Survivor (Big) Survivor: Starhome

uh which of ya'll had the funniest memes and best moments? you know, like stuff that would go on a starboard. this is important to me btw lol (i'm not joking)


half of my parchments were starred by people itg or by spectators in spec chat!! when i wasn’t dying of like irl i tried to make sure that every one of my parchments was funny or touching or both, but i think that’s for you to decide LOL

outside of that sometimes i just say one liners that ppl randomly cackle at

i wasn’t there for all the gifs of diff separatists during that one vc in the tribe btw can some1 tell me what that was about
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WAIT I HAVE A REALLY GOOD QUESTION. can each of you name the most EVIL thing you did over the course of the whole season?:psyglad: I just found out I can use these emojis I love this wtf


voting u bestie tbh

I think it was either the diplomat vote where I voted an ally on Prisons on Zoa because that was just kind of wrongg bc we talked a decent amount there and were the most active, or uh, F10 where I blatantly lied about feeling on the outs of most separatists and making people convince me to vote Psy.

I don’t really enjoy lying, but I felt like I needed to do it once the other side got wind that they might need to idol Zoa. It was a pretty manipulative thing to do in this instance because it meant that I had to convince everyone else I was genuine to get someone I wanted out and to save Psy.

I didn’t want to read Zoa’s pitch after and I felt really bad after the initial revote - even though I felt like it was a good move and it changed up the course of the expectations of the game, ultimately I felt bad because he genuinely wanted to stay, but I think I was just a thorn throughout his back bc I consistently wronged him throughout this game because I misread the situation and thought that we weren’t as good allies as he may have felt based on what I had heard around the merge. That’s completely on me.
question for anyone: someone explain to me why several jurors seem to think eli played this amazing game and deserves to win easily, but both of the other ftc speeches almost offhandedly mention that eli was carried and didnt earn the win, like that is a foregone conclusion that we should already be aware of.

RIP Urshifu

tbh Ryo and Tommy individually told me that they felt i was the front runner after F5 ended and that the jury was more likely to vote for me, which is also probably why you feel their frustration and effort in this final tribal to overcome their perceived hill (i didn’t really have thoughts other than votes that i thought i might’ve gotten)

but also they were also extremely close in the game and need to separate themselves to me but also each other in some way, which is also why they claim they were 100% solely responsible for their votes by trying to get credit over the other, and also try to posit the fact that “omg you know eli didn’t do all that much” LOL

despite what either of them say at this FTC i really have done well to deserve my status as a threat and they had the tools to eliminate me but either decided to not do it entirely or otherwise thought they could get away with it later

so i really don’t blame them for taking this route because they feel like it’s their best chance of getting votes
finished reading your speech last night & thought it did a great job capturing your role in each of the merge votes, and helped me understand your game prior to merge, which i didn't know p much anything about aside from brief words we exchanged about it once we met up in game. i'm glad you highlighted f10 as well, because damn that was fun to pull off and we really had no business not being the targets there. our arc this game was just progressively becoming closer allies throughout the merge, and knowing you saw the game's picture from a similar lens that i did around the midpoint of the merge helped solidify that too. like, we kinda knew we'd need to rely on each other there and particularly at f8, depending on which one of us won immunity, so it was nice to know i had someone to trust in that way (along with torin) when the odds were against me. also, as a known info hoarder, i appreciated being leaked the f4 of you/ryo/tbz/tommy instantly, and that decision confirmed in my mind that you were definitely committed to me as an ally, so that was cool. the irony of this alliance winding up being the actual f4 isn't lost on me either.

- before your speech and answers here i was basically blind to your premerge, aside from what you told me at summit. out of the moments you covered in your speech – or maybe it's a moment you didn't mention – what do you feel like was the most important to setting up your game for the merge?
- in your speech you mentioned not needing to make anything happen or try to influence the vote outcome too much at f15, and i agree that it was ideal to take the backseat here, but i'm curious to hear if there was a vote you would've wanted at this point if you did decide to take charge?
- when are you uploading your wr cryomancer times to

missed u king

i think with premerge i had no INHERENT goals for merge other than at f22, since we had learned about when merge would happen through Dyo’s advantage it was kind of important for seps to have more numbers, and that also Dyo shouldn’t make merge KHGUJHG but i did think with the scope of separatists being dominated by um, private vcs and stuff it was important for me to find my own allies that would be in a similar position to me while also being able to come back to separatists entirely should there something be forgone.

