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Hey everyone, I'm Chloe, I'm 19 and I'm an alcoholic.

I'm just kidding, I hate beer! I do have something to talk about though. I've been around for a while now and in that time I've made a lot of friends and met a lot of cool people. I think it's time for me to quit though. It's been a whole lot of fun, I assure you. I just spend so much of my time on here. In the last few years I've had at least thirty people question if I'm ever offline.

Smogon has been my escape for the last three and a half years. It helped me combat stress and anxiety, while helping me overcome a lot of the issues I was having in my life. I relied on it too much though. So much so, that if the issues I was facing in the real world followed me onto Showdown, I'd often overreact or panic. Anyone that's been on the opposing end of that knows that I'm not a very stable person.

Despite this, I've met so many great people. I didn't know people could be so tolerant, accepting and caring of others until my experience on this website. You all taught me so much, and I'm eternally grateful for that. I achieved a lot more than I initially set out to. I made a lot more friends on here than I ever expected to. I will remember a lot of the moments I had on this website for a long time. It seems like yesterday I was laddering XY BH with five Bidoofs and posting wins on Reddit. So much has changed in so little time.

It is an understatement to say that PS was a major part of my life. There were points where it was the only thing holding it together. But now I have to move on. I'm not in such a dark place and my life is gradually getting better. I've found other more productive ways to spend my time. Of course, I'll miss so many people. I'll still come around every now and again but I won't be on anywhere near as much as I was before.

Why now? Well, I've been considering quitting for a while now, but something has happened recently that gave me the last push I needed to take initiative and resign. I hate that I'm leaving so many responsibilities, but I know this community too well to think that there isn't someone perfect for leading each of them.

