Creative / Underrated Sets in the UU Metagame

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Milotic @ Leftovers
Ability: Competitive
EVs: 200 HP / 56 Def / 252 SpA
Modest Nature
- Hydro Pump/scald
- Ice Beam
- Recover
- Toxic/substitute/dragon pulse/refresh

offensive milo is something that is actually kinda fun in UU. With its ability being competitive it obvi raises spA by 2 if a stat gets lowered. coming off of a decent spA stat and being able to run modest it is actually a rlly fun bop mon. it does lack a decent 4th move so I kinda just threw out a buttload of options to try. Also it having recover is pretty good as well making it last throughout a battle. In the event u can get a boost from intimidate or a spA drop or the occasional webs you see on the ladder it can come in on certain mons and just fire away boosted hits. It also actually has a decent speed tier to outspeed most mixed walls and clerics in the tier. This kinda turns a crappy D rank mon into a fun snake.
If you are still alive, thanks mush <3
Reuniclus @ Assault Vest
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 144 HP / 112 SpA / 252 SpD
Modest Nature
- Psyshock
- Future Sight
- Shadow Ball
- Focus Blast

That looks like fun ! Can you explain the spread please ?
Gonna post a set I've been having some fun with lately. I guess it's not the most creative thing ever, but I haven't seen it posted yet. If anyone else has already posted something similar and I missed it, please let me know!


Salamence @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 248 HP / 116 Atk / 8 Def / 136 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Dragon Claw
- Earthquake / Refresh
- Roost

Bulky DD is one of Salamence's best sets right now in my opinion, using a lot of the strong physical attackers in the tier as setup fodder while having the longevity to switch in to them multiple times throughout the match. Even without much investment, Mence hits pretty hard and this set aims to make the most out of its great physical bulk with intimidate, getting a ton of chances to set up. The EV spread is pretty basic, it aims to outspeed max speed Jolly Heracross unboosted, and Jolly Mega Aerodactyl at +1, while having enough bulk to always avoid the 2HKO from guts Heracross's Facade. Running 176 Speed is also an option for Lucario, but I think Ice Punch is fairly uncommon nowadays. Putting the rest of the EVs in Defense instead of Attack is acceptable too, especially on the Refresh set to switch into Entei better. EQ or Refresh is preference really, with Refresh you can reliably switch into scalds and Entei and not care about burns, but Fairies and Steels become a lot more annoying to handle. Without Refresh, cleric support is much appreciated for this set, making stuff like Florges and Umbreon good partners. This set works great on bulkier teams that need a win condition and reliable check to many physical attackers. If anyone else has experience with this set and knows of better spreads, please feel free to post!

-1 252 Atk Guts Heracross Facade (140 BP) vs. 248 HP / 8 Def Salamence: 176-208 (44.7 - 52.9%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery

-1 252 Atk Mega Aerodactyl Stone Edge vs. 248 HP / 8 Def Salamence: 135-159 (34.3 - 40.4%) -- 42.9% chance to 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
note: This is after roost, you outspeed at +1

-1 252 Atk Mienshao Stone Edge vs. 248 HP / 8 Def Salamence: 170-200 (43.2 - 50.8%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery

might add more later if i remember :O
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I was going to wait until my team crapped out to post my bulky DD mence set but brokenwing has beaten me to it :(

I've ridden this set to third on the ladder (as of yesterday):

Salamence @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 216 HP / 248 Def / 44 Spe
Impish Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Dragon Claw
- Refresh
- Roost

This set works as an amazing physical wall, status absorber and win-condition all in one. It can switch in on every physical fire and fighting type in the tier without hesitation and force them out/set up in their face if they decide to stay in. It can also set up with impunity on bulky waters lacking ice beam/roar. One of the best things about this set (as brokenwings and moon's blanket have already touched on) is its surprise factor. Because of the sheer number of viable sets Salemence can run, the opponent will often make misplays fearing a fully offensive or passive defogger set.

