Fusion Evolution V3 (Voting Phase)

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I would have used minisprites, but I can't be bothered to.
Parents: Hypno / Pangoro
Shared egg group: Human-Like
Offspring name: Hypango
New type: Psychic / Fighting
New base stats: 100 / 108 / 84 / 81 / 103 / 72
New ability and desc: Sensei (Forewarn + Iron Fist) - This Pokemon's punching moves have the same base power as its most powerful move.
Notable moves: Zen Headbutt, Drain Punch, Bullet Punch, Swords Dance, Giga Impact, Gunk Shot, Ice/Thunder/Fire Punch, Outrage, Dragon Claw, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Crunch, X-Scissor, Iron Head, Shadow Claw, (Z-)Belly Drum, Curse, (Z-)Hypnosis, Light Screen, Reflect, Taunt, Thunder Wave, Wish, Parting Shot
Role Identification: A bulky wallbreaker with a whole lot of power. Also, this thing has Belly Drum and 120 power Bullet Punch. Yay! Finally, it has some decent utility moves in screens, Parting Shot, Thunder Wave and Taunt. Only major downside is the only recovery it gets is Wish, but remember, 120 power bullet punch.

Two charming Pokemon make a hilarious nightmare.
Parents: Swalot / Mimikyu
Shared egg group: Amorphous
Offspring name: Swalikyu
New type: Poison / Ghost
New base stats: 87 / 91 / 91 / 71 / 104 / 85
New ability and desc: Asbestos Cloth (Liquid Ooze + Disguise) - This Pokemon has a disguise. When it is broken, the foe takes the damage that this Pokemon would have taken. If the foe uses any healing move (Drain Punch, Recover, Wish, etc.), they are hurt for what they would have healed and this Pokemon's disguise is set back up.
Notable moves: Swords Dance, Gunk Shot, Shadow Claw, Leech Life, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Ice/Thunder/Fire Punch, Wood Hammer, Play Rough, Drain Punch, Shadow Sneak, Thunder Wave, Destiny Bond, Pain Split, Stockpile, Acid Armor, Will-O-Wisp, Amnesia, Encore, Gastro Acid, Bulk Up, Curse, Light Screen, Taunt
Role Identification: It either can run the standard SD set with different coverage moves, or a defensive set. Also, this thing works as a pretty good stallbreaker, since recovery is basically impossible unless you count Lefties.

This fusion is anything but its name!
Parents: Slaking / Weavile
Shared egg group: Field
Offspring name: Senile
New type: Normal / Dark
New base stats: 120 / 150 / 92 / 80 / 85 / 122
New ability and desc: Cranky (Truant + Pressure) - The foe uses 4 PP every other turn.
Notable moves: Return, Double-Edge, Throat Chop, Night Slash, Sucker Punch, Play Rough, Knock Off, Iron Tail, Icicle Crash, X-Scissor, Gunk Shot, Earthquake, Ice/Thunder/Fire Punch, Shadow Claw, Fake Out, Slack Off, Amnesia, Bulk Up, Encore, Roar, Taunt, Swords Dance, Reflect
Role Identification: Insanely powerful and fast, an ability that is Pressure on drugs, and a Weavile fusion with bulk and recovery?! Senile may mean showing weakness of old age, but this fusion should ABSOLUTELY not be helped across the street. Do NOT underestimate it.

My girliest fusion yet!
Parents: Togekiss / Oricorio-Sensu
Shared egg group: Flying
Offspring name: Kissicorio-Ballet
New type: Ghost / Fairy
New base stats: 90 / 70 / 92 / 119 / 102 / 96
New ability and desc: Cute Tutu (Serene Grace + Dancer) - This Pokemon has its secondary effect chances doubled. After another Pokemon uses a dance move or a move with a secondary effect, this Pokemon uses the same move.
Notable moves: Revelation Dance, Dazzling Gleam, Hurricane, Air Slash, Fire Blast, Psychic, Psyshock, Aura Sphere, Signal Beam, Agility, Calm Mind, Nasty Plot, Defog, Feather Dance, Roost, Tailwind, Taunt, Encore, Heal Bell, Thunder Wave, Wish
Role Identification: Bulky attacker with an extremely annoying ability. Since moves affected by Cute Tutu are so common, it often gets to use two moves per turn. This combined with a decently powerful Ghost STAB in Revelation Dance, and decent utility in things like Hurricane, Air Slash,
and Roost, as well as three set up options, you have a pretty diverse Pokemon.

Here's a special variant of Leafrou with more versatility!
Parents: Milotic / Gorebyss
Shared egg group: Water 1
Offspring name: Milobyss
New type: Water
New base stats: 85 / 82 / 102 / 117 / 110 / 76
New ability and desc: Olympic Swimsuit (Marvel Scale + Swift Swim) - If this Pokemon is statused or is in the rain, its Defense and Speed are doubled.
Notable moves: SHELL SMASH, Hypnosis, Haze, Light Screen, Recover, Agility, Amnesia, Barrier, Iron Defense, Hydro Pump, Surf, Blizzard, Ice Beam, Scald, Dragon Pulse, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Signal Beam
Role Identification: Abuses Flame Orb and can either claim souls or stall. Only major downside here is a somewhat lacking movepool, but it has everything that it needs to be really powerful.

The lightest halogen...
Parents: Florges / Audino
Shared egg group: Fairy
Offspring name: Fluorine
New type: Fairy / Normal
New base stats: 100 / 72 / 87 / 96 / 130 / 72
New ability and desc: Titanium Toothpaste (Flower Veil + Regenerator) - This Pokemon cannot be statused or have its stats lowered. If either of these would have occured or if this Pokemon is switching out, it heals 33% of its HP.
Notable moves: Amnesia, Calm Mind, Encore, Heal Bell, Healing Wish, Light Screen, Reflect, Thunder Wave, Toxic, Wish, Defog, Synthesis, Moonblast, Hyper Voice, Blizzard, Ice Beam, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Surf, Psychic, Psyshock, Shadow Ball, Signal Beam, Energy Ball, Giga Drain
Role Identification: A bulky monster of a fusion, Fluorine holding a Flame Orb is near-unkillable. Getting a 3rd of its HP back each turn with that bulk and an actual recovery move is fantastic. It also makes for a nice WishPasser. It's only kept in check due to the fact that defensive sets would likely be very passive, letting it be setup-bait. If you want something more conventional...

The Tooth Fairy is here!
Parents: Florges / Audino
Shared egg group: Fairy
Offspring name: Fluorine-Mega
New type: Fairy
New base stats: 100 / 72 / 127 / 116 / 170 / 72
New ability and desc: Healer
Notable moves: Same as base
Role Identification: The mega is way bulkier and is less passive. You may lose the amazing ability, but this thing still has Synthesis, so it certainly is good. Both the base and the mega can use Calm Mind well, but the mega does it better imo. This fusion puts the "Halo" in halogen. :)



Parents: Bouffalant / Mienshao
Shared egg group: Field
Offspring name: Mouffao
New type: Normal / Fighting
New base stats: 90 / 127 / 87 / 77 / 87 / 90
New ability and desc: Reckless Regeneration (Reckless + Regenerator) - The power of moves with Recoil or Crash damage are multiplied 1.2x. Instead of taking recoil/crash damage, this pokemon recovers 1/3 of its maximum HP. This Pokemon also gets 1/3 of its maximum HP back when it switches out.
Notable moves: Head Charge, High Jump Kick, Outrage, Megahorn, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Wild Charge, Poison Jab, Zen Headbutt, U-Turn, Knock Off, Bulk Up, Swords Dance, Taunt, Cotton Guard, Amnesia
Role Identification: Mouffshao is a bulky physical attacker with a lot of power. Its ability lets it last a long time while spamming High Jump Kick, Head Charge, and Wild Charge. It could easily hold a Scarf or could be a setup sweeper. Also, it turns out it has Cotton Guard and Amnesia, meaning it can be a tanky Pokemon as well. In the right hands, Mouffao can be extremely powerful and annoying.

Why hasn't Ribombee gotten a fusion yet?
Parents: Ribombee / Yanmega
Shared egg group: Bug
Offspring name: Ribomega
New type: Bug
New base stats: 83 / 75 / 83 / 115 / 73 / 119
New ability and desc: Dusty Lens (Shield Dust + Tinted Lens) - Not Very Effective moves do double the damage. This Pokemon takes half the damage from moves with secondary effects and is immune to secondary effects (It treats them as NVE). This Pokemon's secondary effect chances are doubled.
Notable moves: Bug Buzz, Pollen Puff, Moonblast, Psychic, Energy Ball, Giga Drain, Shadow Ball, Air Slash, Aromatherapy, Defog, Light Screen, Reflect, Quiver Dance, Roost, Sticky Web, Tailwind, (Z-)Hypnosis, Toxic
Role Identification: This fusion is quite interesting. It looks like just a one-dimensional special sweeper, but then you factor in the ability. Thanks to it, it actually has more bulk than those mediocre defensive stats imply. Because of that, it can run some utility options, including the newly added Sticky Web, letting it work as a suicide lead, a utility mon or a sweeper. It even has Z-Hypnosis and Quiver Dance to set up! Overall, Ribomega is a versatile fusion with multiple niches. There's more than that meets its several eyes.
These are all done! Thoughts? Also colourcodedchaos I made Fluorine with your style in mind :)

Parents: Trevenant / Muk
Shared egg group: Amorphous
Offspring name: Trevemuk
New Type:

Base Stats:
HP 105
Atk 117
Def 85
SpA 75
SpD 101
Spe 63
BST 546
New ability and desc: Forest Gift (Natural Cure + Sticky Hold) - On switch-out, holder's Item is restored if it was used or lost.
Notable moves:
: Shadow Sneak, Shadow Punch, Shadow Claw, Phantom Force, Gunk Shot, Poison Jab, Drain Punch, Power-Up Punch, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Fire Punch, Horn Leech, Wood Hammer, Seed Bomb, Rock Slide, Earthquake, Explosion
: Will-O-Wisp, Growth, Hone Claws, Leech Seed, Destiny Bond, Pain Split, Trick, Trick Room, Disable, Memento, Taunt, Curse
Role Identification: WIP

Parents: Arbok / Mienshao
Shared egg group: Field
Offspring name: Sharbok
New Type:

Base Stats:
HP 72
Atk 120
Def 74
SpA 90
SpD 79
Spe 102
BST 517
New ability and desc: Life Drain (Regenerator + Intimidate) - On switch-in, opponent loses 15% of their max HP and holder recovers half the damage dealt; if opponent has less than 15% of its max HP, it remains at 1 HP after this effect.
Notable moves:
: High Jump Kick, Drain Punch, Jump Kick, Gunk Shot, Poison Jab, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Fake Out, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, U-turn, Knock Off, Sucker Punch, Crunch, Pursuit, Dragon Tail, Seed Bomb, Aqua Tail
: Bulk Up, Coil, Curse, Swords Dance, Disable, Glare, Switcheroo, Taunt, Detect
Role Identification: WIP

Parents: Toxicroak / Infernape
Shared egg group: Humanoid
Offspring name: Toxape
New Type:

Base Stats:
HP 89
Atk 115
Def 78
SpA 105
SpD 78
Spe 106
BST 571
New ability and desc: Vaporwave (Dry Skin + Blaze) - When the user is hit by a Water-type move, the power of holder's Fire-type moves is boosted by 50%; gives immunity to Water type.
Notable moves:
: Flare Blitz, Blaze Kick, Fire Punch, Flame Charge, Gunk Shot, Poison Jab, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Drain Punch, Mach Punch, Close Combat, Cross Chop, Fake Out, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, U-turn, X-Scissor, Sucker Punch, Knock Off, Pursuit, Foul Play, Bullet Punch, Shadow Claw, Super Fang
: Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Overheat, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Belch, Dark Pulse, Vacuum Wave, Focus Blast, Shadow Ball
: Swords Dance, Bulk Up, Stealth Rock, Will-O-Wisp, Taunt, Slack Off, Nasty Plot, Encore
Role Identification: WIP

Parents: Luxray / Lucario
Shared egg group: Field
Offspring name: Lucaray
New Type:

Base Stats:
HP 85
Atk 125
Def 84
SpA 115
SpD 84
Spe 90
BST 573
New ability and desc: Buster (Intimidate + Inner Focus) - Opponent flinches the first move it uses after the holder switches in.
Notable moves:
: High Jump Kick, Close Combat, Cross Chop, Drain Punch, Circle Throw, Power-Up Punch, Superpower, Wild Charge, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Fire Punch, Blaze Kick, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Crunch, Zen Headbutt, Bullet Punch, Meteor Mash, Shadow Claw, Poison Jab
: Thunderbolt, Volt Switch, Discharge, Aura Sphere, Vacuum Wave, Focus Blast, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Dark Pulse, Flash Cannon, Dragon Pulse
: Swords Dance, Nasty Plot, Bulk Up, Calm Mind, Thunder Wave, Detect
Role Identification: WIP


Parents: Luxray / Mega Lucario
Shared egg group: Field
Offspring name: Mega Lucaray
New Type:

Base Stats:
HP 85
Atk 160
Def 102
SpA 140
SpD 84
Spe 112
BST 673
New ability and desc: Adaptability
Notable moves:
: High Jump Kick, Close Combat, Cross Chop, Drain Punch, Circle Throw, Power-Up Punch, Superpower, Wild Charge, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Fire Punch, Blaze Kick, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Crunch, Zen Headbutt, Bullet Punch, Meteor Mash, Shadow Claw, Poison Jab
: Thunderbolt, Volt Switch, Discharge, Aura Sphere, Vacuum Wave, Focus Blast, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Dark Pulse, Flash Cannon, Dragon Pulse
: Swords Dance, Nasty Plot, Bulk Up, Calm Mind, Thunder Wave, Detect
Role Identification: WIP
Last edited:

Parents: Toxicroak / Infernape
Shared egg group: Humanoid
Offspring name: Toxape
New Type:

Base Stats:
HP 89
Atk 115
Def 78
SpA 105
SpD 78
Spe 106
BST 571
New ability and desc: Vaporwave (Dry Skin + Blaze) - When the user is hit by a Water-type move, the power of holder's Fire-type moves is boosted by 50%.
Notable moves:
: Flare Blitz,
: B
: C
Role Identification: WIP
Just so you know, the ability doesn't state it gives Toxape a Water immunity. Idk if it was intentional, but just letting you know. =]
I have kept up with this thread for some time but now is the time I finally post some fusions I have thought of: the complete Guardians of Alola!

DNA Donors: Tapu Lele / Landorus-I
Offspring name: Tapu Lande, the Guardian of the Earth
New Type: Ground / Fairy
Base Stats: 79 / 105 / 92 / 142 / 107 / 98 (+0 HP, +0 Atk, +10 Def, +20 SpA, +10 SpD, +0 Spe)
New ability and desc: Sandy Surge (Psychic Surge + Sand Force) - Summons Sandy Terrain on switch-in. The power of Ground type moves are increased, and priority moves cannot be used.
Notable Moves: Earth Power, Moonblast, U-turn, Rock Polish, Calm Mind, Thunderbolt, Sludge Wave, Focus Blast, Defog, Stealth Rock, Taunt, Nature's Madness, Earthquake, Aromatherapy, Substitute.
Role Identification: With it's monstrous 142 special attack stat, Lande's boosted Earth Powers hit like a truck. On top of it's potent STAB combo, it has coverage options to hit Flying and Grass types that can tank it's Ground attacks. Lande would function as a deadly breaker. It can utilize scarf sets as well with it's immunity to priority and U-turn to grab momentum. Specs sets can also use U-turn effectively, and it has set up options in Rock Polish to clean or Calm Mind to break teams even better alongside a possible Z-Move. It also has utility option with Defog and Stealth Rock alongside it's good typing as well as Taunt and Nature's Madness to act as a stallbreaker.

DNA Donors: Tapu Fini / Volcanion
Offspring name: Tapu Cani, Guardian of the Sea, twin of Tapu Fini
New Type: Water / Fairy
Base Stats: 85 / 97 / 117 / 122 / 110 / 97 (+10 HP, +0 Atk, +0 Def, +10 SpA, +0 SpD, +20 Spe)
New ability and desc: Watery Surge (Misty Surge + Water Absorb) - Summons Watery Terrain on switch-in. The power of Water type moves are increased, and Pokemon on Cani's side of the field cannot be statused.
Notable Moves: Steam Eruption, Moonblast, Fire Blast, Earth Power, Grass Knot, Sludge Wave, Ice Beam, Scald, Calm Mind, Trick, Defog, Taunt, Nature's Madness, Haze, Roar, Will-o-Wisp, Toxic, Rain Dance.
Role Identification: Tapu Cani is arguably the most versatile of it's siblings in battle. It has a high special attack stat and good ability that allows it to abuse the very spammable Steam Eruption. t's Fairy typing gives it a stab Moonblast and a very good defensive typing to complement it's bulk. It's wide coverage allow it to hit practically any Water resist super effectively and more. It's offensive sets could include choice items, using Trick alongside specs to power up it's Steam Eruption to frightening levels or a scarf to patch up it's average speed stat. It can also use All out attacking sets as well as 3 attacks with Calm Mind, Defog, or another utility move. Z-Rain Dance gives it a way to boost it's speed and look to sweep an offensive team, as well as boost it's Water stab even further. Cani's great bulk typing, and movepool allow it to function as a defensive pokemon as well. It can do anything from bulky CM, stallbreak with Taunt and Nature's Madness, phase, status, or use Z-Haze to heal and remove stat boosts.

DNA Donors: Tapu Koko / Heatran
Offspring name: Tapu Heato, Guardian of Heat and Fire
New Type: Fire / Fairy
Base Stats: 80 / 102 / 106 / 122 / 100 / 114 (+0 HP, +0 Atk, +10 Def, +10 SpA, +10 SpD, +10 Spe)
New ability and desc: Fiery Surge (Electric Surge + Flash Fire) - Summons Fiery Terrain on switch-in. The power of fire type moves are increased, and no Pokemon can be put to sleep.
Notable Moves: Magma Storm, Fire Blast, Eruption, Dazzling Gleam, Earth Power, Thunderbolt, Grass Knot, U-turn, Flamethrower, Volt Switch, Roost, Calm Mind, Stealth Rock, Taunt, Nature's Madness, Agility, Defog.
Role Identification: Tapu Heato is an offensive powerhouse. With a solid 114 speed, 122 special attack, solid bulk, and a good offensive typing, it is a terror to tank it's hits. It's offensive sets alone are very versatile. Magma Storm can be used to trap Pokemon and take them out with either it's strong coverage or Taunt. With U-turn, it can pivot out making choice sets very effective. Even Chansey and specially defensive Toxapex can take over 50% from it's specs Eruption! Fire Blast is a more consistent stab move for if it takes damage. With it's speed and power it can function as a strong cleaner and revenge killer with a scarf. It can also support a team with an offensive Stealth Rock set, set up with Calm Mind or Agility, or utilize Taunt and Nature's Madness. A Z-Fire Blast after a Calm Mind does even more than it's Specs Eruption!

DNA Donors: Tapu Bulu / Absol
Offspring name: Tapu Solu, Gaurdian of the night and darkness
New Type: Dark / Fairy
Base Stats: 77 / 130 / 97 / 80 / 87 / 85 (+10 HP, +0 Atk, +10 Def, +0 SpA, +10 SpD, +10 Spe)
New ability and desc: Dark Surge (Grassy Surge + Justified) - Summons Dark Terrain on switch-in. The power of Dark type moves is increased, all Dark or Ghost types gain 1/16th of their health each turn, and moves involving the sun cannot be used.
Notable Moves: Knock Off, Sucker Punch, Play Rough, Swords Dance, Pursuit, Superpower, Megahorn, Stone Edge, Taunt, Nature's Madness
Role Identification: Tapu Solu is one of the only of it's siblings that specializes purely in physical offense. It's boosted Knock Off and Sucker Punch as well as Play Rough are great STABs. Swords Dance turns it into a terrifying threat, with the ability to break teams with ease or clean with boosted Sucker Punches. It's typing is solid, giving it set up opportunities. Although it would normally want to stick to it's Swords Dance set with those 3 Stab Moves, it could also function as a Pursuit trapper or use an extra coverage move. Taunt and Nature's Madness. It has access to Synthesis but it can't be used in Dark Terrain as it involves the sun. But if you thought Tapu Solu couldn't get any scarier, think again.

Mega Tapu Solu
Base Stats:
77 / 150 / 97 / 120 / 87 / 125 (+0 HP, +20 Atk, +0 Def, +40 SpA, +0 SpD, +40 Spe)
New ability: Magic Bounce
Notable Moves: Knock Off, Sucker Punch, Play Rough, Swords Dance, Pursuit, Superpower, Megahorn, Stone Edge, Taunt, Nature's Madness, Dark Pulse, Calm Mind, Fire Blast, Dazzling Gleam, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam
Role Identification: With a massive speed boost and extra attack, Tapu Solu turns into an even more terrifying Swords Dance Sweeper. It can summon it's terrain before mega evolving and retain the boost to it's Dark moves. Magic Bounce is a very useful ability, bouncing back wisps and toxics that could stop it's sweep and any other status moves. It's new speed stat makes it a better Pursuit trapper as well. It's mega also givers it +40 special attack, giving it some unpredictability. While not as good as it's physical sets, it could use Calm Mind alongside Dark Pulse, Dazzling Gleam, and coverage moves to take on physical walls.

DNA Donors: Tapu Fini / Tapu Lele
Offspring name: Tapu Feli, Queen of Alola
New Type: Water / Psychic
Base Stats: 80 / 80 / 95 / 122 / 122 / 110 (+10 HP, +0 Atk, +0 Def, +10 SpA, +0 SpD, + 20 Spe)
New ability and desc: Kinetic Mist (Misty Surge + Psychic Surge) - This Pokemon's Psychic type moves have their power increased. It also takes half damage from Dragon type moves and cannot be inflicted with status or hit by priority.
Notable Moves: Psychic, Psyshock, Hydro Pump, Focus Blast, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Moonblast, Grass Knot, Calm Mind, Defog, Taunt, Nature's Madness, Haze, Trick
Role Identification: Tapu Feli functions similarly to Tapu Cani in battle but even more powerful. It has the same special attack as Cani, but with a much better 110 speed. It has a worse defensive typing and a lower defense stat, but retains it's great special defense but becomes more threatening offensively. It's boosted STAB Psychic and Psyshock allow it to take down many Pokemon, and alongside strong Hydro Pumps and wide coverage, not much can deal with's it's power. It too can use specs or even scarf with Trick, or can choose to use Calm Mind to crush the dreams of defensive teams even more. It's immunity to status and ability to deal massive damage to specially defensive pokemon with Psyshock give it almost no answers defensively after a Calm Mind. It also retains Defog and Taunt to support it's team or give it another way to stop walls.