I hope that I left a good impression. I truly appreciate everything you've given me. Thank you :]
21pichus - very underrated ag player, i wish you much success in your endeavours
al3xmar5 - i still remember seeing your reg don on ladder, how time flies, idk if you're still around but gl with stuff
Alexender - arekkusu-kun >////< watashi will miss kimi wa. stay safe, you're really cool.
Alore - you're an amazing person, i have no idea how hard it is for others to see this but you're truly one of the best people i've ever met and will probably ever meet. you judge yourself too harshly, and i know its hard to see what others see in you but please just trust me with this. you deserve happiness, and you'll get it one day.
Amoonguss - FOLLOW 4 FOLLOW, IF I WIN THIS YOU FOLLOW ME, FOLLOW ME ON SMOGON, dude i hope youre ok havent heard from you in a while
Ango - lost your swag ):
Aurora - wish i got to know you better, you seem pretty cool
avocado - my favourite fruit named user, stay safe!
baconbagon - ich hoffe, es geht dir gut - you're cool kid, cya around
bdov - one of the most fun builders i've seen, you're really nice too :p, good luck with everything
Betathunder - my alphathunder, continue to grow stabmons even in the off months. im sure you'll do well
Catalystic - im only slightly a weeb and hence have no interest in your anime flowcharts D:!
Chazm - mix and mega is in safe hands with you and quantum. i'm sure you two will succeed.
Chopin Alkaninoff - cool pianist and interesting user. i dont see you around much anymore but keep up the good work.
cromagnet42 - cro you're cool keep it up.
Cynara - sarah :D omg good luck with everything. everything will go amazingly. keep in touch.
DEG - dream eater gengar. i honestly don't know what i would've done without you at some points. i hope college or whatever you're doing now (WE NEVER TALK) is going well. continue to grow 1v1, i never meant to hold it back, and am sorry if you feel that way. stay safe o3o
DonnotheFirst - donnothebest. you're a great user dude, i hope school is good and you're enjoying it.
DontStealMyPenguin - mr. fractal himself. we havent rly talked recently but you're always cool. stay safe dude
DoW - the number one articuno that i know. i hope deg isn't harassing you still :P in all seriousness, gl with college/uni :D!
drampa's grandpa - you talk a lot, that's ok but just try to stay on topic more baka >_<
Dream - ur rly sweet. ty for being kind and shtuff. i hope you stay well and safe. :3
E4 Flint - the elitist we know as flint :P dont let ti put 1v1 in ompl! you're ok. you'll succeed at whatever you put your mind to.
Eien - what you've done with mono is nice work, they're lucky to have someone as competent as you leading the meta.
EV - thank you for everything. you're really kind and helpful and im grateful for everything youve done, i truly appreciate it :)
fleurdyleurse - :eye::eye::nose::lips: :eggplant::sweat_drops:
Funbot28 - thank you for trying to help me be confident with my voice and shtuff. i hope you do well in life.
Goalie - i cant really remember you that well but i hope you and your dog are safe.
GL Volkner - VOLTY! oml you're way too kind to me. you deserve happiness and one day you'll get it. whether that's the way you expect or something else, im sure your life will be amazing eventually like you deserve. stay safe volty :D!
GonxKillua - gxk, i do really truly hope you're ok, stay safe
Grains of Salt - aja, jeg håber du har det godt og du burde blive sikker.
GRNBLN - if you keep playing ag, youll do very well
Gunner Rohan - HELLO?? dude idk what you're doing with yourself now but i hope you're well. stay safe!
Hack_Guy - you were driver when i was a reg and you're still driver. amazing work :P
Halliday - oh hi mark. you're funny and cool, ill watch that movie one day i promise! stay safe tbk.
HunterStorm - hunter :D gl with law school, hope to see you around again some day.
imas - samiiiiiiiiiiiii hf with college ur cool.
InfernapeTropius11 - miss you heaps, enjoy uni bud (:
innovamania - i'll continue the bloomin onion farmin while i'm gone i promise.
Isotonex - sorry for everything, you're actually kinda cool :)
jasprose - you're a great person, just stop overreacting and you'll do well :P
Josh - sry if i screwed things up i honestly cant remember what happened. i do have a lot of good memories tho.
Kit Kasai - cutest user by far, there's no way anyone ever tops :P thank you for everything, you're an amazing girl and im sure we'll keep in touch. i'm very very glad to have met you. stay safe, hf at college, stay cute.
Klang - keep up the language learning :p j'espère que tu as une vie réussie.
Kris - i know we haven't always seen eye to eye on everything but i'm very glad to have met you. i hope you live a great life and stay safe! you'll do fine, i'm sure you know that :p keep sending me future house on discord tho :D
Laxpras - sorry that we never got to make a bet but you'd win by default anyway. you're amazing at this game and i'm glad you choose to stick around in oms.
Lcass4919 - classy, im not snaq!
Leafstorm121 - stay safe :)
lost heros - my singular lost friend, ill watch koe no katachi eventually.
lotiasite - gl with ur hsc idk how many years until that i forgot your age oopsidaisy
MacChaeger - i didnt rly know you that well but i shouldve, stay safe and continue the good work in oms.
MAMP - mamp :) you're rly cool and i hope your life works out well tbh. we should meet up one day, i promise i won't chicken out this time.
manu 11 - :D
Mars Lowell - stay safe aks!
Megazard - i hope i havent left you with too much to handle oops. im sure i can find someone to host things if need be. anyway what i wanted to say is thanks for being a great co-RO for the last two years. i'm sure ag is safe with you in charge. if you need anything tho lmk.
