Project OU Player of the Week #30: Tele

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Welcome to OU's Player of the week, a project where I interview well known players to gain insight on how they battle, as well as get to know some things about them. The goal of this thread is to have these high level players give insight to other players in this community in hopes of creating a better overall experience in the OU environment. As always, if there's someone you'd like to see interviewed, feel free to shoot me a PM. So without further ado, lets get to it! Yes, this was late. However, there is a legit reason for this, so don't worry about it.​


Most Known For: Being a constant presence on the OU ladder over the past year and a half, performing the biggest upset of 2014 against Bloo in round 8 of OLT and driving cbb mad on multiple occasions.

Favorite Pokemon: Golem, Primeape

Most used Pokemon: Clefable in XY, Tornadus-T in ORAS

Where did you get your name from?
In all honesty, when I first joined Pokémon Showdown, I wasn’t taking this game seriously.I just wanted to see what it was like, do 1 or 2 battles, and then quit. So when I had to choose a nickname I didn’t really force my imagination, I just went with the first word that came into my mind and tele sounded funny.

How and when did you get into competitive battling?
During my last year at high school (2013-14) a classmate mentioned an online site of competitive Pokémon.He affirmed that despite appearances (it being a kids game, etc), building a good competitive team required much work and knowledge. The majority of people (including myself) didn’t give him any attention, with some even laughing at him. However 2 weeks later, in a dull moment, I decided to look for it on the internet and found myself in an empty Italian server. One week later, I came to the Pokémon Showdown main server and after a month I joined Smogon.

How do you feel about how ORAS plays compared to XY?
Obviously the new megas had a big impact, Mega Sableye and Mega Metagross most of all. The former popularized sets like SD Talonflame and SD Glicor, the latter has increased usages of Starmie (from #45 to #11 in less than 3 months) and Hippowdon (from #63 to #36) for example. I think Hyper-Offense has a hard time dealing with the aforementioned megas. Also Hyper-Offense has lost a lot in terms of pure power with the ban of Greninja. Even though new threats like Contrary Serperior and the fun-to-use Sheer Force Feraligatr were introduced in the transition from XY to ORAS, they are nowhere near to Greninja in terms of speed, power and offensive presence. These reasons lead me to believe that Stall and Balance are the best playstyles currently.

To add onto the above, thoughts on the team matchup issue?
I think matchup issue is a real problem

What are your thoughts on the Landorus suspect test currently going on?
I'm very happy about this suspect. I hope it gets banned. It's fast and extremely powerfull, I've had troubles dealing with it since the start of xy. I'm pretty sure that not only balance but every playstyle will benefit a lot from his ban. I really share this sentence I've read in the suspect thread: "in the hands of an expert player, (it) becomes incredibly hard to stop". Nothing could be more true.

What's your favorite playstyle and why?
Balance because I like having some sort of control over what’s happening

What's your favorite generation of OU and why?
I have to say Gen 6 because it’s only one I’ve played (at a competitive level).

How do you go about preparing for tournament matches? Does the process differ depending on the tournament?
I don’t really have any specific process. I just try to keep myself calm, to be as lucid as possible. I also remind myself of a few things before the game starts: always spend some time looking at team matchup, recognize yours and your opponent’s win conditions, try to understand what you have to do in order to put your opponent in an uncomfortable position, when you have to make a safe play, when to make an aggressive play, and always try to think 2 turns ahead. This applies to any match anyway, not just tournaments.I have to say I’m always quite confident that I’ll win because I know that my teambuilding process was flawless and as such there are high chances my team is better than my opponent's. This gives me the necessary peace of mind.

Favorites to win OST and Smogon Tour?
Whitequeen, babidi1998

Thoughts on the newly introduced Smogon Classic? Favorite to win?
I like the concept, I’d like to see McMeghan or Livio do well. I cant say who will win because I’m not an old gen player.

If you could change one thing about OU, what would it be and why?
Only one thing? I'll go with Manaphy then. I would ban Tail Glow because it’s uncompetitive. All you need to do is click the right button at the right time. Even a kid who just started to play this game yesterday could beat me if I don’t have the appropriate counter (see CBB vs Style, ost). This is especially true since you can count Manaphy’s counters on one hand.

I do have a theory about why Manaphy is still OU. At the beginning of XY, people were too busy with the new toys and no one noticed how fucking strong Manaphy is, even without permanent rain (which is probably the reason why it was banned in BW). People probably associate Manaphy's ban in BW with permanent rain, which is partially true.The truth is Manaphy is a big threat by itself, with or without permanent rain. Either nerf it or send it directly to Ubers in my opinion.

Do you have any advice for newer players for playing, and for Smogon in general?
To newer players I’d suggest spending less time asking for help with their teams because there are things you cannot teach. Quoting Louis Armstrong "If you have to ask what jazz is, you'll never know."

If you could change one thing about Smogon as a whole to make it better, what would it be and why?
I like Smogon. I don’t visit forums too much though (except tournaments and RMTs) so I have no idea of what could be changed.

What players do you look up to / are good friends with?
I look up to Conflict because he made one of the best XY teams. FLCL's early XY sash spam is also a very good team. Denissss because he is an incredibly clever player with has lots of imagination that is very important when teambuilding. Also I'm good friends with most people from bof and with my italian pals Barge, Lange, Gazel, Metmaver and Agras.

Finally, can you provide us a team that's a good fit for this metagame and reflects your playstyle, with a brief explanation of how it works?

