[Mixed] PsIana's Giveaway #HP Fire Magearna ,Shiny Espeon and Tapus

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Thanks for your Golem! Last request for now.

IGN: Tailor
Deposited: lv 26 minior
Kindly requesting: Marowak
Message: Please trade pokemon with me. Thanks in advance.

Thank you :)
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Requested Pokémon: Solgaleo
In Game Name: Delilah
Deposited Pokémon: Female Dewpider lvl 17
Your Message:I want to trade for a Pokemon that is strong in Battles
Requested Pokémon: Golem-Alola(M)
In Game Name: Sun
Deposited Pokémon: Lv. 1 female rockruff (in beastball)
Your Message: I want to trade for a Pokemon that is strong in battles

Thanks once again!
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Gen 7
Requested Pokémon: Mimikyu (F) lvl 50
In Game Name: Yaniel
Deposited Pokémon: Boldore (M) lvl 42
Your Message: "I want to trade for one of your precious Pokémon you've given a nickname to."

Thanks in advance, first attempt was sniped

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Requested Pokémon: Drampa
In Game Name:Mack
Deposited Pokémon: Masquerain Level 26
Your Message: I want to trade for a pokemon that is strong in battles

Got sniped.
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Requested Pokémon: Drampa
In Game Name: Gradius
Deposited Pokémon: lvl 43 female Magikarp Wishiwashi Rockruff Drampa
Your Message: I want to trade for a Pokémon that is strong in battles.

Thank you again, PsIana.

EDIT Sniped^4, redeposited.
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Gen 6
Requested Pokémon: Marill (F) lvl 1
In Game Name: Yaniel
Deposited Pokémon: lvl 28 (F) Shuppet
Your Message:PsIana

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Pokemon Wanted: Alolan Golem
Pokemon Deposited: Level 57 Female Emolga
IGN: Marrilandra
Message: Please trade Pokemon with me. Thanks in Advance.

I have to ask if perhaps Oranguru and Mudsdale are ever planned?
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Gen 7
Requested Pokémon: Mimikyu (F) lvl 50
In Game Name: Yaniel
Deposited Pokémon: Mimikyu (F) lvl 47
Your Message: "This is a Pokémon that just hatched. Please raise it carefully."
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Requested Pokémon: Turtonator
In Game Name: Moon
Deposited Pokémon: Roggenrola Female Level 12
Your Message: I want to trade for a pokemon that is strong in battles

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Requested Pokemon: A-Golem
IGN: Yeyo
Deposited Pokemon: Wingull lvl 6 female (Nicknamed Savage)
Message: I watn to trade for aPokemon that is strong in battles.

Thank you!!!
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Requested Pokemon : Metagross
In Game Name: Kev
Deposited Pokemon: spinarak (male Lv.3)
Your Message: I want to trade for a Pokemon that is strong in battles

sniped last time

thanks for all the pokemon
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Requested Pokémon: Raichu-Alola
In Game Name: TiHee
Deposited Pokémon: Female Raichu lv 44
Your Message: I want to trade a pokemon that is strong in battles.
Thanks! My last request got snipped :(
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Requested Pokemon: Marowak-A
IGN: Lucy
Deposited: Male Level 1 Salandit
Message: I want to trade for a Pokemon that is strong in battles.

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Requested Pokémon: Golem
In Game Name: Andrew
Deposited Pokémon: lvl 55 female spearow (pokeball)
Your Message: Please trade pokemon with me thanks in advance
Pokemon wanted: Solgaleo
Pokemon deposited: Passimian male lv1
Message: Please trade Pokemon with me. Thanks in advance.
IGN: Natsu

Thx :)

damn sniped XD
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Requested Pokémon: Tapu Koko
In Game Name: Star
Deposited Pokémon: lvl 12 male bonsly
Your Message: Please trade pokemon with me thanks in advance
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Requested Pokémon: Metagross
In Game Name: セオ
Deposited Pokémon: Level 5 Female Spinarak with a Japanese name
Your Message: "I want to trade for a Pokemon that is strong in battles!"

Thanks a lot!
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Deposited:Lv 11 Diglett (M)
Message:Please trade Pokemon with me.Thanks in advance.

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Requested Pokémon: Raichu
In Game Name: Poah
Deposited Pokémon: Level 17 female Oricorio
Your Message: Please trade Pokemon with me. Thanks in advance.

Thank you so much!!!
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