Nat - n_natalie! you're by far one of the best people i've ever met. thanks for being a great friend over the last few years. i'm sure you'll live a great life. maybe we'll meet up one day or something, that'd be cool. anyway, i do truly appreciate everything and i hope you know that :P
Nocty - hai! im not a weeb
nv - nv :) hope your relationship with your gf is still strong, hope work is great, hope your life is amazing, stay safe, and enjoy.
OM room - cya around kiddo
partys over - haha the partys over XD!!!! - gl volkner XDDDDD, stay safe :)
Paycard - you're good at this game, but you know that :P.
Peef Rimgar - PEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEF!!!!! enjoy college, you're rly cool, keep that up :> ill keep in touch with you somehow.
Piccolo Daimao - gl with college and stay safe!
Pigeons - The American wigeon is a medium-sized bird; it is larger than a teal, but stay safe Pigeons and keep up the good work with AG. You're my favourite mod, don't tell the others D: change ur name tho.
Pikachuun - choon :3
PurpleGatorade - purple ur amazing at ag, you could probably overtake thimo/fardin/paycard/whoever in due course. keep it up!
Quantum Tesseract - keep up the good work with m&m, don't let me down!
Quote - idk you too well but you seem pretty cool. lol 8 hour discord call.
Racool - you're cool :) i'm sorry, i had to, but truly you're actually really cool. i'm very glad i met you. don't let others get you down, you're a great person. stay safe and enjoy uni. :)
Ransei - i feel like i underappreciated you a lot. you're actually a great user and i'm sure everyone knows it :P stay safe and live life to the fullest.
Rory Mercury - ok so i like puppies, but not like how you think i do, because that's really weird and i'm not like that.
Rumplestiltskin - lel!
ScarfWynaut - keep growing camomons and contributing to oms, you'll do well for yourself.
sedertz - I guess you never got to teach me ou ;w;
Shwetabh - https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/anythinggoes-244956764
Skelos - do you actually snowboard, if so cool, regardless stay safe!
Snaquaza - snaq! hope gc is treating you well, come back to oms!
Spandan - stop smoking ;w; stay safe and remember life can only get better.
SpartanMalice - hope you're doing well at whatever you're doing now, gl with life!
Synoptic - syno syno syno, hope ur safe and shtuff
The Immortal - thank you for so much oml, i wouldn't have accomplished half of what i did if it wasn't for you. thanks for promoting me in oms, thanks for letting me make the resource thread, thanks for letting me create an ag room, thanks for letting me run m&m, thanks for letting me take care of ag stuff, thanks for giving me this opportunity, it really meant a lot. i'm sure oms are in safe hands with you and flint. if only everyone knew how much you did for this community, oml. sorry for leaving so abruptly and leaving so many responsibilities. i hope you understand why i'm doing this.
thelinearcurve - curve :D thanks for making the ag ladder a challenge back in the day, and thanks for all the encouragement.
Thimo - thimsy n_n best ag player to exist by far, you're pretty cool and i'm glad to have met you :DD.
TylerWithNumbers - ill discuss the han solo movie with you after it comes out y/n
tysequaine - tys :) you're amazing honestly, one of the funniest and coolest users on the site, live a great life.
Uselesscrab - uc!!!! you rejected my driver promo and im still not over it. im kidding :P you're really cool and i'm glad oms is full of great people like you. gl with omgs!!
Whitewash - hey idk if we got off on the wrong foot but i think you're cool and i hope you don't hate me ;w;
wishes - n_n! :D! :)!!! cute user, hope your life is perfect, stay safe x
WTF THHE STALLS - keep playing ag you're good at it :)
Xynix - you're cool, don't let the haters get to you, keep playing bp as long as it's what you enjoy.
Zesty43 - continue playing ag and you'll do quite well :o
OMs - omg where do i begin, this community has been more of a home than my real home in the last few years. i loved every minute of it, im grateful to everyone regardless of whether i mentioned you or not. the memories from that room, i'll cherish forever, writing this is making me tear up and i feel really bad for leaving like this. i hope you all don't hold it against me.
AG - i never imagined i'd help develop any sort of community but you're all so cool, that i couldn't have had any part in it :P i really hope all of you are content with whatever comes next but id like to thank you for it all. i wanted to make an ag room possible, i have no idea how it worked out but it did. i couldn't have done anything without all of you. even tho theres been a few mishaps along the way, we got through it and the room has become successful, thanks to all of you.
Tours - i didnt get as involved as much as i would've initially liked but you're all nice people and i wish you the best.
PS Staff - again, i didn't get as involved as much as i would've liked. you all seem like really cool people and i'm glad you put in so much effort to keep the site running smoothly.
Everyone I've met on PS/Smogon - thank you, just thank you for everything. there's a few people that ruin everything, but that's life. honestly, all of you, thanks.
merci et à tout à l'heure mes amis :)!
tfw mother Eloch is leaving oms. All in all though seriously I may have not been in om room as long as most, and I definitely have not known u as long as the others (clearly as I wasn't even highlighted) but thank you very much for your contributions to the om community. I hope that in what you ever plan to do you prosper in and I hope for blessings on your life. I will still aim for my goal of being at the top ur hater list though :)
Although it seemed brief, I truly did enjoy my time with you and the other mods in AG. It's definitely fun and you did encourage me to progress with the room. I still remember zangooser from a couple years ago in OM haha. I wish you the best Chloe!
-I will also miss the person who made ho-oh live on in AG