Venusaur @ Venusaurite
Ability: Overgrow
EVs: 252 HP / 236 Def / 20 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 30 Atk / 30 SpA / 30 Spe
- Giga Drain
- Sludge Bomb
- Synthesis
- Leech Seed

Gliscor @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
EVs: 244 HP / 44 Def / 144 SpD / 76 Spe
Careful Nature
- Swords Dance
- Earthquake
- Roost
- Knock Off

Heatran @ Leftovers
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 216 SpD / 40 Spe
Calm Nature
- Stone Edge
- Stealth Rock
- Toxic
- Lava Plume

Skarmory @ Shed Shell
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 248 Def / 8 Spe
Impish Nature
- Defog
- Brave Bird
- Roost
- Whirlwind

Tornadus-Therian (M) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 132 HP / 160 SpA / 216 Spe
Timid Nature
- U-turn
- Knock Off
- Hurricane
- Hidden Power [Ice]

Clefable @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 164 Def / 92 SpD
Calm Nature
- Thunder Wave
- Moonblast
- Soft-Boiled
- Calm Mind

Standard balanced team, I've made a ton of teams like this one over the last few months but I particularly like this one because it's an excellent Gothitelle+M-Sableye Stall counter team and it doesn't have any glaring weakness.

Anyway you can find this team and many others visiting my team archive, which ive recently updated with new oras teams.


yeah i chose tele :o if you have any questions for him, leave them down below.
opinion about me lol n_n ?

you laddered many time, you never get tired by the ladder?

want you learn older gens?


frogs are better lel

Edit: u fail ur Ivs in mega venusaur (hp fire iv w/o hp fire)
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Thoughts for what the next suspect might be?

How many pizzas can you cook per minute?

You addressed matchup a bit here but to what degree, if at all, do you think matchup has been exaggerated or has become a go-to excuse for a losing player?

Edit: 100th post wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo swagyolo420
I remeber when we started together and now you're here, gg fren^^
I have a question: wasn't slowbro your favourite pokemon?
Who is the player who inspired you or what has most influenced your playstyle?
Do u think u can do well in any tour as u often do in ladder?
Will u play this Wcop? (u re not well seen by many ppl)
What are your thoughts on PDC
Are u gonna upload more on YouTube
How often do you have sex in between your tour games
Do you think it is hard to deal with tons of threats that it can be hard to play balance without resorting to more of a semi stall play style
can you write war stories
Regarding the preparation for tournament matches, how do you deal with the way your opponent play? Have you ever built specifically for the opponent your were going to face? Confidence is important, but it doesn't matter how solid a team is if you end up getting cted during important games.
Tell me your thoughts about that

Does Manaphy deserve a suspect for his ability to break defensive builds? Or do you think that it being almost a deadslot against offense might prevent it from getting his suspect thread?

What do you think about M-Sableye? Is it a too matchup reliant mon or do you feel like it always pull its own weight during a match?

Will you tryhard to learn DPP and BW in order to attempt a serious run for the next Smogon Tour?

Are you studying IRL? If yes, what?

Keep going, and gl for youtube, you da best fren ^^
OU should get rid of manaphy, mega altaria, mega metagross, landorus, mega landorus, zards and shadow tag and let slowbro reign supreme y/y?

Why most people dont understand that manaphy is broken?

What do you feel is the proper way of determining whenever is broken or not, or if it is too good for the tier? From which points you would make the approach?

Was late XY the perfect rendition of an OU metagame? Varying greninja of course

Keep it up
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firehusky said:
how are you so good at laddering?
I think the most important quality to becoming a good ladder player is to hate losing. This quality will push you to improve your teams and ur in-battle decisions. If after a loss you keep playing as if nothing happened, you arent going far.

WhiteQueen said:
Are you participating in the next Ladder Tournament? Will you win it this time?
I'll definetely be participating as OLT is the tournament that better fits to my characteristics, and I definetely think that I'll have a good shot at it.

WhiteQueen said:
How does it feel to go from being one of the most hated players on Smogon to one of its most beloved?
You are too kind wq, im still hated a lot lol but im fine with it anyway, if everyone worshipped me there would be no fun at all

WhiteQueen said:
Do you think CBB is good at Pokemon? Be honest please.
ofc he is. he has been a constant inspiration and even a mentor for me.

Exiline said:
opinion about me lol n_n ?
you should get good once and for all

Exiline said:
you laddered many time, you never get tired by the ladder?

yes and I dont ladder as much as I used to do in the past in fact. This is due to the fact that I'm at a point where I already have a large knowledge of the ou metagame and there's not much else to learn for me. Because this is what the ladder does: gives you a general idea of a certain metagame.

Exiline said:
want you learn older gens?
Won't learn them even if they force me

Nice player, but you gotta chill mang zzz. Opinions on RBY :D
I like the old sprites lol nice memories

You've grown on me so much...keep going tele, you're a beast.

I'll drop a question while I'm at it: what are your goals as far as Tournaments are concerned?
Ty oo
I'm not doing bad in Smogon Classic, even though I have 0 past gens experience and 0 teams. I do not plan to join any Unofficial Tournament, as I don't really play lower tiers. Frontier could be my next goal at this point.

Will finish answering later (mb for skipping dilwar and starmei, will anser you guys later as well)
1) you said to me in chat that you wanted something humble for your first vid title, yet you chose what you did when you uploaded next day. why did you go for it :/
2) why won't you learn old gens, and do you think you'll later learn some lower tiers?
3) you gotta admit you lose your temper sometimes real quick >.> what you got to say about this?
4) why don't you name your teams?
5) you said you'd be happy with lando-i and manaphy/tail glow ban, but do you think anything is worth retesting to bring down?
6) do find low ladder frustrating or amusing?
be chill fren :]
Am I beautiful?

Is there any specific Pokemon or Mega that you would rather have banned over Landorus?

Would you ever try HO in ORAS?

Why do yOU like tornadus-t so much?
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