The mono dragon coverage is less problematic than it initially appears. Obviously, if the other team has a fairy, you can't do anything but wall until its removed...but surprisingly (and despite florges 14% usage rate according to Febs stats), I've found them to be few and far between in number. Defensive steels do not threaten Salamence and can really only roar you out. If they lack roar (I'm thinking of Bronzong and Forry here), Mence can accumulate 2 dragon dances while comfortably taking less than 50% from gyro ball, allowing you to stall the move out of PP and go to work.

44 speed evs are used to outpace scarf 100's (I learned this the hard way when a Flygon once outsped me at +2). If needed, I suppose you can tweak the set to get the jump on scarf meinshao, though I personally prefer the added bulk.

This set has been so good for me, I've had a difficult time considering using any other physical wall when team building (even when its soaking up 40% of my dark horse budget ha). It needs a little team support since it can't handle faries on its own, but believe me, this thing pulls its weight and then some.

Stuff it can tank in a pinch (attacks taken without the benefit of Intimidate):

84 Atk Mega Abomasnow Ice Shard vs. 216 HP / 248+ Def Salamence: 204-240 (52.9 - 62.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after hail damage and Leftovers recovery
252+ Atk Mega Abomasnow Ice Shard vs. 216 HP / 248+ Def Salamence: 244-292 (63.3 - 75.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after hail damage and Leftovers recovery
252 Atk Mega Aerodactyl Stone Edge vs. 216 HP / 248+ Def Salamence: 282-332 (73.2 - 86.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252+ Atk Adaptability Mega Beedrill Poison Jab vs. 216 HP / 248+ Def Salamence: 180-212 (46.7 - 55%) -- 9% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252+ Atk Choice Band Entei Stone Edge vs. 216 HP / 248+ Def Salamence: 274-324 (71.1 - 84.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252 Atk Heracross Stone Edge vs. 216 HP / 248+ Def Salamence: 178-210 (46.2 - 54.5%) -- 4.7% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252+ Atk Life Orb Lucario Ice Punch vs. 216 HP / 248+ Def Salamence: 348-411 (90.3 - 106.7%) -- 43.8% chance to OHKO
252 Atk Sheer Force Darmanitan Rock Slide vs. 216 HP / 248+ Def Salamence: 190-224 (49.3 - 58.1%) -- 59% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252 Atk Mienshao Stone Edge vs. 216 HP / 248+ Def Salamence: 178-210 (46.2 - 54.5%) -- 4.7% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252 Atk Salamence Outrage vs. 216 HP / 248+ Def Salamence: 338-398 (87.7 - 103.3%) -- 25% chance to OHKO
252 Atk Life Orb Mold Breaker Haxorus Dragon Claw vs. 216 HP / 248+ Def Salamence: 312-369 (81 - 95.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

Stuff it can switch in on and wall (with benefit of Intimidate):

-1 252+ Atk Choice Band Entei Stone Edge vs. 216 HP / 248+ Def Salamence: 182-216 (47.2 - 56.1%) -- 22.3% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
-1 252+ Atk Choice Band Entei Sacred Fire vs. 216 HP / 248+ Def Salamence: 68-81 (17.6 - 21%) -- possible 7HKO after Leftovers recovery
-1 252 Atk Sheer Force Darmanitan Rock Slide vs. 216 HP / 248+ Def Salamence: 126-150 (32.7 - 38.9%) -- 6.2% chance to 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
-1 252 Atk Heracross Stone Edge vs. 216 HP / 248+ Def Salamence: 118-140 (30.6 - 36.3%) -- guaranteed 4HKO after Leftovers recovery
-1 252 Atk Guts Heracross Facade (140 BP) vs. 216 HP / 248+ Def Salamence: 124-146 (32.2 - 37.9%) -- 0.5% chance to 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
-1 252+ Atk Adaptability Mega Beedrill Poison Jab vs. 216 HP / 248+ Def Salamence: 120-142 (31.1 - 36.8%) -- guaranteed 4HKO after Leftovers recovery
-1 252 Atk Choice Band Krookodile Stone Edge vs. 216 HP / 248+ Def Salamence: 170-200 (44.1 - 51.9%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
-1 252 Atk Choice Band Krookodile Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 216 HP / 248+ Def Salamence: 123-145 (31.9 - 37.6%) -- 0.2% chance to 3HKO after Leftovers
-1 252 Atk Choice Band Crobat Brave Bird vs. 216 HP / 248+ Def Salamence: 127-151 (32.9 - 39.2%) -- 9% chance to 3HKO after Leftovers recovery

