Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 48 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Does anyone have the following mons for trade?
- Timid Scatterbug in a Dive Ball
- Bold Chansey in a Sympha/Dream Ball with Aromatherapy
- Timid HA Caterpie in a Dream Ball
- Jolly HA Weedle in a Quick/Turbo/Ultra Ball
- Modest/Timid HA Pikipek with Boom Burst, Mirror Coat, Tail Wind
- Adamant Spinarak with Megahorn, Toxic Spikes,
- Non-Alolan Timid HA Vulpix in a Premier, Timer or Dream Ball
- Cutifly with Moon Blast preferable with Modest nature
- Jolly HA Spearow with Quick Attack
- Jolly/Impish HA Trubbish with Spikes and Rock Blast
- Jolly Tirtouga with Liquidation
- Jolly HA Zubat in a Dream Ball with Brave Bird, Defog, Hypnosis
- Careful/Impish Paras with Leech Seed
- Jolly/Naive HA Absol in a Luxury/Premier Ball with Play Rough
- Adamant HA Scyther in a Dream Ball preferable with Defog
- Impish Snubbull in a Dream Ball with Heal Bell
- Modest/Rash/Mild HA Magby in a Dream/Repeat Ball
- Jolly/Impish Sandile with Pursuit
- Impish/Careful Shieldon with Stealth Rock
- Modest Nosepass with Stealth Rocks preferable in a Great Ball
- Jolly Pinsir in a Heavy Ball with Quick Attack and Close Combat
- Modest Igglybuff in a Dream/Love Ball
- Timid Gastly in a Moon/Dream/Heavy Ball with Disable, Perish Song

I am starting to get some decent Pokemon, so I might not be able to offer much, but here are a few things I can trade:
- Adamant Kanto HA Ratatta
- Modest Tortunator in a Repeat Ball
- Adamant Barboach in a Dive Ball with Dragon Dance
- Jolly Bagon in a Moon Ball with Thrash, Dragon Pulse, Dragon Dance, Hydro Pump
- Adamant Larvitar in a Safari Ball with Iron Head, Stealth Rock, Dragon Dance, Pursuit
- Jolly Togedemaru in a Heavy Ball with Wish
- Modest (either abilities) Piplup in a Dream Ball with Hydro Pump, Yawn, Icy Wind
- Jolly HA Totodile in a lure Ball with Dragon Dance, Ice Punch, Crunch
- Adamant/Jolly Drillbur in a Deluxe Ball
- Adamant Premier Ball Delibird with Fake Out, Ice Shards, Destiny Bond
- Timid (any ability) Litwik in Love Ball with Heat Wave, Haze, Clear Smog
- Timid Salazzle in a Beast Ball with Fake Out
- Adamant HA Goldeen in a Love Ball with Body Slam, Hydropump, Aqua Tail
- Modest HA Psyduck in a Dive Ball with Encore, Yawn, Hypnosis, Cross Chop
- Timid Zoroa in a Luxury Ball with Sucker Punch, Detect, Extrassensory
- Timid Orichio in a Luxury Ball with Bodyguard, Tail Wind
- Modest Chinchou in a Beast Ball with Amnesia, Agility, Mist
- Modest Goomy in a Heal Ball with Iron Tail, Curse, Counter, Acid Armor
- Adamant Stufful in a Heal ball with Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Stomping Tantrum, Mega Kick
- Modest Deino in a Beast Ball with Earth Power, Dark Pulse
- Jolly Any Ability Kabuto in a Dream Ball with Knock Off, Icy Wind, Giga Drain, Mud Shot
- Timid Misdreavus in a Dream Ball with Nasty Plot, Memento, Curse, Destiny Bond
- Adamant/Jolly both ability Magikarp in a Beast/Moon/Dream/Love Ball
- Jolly/Timid any ability Jangmo-o with Ultra Ball with Counter, Dragon Breath, Reversal
Best ball for shiny Mimikyu?

