Gen VII: Pokemon Sun and Moon Discussion MKII

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Well, the lack of more images could be reasoned with, but Serebii Joe himself mentioned it's rarely ever the same person every month who provides these scans. It's completely possible this one is a new person trying to sneak in some fake leaks alongside the very real ones. I mean, I trust Serebii's sources pretty highly, but the claims are pretty tall given the lack of relatively easy-to-provide proof. Just taking it with a grain of salt until more images come out, but they are interesting claims
Well, it could remain the same size actually. It wouldn't be the first time, and it's appropriate to the theme: Type: Null mask is what hinders it from its full potential, what if this "evolution" is more like a permanent form change once it gets ridden of the mask? This is the most appropriate scenario I could imagine, and it would be a pretty original addition to the mechanic of evolution, otherwise pretty standard.

Well that, and the fact that the trials seem to have more to them than battling. Like for Mallow, you have to find ingredients for her. I imagine that each of the seven island challenges come with their own quests.

Unless you find those ingredients by battling them out of other Pokemon, that sounds boring as sin. :D
Not exactly related to Sun and Moon, but today is X&Y's 3 years anniversary guys, and it doesn't feel like it at all to me. Also, let us all take a moment to appreciate how far pokemon has come.


Started from plain and pixelated black & white, now we here boyz.
Don't do this to me, I'm one of those losers who gets legitimately emotional over Pokemon.

Also damn, that SM pokemon center looks awesome. Really like the floor change. And is that the pokemon equivalent of Starbucks I'm seeing back there lol
Not exactly related to Sun and Moon, but today is X&Y's 3 years anniversary guys, and it doesn't feel like it at all to me. Also, let us all take a moment to appreciate how far pokemon has come.


Started from plain and pixelated black & white, now we here boyz.

In order to conmemorate Pokémon 20th anniversary I wrote a thread, some time ago, about The History of Pokémon. The beginning is almost literally a translation from Bulbapedia about the start of Satoshi Tajiri and Game Freak, but the rest, is a very personal (but also objetive) interpretation of the evolution of Pokémon mechanics along its generations. You know, things like the IV and EV revamp, inclusion of natures, physical and special split, etcetera. To us, those things are like second nature, but the people who usually do videogame analysis aren't that familiarized with the games they are talking about, even more if, to properly analyze that game, you need to understand an history of 20 years of progress and changes.

The text is somewhat extensive and it's in spanish, of course. When I fullfilled it, I felt like a part of my debt with this franchise was paid off. Oh man, Pokémon has been with me since I was 5, coming from a 23 years guy I think that's a representative part of my life. I'm very proud of my generation, I think it is (and it was) a very special, magical one. And I'm glad I can share this feeling with others like me.
Couldn't the 7 trials thing mean 7 total trials, then you fight all the Kahunas in a row? It could be interpreted that way, although I don't think/hope so.

e: also, Hau having an Alolan Raichu was always obvious, as he started with a Pichu.
Really? I never saw the Pichu anywhere until now. Maybe I didn't see it because I automatically ignore everything about Pikachu. *no, this is not sarcasm*
And we only have 18 type as of now, don't we? So not all the Trial Captains are type specialists like Gym Leaders?

Or some captains hold multiple trials? Or some trials aren't held by them? Or....
Or Kahunas get counted in the challenges, and only 3 islands get trials. (6+1)+(6+1)+(6+1). 18 Trial Captains for 18 types, and then Kahuna Battles.

Or the whole thing was a misinterpretation.

Right now, I'm leaning toward misinterpretation.
Maybe some of the trials are based around things other than types? There could be one revolving Pokemon catching (think Johto's bug catching contest), particular strategies like drought or trick room, or even battle variations like the former battle frontiers.
Maybe some of the trials are based around things other than types? There could be one revolving Pokemon catching (think Johto's bug catching contest), particular strategies like drought or trick room, or even battle variations like the former battle frontiers.
That was exactly my thoughts on this. Maybe there won't be only type-based trials.
Honestly, I would rather seven per island than seven across all four islands. Across the four, or five as it may be, islands, that allows less than two challenges per island, and for the actual size of the game, that's a pretty large underutilization of resources. Assuming that the Totem Pokémon do account for a challenge, we already know that one of the challenges is accounted for as a Gumshoos-Raticate combined challenge. The first rodent, even an Alolan Raticate or the successor to Diggersby, isn't exactly an awe inspiring challenge or game play element, unless it is just one of many.