DNA Donors: Tapu Koko / Tapu Bulu
Offspring name: Tapu Kolu, King of Alola
New Type: Electric / Grass
Base Stats: 80 / 112 / 100 / 110 / 85 / 122 (+10 HP, -10 Atk, +0 Def, + 20 SpA, + 0 SpD, +20 Spe)
New ability and desc: Grassy Thunder (Electric Surge + Grassy Surge) - This Pokemon's Grass and Electric type moves have their power increased.
Notable Moves: Thunderbolt, Volt Switch, Giga Drain, Energy Ball, Horn Leech, Wild Charge, Wood Hammer, U-turn, Swords Dance, Calm Mind, Roost, Superpower, Stone Edge, Brave Bird, Taunt, Nature's Madness, Bulk Up, Defog
Role Identification: Although lacking defensive capability, the King of them all is unmatched in offensive prowess. With STAB moves boosted more than with Adaptability, it's great 122 speed, and strong mixed offenses, it's power and unpredictability is incredible. Special sets can spam deadly Volt Switches to keep momentum and can scare out Ground Types with it's Giga Drain or Energy Ball. Choice Banded Wood Hammer and Wild Charge are nukes, and Horn Leech can be used for recovery. It also has the option of U-turn to pivot even if a Ground type switches in. With Swords Dance and Calm Mind it can boost its attacking stats even more and stay healthy with it's strong draining STABs or even Roost. If you think a Grass type can tank it's hits because it resists both STABs, watch out for a Brave Bird! It can also hit Steel types with a Superpower. Even then, that isn't the extant of its ability. It can use a Defog or Taunt set with STAB moves and Roost to support its team or tank down walls while staying healthy itself.
I have kept up with this thread for some time but now is the time I finally post some fusions I have thought of: the complete Guardians of Alola!

DNA Donors: Tapu Lele / Landorus-I
Offspring name: Tapu Lande, the Guardian of the Earth
New Type: Ground / Fairy
Base Stats: 79 / 105 / 92 / 142 / 107 / 98 (+0 HP, +0 Atk, +10 Def, +20 SpA, +10 SpD, +0 Spe)
New ability and desc: Sandy Surge (Psychic Surge + Sand Force) - Summons Sandy Terrain on switch-in. The power of Ground type moves are increased, and priority moves cannot be used.
Notable Moves: Earth Power, Moonblast, U-turn, Rock Polish, Calm Mind, Thunderbolt, Sludge Wave, Focus Blast, Defog, Stealth Rock, Taunt, Nature's Madness, Earthquake, Aromatherapy, Substitute.
Role Identification: With it's monstrous 142 special attack stat, Lande's boosted Earth Powers hit like a truck. On top of it's potent STAB combo, it has coverage options to hit Flying and Grass types that can tank it's Ground attacks. Lande would function as a deadly breaker. It can utilize scarf sets as well with it's immunity to priority and U-turn to grab momentum. Specs sets can also use U-turn effectively, and it has set up options in Rock Polish to clean or Calm Mind to break teams even better alongside a possible Z-Move. It also has utility option with Defog and Stealth Rock alongside it's good typing as well as Taunt and Nature's Madness to act as a stallbreaker.

DNA Donors: Tapu Fini / Volcanion
Offspring name: Tapu Cani, Guardian of the Sea, twin of Tapu Fini
New Type: Water / Fairy
Base Stats: 85 / 97 / 117 / 122 / 110 / 97 (+10 HP, +0 Atk, +0 Def, +10 SpA, +0 SpD, +20 Spe)
New ability and desc: Watery Surge (Misty Surge + Water Absorb) - Summons Watery Terrain on switch-in. The power of Water type moves are increased, and Pokemon on Cani's side of the field cannot be statused.
Notable Moves: Steam Eruption, Moonblast, Fire Blast, Earth Power, Grass Knot, Sludge Wave, Ice Beam, Scald, Calm Mind, Trick, Defog, Taunt, Nature's Madness, Haze, Roar, Will-o-Wisp, Toxic, Rain Dance.
Role Identification: Tapu Cani is arguably the most versatile of it's siblings in battle. It has a high special attack stat and good ability that allows it to abuse the very spammable Steam Eruption. t's Fairy typing gives it a stab Moonblast and a very good defensive typing to complement it's bulk. It's wide coverage allow it to hit practically any Water resist super effectively and more. It's offensive sets could include choice items, using Trick alongside specs to power up it's Steam Eruption to frightening levels or a scarf to patch up it's average speed stat. It can also use All out attacking sets as well as 3 attacks with Calm Mind, Defog, or another utility move. Z-Rain Dance gives it a way to boost it's speed and look to sweep an offensive team, as well as boost it's Water stab even further. Cani's great bulk typing, and movepool allow it to function as a defensive pokemon as well. It can do anything from bulky CM, stallbreak with Taunt and Nature's Madness, phase, status, or use Z-Haze to heal and remove stat boosts.

DNA Donors: Tapu Koko / Heatran
Offspring name: Tapu Heato, Guardian of Heat and Fire
New Type: Fire / Fairy
Base Stats: 80 / 102 / 106 / 122 / 100 / 114 (+0 HP, +0 Atk, +10 Def, +10 SpA, +10 SpD, +10 Spe)
New ability and desc: Fiery Surge (Electric Surge + Flash Fire) - Summons Fiery Terrain on switch-in. The power of fire type moves are increased, and no Pokemon can be put to sleep.
Notable Moves: Magma Storm, Fire Blast, Eruption, Dazzling Gleam, Earth Power, Thunderbolt, Grass Knot, U-turn, Flamethrower, Volt Switch, Roost, Calm Mind, Stealth Rock, Taunt, Nature's Madness, Agility, Defog.
Role Identification: Tapu Heato is an offensive powerhouse. With a solid 114 speed, 122 special attack, solid bulk, and a good offensive typing, it is a terror to tank it's hits. It's offensive sets alone are very versatile. Magma Storm can be used to trap Pokemon and take them out with either it's strong coverage or Taunt. With U-turn, it can pivot out making choice sets very effective. Even Chansey and specially defensive Toxapex can take over 50% from it's specs Eruption! Fire Blast is a more consistent stab move for if it takes damage. With it's speed and power it can function as a strong cleaner and revenge killer with a scarf. It can also support a team with an offensive Stealth Rock set, set up with Calm Mind or Agility, or utilize Taunt and Nature's Madness. A Z-Fire Blast after a Calm Mind does even more than it's Specs Eruption!

DNA Donors: Tapu Bulu / Absol
Offspring name: Tapu Solu, Gaurdian of the night and darkness
New Type: Dark / Fairy
Base Stats: 77 / 130 / 97 / 80 / 87 / 85 (+10 HP, +0 Atk, +10 Def, +0 SpA, +10 SpD, +10 Spe)
New ability and desc: Dark Surge (Grassy Surge + Justified) - Summons Dark Terrain on switch-in. The power of Dark type moves is increased, all Dark or Ghost types gain 1/16th of their health each turn, and moves involving the sun cannot be used.
Notable Moves: Knock Off, Sucker Punch, Play Rough, Swords Dance, Pursuit, Superpower, Megahorn, Stone Edge, Taunt, Nature's Madness
Role Identification: Tapu Solu is one of the only of it's siblings that specializes purely in physical offense. It's boosted Knock Off and Sucker Punch as well as Play Rough are great STABs. Swords Dance turns it into a terrifying threat, with the ability to break teams with ease or clean with boosted Sucker Punches. It's typing is solid, giving it set up opportunities. Although it would normally want to stick to it's Swords Dance set with those 3 Stab Moves, it could also function as a Pursuit trapper or use an extra coverage move. Taunt and Nature's Madness. It has access to Synthesis but it can't be used in Dark Terrain as it involves the sun. But if you thought Tapu Solu couldn't get any scarier, think again.

Mega Tapu Solu
Base Stats:
77 / 150 / 97 / 120 / 87 / 125 (+0 HP, +20 Atk, +0 Def, +40 SpA, +0 SpD, +40 Spe)
New ability: Magic Bounce
Notable Moves: Knock Off, Sucker Punch, Play Rough, Swords Dance, Pursuit, Superpower, Megahorn, Stone Edge, Taunt, Nature's Madness, Dark Pulse, Calm Mind, Fire Blast, Dazzling Gleam, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam
Role Identification: With a massive speed boost and extra attack, Tapu Solu turns into an even more terrifying Swords Dance Sweeper. It can summon it's terrain before mega evolving and retain the boost to it's Dark moves. Magic Bounce is a very useful ability, bouncing back wisps and toxics that could stop it's sweep and any other status moves. It's new speed stat makes it a better Pursuit trapper as well. It's mega also givers it +40 special attack, giving it some unpredictability. While not as good as it's physical sets, it could use Calm Mind alongside Dark Pulse, Dazzling Gleam, and coverage moves to take on physical walls.

DNA Donors: Tapu Fini / Tapu Lele
Offspring name: Tapu Feli, Queen of Alola
New Type: Water / Psychic
Base Stats: 80 / 80 / 95 / 122 / 122 / 110 (+10 HP, +0 Atk, +0 Def, +10 SpA, +0 SpD, + 20 Spe)
New ability and desc: Kinetic Mist (Misty Surge + Psychic Surge) - This Pokemon's Psychic type moves have their power increased. It also takes half damage from Dragon type moves and cannot be inflicted with status or hit by priority.
Notable Moves: Psychic, Psyshock, Hydro Pump, Focus Blast, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Moonblast, Grass Knot, Calm Mind, Defog, Taunt, Nature's Madness, Haze, Trick
Role Identification: Tapu Feli functions similarly to Tapu Cani in battle but even more powerful. It has the same special attack as Cani, but with a much better 110 speed. It has a worse defensive typing and a lower defense stat, but retains it's great special defense but becomes more threatening offensively. It's boosted STAB Psychic and Psyshock allow it to take down many Pokemon, and alongside strong Hydro Pumps and wide coverage, not much can deal with's it's power. It too can use specs or even scarf with Trick, or can choose to use Calm Mind to crush the dreams of defensive teams even more. It's immunity to status and ability to deal massive damage to specially defensive pokemon with Psyshock give it almost no answers defensively after a Calm Mind. It also retains Defog and Taunt to support it's team or give it another way to stop walls.