You've been a consistently positive influence in my OM room experience and I will miss you considerably. Three years has not been long enough to hand out with a friend like you, and I hope you stop by the om room sometimes and say hi.

Oh yeh and I'll try to stay more on topi- ooh look a rare meme!
What no

Chloe you’re great and I wish you all the best. So glad we had our various ompl experiences and discord calls that I invariably monopolized. See you around!

Also when you said gl with omgs I hope you meant predictions because even luck will not allow me to win competitive Pokémon battles in 2018
As a friend and as a fellow PS player, I will miss you. You have been amazing and have helped so many people, just as so many people have helped you. I really hope that you find success out there and it has been awesome getting to know you. You are great, adorable, and will shine out there. Thank you for all that you have contributed to the people in the pokemon community, including myself. I wish you the best of luck. GO GET EM GURL!
Hey everyone, I'm Chloe, I'm 19 and I'm an alcoholic.

I'm just kidding, I hate beer! I do have something to talk about though. I've been around for a while now and in that time I've made a lot of friends and met a lot of cool people. I think it's time for me to quit though. It's been a whole lot of fun, I assure you. I just spend so much of my time on here. In the last few years I've had at least thirty people question if I'm ever offline.

Smogon has been my escape for the last three and a half years. It helped me combat stress and anxiety, while helping me overcome a lot of the issues I was having in my life. I relied on it too much though. So much so, that if the issues I was facing in the real world followed me onto Showdown, I'd often overreact or panic. Anyone that's been on the opposing end of that knows that I'm not a very stable person.

Despite this, I've met so many great people. I didn't know people could be so tolerant, accepting and caring of others until my experience on this website. You all taught me so much, and I'm eternally grateful for that. I achieved a lot more than I initially set out to. I made a lot more friends on here than I ever expected to. I will remember a lot of the moments I had on this website for a long time. It seems like yesterday I was laddering XY BH with five Bidoofs and posting wins on Reddit. So much has changed in so little time.

It is an understatement to say that PS was a major part of my life. There were points where it was the only thing holding it together. But now I have to move on. I'm not in such a dark place and my life is gradually getting better. I've found other more productive ways to spend my time. Of course, I'll miss so many people. I'll still come around every now and again but I won't be on anywhere near as much as I was before.

Why now? Well, I've been considering quitting for a while now, but something has happened recently that gave me the last push I needed to take initiative and resign. I hate that I'm leaving so many responsibilities, but I know this community too well to think that there isn't someone perfect for leading each of them.