The name may be a bit unfitting, but no other balls matches the grey of Shiny Mimikyu better than Heavy Ball, IMO. (I'm a huge fan of Heavy Ball, so I may be a bit biased, though)
Does anyone have the following mons for trade?
- Timid Scatterbug in a Dive Ball
- Bold Chansey in a Sympha/Dream Ball with Aromatherapy
- Timid HA Caterpie in a Dream Ball
- Jolly HA Weedle in a Quick/Turbo/Ultra Ball
- Modest/Timid HA Pikipek with Boom Burst, Mirror Coat, Tail Wind
- Adamant Spinarak with Megahorn, Toxic Spikes,
- Non-Alolan Timid HA Vulpix in a Premier, Timer or Dream Ball
- Cutifly with Moon Blast preferable with Modest nature
- Jolly HA Spearow with Quick Attack
- Jolly/Impish HA Trubbish with Spikes and Rock Blast
- Jolly Tirtouga with Liquidation
- Jolly HA Zubat in a Dream Ball with Brave Bird, Defog, Hypnosis
- Careful/Impish Paras with Leech Seed
- Jolly/Naive HA Absol in a Luxury/Premier Ball with Play Rough
- Adamant HA Scyther in a Dream Ball preferable with Defog
- Impish Snubbull in a Dream Ball with Heal Bell
- Modest/Rash/Mild HA Magby in a Dream/Repeat Ball
- Jolly/Impish Sandile with Pursuit
- Impish/Careful Shieldon with Stealth Rock
- Modest Nosepass with Stealth Rocks preferable in a Great Ball
- Jolly Pinsir in a Heavy Ball with Quick Attack and Close Combat
- Modest Igglybuff in a Dream/Love Ball
- Timid Gastly in a Moon/Dream/Heavy Ball with Disable, Perish Song

I am starting to get some decent Pokemon, so I might not be able to offer much, but here are a few things I can trade:
- Adamant Kanto HA Ratatta
- Modest Tortunator in a Repeat Ball
- Adamant Barboach in a Dive Ball with Dragon Dance
- Jolly Bagon in a Moon Ball with Thrash, Dragon Pulse, Dragon Dance, Hydro Pump
- Adamant Larvitar in a Safari Ball with Iron Head, Stealth Rock, Dragon Dance, Pursuit
- Jolly Togedemaru in a Heavy Ball with Wish
- Modest (either abilities) Piplup in a Dream Ball with Hydro Pump, Yawn, Icy Wind
- Jolly HA Totodile in a lure Ball with Dragon Dance, Ice Punch, Crunch
- Adamant/Jolly Drillbur in a Deluxe Ball
- Adamant Premier Ball Delibird with Fake Out, Ice Shards, Destiny Bond
- Timid (any ability) Litwik in Love Ball with Heat Wave, Haze, Clear Smog
- Timid Salazzle in a Beast Ball with Fake Out
- Adamant HA Goldeen in a Love Ball with Body Slam, Hydropump, Aqua Tail
- Modest HA Psyduck in a Dive Ball with Encore, Yawn, Hypnosis, Cross Chop
- Timid Zoroa in a Luxury Ball with Sucker Punch, Detect, Extrassensory
- Timid Orichio in a Luxury Ball with Bodyguard, Tail Wind
- Modest Chinchou in a Beast Ball with Amnesia, Agility, Mist
- Modest Goomy in a Heal Ball with Iron Tail, Curse, Counter, Acid Armor
- Adamant Stufful in a Heal ball with Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Stomping Tantrum, Mega Kick
- Modest Deino in a Beast Ball with Earth Power, Dark Pulse
- Jolly Any Ability Kabuto in a Dream Ball with Knock Off, Icy Wind, Giga Drain, Mud Shot
- Timid Misdreavus in a Dream Ball with Nasty Plot, Memento, Curse, Destiny Bond
- Adamant/Jolly both ability Magikarp in a Beast/Moon/Dream/Love Ball
- Jolly/Timid any ability Jangmo-o with Ultra Ball with Counter, Dragon Breath, Reversal
What do you still need? I can get you that cutiefly if you want
Does anyone have the following mons for trade?
- Timid Scatterbug in a Dive Ball
- Bold Chansey in a Sympha/Dream Ball with Aromatherapy
- Timid HA Caterpie in a Dream Ball
- Jolly HA Weedle in a Quick/Turbo/Ultra Ball
- Modest/Timid HA Pikipek with Boom Burst, Mirror Coat, Tail Wind
- Adamant Spinarak with Megahorn, Toxic Spikes,
- Non-Alolan Timid HA Vulpix in a Premier, Timer or Dream Ball
- Cutifly with Moon Blast preferable with Modest nature
- Jolly HA Spearow with Quick Attack
- Jolly/Impish HA Trubbish with Spikes and Rock Blast
- Jolly Tirtouga with Liquidation
- Jolly HA Zubat in a Dream Ball with Brave Bird, Defog, Hypnosis
- Careful/Impish Paras with Leech Seed
- Jolly/Naive HA Absol in a Luxury/Premier Ball with Play Rough
- Adamant HA Scyther in a Dream Ball preferable with Defog
- Impish Snubbull in a Dream Ball with Heal Bell
- Modest/Rash/Mild HA Magby in a Dream/Repeat Ball
- Jolly/Impish Sandile with Pursuit
- Impish/Careful Shieldon with Stealth Rock
- Modest Nosepass with Stealth Rocks preferable in a Great Ball
- Jolly Pinsir in a Heavy Ball with Quick Attack and Close Combat
- Modest Igglybuff in a Dream/Love Ball
- Timid Gastly in a Moon/Dream/Heavy Ball with Disable, Perish Song