DNA Donors: Tapu Koko / Tapu Bulu
Offspring name: Tapu Kolu, King of Alola
New Type: Electric / Grass
Base Stats: 80 / 112 / 100 / 110 / 85 / 122 (+10 HP, -10 Atk, +0 Def, + 20 SpA, + 0 SpD, +20 Spe)
New ability and desc: Grassy Thunder (Electric Surge + Grassy Surge) - This Pokemon's Grass and Electric type moves have their power increased.
Notable Moves: Thunderbolt, Volt Switch, Giga Drain, Energy Ball, Horn Leech, Wild Charge, Wood Hammer, U-turn, Swords Dance, Calm Mind, Roost, Superpower, Stone Edge, Brave Bird, Taunt, Nature's Madness, Bulk Up, Defog
Role Identification: Although lacking defensive capability, the King of them all is unmatched in offensive prowess. With STAB moves boosted more than with Adaptability, it's great 122 speed, and strong mixed offenses, it's power and unpredictability is incredible. Special sets can spam deadly Volt Switches to keep momentum and can scare out Ground Types with it's Giga Drain or Energy Ball. Choice Banded Wood Hammer and Wild Charge are nukes, and Horn Leech can be used for recovery. It also has the option of U-turn to pivot even if a Ground type switches in. With Swords Dance and Calm Mind it can boost its attacking stats even more and stay healthy with it's strong draining STABs or even Roost. If you think a Grass type can tank it's hits because it resists both STABs, watch out for a Brave Bird! It can also hit Steel types with a Superpower. Even then, that isn't the extant of its ability. It can use a Defog or Taunt set with STAB moves and Roost to support its team or tank down walls while staying healthy itself.
Wait until V4- this slate allows no DNA fusions. Sorry!
I have kept up with this thread for some time but now is the time I finally post some fusions I have thought of: the complete Guardians of Alola!

DNA Donors: Tapu Lele / Landorus-I
Offspring name: Tapu Lande, the Guardian of the Earth
New Type: Ground / Fairy
Base Stats: 79 / 105 / 92 / 142 / 107 / 98 (+0 HP, +0 Atk, +10 Def, +20 SpA, +10 SpD, +0 Spe)
New ability and desc: Sandy Surge (Psychic Surge + Sand Force) - Summons Sandy Terrain on switch-in. The power of Ground type moves are increased, and priority moves cannot be used.
Notable Moves: Earth Power, Moonblast, U-turn, Rock Polish, Calm Mind, Thunderbolt, Sludge Wave, Focus Blast, Defog, Stealth Rock, Taunt, Nature's Madness, Earthquake, Aromatherapy, Substitute.
Role Identification: With it's monstrous 142 special attack stat, Lande's boosted Earth Powers hit like a truck. On top of it's potent STAB combo, it has coverage options to hit Flying and Grass types that can tank it's Ground attacks. Lande would function as a deadly breaker. It can utilize scarf sets as well with it's immunity to priority and U-turn to grab momentum. Specs sets can also use U-turn effectively, and it has set up options in Rock Polish to clean or Calm Mind to break teams even better alongside a possible Z-Move. It also has utility option with Defog and Stealth Rock alongside it's good typing as well as Taunt and Nature's Madness to act as a stallbreaker.

DNA Donors: Tapu Fini / Volcanion
Offspring name: Tapu Cani, Guardian of the Sea, twin of Tapu Fini
New Type: Water / Fairy
Base Stats: 85 / 97 / 117 / 122 / 110 / 97 (+10 HP, +0 Atk, +0 Def, +10 SpA, +0 SpD, +20 Spe)
New ability and desc: Watery Surge (Misty Surge + Water Absorb) - Summons Watery Terrain on switch-in. The power of Water type moves are increased, and Pokemon on Cani's side of the field cannot be statused.
Notable Moves: Steam Eruption, Moonblast, Fire Blast, Earth Power, Grass Knot, Sludge Wave, Ice Beam, Scald, Calm Mind, Trick, Defog, Taunt, Nature's Madness, Haze, Roar, Will-o-Wisp, Toxic, Rain Dance.
Role Identification: Tapu Cani is arguably the most versatile of it's siblings in battle. It has a high special attack stat and good ability that allows it to abuse the very spammable Steam Eruption. t's Fairy typing gives it a stab Moonblast and a very good defensive typing to complement it's bulk. It's wide coverage allow it to hit practically any Water resist super effectively and more. It's offensive sets could include choice items, using Trick alongside specs to power up it's Steam Eruption to frightening levels or a scarf to patch up it's average speed stat. It can also use All out attacking sets as well as 3 attacks with Calm Mind, Defog, or another utility move. Z-Rain Dance gives it a way to boost it's speed and look to sweep an offensive team, as well as boost it's Water stab even further. Cani's great bulk typing, and movepool allow it to function as a defensive pokemon as well. It can do anything from bulky CM, stallbreak with Taunt and Nature's Madness, phase, status, or use Z-Haze to heal and remove stat boosts.

DNA Donors: Tapu Koko / Heatran
Offspring name: Tapu Heato, Guardian of Heat and Fire
New Type: Fire / Fairy
Base Stats: 80 / 102 / 106 / 122 / 100 / 114 (+0 HP, +0 Atk, +10 Def, +10 SpA, +10 SpD, +10 Spe)
New ability and desc: Fiery Surge (Electric Surge + Flash Fire) - Summons Fiery Terrain on switch-in. The power of fire type moves are increased, and no Pokemon can be put to sleep.
Notable Moves: Magma Storm, Fire Blast, Eruption, Dazzling Gleam, Earth Power, Thunderbolt, Grass Knot, U-turn, Flamethrower, Volt Switch, Roost, Calm Mind, Stealth Rock, Taunt, Nature's Madness, Agility, Defog.
Role Identification: Tapu Heato is an offensive powerhouse. With a solid 114 speed, 122 special attack, solid bulk, and a good offensive typing, it is a terror to tank it's hits. It's offensive sets alone are very versatile. Magma Storm can be used to trap Pokemon and take them out with either it's strong coverage or Taunt. With U-turn, it can pivot out making choice sets very effective. Even Chansey and specially defensive Toxapex can take over 50% from it's specs Eruption! Fire Blast is a more consistent stab move for if it takes damage. With it's speed and power it can function as a strong cleaner and revenge killer with a scarf. It can also support a team with an offensive Stealth Rock set, set up with Calm Mind or Agility, or utilize Taunt and Nature's Madness. A Z-Fire Blast after a Calm Mind does even more than it's Specs Eruption!

DNA Donors: Tapu Bulu / Absol
Offspring name: Tapu Solu, Gaurdian of the night and darkness
New Type: Dark / Fairy
Base Stats: 77 / 130 / 97 / 80 / 87 / 85 (+10 HP, +0 Atk, +10 Def, +0 SpA, +10 SpD, +10 Spe)
New ability and desc: Dark Surge (Grassy Surge + Justified) - Summons Dark Terrain on switch-in. The power of Dark type moves is increased, all Dark or Ghost types gain 1/16th of their health each turn, and moves involving the sun cannot be used.
Notable Moves: Knock Off, Sucker Punch, Play Rough, Swords Dance, Pursuit, Superpower, Megahorn, Stone Edge, Taunt, Nature's Madness
Role Identification: Tapu Solu is one of the only of it's siblings that specializes purely in physical offense. It's boosted Knock Off and Sucker Punch as well as Play Rough are great STABs. Swords Dance turns it into a terrifying threat, with the ability to break teams with ease or clean with boosted Sucker Punches. It's typing is solid, giving it set up opportunities. Although it would normally want to stick to it's Swords Dance set with those 3 Stab Moves, it could also function as a Pursuit trapper or use an extra coverage move. Taunt and Nature's Madness. It has access to Synthesis but it can't be used in Dark Terrain as it involves the sun. But if you thought Tapu Solu couldn't get any scarier, think again.

Mega Tapu Solu
Base Stats:
77 / 150 / 97 / 120 / 87 / 125 (+0 HP, +20 Atk, +0 Def, +40 SpA, +0 SpD, +40 Spe)
New ability: Magic Bounce
Notable Moves: Knock Off, Sucker Punch, Play Rough, Swords Dance, Pursuit, Superpower, Megahorn, Stone Edge, Taunt, Nature's Madness, Dark Pulse, Calm Mind, Fire Blast, Dazzling Gleam, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam
Role Identification: With a massive speed boost and extra attack, Tapu Solu turns into an even more terrifying Swords Dance Sweeper. It can summon it's terrain before mega evolving and retain the boost to it's Dark moves. Magic Bounce is a very useful ability, bouncing back wisps and toxics that could stop it's sweep and any other status moves. It's new speed stat makes it a better Pursuit trapper as well. It's mega also givers it +40 special attack, giving it some unpredictability. While not as good as it's physical sets, it could use Calm Mind alongside Dark Pulse, Dazzling Gleam, and coverage moves to take on physical walls.

DNA Donors: Tapu Fini / Tapu Lele
Offspring name: Tapu Feli, Queen of Alola
New Type: Water / Psychic
Base Stats: 80 / 80 / 95 / 122 / 122 / 110 (+10 HP, +0 Atk, +0 Def, +10 SpA, +0 SpD, + 20 Spe)
New ability and desc: Kinetic Mist (Misty Surge + Psychic Surge) - This Pokemon's Psychic type moves have their power increased. It also takes half damage from Dragon type moves and cannot be inflicted with status or hit by priority.
Notable Moves: Psychic, Psyshock, Hydro Pump, Focus Blast, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Moonblast, Grass Knot, Calm Mind, Defog, Taunt, Nature's Madness, Haze, Trick
Role Identification: Tapu Feli functions similarly to Tapu Cani in battle but even more powerful. It has the same special attack as Cani, but with a much better 110 speed. It has a worse defensive typing and a lower defense stat, but retains it's great special defense but becomes more threatening offensively. It's boosted STAB Psychic and Psyshock allow it to take down many Pokemon, and alongside strong Hydro Pumps and wide coverage, not much can deal with's it's power. It too can use specs or even scarf with Trick, or can choose to use Calm Mind to crush the dreams of defensive teams even more. It's immunity to status and ability to deal massive damage to specially defensive pokemon with Psyshock give it almost no answers defensively after a Calm Mind. It also retains Defog and Taunt to support it's team or give it another way to stop walls.

DNA Donors: Tapu Koko / Tapu Bulu
Offspring name: Tapu Kolu, King of Alola
New Type: Electric / Grass
Base Stats: 80 / 112 / 100 / 110 / 85 / 122 (+10 HP, -10 Atk, +0 Def, + 20 SpA, + 0 SpD, +20 Spe)
New ability and desc: Grassy Thunder (Electric Surge + Grassy Surge) - This Pokemon's Grass and Electric type moves have their power increased.
Notable Moves: Thunderbolt, Volt Switch, Giga Drain, Energy Ball, Horn Leech, Wild Charge, Wood Hammer, U-turn, Swords Dance, Calm Mind, Roost, Superpower, Stone Edge, Brave Bird, Taunt, Nature's Madness, Bulk Up, Defog
Role Identification: Although lacking defensive capability, the King of them all is unmatched in offensive prowess. With STAB moves boosted more than with Adaptability, it's great 122 speed, and strong mixed offenses, it's power and unpredictability is incredible. Special sets can spam deadly Volt Switches to keep momentum and can scare out Ground Types with it's Giga Drain or Energy Ball. Choice Banded Wood Hammer and Wild Charge are nukes, and Horn Leech can be used for recovery. It also has the option of U-turn to pivot even if a Ground type switches in. With Swords Dance and Calm Mind it can boost its attacking stats even more and stay healthy with it's strong draining STABs or even Roost. If you think a Grass type can tank it's hits because it resists both STABs, watch out for a Brave Bird! It can also hit Steel types with a Superpower. Even then, that isn't the extant of its ability. It can use a Defog or Taunt set with STAB moves and Roost to support its team or tank down walls while staying healthy itself.
And when you do repost these fusions at a later date, keep in mind that stat deductions in order to boost another stat is not allowed. So Tapu Kolu isnt currently allowed anyways
These are all done! Thoughts? Also colourcodedchaos I made Fluorine with your style in mind :)
I like the way you used Forewarn in Pangoro / Hypno. Senile sounds incredibly annoying. Mylobyss and Fluorine are my two personal favorites among them (Although Kissicorio is also p cool)


