UU Premier League III - Finals [Won by The Blackthorn City Battle Girls - King UU]

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but it didnt come into play or affect the outcome of the match so there is no arguement here
i don't think jamvad is the type of guy who would want a win based on an illegal move that literally didn't come into play in the match at all
the move was shown and thus plays from that point onward were made with shedinja having swords dance in mind. if you'd bring something absurd like rotom-mow with hydro pump but miss or w/e, it'd not "come into play", yet it'd still be a factor in how the game was played.

just saying ^_^
Seems like a problem that Pokemon Showdown should've fixed a long time ago, I don't see how someone is supposed to know if it's illegal or not if they don't play handheld. The ones who are saying he should lose on this technicality are just salty lmao, its a friendly tournament and a kids game, does it really matter that much to you guys? If it does, I really think you should rethink your life decisions
Seems like a problem that Pokemon Showdown should've fixed a long time ago, I don't see how someone is supposed to know if it's illegal or not if they don't play handheld. The ones who are saying he should lose on this technicality are just salty lmao, its a friendly tournament and a game, does it really matter that much to you guys?
It is the responsibility of the player to ensure their team is actually legal on-cart. If you're found using an illegal moveset, you will be disqualified from the tournament. You should also be wary of potential illegal sets and report your opponent to the host or TDs if you catch them using such a moveset.

unfortunate bros.
ight if yall want to be salty about your favorites to win getting upset thats on you, but every single one of you knows this is bull shit.

And dont even TRY to tell me the toxic miss was hax because if he had hit the first willo he had the option of switching out against a wonder guard p2 he couldnt do shit to anyway, so hax for fucking hax
*starts talking out of side of mouth* man maybe they should put the Veteran Stars in the finals instead

oh yeah wow that guy said what everyone's probably thinking haha we should do that though seriously.
And dont even TRY to tell me the toxic miss was hax because if he had hit the first willo he had the option of switching out against a wonder guard p2 he couldnt do shit to anyway, so hax for fucking hax
but he wouldn t switch out because he didn t think it had toxic genius. ONCE again proving your team incompetence. Keep it up, clown.
It is the responsibility of the player to ensure their team is actually legal on-cart. If you're found using an illegal moveset, you will be disqualified from the tournament. You should also be wary of potential illegal sets and report your opponent to the host or TDs if you catch them using such a moveset.

unfortunate bros.

If this were gens 1-5 ok sure it is his fault but because this was an issue with a current gen that is supposed to be up to date with the servers i see no reason as to why he should be disqualified. This is PS fault for not being up to date with the current gen that they worked so hard on. Our player should be granted a rematch or we get the win cause Omfuga is a fetus.
Just in case we don't get the win for whatever reason, I would just like to say one thing:

This is all before we even get into all the shady under the table dealings the Battle Girls pulled, while showing no loyalty to any of their players; they even made Soulgazer quit before the tournament started since he wanted no part of this shady organization. And yeah, let's reward constant asshole behavior from the Battle Girls, from the top to the bottom of the organization. Speaking of which... look at King UU, thinking this UUPL victory makes any difference, acting like it allows him to act like even more of an asshole than usual. You are still just the same player as before this all started, a player that has never accomplished anything. And if you did ghost any of those finals matches? You should be embarrassed if that is the best you could do. You and I both know just how much you lucked out here, no matter how you try to justify it to yourself. Funny thing though, if we won I was going to make a post bashing every single one of the Battle Girls players, and it would have been a hell of a lot better than your weak ass post.

If this were gens 1-5 ok sure it is his fault but because this was an issue with a current gen that is supposed to be up to date with the servers i see no reason as to why he should be disqualified. This is PS fault for not being up to date with the current gen that they worked so hard on. Our player should be granted a rematch or we get the win cause Omfuga is a fetus.
I never attacked with my Shedinja, thus not effecting the game, though.
Just in case we don't get the win for whatever reason, I would just like to say one thing:

This is all before we even get into all the shady under the table dealings the Battle Girls pulled, while showing no loyalty to any of their players; they even made Soulgazer quit before the tournament started since he wanted no part of this shady organization. And yeah, let's reward constant asshole behavior from the Battle Girls, from the top to the bottom of the organization. Speaking of which... look at King UU, thinking this UUPL victory makes any difference, acting like it allows him to act like even more of an asshole than usual. You are still just the same player as before this all started, a player that has never accomplished anything. And if you did ghost any of those finals matches? You should be embarrassed if that is the best you could do. You and I both know just how much you lucked out here, no matter how you try to justify it to yourself. Funny thing though, if we won I was going to make a post bashing every single one of the Battle Girls players, and it would have been a hell of a lot better than your weak ass post.
aye AYE calm down fren
Just in case we don't get the win for whatever reason, I would just like to say one thing:

This is all before we even get into all the shady under the table dealings the Battle Girls pulled, while showing no loyalty to any of their players; they even made Soulgazer quit before the tournament started since he wanted no part of this shady organization. And yeah, let's reward constant asshole behavior from the Battle Girls, from the top to the bottom of the organization. Speaking of which... look at King UU, thinking this UUPL victory makes any difference, acting like it allows him to act like even more of an asshole than usual. You are still just the same player as before this all started, a player that has never accomplished anything. And if you did ghost any of those finals matches? You should be embarrassed if that is the best you could do. You and I both know just how much you lucked out here, no matter how you try to justify it to yourself. Funny thing though, if we won I was going to make a post bashing every single one of the Battle Girls players, and it would have been a hell of a lot better than your weak ass post.
The fact that you care THAT much, is a tad concerning.
by the age of 30, i predict faji's neck will have adapted in such a way that supports all basic vital functions, resulting in a significant metamorphosis and effectively transforming him into the first recorded human worm
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