Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 45 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Hey, does anyone here have a smeargle designed to catch Rayquaza as per Buckert's guide which I could borrow?I was having $teele EV train me a set of SRing pokes for a cart full of legends but he lost his internet and so can't trade.
Hey, does anyone here have a smeargle designed to catch Rayquaza as per Buckert's guide which I could borrow?I was having $teele EV train me a set of SRing pokes for a cart full of legends but he lost his internet and so can't trade.

Buckert does. Though some other people have been distributing them as well on his behalf.
LF someone who can breed Monsoon Vivillon and would be willing to do a BP (I can supply parents if necessary)
Lf Buckert's mons for Moltres (Timid nature) and Mewtwo (Jolly nature, specially now with ORAS tutors). Apparently he ain't answering in his thread.
You could always just make your own, it takes an hour tops. Just breed a box of Starly and train them up when you need them, that's what I do.
I have four pokes that need trade evolving, and I also need a Kings Rock. Help me out and I've got a flawless Modest/Hussle Male Nido or a flawless Adamant/Mold Breaker Sawk with your name on it. Quote me back or pm.

Pokemon have a PID, Pokemon ID.
This is a 32bit unsigned int.
Each trainer has a TID, Trainer ID, and a SID, Secret ID.
These are 16bit unsigned ints.

Let ^ denote XOR, >> denote Right Shift and & denote AND (you can google these terms).

Then a Pokemon is shiny if:
( (PID >> 16) ^ (PID & 16) ) >> 4 = ( TID ^ SID ) >> 4.

The "( TID ^ SID ) >> 4" part is the TSV (Trainer Shiny Value).
The "( (PID >> 16) ^ (PID & 16) ) >> 4" is the PSV (Pokemon Shiny Value, or ESV, Egg Shiny Value if it has not yet been hatched).
In short, what you said was true, except the maths behind what Shiny Values are.
Nooo don't keep. It doesnt have HP Ice -.-

Too late. HP Ice would of taken a bit longer than I'd like to spend SRing. HP Ice Raikou is good; trust me, I know this. I have an HP Ice one RNG'd from my Heart Gold, that'll handle the Maison just fine. This new one, I'm sure I can get some use out of. Plus I do intend to restart this game eventually so I can always get another one, once I figure out how to keep my Eon Ticket :P
Don't have a powersave, so tossing a 98% perfect soft reset is kind of a gamble for me, can't exactly back up my save, keep it, and keep resetting it like everyone else.

Actually yeah, on that note.. if I have two 3DS systems, I can Spotpass myself. I only have one copy of Omega Ruby though.. do I need to have a copy of ORAS in both DS' in order to transfer an Eon Ticket, or will it work if I Spotpass my X -> restart OR -> spotpass my OR -> get Eon Ticket back? Honestly, I'd buy an Alpha Sapphire if I have to. Having access to every Pentagon legendary myself for once would be nice.
I have a bunch of excess mons that I've bred up that have same value. Since these Pokemon are either ready for training for competitive battle or have some rare qualities, I thought I might see if anyone wants them. However, everything must go as I'm cleaning my boxes out. So, after a few days, whatever I have left is getting Wonder Traded. Probably to that kid who gave you a Caterpie from Satalune Forest.

Don't let that kid who gave you a Caterpie from Satalune Forest get these Pokemon.

Anyway, I'll take pretty much anything of comparable value for any of these. I will also lopside trade for anything particularly valuable you might want to offer. However, no clones please! All of these are uniquely bred or caught, so please show me the same courtesy and don't trade me a clone. If you want anything nicknamed, please let me know. Everything is first come, first serve, but keep in mind I will not reserve a Pokemon indefinitely for you.

Also, you get breeding rights to anything on this lis I trade you in exchange for giving me breeding rights to anything you give me. However, please don't trade off the Pokemon with my OT. Trading their offspring that you bred is fine though.

If you're interested, make sure you contact me in a way that ensures notification, whether it be quote, tag, VM, PM, or posting in my shop. If you just reply to the thread directly, there's a very good chance I'll miss your post.

2x Mudkip, Male, Brave, Torrent, Yawn, 31/x/31/31/31/0, Pokeball

2 1x Lapras, Female, Calm, Shell Armor, Future Sight / Ancient Power / Dragon Pulse / Freeze-Dry, 31/x/31/31/31/31 Lure Ball*

1x Feebas, Male, Timid, Swift Swim, Hypnosis / Mirror Coat / Dragon Pulse, 31/31/31/31/31/x, Pokeball

1x Kangaskhan, Female, Adamant, Inner Focus*, Counter, x/31/x/31/31/x, Dream Ball*

1x Nincada, Female, Jolly, Compound Eyes, x/31/x/31/31/x, Sport Ball*

1x Bagon, Male, Adamant, Rock Head, Dragon Dance, 31/31/31/x/31/31, Safari Ball*

1x Mareep, Male, Quiet, Static, 31/31/31/x/31/0, Level Ball*

1x Mareep, Female, Quiet, Static, 31/x/31/31/31/31, Heal Ball

1x Electrike, Male, Timid, Static, 31/x/31/31/31/31, Safari Ball*

1x Electrike, Female, Timid, Static, Thunder Fang / Discharge, 31/x/31/31/31/31, Safari Ball*

2x Mienfoo, Female, Jolly, Regenerator, Knock Off, 31/31/31/x/31/31, Quick Ball

1x Mienfoo, Female, Jolly, Inner Focus, Knock Off, 31/31/31/x/31/31, Quick Ball

6x Bulbasaur, Male, Modest, Chlorophyll*, Petal Dance / Giga Drain, 31/31/31/x/31/31, Pokeball

3x Bulbasaur, Male, Modest, Overgrow, Petal Dance / Giga Drain, 31/31/31/x/31/31, Pokeball

1x Bulbasaur, Male, Modest, Overgrow, Petal Dance / Giga Drain, 31/x/31/31/31/31, Pokeball

2 1x Bulbasaur, Female*, Modest, Chlorophyll*, Petal Dance / Giga Drain, 31/31/31/x/31/31, Pokeball

1x Vulpix, Female, Bold, Flash Fire, Hypnosis / Heat Wave, 31/31/31/31/31/31*, Quick Ball

1x Vulpix, Male*, Bold, Drought*, Hypnosis / Heat Wave, 31/x/31/31/31/31, Quick Ball

*Any particular quality of a Pokemon marked with an asterisk is either rare, hard to obtain, or even impossible to obtain except via breeding anymore.

Also, this is not a give away. So please make fair offers.
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can someone help me move an egg from one game to another? (trade you the egg, load my other game, you trade me the egg back)
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