Stuff it can set up on:

-1 252+ Atk Donphan Ice Shard vs. 216 HP / 248+ Def Salamence: 104-124 (27 - 32.2%) -- 29% chance to 4HKO after Leftovers recovery
0 Atk Forretress Gyro Ball (118 BP) vs. 216 HP / 248+ Def Salamence: 97-115 (25.1 - 29.8%) -- 0% chance to 4HKO after Leftovers recovery (thats Mence at +2)
252+ Atk Forretress Gyro Ball (118 BP) vs. 216 HP / 248+ Def Salamence: 138-163 (35.8 - 42.3%) -- 91.3% chance to 3HKO after Leftovers recovery (+2 again)
+1 4 SpA Suicune Scald vs. 216 HP / 0 SpD Salamence: 72-84 (18.7 - 21.8%) -- possible 7HKO after Leftovers recovery
^^this is a dangerous game obviously, but if you can get to +1 before Suicune starts boosting, you've got an excellent shot at winning 1v1

The set up list could go on for much longer, I just posted a couple of the most prominent switch ins to Mence.
An oldie, but this set can grab function as a bit of a surprise cleaner:


Empoleon @ Life Orb
Ability: Torrent
EVs: 8 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpA / 244 Spe
Timid Nature
- Hydro Pump
- Flash Cannon
- Agility
- Grass Knot / Ice Beam

Traditional Empoleon forces out certain things and is able to setup on the switch. Agility lets it outspeed up to +1 Darm and Sharpedo, with the only notable things you are losing out to after an Agility are ScarfShao and ScarfApe, and +1 Hydrei and Haxorus

The last move is a bit difficult for me to pick because you have to decide what you want to beat, but that can be patched. Frankly I think Grass Knot is probably the worst choice, because even with a Life Orb you're not really going to want to sit around on other bulky waters. Flash Cannon 2HKOs Florges, which you can also set up an Agility on.

edit: Upon further thought, I'd say Ice Beam is the best fourth move, because any Steels can be hit decently hard with Hydro Pump anyway, and Ice Beam is good for Dragon SE coverage in this meta.

So, you're outspeed by literally every key mon that can RK Agility Empoleon? Try this instead:

Empoleon@ Petaya Berry
12 HP/ 4 Def/ 252 Sp Atk/ 240 Speed
-Grass Knot/Ice Beam

No matter what EV spread you run on the prior set, it's almost guaranteed you'll be RK by any of those common scarfers (ape, shao, etc...). Substitute helps with this by allowing you to set up multiple Agility boosts and netting both the Torrent and Petaya boost with ease. You lose coverage in Ice Beam, but the reliability increases significantly. Add in hazards and this penguin can clean up very easily late game.
Aerodactyl-Mega @ Aerodactylite
Ability: Tough Claws
EVs: 248 HP / 60 Def / 60 SpD / 140 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Roost
- Defog
- Aerial Ace
- Earthquake

This is a very decent Defog user on stall teams. It gives you some speed to check/counter CM Chandelure, Heracross, Infernape, Lucario, Work Up Pidgeot which are all otherwise very big threats to defensive teams. You can use other moves to for more specific coverage like Stone Edge and Crunch. You can also shift some of the defenses around. The speed is enough for beating base 115s before evolving I believe which also lets you beat everything up to +1 Rotom alternate which you probably shouldn't stay in on anyways.
Aerodactyl-Mega @ Aerodactylite
Ability: Tough Claws
EVs: 248 HP / 60 Def / 60 SpD / 140 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Roost
- Defog
- Aerial Ace
- Earthquake

This is a very decent Defog user on stall teams. It gives you some speed to check/counter CM Chandelure, Heracross, Infernape, Lucario, Work Up Pidgeot which are all otherwise very big threats to defensive teams. You can use other moves to for more specific coverage like Stone Edge and Crunch. You can also shift some of the defenses around. The speed is enough for beating base 115s before evolving I believe which also lets you beat everything up to +1 Rotom alternate which you probably shouldn't stay in on anyways.