I am starting to get some decent Pokemon, so I might not be able to offer much, but here are a few things I can trade:
- Adamant Kanto HA Ratatta
- Modest Tortunator in a Repeat Ball
- Adamant Barboach in a Dive Ball with Dragon Dance
- Jolly Bagon in a Moon Ball with Thrash, Dragon Pulse, Dragon Dance, Hydro Pump
- Adamant Larvitar in a Safari Ball with Iron Head, Stealth Rock, Dragon Dance, Pursuit
- Jolly Togedemaru in a Heavy Ball with Wish
- Modest (either abilities) Piplup in a Dream Ball with Hydro Pump, Yawn, Icy Wind
- Jolly HA Totodile in a lure Ball with Dragon Dance, Ice Punch, Crunch
- Adamant/Jolly Drillbur in a Deluxe Ball
- Adamant Premier Ball Delibird with Fake Out, Ice Shards, Destiny Bond
- Timid (any ability) Litwik in Love Ball with Heat Wave, Haze, Clear Smog
- Timid Salazzle in a Beast Ball with Fake Out
- Adamant HA Goldeen in a Love Ball with Body Slam, Hydropump, Aqua Tail
- Modest HA Psyduck in a Dive Ball with Encore, Yawn, Hypnosis, Cross Chop
- Timid Zoroa in a Luxury Ball with Sucker Punch, Detect, Extrassensory
- Timid Orichio in a Luxury Ball with Bodyguard, Tail Wind
- Modest Chinchou in a Beast Ball with Amnesia, Agility, Mist
- Modest Goomy in a Heal Ball with Iron Tail, Curse, Counter, Acid Armor
- Adamant Stufful in a Heal ball with Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Stomping Tantrum, Mega Kick
- Modest Deino in a Beast Ball with Earth Power, Dark Pulse
- Jolly Any Ability Kabuto in a Dream Ball with Knock Off, Icy Wind, Giga Drain, Mud Shot
- Timid Misdreavus in a Dream Ball with Nasty Plot, Memento, Curse, Destiny Bond
- Adamant/Jolly both ability Magikarp in a Beast/Moon/Dream/Love Ball
- Jolly/Timid any ability Jangmo-o with Ultra Ball with Counter, Dragon Breath, Reversal