Imma kill you with bite.
Parents: Persian | Persian-Alola
Shared egg group: Field
Offspring name: Persian (Prime form)
New type: Normal / Dark
New base stats: 75 / 75 / 70 / 80 / 75 / 125
New ability and desc: Technician + Fur Coat = Tech Fur: The Power of moves with 60 Base Power or less gain a 3x boost (2.0 x 1.5)
Notable moves: Fake Out, Feint, Hidden Power, Snarl, Swift, Round, Bite, Covet, Parting Shot
Role identification: At first, it seems medíocre in almost everything – only stat that is over 80 is Speed. However, the ability changes everything. If it wasn’t by such medíocre stats, this mon would be broken. Tech Fur makes it a powerful threat. In the special side, you have Snarl (165 BP stab), Swift (180 BP stab), Icy Wind (165 BP) and a 180 BP coverage move of choice in Hidden Power. Snarl Will also hit both foes in Doubles and Will allow you to take Special hits better. Icy Wind also hits both and makes them slower, but no stab. However, I prefer Physical sets, due to two specific moves: Fake Out and Feint. Fake Out is as good as ever, and has 120 BP now, as well as being stab. Feint is a better Extreme Speed, being a 90 BP move with +2 Priority that breaks protection. Your other Stabs are Bite and Covet, both having 180 BP (With Bite having a 30% Flinch chance). It can use Aerial Ace to cover it’s weakness to Fighting, and it also can use Fury Swipes for a stab move that ranges from 108 to 270 BP. It also gets Parting Shot, so Fake Out + Parting Shot is also possible. However, it does struggle a bit against Steel / Fairy, as well as most mons that resists Normal since Bite might not kill them, so be sure to clear those first. Psychic Terrain is of extreme help if you are facing this thing, since you can prevent Fake Out and Feint.


This one is just a tribute to the Pet Mod Overlord (Btw if you don't want it to have your name tell me and I'll change it)
Parents: Lucario | Granbull
Shared egg group: Field
Offspring name: G-Luke
New type: Fighting / Fairy
New base stats: 90 / 125 / 82 / 97 / 75 / 67
New ability and desc: Steadfast + Intimidate = Overlord: Lowers foe's Speed and Attack upon switching in. If flinched, raises Speed and Attack by one stage each.
Notable moves: Play Rough, Close Combat, Earthquake, Extreme Speed, Stone Edge
Role identification: With a solid offensive typing and a great ability in Overlord, this fusion can easly do some damage, although it's better with the mega. Still, Scarf is a good option since you'll also lower the foe's Speed upon switching in. It pressures Fake Out users and has some viability in revenge killing with Extreme Speed.

Stone: Lucarionite
New type: Fighting / Fairy
New base stats: 90 / 160 / 100 / 122 / 75 / 89
New ability and desc: Adapdability
Notable moves: See base
Role identification: A huge improovement over base. With a solid 90 / 100 physical bulk, and the Attack deboof from the base, you can find easy switch-in opportunities to mega evolve (And even force switches to set up with SD or Agility). 89 Speed isn't that good, but is passable and you can set up with agility. And 160 base atk with such great offensive type and Adaptability is no joke.


A dog and a sea lion can breed... GameFreak, you failed hard on your Biology class.
Parents: Samurott | Lycanroc-Dusk
Shared egg group: Field
Offspring name: Samucan - Dusk
New type: Water / Rock
New base stats: 95 / 118 / 85 / 91 / 77 / 100
New ability and desc: Torrent + Tough Claws = Swimming Claws: Contact moves and Water-Type moves are boosted by 1.95x (1.3 X 1.5). (Doesn't stack, otherwise it'd be broken as hell)
Notable moves: Aqua Jet, Waterfall, Liquidation, Accelerock, Stone Edge, Drill Run, Aerial Ace, Megahorn, Sacred Sword, Rock Polish, SD, Fire/Thunder Fang, Knock Off
Role identification: Extremamly powerfull with Water and Contact moves. A set with Sash + Rock Polish as set up would work great. For an example, liquidation has around 165 Base Power, and it can pick between two stab moves to make a 78 BP Priority move. It is weak to Fighting and quad weak to Grass, but with an Aerial Ace almost as powerful as a Brave Bird, not much of those will want to switch into this thing. It also has Knock Off, which, if you are holding an item, will also hit like a truck. It also has some cool other coverage options, such as Sacred Sword, Fire Fang, Megahorn and Drill Run, all boosted by Swimming Claws.


Cloyster needs more fusions tbh.
Parents: Cloyster | Kabutops
Shared egg group: Water 3
Offspring name: Cloystops
New type: Water / Rock
New base stats: 65 / 115 / 152 / 85 / 67 / 85
New ability and desc: Skill Link + Swift Swim = Synchronised Swim: Both effects.
Notable moves: Shell Smash, Rock Blast, Liquidation, Icicle Spear, Aqua Jet, Knock Off
Role identification: Shell Smasher for Rain teams that spams Rock Blast easly. It has weirdly good Defense, and resists Extreme Speed, Ice Shard, Refridgerate and Aerilate, so using Priority against it isn't the best way to revenge kill it. Under Rain, and with the Shell Smash boost, it is very fast.


An offensive Toxapex fusion? What is this?
Parents: Octillery | Toxapex
Shared egg group: Water 1
Offspring name: Octapex
New type: Water / Poison
New base stats: 72 / 94 / 123 / 89 / 118 / 50
New ability and desc: Sniper + Merciless = Veteran: Both combined, with the adition that if it crits a non-poisoned mon, the mon will get poisoned (Regular, not Badly)
Notable moves: Liquidation,, Gunk Shot, Knock Off, Payback?, Rock Blast, Bullet Seed, Energy Ball, Flamethrower, Flash Cannon, Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Psychic, Sludge Wave, Surf, Venoshock, Baneful Bunker, Toxic, Recover
Role identification:
Step 1: Provide Toxic Spiker or so support
Step 2: Destroy everything

It may not have great offensive stats, but when allyour moves will crit and recieve a Sniper boost, that doesn't matter that much. Octillery gets a huge ammount of coverage as well, so this thing can have a variety of moves to use.


Pardon me; are you Mr Fly, sir?
Parents: Flygon | Pinsir
Shared egg group: Bug
Offspring name: Sir Fly
New type: Ground / Bug
New base stats: 82 / 122 / 100 / 77 / 85 / 102
New ability and desc: Levitate + Mold Breaker = Bug Acid: Ignores foe's abilities and immunities. This pokémon also has the effects of Levitate.
Notable moves: Dragon Dance, Earthquake, x-Scissor, U-Turn, Crunch, Close Combat, Dragon Dance, Knock Off
Role identification: Primarely made for the Mega, tho ignoring immunities is pretty nice.

Stone: Pinsirite
New type: Ground / Flying
New base stats: 82 / 152 / 120 / 87 / 105 / 122
New ability and desc: Aerilate
Notable moves: See base - X-Scissor + Return, Quick Attack, Feint
Role identification: With a bulk of 82 / 120 / 105, finding set-up opportunities is not that hard. Ground / Flying also is an okay typing, and Aerilate is a great ability. It also has U-Turn, which is pretty good, and Defog as well, even tho it is made to be an attacker. It also has Aerilate Boomburst but you ain't going far with 87 Sp. Atk



I am convinced GameFreak just dump whatever they can't fit in other Egg Groups into Field.
Parents: Incineroar | Stoutland
Shared egg group: Field
Offspring name: Stoutroar
New type: Normal / Fire
New base stats: 100 / 122 / 100 / 72 / 100 / 80
New ability and desc: Blaze + Sand Rush = Hot Sand: Whether at <1/3 HP or under sand, doubles Speed and the power of Fire-Type moves (Sand immunity)
Notable moves: Flare Blitz, Return, Earthquake, Knock Off, Sucker Punch, Fake Out, Leech Life, U-Turn, Play Rough, Psychic Fangs, Yawn, WoW
Role identification: Ok, first of all, I have no idea why this thing ended up being so decently bulky. But that's not a bad thing at all. Either way, Stoutroar is a threat if it is under sand / 33% HP. It's base 80 Speed suddenly becomes the equivalent of 178, and it's Fire moves will hit strong. It can find set-up opportunities easier than other offensive threats because of it's Mew-level bulk. In fact, it also has WoW and Yawn, the first crippling Physical offensive foes, while Yawn forces switches (Seriously, this is a great utility move).


Parents: Alakazam | Beheeyem
Shared egg group: Human-Like
Offspring name: Alakee Behazeem
New type: Psychic
New base stats: 80 / 77 / 75 / 145 / 110 / 95
New ability and desc: Synchronise
Notable moves: Psyshock, Energy Ball, Focus Blast, Shadow Ball, Signal Beam, Thunderbolt, Skill Swap?, Nasty Plot, Recover
Role identification: Alakee Behazeem, in it's base form, is a slower Alakazam, with way better bulk and slightly higher Sp. Atk, at cost of a pretty meh ability... That's where you can also use Skill Swap, due to a better bulk. Tho I'm certain you will like the Mega more.

Stone: Alakazite
New type: Psychic
New base stats: 80 / 77 / 95 / 185 / 120 / 125
New ability and desc: Trace
Notable moves: See base + Taunt, Encore, Maybe Cosmic Power
Role identification: Now Alakee Behazeem is a pretty dangerous fusion. 80 / 95 / 120 is a pretty good bulk for something that used Alakazam out of all things to fuse. Mega A.B. also has a montruous 185 Special Attack stat, and a decent 125 Speed. With Recover + 3 Offensive moves, you are pretty much ready to go. All in all, something that would have been a Glass Cannon if it wasn't by good bulk and decent Speed.
My turn to do it; thoughts?
I like the way you used Forewarn in Pangoro / Hypno. Senile sounds incredibly annoying. Mylobyss and Fluorine are my two personal favorites among them (Although Kissicorio is also p cool)

My turn to do it; thoughts?
G-Luke is really cool, especially its Mega which is outright scary with Attack stat and offensive typing. Good thing it's kind of slow I guess :P
Persian-Prime and Octapex are also pretty nice, with their abilities giving them their offensive presence.
Reserving Loppuny/Lucario, Charizard/Tyranitar & Ambiphom/Excadrill.

Fakespeed and Edgequake are for losers...
Parents: Ambipom & Excadrill
Shared egg group: Field
Offspring name: Amber
New type:

New base stats:
102 Hp/127 Atk/73 Def/65 SpA/75 SpD/111 Spe=553 BST (+60)
New ability and desc: Tech Rush (Technician + Sand Rush)->
The power of this Pokemon's moves with 60 BP or less are doubled. Everytime it uses one of these moves its speed is raised by 1 stage.
Notable moves:
Fake Out, Tail Slap, Bulldoze, Rock Tomb, Power-Up Punch, U-turn, Aerial Ace, Elemental Punches, Knock Off, Thief, Rapid Spin, Beat Up, Gunk Shot & Poison Jab.
-Special: Hidden Power?
-Status: Swords Dance, Stealth Rock, Taunt, Switcheroo, Hone Claws & Thunder Wave.
Role identification: Wallbreaker that abuses weak moves: I'm pretty sure you'll find this af stupid, but if you realise that Bullldoze now has 120 BP, Fake Out has 80 Bp and Tail Slap now does 50 damage per hit you'll now find this scary. But that's not all, it also has more weak and useful moves, it also gets more and more speed each time it uses one of these. What does this means? Be ready for walling a STAB Tail Slap wich does 100 BP as minimum damage and 250 BP if hits 5 times and boosts its speed to stupidly high levels (the former has shitty accuracy, but you can always use Hone Claws). You could also use it as a Suicide SR setter with access to Taunt, 40 BP Rapid Spin and offensive presence.

