Page 5

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thread news now as rumours circulate that posting has begun for the new thread from az (smogoff plays pokemon red, hi, not sure where to post this..)

speculation began earlier this evening as the working title Page 5 appeared on the smogoff forum index

no details have been confirmed, but the titular page is said to be expected in 4-5 pages' time

a litany of posters have been suggested for roles, although so far none have been made official

we reached out to az for comment, but the poster remained tight-lipped

more news as it becomes available

sir at current thread posting rate we're looking at March, possibly end of Feb at the earliest before we hit page 5. that's six weeks before we see any kind of content at all - and that's a pessimistic estimate assuming the thread gets no traction. i just don't know if we've got that much time...
the attachment of producer mf to long-rumoured project Page 5 could be short-lived, following apparently creative differences on set

i feel like we need to walk this one back

i don't want to wait until this thread hits page five of the forums. Page 5 will be released once this thread hits five pages — or even sooner, if we make good time. we've had some great ideas lately that could see us with Page 5 by about page three or four, even

dr heartbreak said you were very good... have i made a big mistake, here?

Page 5's release date remains uncertain, although insiders have called az "optimistic"
hey az

shade here from posting daily i'd like to ask you a few ques
tions if i may?

we're all really interested in your upcoming work, can you give the public any clues on what "Page 5" might entail?

also, are you able to quell the rumours that you forced monkfish out of the piece after taking his ideas?

hey az

shade here from posting daily i'd like to ask you a few ques
tions if i may?

we're all really interested in your upcoming work, can you give the public any clues on what "Page 5" might entail?

also, are you able to quell the rumours that you forced monkfish out of the piece after taking his ideas?


hello shade, yes,, thank you

Page 5... haha..

well, naturally i can't say too much

really, you'll have to wait and see

what i can tell you is that Page 5 is easily set to be my most ambitious project yet

typically, i don't like to talk things up... but i'll- i suppose i'll just say this:

Page 5 is going to change everything

it's going to change everything, and we're getting closer, all the time

every post brings us closer

uhh, about mf... well, this is just an unfortunate reality of posting — mf and i are doing great. don't pay any attention to those rumours

sometimes things get pretty het up in the posting game and that's just how it is, but that means the process is working

what happens is — well, you know this — with a project like this people are so thirsty for some news that a little detail just gets whirled up into this whole big thing. that's all it is. that's all it is, really

i was actually- we were actually just looking over some edits and some things for Page 5 in the sandbox and i think it's coming through really great. he's a really talented producer, and he's produced some wonderful posts. there are no two ways about it...

but this is going to be the big one. that's for sure

okay, thank you
wait a minute...

he's not talking about page 5 of the subforum index. he's talking about page 5 of this thread... and every post we make is getting him closer to his goal.

we have to stop this madman. he's gone way too far
production seems to be going ahead with the secretive Page 5 as an open call to posters for the project is discovered in smogoff

the high profile endeavour is expected to draw big names, although a spokesperson for Page 5 said they were "also considering the discovery route", opening the doors for unknown posters

az reported earlier today on the smogoff forum that in spite of estimates of a release on page five, Page 5 could come as many as two pages early

excitement for the event seems to be building already:

bitch i want a front row seat to the Page 5 premiere

said one user, in spite of there being very little yet known about its nature, and seemingly roles for many posters yet to be cast
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the tier list no one asked for Rating the most fuckable Air Ride Machines in City Trial (Kirby Air Ride Game Cube) poster was spotted on set as posting for the thread begins in earnest

the news comes in spite of rumours concerning the user's hearing that emerged late last year
Page 5 seems like a very ambitious project, especially with it's page 3 goal. But I believe in az to make the right decisions in production, and make the right posts, and turn page 5 into something truly revolutionary.
az responded this afternoon to speculation that Page 5 was at risk of being cancelled early into development

there's no way

this is happening

even if— you know, everything is going great

but even if we have to push it back by, say, a page or two, it's still happening

to anybody that's out there doubting Page 5, i say: "you'll see"

and to everyone supporting us and looking forward to Page 5 and posting in the thread, thank you so much

Page 5 is slated for a release on page three

with page two just around the corner, here's everything we know so far about Page 5

who will be in Page 5?

we're yet to receive a full cast list for Page 5, but we know it's headed up by az (Rock! Paper... Scissors? [2008])

joining az is veteran postman mf — formerly 'monkfish' following a 2021 rebrand. it's understood mf will be acting as producer on the project, leveraging his newly-established monkfish studios

beyond that, roles are unclear. a number of other posters have been spotted on set, including:

Plague von Karma,


joining them are newcomers I am the Impostor, LordThemberchaud, and Colteor

it is unclear if all (or any) will feature as posters in Page 5

okay, but what exactly is Page 5?

the short answer is: we just don't know

the title, release frame, and involvement of posters suggest it will be a forum page, but even that is yet to be confirmed

the sky is the limit; Page 5 could be anything from a big inflatable dinghy, to a yappy little dog, to a little bit of toothpaste on your sleeve

when can we expect it?

critics have suggested we ought to expect delays, but officially Page 5 is still slated for a release in this thread on page three
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hi ullar, thanks for getting in touch

yes, we're confident access to an audience like ours will be a huge plus to anyone

we're open to an arrangement wrt advertising, so long as it does not compromise the integrity of the project

let's workshop something bespoke
I'm hesitant about getting involved with this whole "page 5" scheme. On the one hand, it sounds like an exciting posting opportunity. On the other... how can I be so sure that this thread won't be locked by a draconian mod before we even reach the scheduled release on page 3? Is there some kind of insurance policy I can buy? I'm looking to make a safe investment here.
I'm hesitant about getting involved with this whole "page 5" scheme. On the one hand, it sounds like an exciting posting opportunity. On the other... how can I be so sure that this thread won't be locked by a draconian mod before we even reach the scheduled release on page 3? Is there some kind of insurance policy I can buy? I'm looking to make a safe investment here.

hi phoopes,

thanks so much for your post

we are not offering insurance policies in relation to Page 5 at this time, however we can assure all of our posters that all posting within is in adherence to the smogon and smogoff posting guidelines

as such, there is no reason to fear reprisals from moderators with regard to the future of the thread

Page 5 will not be possible without the continued posting of interested posters, so we trust this will assuage your fears and you will not feel discouraged from posting

additionally, posters are encouraged to get in on the ground floor — make sure you don't miss out on being a part of the exclusive foundation of this historic event


after 5, there may be an infinite number of pages

before 5, there may only be 4® :heart:
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