I have the weedle, absol, igglybuff and gastly and can help ya out ^^
Hey, I'm looking for the following:

Love & level ball goomy
Dream ball squirtle
Dream ball bulbasaur
Luxury ball chimchar
Love ball stufful
Moon ball pancham
Heavy/moon ball klefki

I have many breedables to trade so please send me a PM. Thank you! :)
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Best ball?





Also, any spread that hasn't been done for Lunala yet? Any useful Hidden Power spreads?

Master if you have one to spare, the purple of its body seems to fit well with Master Ball's purple, and there aren't that many Legendaries that fit Master Ball as well as this. Dive if you don't have easy access to a Master Ball or if want to make it more of a challenging catch, while still making it fit thematically.

Level if you have access to a lot of Level Balls through something like cloning or 999 item cheats, Luxury if you don't. The Yellow, Red and Black color scheme goes really well with the 2 balls. Level may seem more part-orange in the mini-sprite, but the 3D model of Level ball is a lot more yellow than orange.

The white on Premier balls seem to go nicely with Pheromosa's. The animation of Premier Ball also has a nice golden shine to it that seems to match Pheromosa's golden outlines.

Nest seems to fit it decently, with the yellow insides of the cannons and the green tone of its body. I would also suggest Friend as an alternative, but there was a mass giveaway of Friend Ball Celesteela on Smogon's facebook page (which happen with a different Pokemon every saturday *cough*).

edit: Sniped, also slight wording change
edit 2: strikethrough (see later post)
Lunala doesn't really need any Hidden Power types at all. In almost every single scenario, it's got a move that would be better than any legal type of Hidden Power would be. I suppose you could go for HP Ground, since that hits Heatran and Nihilego about as hard as Focus Blast does, but it's more accurate. But then again, you'd want to run Focus Blast over HP Ground anyway, since it hits Tyranitar a lot harder and Heatran could run Air Balloon, while Psyshock would be better to hit Nihilego, anyway.
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Master if you have one to spare, the purple of its body seems to fit well with Master Ball's purple, and there aren't that many Legendaries that fit Master Ball as well as this. Dive if you don't have easy access to a Master Ball or if want to make it more of a challenging catch, while still making it fit thematically.

Level if you have access to a lot of Level Balls through something like cloning or 999 item cheats, Luxury if you don't. The Yellow, Red and Black color scheme goes really well with the 2 balls. Level may seem more part-orange in the mini-sprite, but the 3D model of Level ball is a lot more yellow than orange.

The white on Premier balls seem to go nicely with Pheromosa's. The animation of Premier Ball also has a nice golden shine to it that seems to match Pheromosa's golden outlines.

Nest seems to fit it decently, with the yellow insides of the cannons and the green tone of its body. I would also suggest Friend as an alternative, but there was a mass giveaway of Friend Ball Celesteela on Smogon's facebook page (which happen with a different Pokemon every saturday *cough*).

edit: Sniped, also slight wording change
Lunala doesn't really need any Hidden Power types at all. In almost every single scenario, it's got a move that would be better than any legal type of Hidden Power would be. I suppose you could go for HP Ground, since that hits Heatran and Nihilego about as hard as Focus Blast does, but it's more accurate. But then again, you'd want to run Focus Blast over HP Ground anyway, since it hits Tyranitar a lot harder and Heatran could run Air Balloon, while Psyshock would be better to hit Nihilego, anyway.

What was the Friend Ball Celesteela like?
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Best ball for the lake trio (Azelf, Mesprit, Uxie) and the swords of justice (Virizion, Cobalion, Terrakion) all non shiny?

Edit: Let's add the Kyurem forms to this, all 3 of them.
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