Screams pls set up on me
As I said it is for stall so it's okay if a large amount of pokemon set up on you even ifs not ideal. Basically all defensive pokemon are set up fodder for quite a few high usage threats (Blissey fodder for lucario, hippowdon fodder for suicine, etc etc)

Please don't make such ignorant posts dude :/
I use Defog M-Aero on my main stall team, although I run Taunt as well, which makes set-up less of an issue and allows Aero to double as a stallbreaker. I've been pretty happy with it.
I want to share a Porygon-2 Set I've seen and used to good effect as a wall/speed control mon.

Porygon-2 @ Eviolite
Ability: Trace
EV's: 248 HP/ 236 Def/ 24 Spd
Bold Nature
- Discharge
- Ice Beam
- Recover
- Conversion

Porygon-2 has always been known as a wall or a tank, but no one ever seems to consider the merits of it's signature move, conversion. Conversion copies the type of the move in the first moveslot. Which in this case of this variant is the electric typing. Electric typing negates your fighting weakness, in exchange for a ground one. You receive 3 resistances, instead of 0. And, you get STAB on discharge.

Porygon-2 with "STAB" Discharge and Ice Beam, allows it to beat (Counter) all three of the S Rank pokemon in UU, as well as a majority of A+ pokes. Additionally, the ability to change a weakness to a neutrality works wonders for a pokemon as bulky as P2. Discharge has the bonus of a 30% chance of paralysis (like Scald, except for Paralysis) which helps if you need speed control. Finally, the ability has several key uses. Levitate is a pretty common ability, and if P-2 traces it and uses Conversion, P-2 doesn't have a weakness. P2 even has the ability to beat ground types in UU because it is rarely 2HKO'ed by them using the physically defensive spread, and can fire back a SE Ice Beam. Overall, P-2 can be a catch all glue to wall llke half the meta while providing paralysis support and great neutral coverage using the (partial STAB) boltbeam combination.

Below is a replay of P-2 walling an entire team while being statused, usually a nightmare for P2.
batsy watzy (Crobat) @ Black Sludge
Ability: Infiltrator
EVs: 248 HP / 36 Atk / 24 SpD / 200 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Roost
- Brave Bird
- Haze
- Defog

This is a nice set! It is actually very similar to the Mega Aero set just a few posts above because it serves as a nice speedy Defogger user for stall teams. This set is actually very uncommon but only because of Haze, everything else is probably common knowledge to Crobat users. The EVs let you outspeed Mega Pidgeot which is extremely threatening to stall with Work Up and Refresh letting it set up on most defensive Pokemon. However with this set you can almost always 2HKO it with Brave Bird and the Timid Hurricane can be PP stalled a lot with Roost and Haze until the confusion strikes at least. Luckily Hurricane only has 16 PP and its not easy to get past Crobat at all, let alone with a lot of PP. Blissey can usually tank the rest of the Hurricanes in worst case scenario.

You also check or counter Infernape, Heracross, Scafty which can be annoying for stall and you can technically PP stall Suicune out of Calm Minds at the cost of being burned though so this cannot be a primary answer to Crocune. A lot of last Pokemon boosters will have a hard time versus Crobat, especially Curse users since Curse only has 16 PP.
With Suicune, Reuniclus and Snorlax currently really popular, Stall has a lot of problems once it comes down to a last mon situation and they can no longer be phazed. You kind of have to bend over backwards to deal with all of these, especially reuniclus, so I wanted to find a way to deal with them while also providing useful walling support. As a true master of innovation, I found this:

Florges (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Flower Veil
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Bold Nature
- Worry Seed
- Toxic
- Synthesis
- Moonblast

Although there's a whole load of grass types that get Worry Seed, I don't think grass is a particularly useful defensive typing in UU, resisting few of the tier's top offensive threats in terms of STABs. Furthermore, the grass mons that I thought could take advantage of the move like Gourgeist and Ferroseed unfortunately suffer huge 4mss when they try to include it.
However I then found out Florges gets the move, who walls all the stuff it usually does anyway with synthesis and moonblast, so Toxic and Worry Seed slot easily into a standard moveset as long as you're willing to forgo Aromatherapy (There's wish passers on stall 1000x better so that ones not really a loss). It basically switches into all of reun, suicune and lax, toxics and worry seeds, meaning cune and lax can't rest the toxic away and reun no longer has magic guard to protect it from toxic damage.