That said, there is a third option. My impression was that the review team did not cover the whole game. If so, then isn't it possible that they only encounterd seven challenges, or even that the first island only had seven challenges, but that the number wasn't necessarily consistant across the four islands? There seemed to be a lot of ambiguity in what they actually meant, from what I read. Either way, seven to the game as a whole - less than the standard eight, isn't the kind of feeling that Sun and Moon and all of it's fancy newness has displayed, and would in the long run fail to live up to some of the hype, I think. Seven certainly wouldn't be enough if we really are expected to build a league from the ground up.

I think it would be rather interesting however, if rather than sticking to the theme of type based gyms, there were some Battle Frontier-esqe challenges involved as well. Then, as a part of the post game, these fascilities could be revisited, sort of like the Battle Frontier rose alongside the league. It would add depth to the game, the story, and the region, and lend to a strong post-game that we have a reason to feel personally invested in.
Well, when we first heard of the trials, it described how they involved tasks other than fighting the trial master, like fighting totems and other goals. It sounds like each island has a trial captain, and you have to complete all 7 tasks the captain assigns you before you can face the kahuna.
So only 4 captains, with 7 quests each.
Here's something quite interesting that I realized tonight. If in Sun and Moon we have the ability to share our teams with others by means of QR codes, it should be possible to reverse engineer the generating algorithm so that we can build a team on Showdown and import it into our game.
Here's something quite interesting that I realized tonight. If in Sun and Moon we have the ability to share our teams with others by means of QR codes, it should be possible to reverse engineer the generating algorithm so that we can build a team on Showdown and import it into our game.

Yup. I imagine that someone will have a working QR generator within a month or two of launch. The only question is whether it will copy EV/IV spreads. Probably, but in the trailer of course it only shows movesets and held items. It'd be so Gamefreak for them to fuck up what could be an incredible feature by having it gen you 0IV 0EV pokemon for rental play.

But it will be very interesting to see how both that and the custom tournament functionality work. While I'm pretty sure their 'banlist' mechanic will just be a pokemon banlist, you could theoretically run tournaments with Smogon tier lists. Better than that, we'll be able to do in-game little cup tournaments. And if you can enable rentals for said tournaments there will be no need to breed to compete in them.
Well, when we first heard of the trials, it described how they involved tasks other than fighting the trial master, like fighting totems and other goals. It sounds like each island has a trial captain, and you have to complete all 7 tasks the captain assigns you before you can face the kahuna.
So only 4 captains, with 7 quests each.
We know for a fact there's at least 5 captains: Lana, Mallow, Kiawe, Sophocles, Ilima.émon-sun-and-moon-previews-details-gamespot

So according to this master post:
    • @GameSpot refers to trials as an “item collection and boss battle system”
    • @IGN also confirms that the player has a father, but you don’t see him.
    • @IGN says that they were not able to access Poke Pelago or Ride Pokémon. Those must come later in the game.
    • According to @IGN, there’s a fortune teller in the Festival Plaza
    • According to @xgnnl, you get the Exp. Share very early on, at the Trainers’ School
    • You meet Captain Ilima at the Trainers’ School, who is the captain of the first trial (via @XGNnl)
    • IGN editor says stereoscopic 3D works in PokeFinder, but nowhere else
    • Kukui previously battled the Indigo Gym Leaders while researching Pokémon moves in Kanto
    • According to @Gamekult, there is a Tauros that blocks the road (to stop you going too far ahead). Maybe you get past when you ride it?
    • According to @GameXplain, there is plentiful money even early on in the game.
    • A number of previewers have mentioned that there are interesting events involving cutscenes they cannot discuss
    • @JVCom says they didn’t get to use Z-Moves or Mega Evolution in the first 2 hours.
    • Quite a few reviewers didn’t manage to make it to the first trial in their allotted 2 hours.
    • Your Trainer is originally from Kanto and arrives by plane
    • @PocketGamer also says the game has no stereoscopic 3D, even in battle.
    • @PocketGamer says “monsters you remember from Red or Gold or Ruby have been reinvented to suit the Alolan environment.”
    • When a Pokémon evolves, you see its entire evolutionary family on-screen (via @VG247)
    • The Gumshoos trial is the first trial in the game.
    • @PocketGamer says definitively that Gyms are GONE and replaced by trials.
    • @PocketGamer says definitively that Gyms are GONE and replaced by trials.
    • According to @Millenium, you get a mysterious stone from Lillie, before your starter Pokémon.
    • After defeating Hau a second time, Hala gives you a Z-Ring. The mysterious stone from Lillie is a Z-Crystal.
Serebii just updated with the images finally that were missing.
Also this part about the type null evo was super cool;
When Type: Null finds a trainer it trusts, it destroys its helmet and evolves into Silvadi. It has a special item called Memory that lets it be one of all 18 types at any one time. It has a new attack called Multi Attack which changes type based on its hold item
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