for the following:

  • Female HP Fire Contrary Snivy (31/e/31/30/31/30)
  • Female Reckless Tepig (don't care about IVs on this one, although flawless would be nice)
  • Female Adaptability Skrelp in a Dusk Ball (don't care about IVs on this either)

Can offer stuff from my trade thread, although I'll only trade my flawless Pokemon for flawless versions.
Looking for the following:

  • Female HP Fire Contrary Snivy (31/e/31/30/31/30)
  • Female Reckless Tepig (don't care about IVs on this one, although flawless would be nice)
  • Female Adaptability Skrelp in a Dusk Ball (don't care about IVs on this either)

Can offer stuff from my trade thread, although I'll only trade my flawless Pokemon for flawless versions.
I can trade you a 31/31/x/x/31/31 Female HA Tepig
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