I hope that I left a good impression. I truly appreciate everything you've given me. Thank you :]
21pichus - very underrated ag player, i wish you much success in your endeavours
al3xmar5 - i still remember seeing your reg don on ladder, how time flies, idk if you're still around but gl with stuff
Alexender - arekkusu-kun >////< watashi will miss kimi wa. stay safe, you're really cool.
Alore - you're an amazing person, i have no idea how hard it is for others to see this but you're truly one of the best people i've ever met and will probably ever meet. you judge yourself too harshly, and i know its hard to see what others see in you but please just trust me with this. you deserve happiness, and you'll get it one day.
Amoonguss - FOLLOW 4 FOLLOW, IF I WIN THIS YOU FOLLOW ME, FOLLOW ME ON SMOGON, dude i hope youre ok havent heard from you in a while
Ango - lost your swag ):
Aurora - wish i got to know you better, you seem pretty cool
avocado - my favourite fruit named user, stay safe!
baconbagon - ich hoffe, es geht dir gut - you're cool kid, cya around
bdov - one of the most fun builders i've seen, you're really nice too :p, good luck with everything
Betathunder - my alphathunder, continue to grow stabmons even in the off months. im sure you'll do well
Catalystic - im only slightly a weeb and hence have no interest in your anime flowcharts D:!
Chazm - mix and mega is in safe hands with you and quantum. i'm sure you two will succeed.
Chopin Alkaninoff - cool pianist and interesting user. i dont see you around much anymore but keep up the good work.
cromagnet42 - cro you're cool keep it up.
Cynara - sarah :D omg good luck with everything. everything will go amazingly. keep in touch.
DEG - dream eater gengar. i honestly don't know what i would've done without you at some points. i hope college or whatever you're doing now (WE NEVER TALK) is going well. continue to grow 1v1, i never meant to hold it back, and am sorry if you feel that way. stay safe o3o
DonnotheFirst - donnothebest. you're a great user dude, i hope school is good and you're enjoying it.
DontStealMyPenguin - mr. fractal himself. we havent rly talked recently but you're always cool. stay safe dude
DoW - the number one articuno that i know. i hope deg isn't harassing you still :P in all seriousness, gl with college/uni :D!
drampa's grandpa - you talk a lot, that's ok but just try to stay on topic more baka >_<
Dream - ur rly sweet. ty for being kind and shtuff. i hope you stay well and safe. :3
E4 Flint - the elitist we know as flint :P dont let ti put 1v1 in ompl! you're ok. you'll succeed at whatever you put your mind to.
Eien - what you've done with mono is nice work, they're lucky to have someone as competent as you leading the meta.
EV - thank you for everything. you're really kind and helpful and im grateful for everything youve done, i truly appreciate it :)
fleurdyleurse - :eye::eye::nose::lips: :eggplant::sweat_drops:
Funbot28 - thank you for trying to help me be confident with my voice and shtuff. i hope you do well in life.
Goalie - i cant really remember you that well but i hope you and your dog are safe.
GL Volkner - VOLTY! oml you're way too kind to me. you deserve happiness and one day you'll get it. whether that's the way you expect or something else, im sure your life will be amazing eventually like you deserve. stay safe volty :D!
GonxKillua - gxk, i do really truly hope you're ok, stay safe
Grains of Salt - aja, jeg håber du har det godt og du burde blive sikker.
GRNBLN - if you keep playing ag, youll do very well
Gunner Rohan - HELLO?? dude idk what you're doing with yourself now but i hope you're well. stay safe!
Hack_Guy - you were driver when i was a reg and you're still driver. amazing work :P
Halliday - oh hi mark. you're funny and cool, ill watch that movie one day i promise! stay safe tbk.
HunterStorm - hunter :D gl with law school, hope to see you around again some day.
imas - samiiiiiiiiiiiii hf with college ur cool.
InfernapeTropius11 - miss you heaps, enjoy uni bud (:
innovamania - i'll continue the bloomin onion farmin while i'm gone i promise.
Isotonex - sorry for everything, you're actually kinda cool :)
jasprose - you're a great person, just stop overreacting and you'll do well :P
Josh - sry if i screwed things up i honestly cant remember what happened. i do have a lot of good memories tho.
Kit Kasai - cutest user by far, there's no way anyone ever tops :P thank you for everything, you're an amazing girl and im sure we'll keep in touch. i'm very very glad to have met you. stay safe, hf at college, stay cute.
Klang - keep up the language learning :p j'espère que tu as une vie réussie.
Kris - i know we haven't always seen eye to eye on everything but i'm very glad to have met you. i hope you live a great life and stay safe! you'll do fine, i'm sure you know that :p keep sending me future house on discord tho :D
Laxpras - sorry that we never got to make a bet but you'd win by default anyway. you're amazing at this game and i'm glad you choose to stick around in oms.
Lcass4919 - classy, im not snaq!
Leafstorm121 - stay safe :)
lost heros - my singular lost friend, ill watch koe no katachi eventually.
lotiasite - gl with ur hsc idk how many years until that i forgot your age oopsidaisy
MacChaeger - i didnt rly know you that well but i shouldve, stay safe and continue the good work in oms.
MAMP - mamp :) you're rly cool and i hope your life works out well tbh. we should meet up one day, i promise i won't chicken out this time.
manu 11 - :D
Mars Lowell - stay safe aks!
Megazard - i hope i havent left you with too much to handle oops. im sure i can find someone to host things if need be. anyway what i wanted to say is thanks for being a great co-RO for the last two years. i'm sure ag is safe with you in charge. if you need anything tho lmk.