Unfortunately Florges' weak physical bulk comes back to bite it and it needs max investement to withstand to comfortably take +1 psyshocks and body slams, although as long as you get the worry seed in they're all crippled anyway. In terms of support just give it phasers that can deal with the mons mid game, as if you have to bring it in early on it's liable to be worn down and unable to come in a deal with them again.

An alternative non-grass user of worry seed is Musharna, who has a far easier time with reun and snorlax thanks to its great physical bulk, but it also deals with much less outside of these threats.
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I want to share a Porygon-2 Set I've seen and used to good effect as a wall/speed control mon.

Porygon-2 @ Eviolite
Ability: Trace
EV's: 248 HP/ 236 Def/ 24 Spd
Bold Nature
- Discharge
- Ice Beam
- Recover
- Conversion

Porygon-2 has always been known as a wall or a tank, but no one ever seems to consider the merits of it's signature move, conversion. Conversion copies the type of the move in the first moveslot. Which in this case of this variant is the electric typing. Electric typing negates your fighting weakness, in exchange for a ground one. You receive 3 resistances, instead of 0. And, you get STAB on discharge.

Porygon-2 with "STAB" Discharge and Ice Beam, allows it to beat (Counter) all three of the S Rank pokemon in UU, as well as a majority of A+ pokes. Additionally, the ability to change a weakness to a neutrality works wonders for a pokemon as bulky as P2. Discharge has the bonus of a 30% chance of paralysis (like Scald, except for Paralysis) which helps if you need speed control. Finally, the ability has several key uses. Levitate is a pretty common ability, and if P-2 traces it and uses Conversion, P-2 doesn't have a weakness. P2 even has the ability to beat ground types in UU because it is rarely 2HKO'ed by them using the physically defensive spread, and can fire back a SE Ice Beam. Overall, P-2 can be a catch all glue to wall llke half the meta while providing paralysis support and great neutral coverage using the (partial STAB) boltbeam combination.

Below is a replay of P-2 walling an entire team while being statused, usually a nightmare for P2.

Don't Steal Peoples Teams / Ideas unless you give them credit. I noticed that your team was the same one from my Viability ranking montage

First off this is my set and mine alone. Second, you screwed up when you didn't add 12 spA to oko Sally. Third Proof:
Porygon 2 should be put up to B rank. Ice beam okoes sally and does a lot to mega aero. Discharge it really good with para spread. Has enough speed to come in and recover on another wall if damaged. Conversion set it actually very viable and dont worry Ill get the replays. There are some notable bad things like hera switch in and completley walled by florges but a para on florges means a turn of aromatheropy or it gets fully paralyzed. Conversion set can take ccs from banded hera (Ill get clacs... on my phone will edit later) and recover up. Trace is amazing get intimidate on salamence, stealing speed boost from sharpedo, and getting natural cure on the sleep powder roserade switch. Analyctic it ok but trace I feel is better for something as bulky as pory. With conversion, fighting type switch ins are not threats anymore. Pory can now wall infernape, lucario, machamp, and mega pidgeotto. Once I get the conversion replays up, it will be more clear.

<----------- If you want explanations with commentary

Replays: With Alts, KingUU's Mom and Sam's Creepy Uncle
Porygon 2 takes a hit from a banded salamence with the help of trace. It then eleiminates Salamence with ice beam as it is locked into outrage. Later it plays around with aggron and para spreads for the win!
Porygon 2 kills a suicune after taking hits from MegaBee and stealing its adaptability. Suicune was my opponents only chance to win!
My opponent has a mono bug team -__- but it shows the sheer bulk of Porygon 2 without an eviolite!
High ranking player Aggron gets bent over by para spread and confusion hacks. Porygon 2 becomes a win condition after i miss a high jump kick!
Suicune is destroyed early game making my opponent near impossible to beat porygon!


