NOC THERE ARE VAMPS ITG (Game Over: Village Wins!)

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rvs is random voting stage, basically where people vote randomly to try to get discussion going

anyways i read earlio as town, thats the only real read i have atm. i kind of like asek's posts just now but I kind of feel like he is falling into the trap of not being able to distinguish noobtown from scum. I haven't seen anything out of Champ or MawileAce to make any judgments on them being town or not, and he already likes Champ and doesn't like MawileAce (although I guess that could just be RVS)
zorbees i basically alternate between being too leniant on new players and having them fuck me over because theyre scum and i ignored the signs as just noob village or throttling them too hard and just causing mislynches by overloading them

im trynna hit a balance in that regard but its hard
the vampires barely know each other so associative reads are going to be really hard itg

and anyways it's fine to establish townreads as long as you reset them everyday to account for conversions

differences in behavior are going to be one of the easiest/only ways to catch said converts
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