...but i guess this one isn't...
Parents: Lucario & Lopunny
Shared egg group: Field/Human-Like
Offspring name: Lola Bunny
New type:

New base stats: 77 Hp/103 Atk/87 Def/94 SpA/93 SpD/107 Spe=561 BST (+60)
New ability and desc: Adamant Carrier (Klutz + Steadfast)->
If this Pokemon is wearing an item its speed is doubled. If there's any attemp to Knock Off its Item, the foe will loose its Item instead.
Notable moves:
EXTREME SPEED, Close Combat, Drain Punch, High Jump Kick, Fake Out, Return, Double Edge, Quick Attack, Throat Chop, Crunch, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Stone Edge, Blaze Kick, Elemental Punches, Meteor Smash, Poison Jab, Zen Headbutt, Low Kick & Shadow Claw.
-Special: Focus Blast, Aura Sphere, Hyper Voice, Shadow Ball, Dark Pulse, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Psychic & Flash Cannon.
-Status: Swords Dance, Nasty Plot, Calm Mind, Switcheroo, Wish, Healing Wish, Calm Mind & Thunder Wave.
Role identification: Decent revenge killer i guess? Just use its megas tho.

Parents: Lucario-Mega & Lopunny
Shared egg group: Field/Human-Like
Offspring name: Lola Bunny-Mega-X
New type:

New base stats: 77 Hp/138 Atk (+35)/105 Def (+18)/119 SpA (+25)/93 SpD/129 Spe (+22)=661 BST (+100)
New ability and desc: Adaptability
Notable moves:
Same as above.
Role identification: When you have adaptability, access to Fakespeed and your only switch ins are ghost mons and you have access to dark and ghost coverage options, you know you'll be banned in seconds. Well, this thing has everything mentioned before, alongside with great 138/119/129 offenses and access to both Swords Dance and Nasty Plot, so i'm sure you know where is going to end...

Parents: Lucario & Lopunny-Mega
Shared egg group: Field/Human-Like
Offspring name: Lola Bunny-Mega-Y
New type:

New base stats: 77 Hp/163 Atk (+60)/97 Def (+10)/94 SpA/93 SpD/137 Spe (+30)=661 BST (+100)
New ability and desc: Scrappy
Notable moves:
Same as above.
Role identification: This thing has evrything that make regular Lopunny-Mega broken at STABmons alongside much higher Attack and a bit more speed. It misses a bit not having Adaptability as the X-mega, but Scrapy makes its STABs basically unresisted, letting it to not have to rely on Dark and Ghost coverage moves, so this one is also pretty damm cool to use too.

Because just one water starter+azumarill FE wasn't enough...
Parents: Azumarill & Swampert
Shared egg group: Water 1
Offspring name: Swampare
New type:

New base stats:
110 Hp/90 Atk/95 Def/77 SpA/95 SpD/65 Spe=532 BST (+60)
New ability and desc: Leviathan (Huge Power + Torrent)->
Doubles Attack. At 50% health or less the power of water attacks is doubled.
Notable moves:
Acua Jet, Liquidation, Waterfall, Acua Tail, Ice Punch, Earthquake, Knock Off, Superpower, Stone Edge, Rock Side, Play Rough, Outrage, Power-Up Punch & Hammer Arm.
-Special: Lul
-Status: B E L L Y D R U M, Stealth Rock, Roar & Perish Song..
Role identification: It may seem mediocre at best due to its lackluster movepool, offensive typing and speed, but then you see that it has access to an Improved Huge Power, which doubles its average attack and water-moves. Well, the second one only under 50% health, but you must remember that it has access to Belly Drum, which makes its attack even higher. It can hold a mega stone too, but its pretty meh compared to this guy.

Parents: Azumarill & Swampert-Mega
Shared egg group: Water 1
Offspring name: Swampare-Mega
New type:

New base stats:
110 Hp/130 Atk (+40)/115 Def (+20)/87 SpA (+10)/115 SpD (+20)/75 Spe (+10)=632 BST (+100)
New ability and desc: Swift Swim
Notable moves:
Same as above.
Role identification: Rain sweeper I guess? I just don't know why are you using this one over the regular form or any other Swampert-Mega FE :/

Parents: Milotic & CritKingdra
Shared egg group: Water 1/Dragon
Offspring name: Melodrama
New type:

New base stats:
95 Hp/87 Atk/98 Def/107 SpA/120 SpD/93 Spe=600 BST (+60)
New ability and desc: Plot Twist (Marvel Scale + Sniper)->
When statused, its SpD and critical hit rate doubles. Critical hits do 2.25x damage instead of 1.5x.
Notable moves:
Dragon Tail.
-Special: Hydro Pump, Scald, Surf, Ice Beam, Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse, Flash Cannon, Clear Smog, Wirlpool & Mirror Coat.
-Status: Recover, Haze, Refresh, Agility, Disable & Mirror Coat.
Role identification: At first it looks like another bulky Water mon due to its great 95/98/120 and access to support moves like Recover and Refresh, but let it to hold a Flame Orb and see the start of a rampage. With almost 100% guaranteed ×2.25 crits decent coverage options and STABs on Hydro Pump and Ice Beam and a decent 107 SpA, its very difficult to switch-into it.

Parents: Charizard & Tyranitar
Shared egg group: Monster
Offspring name: Rodan
New type:

New base stats:
99 Hp (+10)/119 Atk (+10)/104 Def (+10)/112 SpA (+10)/102 SpD (+10)/90 Spe (+10)=626 BST (+60)
New ability and desc: Hellfire (Blaze + Sand Stream)->
While this Pokemon is active, Rock and Fire-type Pokemon have their Rock and Fire Attacks and Special Defense boosted by multiplied x1.5.
Notable moves:
Flare Blitz, Crunch, Pursuit, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Elemental Punches, Superpower, Flame Charge, Acua Tail, Iron Head, Outrage, Dragon Claw, Shadow Claw, Power-Up Punch
-Special: Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Dark Pulse, Ice Beam, Focus Blast, Thunderbolt, Earth Power, Surf, Dragon Pulse.
-Status: Dragon Dance, Swords Dance, Roost, Stealth Rock, Taunt, Defog, Hone Claws, Will-O-Wisp, Thunder Wave, Roar, Tailwind.
Role identification: Really versatile mon that can perform lots of roles thanks to its stupidly huge movepool (seriously, look at the list of above) and cool ability. Its typing it's great offensibly but deffensibly, well, being x4 weak to Ground and Water is not too good. Oh yeah, I forgot this one: it can even hold 3 damm Mega stones!!!!

Parents: Charizard-Mega-X & Tyranitar
Shared egg group: Monster
Offspring name: Rodan-Mega-X
New type:

New base stats:
99 Hp/165 Atk (+46)/137 Def (+33)/133 SpA (+21)/102 SpD/90 Spe=726 BST (+100)
New ability and desc: Tough Claws
Notable moves:
Same as above, focus on contact and Dragon-Type moves.
Role identification: Sorry AquaticPanic, this couldn't be Dark/Dragon because ofthe rules. Anyways, this one is probably the best one of all Rodan megas thanks to a much better defensive typing, attack and access to Tough Claws, which boosts its STABs like Flare and Dragon Claw (specially Flare Blitz) to huge levels.

Parents: Charizard-Mega-Y & Tyranitar
Shared egg group: Monster
Offspring name: Rodan-Mega-Y
New type:

New base stats:
99 Hp/139 Atk (+20)/104 Def/162 SpA (+50)/132 SpD (+30)/90 Spe=726 BST (+100)
New ability and desc: Drought
Notable moves:
Same as above + Solar Beam
Role identification: As the regular Zard Y, it suffers from not having a reliable special STAB (in this case Rock), having a shitty defensive typing and now is slower, but it also gains more SpA, lots of coverage options and access to Rock Polish for boosting its speed.

Parents: Charizard & Tyranitar-Mega
Shared egg group: Monster
Offspring name: Rodan-Mega-Z
New type:

New base stats:
99 Hp/149 Atk (+30)/144 Def (+40)/112 SpA /122 SpD (+20)/100 Spe (+10)=726 BST (+100)
New ability and desc: Sand Stream
Notable moves:
Same as above.
Role identification: Due to its higher speed, this one is the best mega you have for abusing DD. Its new ability still boosts its Special Defense, giving it more bulk and it also makes chip damage on the foes, making tanking it's boosted moves even harder.
Because i suck at doing non-DNA fusions, thoughts?
Last edited:
While I may be stepping down, I do intend to go out with a bang!


Behold the sound of thunder!
Parents: Altaria + Noivern
Shared egg group: Flying
Offspring name: Noivian
New type: Flying + Dragon
New base stats: 90 HP | 80 Atk | 95 Def | 90 SpA | 102 SpD | 120 Spe (577 BST)
New ability and desc: Frisk + Natural Cure (Phase Through) - Both effects combined.
Notable moves: Draco Meteor, Hurricane, Fire Blast, Roost, U-Turn, Defog, Taunt, Heal Bell, Dragon Dance, Outrage, Earthquake, (Z)-Fly
Role identification: A neat special attacke with a neater mega.


Parents: Altaria+ Noivern
Shared egg group: Flying
Offspring name: Noivian-Mega
New type: Flying + Fairy
New base stats: 90 HP | 120 Atk | 115 Def | 130 SpA | 102 SpD | 120 Spe (577 BST)
New ability and desc: Pixilate
Notable moves: Draco Meteor, Hurricane, Fire Blast, Roost, U-Turn, Defog, Taunt, Heal Bell, Dragon Dance, Outrage, Earthquake, Boomburst, Return, Double-Edge
Role identification: Powerful Ate boosted Boomburst spammer.


Unwallable. Unbreakable. Unbelievable that Forry has no fusions.
Parents: Araquanid and Forretress
Shared Egg Group: Bug
Offspring: Forraqua
Typing: Water/Bug
Stats: 81 HP | 90 Atk | 126 Def | 65 SpA | 106 SpD | 51 Spe
Ability: Sturdy Bubble (Water Bubble + Sturdy) - If an attack that this Pokemon uses cannot OHKO the opponent, its base power doubles. Immune to burns. If at full HP and the attack the opponent uses will OHKO it, the user takes half damage instead.
Notable Moves: Sticky Web, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, Magic Coat, Volt Switch, Liquidation, Power Trick, Signal Beam, Scald, Bubble Beam, Bug Bite, Pin Missile, Explosion, Gyro Ball, Earthquake, Spider Web, Toxic, Leech Life, Rapid Spin, Ice Beam, Aurora Beam
Role Description: Sturdy Bubble is incredible. Forraqua has access to every hazard and can feasibly stack them. Sturdy Bubble in combination with its low attacking stats and weaker attacks make for nuclear attacks, turning this Bag-Diving Spider into a formidable threat. It can even clear hazards off its side of the field with Rapid Spin.