-Dynamic Punch 252hp 244def 12speed
-Knock off Ability: No Guard

Sounds dumb but it works really well. Bulk makes it hard to kill with no super effective moves and nothing really wants to switch into it. Knock off is great because we all know why. Now you may be asking, "Why don't you run guts sleep talk for that boosted damage?" The main thing is that I need something bulky and CC ruins Machamp as a wall. Plus if you have the confusion, its a lot safer to rest knowing your opponent might lose a turn or two to hax. If nothing else its a lot of fun to use.
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Don't Steal Peoples Teams / Ideas unless you give them credit. I noticed that your team was the same one from my Viability ranking montage

First off this is my set and mine alone. Second, you screwed up when you didn't add 12 spA to oko Sally. Third Proof:
Porygon 2 should be put up to B rank. Ice beam okoes sally and does a lot to mega aero. Discharge it really good with para spread. Has enough speed to come in and recover on another wall if damaged. Conversion set it actually very viable and dont worry Ill get the replays. There are some notable bad things like hera switch in and completley walled by florges but a para on florges means a turn of aromatheropy or it gets fully paralyzed. Conversion set can take ccs from banded hera (Ill get clacs... on my phone will edit later) and recover up. Trace is amazing get intimidate on salamence, stealing speed boost from sharpedo, and getting natural cure on the sleep powder roserade switch. Analyctic it ok but trace I feel is better for something as bulky as pory. With conversion, fighting type switch ins are not threats anymore. Pory can now wall infernape, lucario, machamp, and mega pidgeotto. Once I get the conversion replays up, it will be more clear.

<----------- If you want explanations with commentary

Replays: With Alts, KingUU's Mom and Sam's Creepy Uncle
Porygon 2 takes a hit from a banded salamence with the help of trace. It then eleiminates Salamence with ice beam as it is locked into outrage. Later it plays around with aggron and para spreads for the win!
Porygon 2 kills a suicune after taking hits from MegaBee and stealing its adaptability. Suicune was my opponents only chance to win!
My opponent has a mono bug team -__- but it shows the sheer bulk of Porygon 2 without an eviolite!
High ranking player Aggron gets bent over by para spread and confusion hacks. Porygon 2 becomes a win condition after i miss a high jump kick!
Suicune is destroyed early game making my opponent near impossible to beat porygon!


-Dynamic Punch 252hp 244def 12speed
-Knock off Ability: No Guard

Sounds dumb but it works really well. Bulk makes it hard to kill with no super effective moves and nothing really wants to switch into it. Knock off is great because we all know why. Now you may be asking, "Why don't you run guts sleep talk for that boosted damage?" The main thing is that I need something bulky and CC ruins Machamp as a wall. Plus if you have the confusion, its a lot safer to rest knowing your opponent might lose a turn or two to hax. If nothing else its a lot of fun to use.
Lets not get overly heated about this; it very well may have just been straight up copied, and if so you should have been given credit, but that may not be the case. I thought of a BD Ches set entirely independent of anything that I learned AFTER wasn't actually original. I Felt kinda silly for how proud I was of it, but you don't know it was stolen for sure.
Lets not get overly heated about this; it very well may have just been straight up copied, and if so you should have been given credit, but that may not be the case. I thought of a BD Ches set entirely independent of anything that I learned AFTER wasn't actually original. I Felt kinda silly for how proud I was of it, but you don't know it was stolen for sure.
It was the same 6 pokemon and the same p2 set.
PS: not heated just a little... irritated
Just for clarification, posting a cacture set would be dumb for this post, this is strictly unique and effective UU sets?
It is ok to post a Cacturne set as long as it is not a complete shitty gimmick. Be sure to explain why is the set use-worthy and works in the metagame, as Cacture is a mon that is not used at all in UU.
More fun stall business incoming!


Umbreon @ Leftovers
Ability: Synchronize
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Wish
- Protect
- Foul Play
- Heal Bell

Phys def Umbreon! I know what you're thinking, something like "what kind of low ladder bullshit is this". Although at first Umbreon seems like an awful physical wall due to its weakness to fighting in a fighting-infested tier, when you look outside these fighting types there's little it doesn't deal with.