Nat - n_natalie! you're by far one of the best people i've ever met. thanks for being a great friend over the last few years. i'm sure you'll live a great life. maybe we'll meet up one day or something, that'd be cool. anyway, i do truly appreciate everything and i hope you know that :P
Nocty - hai! im not a weeb
nv - nv :) hope your relationship with your gf is still strong, hope work is great, hope your life is amazing, stay safe, and enjoy.
OM room - cya around kiddo
partys over - haha the partys over XD!!!! - gl volkner XDDDDD, stay safe :)
Paycard - you're good at this game, but you know that :P.
Peef Rimgar - PEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEF!!!!! enjoy college, you're rly cool, keep that up :> ill keep in touch with you somehow.
Piccolo Daimao - gl with college and stay safe!
Pigeons - The American wigeon is a medium-sized bird; it is larger than a teal, but stay safe Pigeons and keep up the good work with AG. You're my favourite mod, don't tell the others D: change ur name tho.
Pikachuun - choon :3
PurpleGatorade - purple ur amazing at ag, you could probably overtake thimo/fardin/paycard/whoever in due course. keep it up!
Quantum Tesseract - keep up the good work with m&m, don't let me down!
Quote - idk you too well but you seem pretty cool. lol 8 hour discord call.
Racool - you're cool :) i'm sorry, i had to, but truly you're actually really cool. i'm very glad i met you. don't let others get you down, you're a great person. stay safe and enjoy uni. :)
Ransei - i feel like i underappreciated you a lot. you're actually a great user and i'm sure everyone knows it :P stay safe and live life to the fullest.
Rory Mercury - ok so i like puppies, but not like how you think i do, because that's really weird and i'm not like that.
Rumplestiltskin - lel!
ScarfWynaut - keep growing camomons and contributing to oms, you'll do well for yourself.
Shwetabh - https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/anythinggoes-244956764
Skelos - do you actually snowboard, if so cool, regardless stay safe!
Snaquaza - snaq! hope gc is treating you well, come back to oms!
Spandan - stop smoking ;w; stay safe and remember life can only get better.
SpartanMalice - hope you're doing well at whatever you're doing now, gl with life!
Synoptic - syno syno syno, hope ur safe and shtuff
The Immortal - thank you for so much oml, i wouldn't have accomplished half of what i did if it wasn't for you. thanks for promoting me in oms, thanks for letting me make the resource thread, thanks for letting me create an ag room, thanks for letting me run m&m, thanks for letting me take care of ag stuff, thanks for giving me this opportunity, it really meant a lot. i'm sure oms are in safe hands with you and flint. if only everyone knew how much you did for this community, oml. sorry for leaving so abruptly and leaving so many responsibilities. i hope you understand why i'm doing this.
thelinearcurve - curve :D thanks for making the ag ladder a challenge back in the day, and thanks for all the encouragement.
Thimo - thimsy n_n best ag player to exist by far, you're pretty cool and i'm glad to have met you :DD.
TylerWithNumbers - ill discuss the han solo movie with you after it comes out y/n
tysequaine - tys :) you're amazing honestly, one of the funniest and coolest users on the site, live a great life.
Uselesscrab - uc!!!! you rejected my driver promo and im still not over it. im kidding :P you're really cool and i'm glad oms is full of great people like you. gl with omgs!!
Whitewash - hey idk if we got off on the wrong foot but i think you're cool and i hope you don't hate me ;w;
wishes - n_n! :D! :)!!! cute user, hope your life is perfect, stay safe x
WTF THHE STALLS - keep playing ag you're good at it :)
Xynix - you're cool, don't let the haters get to you, keep playing bp as long as it's what you enjoy.
Zesty43 - continue playing ag and you'll do quite well :o
OMs - omg where do i begin, this community has been more of a home than my real home in the last few years. i loved every minute of it, im grateful to everyone regardless of whether i mentioned you or not. the memories from that room, i'll cherish forever, writing this is making me tear up and i feel really bad for leaving like this. i hope you all don't hold it against me.
AG - i never imagined i'd help develop any sort of community but you're all so cool, that i couldn't have had any part in it :P i really hope all of you are content with whatever comes next but id like to thank you for it all. i wanted to make an ag room possible, i have no idea how it worked out but it did. i couldn't have done anything without all of you. even tho theres been a few mishaps along the way, we got through it and the room has become successful, thanks to all of you.
Tours - i didnt get as involved as much as i would've initially liked but you're all nice people and i wish you the best.
PS Staff - again, i didn't get as involved as much as i would've liked. you all seem like really cool people and i'm glad you put in so much effort to keep the site running smoothly.
Everyone I've met on PS/Smogon - thank you, just thank you for everything. there's a few people that ruin everything, but that's life. honestly, all of you, thanks.
merci et à tout à l'heure mes amis :)!
Sad to see you go :(. But I’ll definitely discuss it when it comes out. (This is where the fun begins)
From RNG:
People will be disgusted when they see this message because I decided to not be there anymore but I couldn't just sit back and do nothing when I am hearing farewell from a person who I have some debt on. Yes, I know I have apologized for my accidental mistake couple months ago many times and you said it is okay. You are probably sick of hearing my apologies at this point but I have to repeat this so I can forgive myself. I am a very sensitive person and I have trouble forgiving myself even with very small mistakes.