Sun got talent!
Parents: Tangrowth and Bellossom
Shared Egg Group: Grass
Offspring: Tangelosom
Typing: Grass
Stats: 102 HP | 105 Atk | 125 Def | 115 SpA | 90 SpD | 65 Spe
Ability: Chlorophyll
Notable Moves: Quiver Dance, Strength Sap, Knock Off, Synthesis, Giga Drain, Leaf Storm, Earthquake, Moonblast, Sludge Bomb, Sleep Powder, Leech Seed
Role Description: There is no Tangrowth fusion for NOOO reason, so Tangelosom was born. In reality however, this is Bellossom 4.0, with much better stats and movepool. Defensive Quiver Dance sets look especially potent, as it can wall things to hell and back with attack drops + special defence boosts. Regular defensive sets have plenty merit as well, as Strength Sap is broooooken.

Why can these things breed Gamefreak?!?
Parents: Archeops and Barbaracle
Shared Egg Group: Water 3 (Again Gamefeak, why?)
Offspring: Barbachops
Typing: Rock/Water
Stats: 83 HP | 132 Atk | 100 Def | 93 SpA | 85 SpD | 99 Spe
Ability: All or Nothing (Defeatist + Tough Claws) - Above 50% max HP, the power of its contact moves are boosted by 50%. Below 50%, its contact moves are nerfed by 50% instead.
Notable Moves: Head Smash, Liquidation, Shell Smash, Earthquake, Superpower, Aqua Tail, Stone Edge, Grass Knot, Return, Roost
Role Description: Shell Smash sweeper with an attitude. You can use head Smash to nuke your way to 50% health, or play it safe with coverage. Whichever way you go i will be sure to make a blast.

Goku and Majin Buu fuse at last
Parents: Luxray and Granbull
Shared Egg Group: Field
Offspring: Luxagran
Typing: Electric/Fairy
Stats: 100 HP | 135 Atk | 92 Def | 92 SpA | 84 SpD | 72 Spe
Ability: Intimidate
Notable Moves: Wild Charge, Thunder Punch, Play Rough, Close Combat, Earthquake, Fire Punch, Volt Switch, Heal Bell, Thunder Wave, Taunt, Knock Off, Super Fang, Overheat, Roar, Bulk Up
Role Description: With Luxray fusions being scarce, Luxagran comes in to utilize its great Electric/Fairy typing both offensively and defensively. Its Intimidate ability helps augment its good 100/92/84 bulk, and great utility moves like Super Fang, Taunt, Knock Off, Heal Bell and Roar are prominent in its movepool. Its offensive movepool also contains many gems like Close Combat, the Elemental Punches, and Earthquake quickly defeat any threat it faces. Its overall a great pick!


Santa not pulling back his claws
Parents: Persian-Alola and Delibird
Shared Egg Group: Field
Offspring: Persiabird
Typing: Ice/Dark
Stats: 65 HP | 67 Atk | 62 Def | 80 SpA | 65 SpD | 105 Spe
Ability: Santa Clause (Hustle + Fur Coat) - Attack and Defense are doubled.
Notable Moves: Knock Off, Ice Punch, Ice Shard, Taunt, Parting Shot, Foul Play, Gunk Shot, Fake Out, (Z) Splash, Seed Bomb, Spikes, Rapid Spin/Defog, Aurora Veil, Roar, Destiny Bond
Role Description: bonafied wallbreaker! Persiabird hits harder than most breakers in the tier, and (Z) Splash sets are not out the question. But the real secret to Persiabird's success is its bulk! Santa Clause doubles both attack and defense, making it hard to switch into and hard to break. Special attackers hav a field day against it though, but that doesn"t stop Persiabird from ripping and walling teams!

I'm done guys. I'd love to hear feedback

Throwback to V2: New and Improved!
Parents: Blaziken / Floatzel
Shared egg group: Field
Offspring name: Blazel
New type: Fire/Water
New base stats: 92/122/72/107/70/107
New ability and desc: Heat Seeker (Blaze + Swift Swim) - When this Pokemon is at 33.3% of its health or less, its Speed and the power of its Fire-type moves go up by 1.5x. When in rain, its speed and power of Fire moves is doubled (which essentially means that its Fire-type moves ignore the rain debuff.
Notable moves: Flare Blitz, Liquidation, Waterfall, High Jump Kick, Knock Off, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Swords Dance, Bulk Up, Crunch, Taunt, Roar, Aqua Jet, Scald, Surf, Hydro Pump, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Blaze Kick, Defog, Brave Bird, Poison Jab, Will-O-Wisp, Endure, Reversal
Role identification: The only thing this really has over its Mega is a killer Sash + Reversal set when combined with the ability (Reversal/Aqua Jet/Swords Dance/Filler). Otherwise...

Mega Blaziken / Floatzel
Shared egg group: Field
Offspring name: Mega Blazel
New type: Fire/Water
New base stats: 92/162/82/127/80/127
New ability and desc: Speed Boost
Notable moves: See above list
Role identification: What if Mega Blaziken traded in its good offensive typing for another good offensive typing that doesn't overlap? It comes at the cost of now having a Stealth Rock weakness, but with so many Defoggers running around, that all of a sudden became less of a problem. Also, what if Mega Blaziken was initially much faster? Or had a better movepool? Or had better bulk (+12 HP can make a difference)? All of this encompasses what Mega Blazel is. And Mega Blaziken is a REALLY good Mega, so.... have fun.

New-subs on a mission, kill the competition, sell the next edition:

A concept that almost won long ago makes a return!
Parents: Luxray / Miltank
Shared egg group: Field
Offspring name: Milkray
New type: Normal/Electric
New base stats: 97/110/102/77/84/95
New ability and desc: Psych Out (Intimidate + Scrappy) - Whenever this Pokemon uses a damaging Normal or Fighting-type move, the opponent's Attack is lowered by 1. This Pokemon's Normal and Fighting-types moves can hit Ghost-types.
Notable moves: Body Slam, Stealth Rock, Milk Drink, Wild Charge, Thunder Punch, Thunder Wave, Volt Switch, Crunch, Earthquake, Curse, Quick Attack, Brick Break, Superpower, Ice Punch, Fire Punch, Light Screen, Zen Headbutt, Double-Edge, Power-Up Punch, Heal Bell, Hammer Arm, Electric Terrain
Role identification: A defensive Pokemon that can constantly weaken the opponent just by spamming a great defensive that now hits everything? SIGN ME UP! Just spam Body Slam until a 6.25% chance is the opponent's only chance to beak through physically. Meanwhile, you can pretty fully invest in Special Defense to patch that up, recover with Milk Drink, set up rocks, heal/spread status, or pivot out. You can go the offensive route with Curse + your good coverage (side note: Quick Attack is 40 BP STAB Baby-Doll Eyes with Psych Out, so there's that) to break though the opponent your self. For something with a name that sounds like a silly cartoon show villain's weapon for an episode (cough Phineas and Ferb cough), this looks pretty good.

It looks like a meme, but have a closer look
Parents: Corsola / Stunfisk
Shared egg group: Water 1
Offspring name: Corfisk
New type: Water/Ground
New base stats: 97/70/99/83/107/43
New ability and desc: Electro-Transfer (Natural Cure + Static) - Whenever this Pokemon switches out whilst inflicted with a status condition, it heals its status and paralyzes the opponent
Notable moves: Scald, Thunder Wave, Recover, Stealth Rock, Magic Coat, Reflect, Light Screen, Refresh, Earth Power, Discharge, Foul Play, Pain Split, Yawn, Whirlpool, Infestation, Calm Mind, Sludge Wave, Thunderbolt, Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Shadow Ball, Psychic, Mirror Coat (Fun Fact: Corsola learns Throat Chop)
Role identification: This is a nice enough defensive Pokemon with good Special bulk, only 1 weakness, and all the things a bulky Water wants: recovery, Scald, hazards, a way to hit Water resists, Whirlpool as an extremely niche option, and a way to heal status. Oh, speaking of a way to heal status, if you don't like being slow, then don't status this thing, especially if you plan on switching in your sweeper next or area Scarfer running Toxic. Why? Well, when this thing switches out, not only did you waste your time statusing this thing, but now you can hold the paralysis real quick. Also, you can abuse this by holding a Flame Orb, because why wait? Not bad for, y'know, a pancake coral-fish.

Drapion has no fusions why?
Parents: Scizor / Drapion
Shared egg group: Bug
Offspring name: Scizion
New type: Bug/Poison
New base stats: 80/120/115/67/87/90
New ability and desc: Prodigy (Technician + Sniper) - This Pokemon's moves with less than 60 Base Power are boosted 2.25x.
Notable moves: FELL STINGER, Bullet Punch, Poison Fang, Poison Tail, Swords Dance, Defog, Bulldoze, Rock Tomb, Rock Smash, Pursuit, Aerial Ace, Metal Claw, F U R Y C U T T E R, Agility, Taunt, Toxic Spikes, Whirlwind, Roost, Superpower, Bug Bite
Role identification: This Pokemon is a nightmare. With Prodigy, Scizion packs a 112.5 BP Fell Stinger that boosts its Attack by 3 if, or should I say, when it gets a KO. Plus a 112.5 BP Poison Fang that can also badly poison, a 90 BP priority move in Bullet Punch/Quick Attack, 135 BP coverage in Bulldoze, Aerial Ace, Rock Tomb, and 90 BP coverage in Rock Smash, Scizion is here to murder you. Add in the option for DualDance or U-Turn for momentum and Scizion just keeps getting better.

Mega Scizor / Drapion
Shared egg group: Bug
Offspring name: Mega Scizion
New type: Bug/Poison
New base stats: 80/140/155/77/107/100
New ability and desc: Technician
Notable moves: See above list
Role identification: If you're running a defensive set, then that's about the only reason to Mega Evolve since Prodigy is so good. Or to get the jump on the 91-99 Speed Tiers, I guess.