Swords Dance gatr does a maximum of 84.5% and is comfortably 1hko'd by foul play after rocks. +1 life orb mence does 80% ish max with outrage and again is 1hko'd after rocks. Hone claws dactyl cant even 2hko at +1 and is 1hko'd after rocks. It switches into literally any mega abomasnow set with ease and can 2hko it with foul play. +2 Play rough mega absol does 88% max and, guess what, is 1hko'd. Krook is hopelessly walled without a banded superpower. If you're really desperate band entei doesn't 2HKO without a burn and takes like 50% from foul play, and slurpuff can't even force you out to belly drum when its play rough isn't even a guaranteed 3hko.

Oh and, it still has pretty great spdef, avoiding the 2hko from nidoqueen with sludge wave. The fighting type weakness is really easily covered too.
time for a fun mon


wee gee (Tangrowth) @ Life Orb
Ability: Regenerator
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 124 HP / 252 SpA / 132 Spe
Modest Nature
- Leaf Storm
- Focus Blast
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Sleep Powder

Offensive Tangrowth is a really fun mon that I've used while laddering as of late. Even with 110 base Special Attack, it still hits surprisingly hard and can donk mons switching in with the appropriate coverage move. Additionally, Sleep Powder can cripple offensive switch ins (such as Entei) who wouldn't otherwise fear any of Tangrowth's other attacks. The Speed is adjusted to outrun uninvested base 65s such as Swampert and Umbreon, allowing you to prevent rocks/wish, respectively. Offensive elements removed, this set also has enough bulk to chew hits such as +1 Outrage from mence easy, tearing it up with the appropriate coverage move, and then switching out to get some more HP. That said, very fun mon, just pair it with a special tank (preferably a water type) and prepare to win :]]

incoming calcs

252+ SpA Life Orb Tangrowth Focus Blast vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Umbreon: 200-237 (50.7 - 60.1%) -- 85.5% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

252+ SpA Life Orb Tangrowth Leaf Storm vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Suicune: 478-564 (118.3 - 139.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO

252+ SpA Life Orb Tangrowth Focus Blast vs. 144 HP / 176+ SpD Snorlax: 237-281 (47.6 - 56.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

252+ SpA Life Orb Tangrowth Focus Blast vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Mega Pidgeot: 200-237 (64.9 - 76.9%) -- 18.8% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock

252+ SpA Life Orb Tangrowth Hidden Power Ice vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Salamence: 406-478 (122.6 - 144.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO

252+ SpA Life Orb Tangrowth Focus Blast vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Hydreigon: 361-426 (111 - 131%) -- guaranteed OHKO
I haven't actually tried out this set personally, but it's been giving me a lot a trouble lately so it's got to be good.


Espeon @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Bounce
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Calm Mind
- Psyshock
- Dazzling Gleam / Shadow Ball / Hidden Power [Fighting]
- Morning Sun / Baton Pass / more coverage

Offensive CM Espeon causes a lot of problems for bulky teams (i.e. stall) that lack a scarfer or fast mega to take it out. Unlike Alakazam and Reuniclus, it can't be Taunted, Encored, or T-Waved, making it very difficult to stop. Espeon also can't be phazed with Roar or Whirlwind, making it one of the only Calm Minders that can set up on Roar Suicune. It can also Baton Pass the boosts to another sweeper (Agility Gatr, anyone?) for the win.
I have a few sets I made myself that I feel are deserving of some notoriety.
Shuckle @ Leftovers
Contrary Bold
156 Def/156 SpD/196 HP
Shell Smash

This is a very annoying set. First, infestation the opponent and trap them in, then use toxic and watch the damage roll in. If it's a sweeper trapped in, Shell Smash with Contrary is pretty effective in protecting from some of that damage. If you get poisoned or something, Rest and remove that status. A Close Combat from an Infernape only did about 50% without any Shell Smashes.