The best I can do to you is encouragement.

"(redacted personal attack)
You're not even a person.
You're a puppet, just like (redacted OM player name).
If you were an actual person who truly accepted himself,
then your depression would have never come about,
and similarly, our conflict would never have started in the first place."

- Lance

Were you shocked by the fact that I have access to PM between you and Lance? I apologize if the posting of this partial conversation irritates you but I wanted to say something.
"Amazing. Every word of what you just said, is wrong."
Luke Skywalker

Yes, every word of what Lance said is wrong. No matter what people call you, you are still what you are. Even if you act terrible, the fact that you are valuable human being does not change. You are a puppet to no one because I could see you are a person with motivations and goals. Just because you have that deep inner conflict within yourself, it doesn't mean you have lost your identity. Depression not induced from lack of self-awareness but it happens when you no longer accept yourself and decide to be no one. But the fact that you were taking responsibility in the community you were in clearly shows that you lived as a moderator of Other Metagames. The conflict between you and some users never started merely on your fault; every conflict among humans start when people fail to respect each other, and Lance was being hypocritical in this case. So what am I trying to say doing this? I am telling you to be more confident. It is unfortunate that we have some antagonists in our lives but at the same time we are given protagonists as well. There will be many people like Lance who might attack you for distinct reasons but just know that you are still what you are no matter what. Don't let peeps like Lance shake your heart, every word he uses to attack you will be in vain.

Anyways I wanted to write you this letter because I know what it feels like to leave a place. Of course, I left the place at my own for countless number of reasons. If I ever get to emphasize someone, it is a courtesy to bug them one last time if I won’t get to see them again (or for a while). I told volt this one day, but he didn’t give a shit but I repeat this to myself if you ever feel depressed: “Life is not about how many times you fall but how many times you get up.” I really don’t mind if you give a shit to this message but I felt like I had to use this.
So that concludes RNG’s cringy-af letter, thanks if you made it all the way through here. The reason why I had to make this look like a letter is because unlike Monika whose letter was written for sad ending I wanted to write you a letter of happy ending so I can help you minimize the sorrow before actually leaving the community you had fond memories with for three and a half years.

- Regards,
Chloe I'll never forget in late oras when me and zesty were doing an ag room tour in the library at college and we went against you. Well, ya beat us so badly by using stalling out the team with Skarmory + Arceus Water :]. You inspired me to use that core in SM when i started my ag laddering and well, my success with that team was one of the main reasons i decided to play AG seriously. Lots of good memories with you and the room, you've made it very enjoyable for me and everyone in it. You brought us our first ssnls, truly made the meta and the community so much better. I'll miss you a lot boss :]

bye chloe/chody/chloeeb/weeby/chole/chloerine/zangooser/you get the point. I'd been preparing this post ever since you PMed me on PS about an hour ago. you've been/you are probably my closest friend on this website and im glad to have met you too. i hate getting serious and sentimental as im sure you and many others can attest because whenever i do its because it normally means i have to say goodbye, but its things like this that i dont enjoy joking about. ive known you since 2015, and everything that has happened since then has been a roller-coaster. from days where we were the best of friends to days where we hated each other, ive always seen you as one of my closest friends despite all of the times we'd get in arguments about stupid and not-so-stupid things. it's hard to think of something to say because there's too much and i can't spend my entire night just listing memories that i have of us and our other friends hanging out. when you told me why you're leaving i havent been able to help but think that i might've had something to do with this. obviously you dont want the reason to get out so ill keep it vague on here but im sorry that what happened has happened and i wish you the best.

you've been the only long-term friend that i've known on PS and smogon and all other related forms of which that ive been able to say goodbye to and not resent for what they did afterwards. i know that's a really weird thing to say, but after being friends with two people who were banned for being trash humans as well as friends with other people who left willfully but were still awful, it means a lot. im really sad that i have to type this because ive always thought that it'd be me leaving before you so that i didnt have to deal with this. youve been one of the biggest influences for me and im struggling to not get too emotional and tear up by this but it's really hard. i really hope that we can keep in touch after this be it on discord or snapchat or other methods of communication because i will genuinely be sad if we cant. i have been progressively tearing up more and more throughout me typing this post and im now fully crying so i guess it's time to stop.

dont be a stranger :)
i'll just start crying if i try to type a long goodbye post soo
I just hope you have fun and be safe in whatever you're going to do from now. I doubt if we can ever have an RO like you again. I hope you also get more friends in real life than you had over here
Love you and take care byee ;)
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