{ num:
species: "Vilossom",
types: ["Poison", "Grass"],
genderRatio: {M: 50.0, F: 50.0},
baseStats: {hp: 90, atk: 95, def: 105, spa: 115, spd: 110, spe: 65},
abilities: {0: "Chlorophyll"},
heightm: 0.8,
weightkg: 12.2,
color: "Red",
eggGroups: ["Grass"], }

{ num:
species: "Necropur-Ugly",
types: ["Steel", "Normal"],
genderRatio: {M: 50.0, F: 50.0},
baseStats: {hp: 84, atk: 139, def: 109, spa: 88, spd: 84, spe: 100},
abilities: {0: "Braveheart"},
heightm: 2.9,
weightkg: 251.9,
color: "Yellow",
eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"],
otherFormes: {"Necropur-Beautiful"}, }
{ num:
species: "Necropur-Beautiful",
baseSpecies: "Necropur-Ugly",
forme: "Ultra",
formeLetter: "U",
types: ["Steel", "Dragon"],
genderRatio: {M: 50.0, F: 50.0},
baseStats: {hp: 84, atk: 149, def: 79, spa: 149, spd: 79, spe: 152},
abilities: {0: "Neuroforce"},
heightm: 6.6,
weightkg: 126.0,
color: "Yello",
eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }
Might not add anything in 24 hours, so thoughts?
ĹReserving Monkeys / Meinshao, Marowak / Alolan Marowak (wow this is like a meme now)


I was using the wrong ability this whole time!
Parents: Simisage, Mienshao
Shared egg group: Field
Offspring name: Simienshao-Sage
New type: Grass / Fighting
New base stats:
80 / 121 / 71 / 106 / 71 / 112
New ability and desc: Berry Regen (Gluttony + Regenerator; This Pokémon eats its held berry at full health or less (happens on switchin too) and afterwards, regens 1/3 of its HP. When this Pokémon switches out, it gains its most recently consumed berry back and gains 1/3 HP back.)
Notable moves: Return, Fake Out, Feint, Drain Punch, High Jump Kick, Acrobatics, Poison Jab, Gunk Shot, Rock Slide, Stone Edge, U-Turn, Shadow Claw, Seed Bomb, Bullet Seed, Crunch, Knock Off, Nature Power, Aura Sphere, Focus Blast, Energy Ball, Leaf Storm, Swords Dance, Nasty Plot, Taunt
Role identification:

I think it was a berry good idea
Parents: Simisear, Mienshao
Shared egg group: Field
Offspring name: Simienshao-Sear
New type: Fire / Fighting
New base stats:
80 / 121 / 71 / 106 / 71 / 112
New ability and desc: Berry Regen (Gluttony + Regenerator; This Pokémon eats its held berry at full health or less (happens on switchin too) and afterwards, regens 1/3 of its HP. When this Pokémon switches out, it gains its most recently consumed berry back and gains 1/3 HP back.)
Notable moves: Return, Fake Out, Feint, Drain Punch, High Jump Kick, Acrobatics, Poison Jab, Gunk Shot, Rock Slide, Stone Edge, U-Turn, Shadow Claw, Fire Punch, Flare Blitz, Crunch, Knock Off, Aura Sphere, Focus Blast, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Grass Knot, Swords Dance, Nasty Plot, Taunt
Role identification:

I broke the berry-er this time around huh?
Parents: Simipour, Mienshao
Shared egg group: Field
Offspring name: Simienshao-Pour
New type: Water / Fighting
New base stats:
80 / 121 / 71 / 106 / 71 / 112
New ability and desc: Berry Regen (Gluttony + Regenerator; This Pokémon eats its held berry at full health or less (happens on switchin too) and afterwards, regens 1/3 of its HP. When this Pokémon switches out, it gains its most recently consumed berry back and gains 1/3 HP back.)
Notable moves: Return, Fake Out, Feint, Drain Punch, High Jump Kick, Acrobatics, Poison Jab, Gunk Shot, Rock Slide, Stone Edge, U-Turn, Shadow Claw, Waterfall, Ice Punch, Crunch, Knock Off, Aura Sphere, Focus Blast, Scald, Hydro Pump, Grass Knot, Ice Beam, Swords Dance, Nasty Plot, Taunt
Role identification:
I'm Probably not gonna make any more subs, so migt as well have these.

Parents: Trevenant / Muk
Shared egg group: Amorphous
Offspring name: Trevemuk
New Type:

Base Stats:
HP 105
Atk 117
Def 85
SpA 75
SpD 101
Spe 63
BST 546
New ability and desc: Forest Gift (Natural Cure + Sticky Hold) - On switch-out, holder's Item is restored if it was used or lost.
Notable moves:
: Shadow Sneak, Shadow Punch, Shadow Claw, Phantom Force, Gunk Shot, Poison Jab, Drain Punch, Power-Up Punch, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Fire Punch, Horn Leech, Wood Hammer, Seed Bomb, Rock Slide, Earthquake, Explosion
: Will-O-Wisp, Growth, Hone Claws, Leech Seed, Destiny Bond, Pain Split, Trick, Trick Room, Disable, Memento, Taunt, Curse
Role Identification: WIP

Parents: Arbok / Mienshao
Shared egg group: Field
Offspring name: Sharbok
New Type:

Base Stats:
HP 72
Atk 120
Def 74
SpA 90
SpD 79
Spe 102
BST 517
New ability and desc: Life Drain (Regenerator + Intimidate) - On switch-in, opponent loses 15% of their max HP and holder recovers half the damage dealt; if opponent has less than 15% of its max HP, it remains at 1 HP after this effect.
Notable moves:
: High Jump Kick, Drain Punch, Jump Kick, Gunk Shot, Poison Jab, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Fake Out, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, U-turn, Knock Off, Sucker Punch, Crunch, Pursuit, Dragon Tail, Seed Bomb, Aqua Tail
: Bulk Up, Coil, Curse, Swords Dance, Disable, Glare, Switcheroo, Taunt, Detect
Role Identification: WIP

Parents: Toxicroak / Infernape
Shared egg group: Humanoid
Offspring name: Toxape
New Type:

Base Stats:
HP 89
Atk 115
Def 78
SpA 105
SpD 78
Spe 106
BST 571
New ability and desc: Vaporwave (Dry Skin + Blaze) - When the user is hit by a Water-type move, the power of holder's Fire-type moves is boosted by 50%; gives immunity to Water type.
Notable moves:
: Flare Blitz, Blaze Kick, Fire Punch, Flame Charge, Gunk Shot, Poison Jab, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Drain Punch, Mach Punch, Close Combat, Cross Chop, Fake Out, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, U-turn, X-Scissor, Sucker Punch, Knock Off, Pursuit, Foul Play, Bullet Punch, Shadow Claw, Super Fang
: Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Overheat, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Belch, Dark Pulse, Vacuum Wave, Focus Blast, Shadow Ball
: Swords Dance, Bulk Up, Stealth Rock, Will-O-Wisp, Taunt, Slack Off, Nasty Plot, Encore
Role Identification: WIP
Resubbing this from Mygavolt

Parents: Nidoking / Lycanroc Dusk
Shared egg group: Field
Offspring name: Lycaking Dusk
New Type:

Base Stats:
HP 88
Atk 119
Def 81
SpA 80
SpD 80
Spe 107
BST 555
New ability and desc: (Rivalry + Tough Claws) - Holder's contact moves deal 5/3 damage (4/3 * 5/4).
Notable moves:
: Poison Jab, Head Smash, Accelerock, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Earthquake, Drill Run, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Fire Punch, Iron Head, Sucker Punch, Crunch, Megahorn, Dragon Tail, Zen Headbutt
: Swords Dance, Stealth Rock, Taunt, Toxic Spikes, Detect, Disable
Role Identification: WIP
Lycaking won last slate LOL

Parents: Crabminable + Corsola
Shared egg group: Water 3
Offspring name: Crabsola
New type: Water/Fighting
New base stats: 91/103/96/73/91/49
New ability and desc: King Fist (Hustle + Iron Fist) This pokemon punching move does 70 % more damage but have 20% less accuracy.
Notable moves: Ice Punch, Power-Up Punch, Ice Hammer, Close Combat, Superpower, Bulk Up, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Drain Punch, Iron Head, Thunder Punch, Rock Blast, Curse, Head Smash, Icicle Spear, Liquidation, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock
Role identification: Crabsola is the king of punching moves. But its claws are so big, it be missing the targets which be standing right in front of it. But when it does hit it, the damage is going to be outstanding. Crabsola work well in trick room as a bulky attacker.


Parents: Wormadam (Trash) + Flygon
Shared egg group: Bug
Offspring name: Flydam
New type: Ground/Bug
New base stats: 80/94/97/84/97/78
New ability and desc: Mind Games (Levitate + Anticipation) When this pokemon switch in, it will shudder if a pokemon have an OHKO move or a Super Effective move. It will be immune to them moves.
Notable moves: Quiver Dance, Sucker Punch, Psychic, Bug Buzz, Iron Head, Shadow Ball, Flash Cannon, Gunk Shot, Stealth Rock, Energy Ball, Infestation, Dragon Dance, Rock Slide, Dragon Tail, Earthquake, Dragon Claw, Draco Meteor, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Stone Edge, U-Turn, Earth Power, Defog, Dragon Pulse, Fire Punch, Giga Drain, Outrage, Superpower, Tailwind, Thunder Punch, Boomburst
Role identification: Flydam is an inserting pokemon with its ability. With 5 immunities, this pokemon won’t be hit with any super effective hits. With a pretty wide movepool, and access to both Quiver Dance and Dragon Dance, it may be hard to predict which set this pokemon is.


Parents: Donphan + Wailord
Shared egg group: Field
Offspring name: Wailphan
New type: Ground/Water
New base stats: 140/115/92/85/62/65
New ability and desc: (Sturdy + Oblivious) Both Combined
Notable moves: Z-Splash, Amnesia, Heavy Slam, Curse, Earthquake, Waterfall, Liquidation, Iron Head, Zen Headbutt, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Rapid Spin, Knock Off, Counter, Head Smash, Ice Shard, Play Rough, Rock Polish, Poison Jab, Rock Slide, Gunk Shot, Seed Bomb, Stealth Rock, Superpower
Role identification: Wailphan is a pretty good lead. Can’t be KO in a hit (unless an ability prevents it), can’t be taunted, so it can almost guaranteed rocks. Wailphan have many moves that it can use for offense or defense. With that, it can help cover some areas that it team is weak too.


Parents: Luxray + Walrein
Shared egg group: Field
Offspring name: Wallray
New type: Ice/Electric
New base stats: 105/110/94/105/94/77
New ability and desc: Too Thick (Thick Fat + Intimidate) Take halves damage from physical attacks.
Notable moves: Crunch, Encore, Ice Fang, Blizzard, Belly Drum, Curse, Aqua Ring, Signal Beam, Yawn, Ice Beam, Earthquake, Frost Breath, Surf, Waterfall, Super Fang, Iron Head, Electric Terrain, Wild Charge, Thunder Fang, Discharge, Fire Fang, Night Slash, Thunderbolt
Role identification: Wallray is a good tank. It have good bulk and mixed attack. Wallray can fill many roles for a team, due to have pretty good versatile. Wallray can learn some good moves. Wallray can even Belly Drum to sweep due to Intimidating the target before coming in.


Parents: Blaziken + Mamoswine
Shared egg group: Field
Offspring name: Blazeiswine
New type: Fire/Ice
New base stats: 105/135/85/100/75/90
New ability and desc: Burning Cloak (Blaze + Snow Cloak) Both Combined
Notable moves: High Jump Kick, Flame Charge, Bulk Up, Brave Bird, Sky Uppercut, Flare Blitz, Agility, Night Slash, Earthquake, Sword Dance, Stone Edge/Rock Slide, Poison Jab, Fire Punch, Knock Off, Ice Fang, Superpower, Thunder Punch, Icicle Crash, Icicle Spear, Stealth Rock, Iron Head
Role identification: Blazeiswine is a good pokemon. With many good moves, good stats, and access to boost them, this pokemon could leave a dent in your team. Too bad it can’t switch too many times if rocks is on the floor.If you don’t have hazard control, this pokemon will just fall over if it keep trying to switch in.


Parents: Mega Blaziken + Mamoswine
Shared egg group: Field
Offspring name: Mega Blazeiswine
New type: Fire/Ice
New base stats: 105/175/95/120/85/110
New ability and desc: Speed Boost
Notable moves: Same as Base
Role identification: The Mega is a god. With base 175 attack and access to speed boost, it can easily fight its way through teams, especially if it have a chance to set up.
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