Cincinno @ Razor Fang/King's Rock
Skill Link Jolly
252 Atk/252 Speed/4 HP
Tail Slap
Bullet Seed
Rock Blast

This is a pure evil set. Imagine: An alternative to serene flinchers. This is that alternative. The calculations might not equal 60%, but it's still a very solid shot at a flinch. This thing is a Kryptonite to any form of setting up. Setting up for Baton Pass, entry hazards, or sweepers, if Cincinno can outspeed it, that Pokemon isn't going anywhere any time soon. The U-Turn is for a little momentum once you see something that is faster.

Dragalge @ Wise Glasses
Adaptability Modest
252 SpA/252 SpD/4 HP
Draco Meteor
Dragon Pulse
Sludge Bomb

This is a bulky special attacker. The purpose of Haze is to remove the debuff from DM. Also, it prevents sweeper set-ups. I could have gone for that extra bit of power with Sludge Wave, but I preferred the 30% poison chance vs 10%. The need for Haze meant no choice specs. Wise Glasses was helpful for that extra bit of Oomph. With all of this, Draco Meteor gets a base power of 308. That doesn't factor a critical hit, which would be a godly base 462 with ignoring defense buffs. This is Super Vanishing Ball for Pokemon!
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I have a few sets I made myself that I feel are deserving of some notoriety.
Shuckle @ Leftovers
Contrary Bold
156 Def/156 SpD/196 HP
Shell Smash

This is a very annoying set. First, infestation the opponent and trap them in, then use toxic and watch the damage roll in. If it's a sweeper trapped in, Shell Smash with Contrary is pretty effective in protecting from some of that damage. If you get poisoned or something, Rest and remove that status. A Close Combat from an Infernape only did about 50% without any Shell Smashes.

Cincinno @ Razor Fang/King's Rock
Skill Link Jolly
252 Atk/252 Speed/4 HP
Tail Slap
Bullet Seed
Rock Blast

This is a pure evil set. Imagine: An alternative to serene flinchers. This is that alternative. The calculations might not equal 60%, but it's still a very solid shot at a flinch. This thing is a Kryptonite to any form of setting up. Setting up for Baton Pass, entry hazards, or sweepers, if Cincinno can outspeed it, that Pokemon isn't going anywhere any time soon. The U-Turn is for a little momentum once you see something that is faster.

Dragalge @ Wise Glasses
Adaptability Modest
252 SpA/252 SpD/4 HP
Draco Meteor
Dragon Pulse
Sludge Bomb

This is a bulky special attacker. The purpose of Haze is to remove the debuff from DM. Also, it prevents sweeper set-ups. I could have gone for that extra bit of power with Sludge Wave, but I preferred the 30% poison chance vs 10%. The need for Haze meant no choice specs. Wise Glasses was helpful for that extra bit of Oomph. With all of this, Draco Meteor gets a base power of 308. That doesn't factor a critical hit, which would be a godly base 462 with ignoring defense buffs. This is Super Vanishing Ball for Pokemon!
That's literally a standard Chincinno set....and chincinno isn't really to good in UU to begin with..Also, as for Dragalge, Draco plate exist. Wise Glasses is an interesting choice, but Draco plate is a lot more popular. As for Shuckle, that's also an extremely common shuckle set...
That's literally a standard Chincinno set....and chincinno isn't really to good in UU to begin with..Also, as for Dragalge, Draco plate exist. Wise Glasses is an interesting choice, but Draco plate is a lot more popular. As for Shuckle, that's also an extremely common shuckle set...
How is that the common shuckle set? Well, I guess common but how is that in any way good? It's webs+rocks that gives shuckle its niche, contrary smash is just bad

edit: Is stoutland underrated enough to be posted? Sand is disgusting and I don't see other people using it, but it's acknowledged on VB...
How is that the common shuckle set? Well, I guess common but how is that in any way good? It's webs+rocks that gives shuckle its niche, contrary smash is just bad

edit: Is stoutland underrated enough to be posted? Sand is disgusting and I don't see other people using it, but it's acknowledged on VB...
A lot of people run Shell Smash contrary shuckle...No where did I saw it was good either I just said it's common. Also, Stoutland isn't really good without hippo backing him up, so I don't really know if posting him here makes sense since people who run stoutland are aware of how he's to be ran...So unless you find some good way to run him with out sand backing him up then I don't think posting Hippo-Stoutland makes much sense.
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