NOC Nomination Mafia Game Thread

apparently c9++ had a posting requirement

who woulda guessed

posting requirement is now:

Please have at least five (5) content-ful posts each Day Phase. "Content-ful" is at the host's discretion. If you fail to meet this requirement, you may be replaced without notice.

this does not mean you need five wallposts

it does mean shit like fucking "3/5" doesn't count
Well if you wanted my reasoning, here I go. Firstly, you totally took Hawkie's bait by retaliating with even more vehemence (whether that makes you angry town or aggressive mafia awaits us) and your posts are generally sassy and not the nicest in the eyes (cringe!). I was gonna vote Jalmont to get him off his ass but you seem to be the better vote if only to see how you react under even more pressure.

if i could be angry town or aggressive mafia it means that there is no reason to vote me lol? :rollseyes: it literally applies for every other member, except hawkie of course

but thanks for being honest. i like that. 4 stars out of 5
So your case is scum want to look helpful and sxumhunting

What makes you think what hawkie has done so far has been fake / mafia posing instead of scumhunting coming from a towny
Tl;dr in case you did miss it,

Hawkie advocated my wagon with such ferocity and "reasoning" for 4 entire pages, then later jumps his vote onto you for essentially no reason.

Read again: pushes for a wagon for reasons, and when the wagon gains steam, he jumps off onto another wagon with NO reason.

Does this sound like something more likely that town or scum would do?
In case some of you are lazy,

The answer is:

This is something more likely that scum would do.

Scum know that all the wagons that they are pushing are town, so, after pushing a wagon for essentially bullshit reasons, they need to switch out to another wagon before the first vote count, so that they will avoid being implicated once said wagon flips town.

Town does not know if the wagon that they are pushing is town or scum, so, they are more likely to stick to their guns UNLESS the wagon that they are pushing posts something that would make them change their opinion. They will likely acknowledge the change and retract their vote publically, especially in equality to the public ness of their push, so that they acknowledge that they might be wrong and the wagon they are pushing is in fact town.

Look at the way Hawkie jumped off me and tell me if that doesn't look sneaky as fuck.
Tl;dr in case you did miss it,

Hawkie advocated my wagon with such ferocity and "reasoning" for 4 entire pages, then later jumps his vote onto you for essentially no reason.

Read again: pushes for a wagon for reasons, and when the wagon gains steam, he jumps off onto another wagon with NO reason.

Does this sound like something more likely that town or scum would do?

it's d1 u blithering bumpkin i pushed ur lynch with "ferocity" to illicit this kind of reaction from u. U hard scumreading me now actually makes me feel better about ur alignment lol
Unofficial Lynchcount
  • Metal Sonic[Thunderball-Z, Granny Pie]
  • Asek[Haruno, Hawkie]
  • King[Hitmonleet, Asek]
  • Hawkie[Metal Sonic]
  • Jalmont[zorbees]
Not Voting: Earlio, Jalmont, King


Thunderball-Z + Asek + zorbees??
Hitmonleet + Asek + Thunderball-Z??
King + Thunderball-Z + zorbees??

do we have bussing going on here??? Who fucking knows
DO NOT LYNCH POOL: Granny Pie, Haruno, Metal Sonic, Earlio, Jalmont in that order

DO LYNCH POOL: King, Asek, zorbees, Hitmonleet, Thunderball-Z in that order

i have difficulty maintaining reads over consecutive days without floundering in NOC so I'm rolling with this as I'm pretty confident in it.

I shall not b swayed
Unofficial Lynchcount
  • Metal Sonic[Thunderball-Z, Granny Pie]
  • Asek[Haruno, Hawkie]
  • King[Hitmonleet, Asek]
  • Hawkie[Metal Sonic]
  • Jalmont[zorbees]
Not Voting: Earlio, Jalmont, King

Unofficial Lynchcount
  • Metal Sonic[Thunderball-Z, Granny Pie, Earlio]
  • Asek[Haruno, Hawkie]
  • King[Hitmonleet, Asek]
  • Hawkie[Metal Sonic]
  • Jalmont[zorbees]
Not Voting: Jalmont, King

Forgot Earlio lynch
If ur reading this and ur one of the 2 ppl viewing this thread right now without posting and u are scum then i hope u manage to get a rocket up ur ass and motivate urself because i will find u
Thx ly

Disappointed in the number of users thatve viewed the thread in the past hour without posting. How do u expect this game to progress

Plz dont make me sit here till 1hr to dl throwing nonstick shit at the wall
K let's focus.

There are 3 wagons right now. 3 on King, 2 on Asek, 2 on Metal Sonic. Metal Sonic is obvtown so that leaves King or Asek

Which do u prefer slash why @everyone
apparently c9++ had a posting requirement

who woulda guessed

posting requirement is now:

Please have at least five (5) content-ful posts each Day Phase. "Content-ful" is at the host's discretion. If you fail to meet this requirement, you may be replaced without notice.

this does not mean you need five wallposts

it does mean shit like fucking "3/5" doesn't count

I have a really good burn (imo) regarding this but I guess it's in my best interests to not upset the host =[

Also, I really want that Mafia Champion banner. ?I swear such things did not exists pre 2015. where did you get that jalmont?

I got it from winning The Second Official Smogon Mafia Game last year!

How long did you get the mafia champion banner for?

When I lose the next official. who knows when that will be since to lose an official someone has to host one sadface
Oh this game has a post requirement? Well I guess here's my second required post for now.

Anyways just ignore me. Not trying to interrupt whatever discussion is going on rn

Please do. We need everybody working to figure out mafia, and if you dont, then it's kind of worse than a liability, since you either cut down the effective players by one, or you distract people from trying to scumhunt with them trying to get you to talk. Of course, if you were mafia, that's exactly what you want. Thus, please post more, its important.