i was also kind of worried that separatists kept having tribe vcs and stuff while i wasn’t around (since that usually jumps into people actually talking about them and laughing about it ingame), and in addition with “s16 vcs” lol being such a big part of the game i was a bit worried that zoa/brandon/ryo/torin (+ Ryo was pretty openly suggesting that totter would follow him constantly so that worried me as well) would be a pretty good block heading into merge ahead of the rest of the tribe. it might not have been the most accurate but it did scare me a bit because it seemed so involved, and nobody but Ryo was willing to leak it to me so I wasn’t sure if I was the most prioritized

in that case i wanted to make close allies with people like Blakers, Psy, and Tommy because they weren’t really “tied” to a faction which was more likely that they would be able to get a reach out compared to others or be in unique spots that we could connect and get information based on the principle that there would be a glare around previous connections - I think I fucked up a bit not talking more to totter when I could in this aspect but I was busy and I was assuming the tribe could only take 7 thanks to dyos rumor so that would’ve probably been him 8th out on our tribe iirc (after blakers Dyo and alim)

i also needed to be a bit more hyper aware that I was likely making merge but i wasn’t like IN the core group, so reaching out to the other tribe and doing things (starting with Vooper then w others) was a big part of making sure i had a stable information game and could decide what to do forward

ultimately this ended up working out where I ended up overall becoming the loyalists biggest form of contact to seps and Psy had various opportunities to flip too, which I think set me up for a good position during a quite long part of the merge


i think f15 was like the end of my finals or something so i didn’t really have a definitive preference - i was ok voting pisx at the time because 1. we didn’t really talk THAT much sadly and their first interaction w/ me (and u) was making an army alliance [which was probably a halfmeme] so i was like we r not doing this LOL 2. i knew that there were worries of me flipping so i wasn’t going to

in general in addition to pisx i didn’t talk w loyalists that much and could’ve been ok with mostly anyone else, idr talking much game with people like janzen/tbz/mat/you etc at this vote specifically

i never would’ve flipped though bc i would’ve been on bottom of loyalists i feel, seps would’ve hated me, and that probably would’ve felt more pregamey to anyone than anything ever - especially with that rooster coming up,,
re Clouds 1st q: didn’t really have longer plans to merge cuz i feel like survivor sometimes has hella recency bias where ur more attached to people you just meet (instead of 1st -> 3rd swap) so i felt like when the tribes swapped at f22 it was very likely to set the corner stone for the upcoming merge and it did

i didn’t record my cryomancer stuff btw!! maybe ill play it later i whooped the guy on the leaderboard already (me and torin can race for agdq)
also this is totally unrelated and i find it super funny but i can’t believe like the other two finalists are like “eli is such a good player and is the absolute GOAT he just sucked compared to everyone else here” like PLS wtf like thank you two faced compliments like those made my day
im gonna go to sleep now - i think i got everything so far? if i don’t tag me asap, ill receive your brain waves through smogon and i will immediately wake up to work on your questions !!

(and also let me know whoever wants 2 ask more stuff tomorrow and ill try to get to you between lecture!!)
also this is totally unrelated and i find it super funny but i can’t believe like the other two finalists are like “eli is such a good player and is the absolute GOAT he just sucked compared to everyone else here” like PLS wtf like thank you two faced compliments like those made my day
Great player -> didn’t play a great bigvivor
long consciousness of thought at 1 am listening to lofi gl <3

RIP Urshifu Psypsypsypsypsythe

- from Janzen over discord

ok so my initial biggest question was going to be simply just how much do you care about winning this game. But you have covered it in your speech and other answer to brandon. I'll drop my other two questions for you to answer at your leisure, and have one general question I'll drop in the thread. Fyi I'm gonna be driving home and may not see them or have follow up until tomorrow.

i think i mentioned this earlier, but in a gigantic game like this, pregame relationships were inevitable where a lot of people intrinsically know each other due to past games, past friendships, and other instances of interaction and meta knowledge. it was part of the game in the worst way possible but it’s not exactly something that you can dodge. that being said, i do feel like my strongest relationships (tommy, vooper, clouds) came from positional relativity [alone member who wasn’t part of s16/anti-eimm notions circulating on separatists by iirc dyo, the best reach out i got to a tribe member on the opposite side for game info, another person who was being set up as a big threat at the time of early-midmerge + we could effectively work/protect together for a few votes] and not entirely because it furnished because of such out of game relationships.

i will admit i think subliminally i did lean on it, but this is mainly due to the context of the game where this mattered a lot were legitimate game reasons i found allies in them and other close friends on discord that were in this game for me i would have voted out in a heartbeat (and have!)

that being said, psy was an incredible relationship for me because we had grown super close during separatists on the outs- while we floated in and out during merge they were able to confirm multiple things of what they were approached to do on certain votes (f15 flip approach in the same spot, f14 post flip telling me immediately, f12 when i learn they’re part of the vote on torin fairly early (and then i get let know before deadline that this isn’t happening)) allowing me to stay safe and after a disconnect over another ally (vooper, because we were planning a psy vote at 11 and it leaked) at 10 we end up planning a vote to save them and go for zoa, and at 9 end up voting together again (as clouds becomes overwhelmed by the amount of people telling him they’re voting torin LOL) - despite this disconnect and we gun for each other at 8, i would say we had a productive and solid ingame relationship throughout separatists (where i tried to convince the rest of the tribe thinking it was 7 making merge to include them too) to mid merge and did things that benefitted us both!

-despite this, and because of my high profile it was highly in my mind that there were other moments where i felt that people would vote with me or consider me as someone to keep around one way or another due to an ingame situation. im not going to talk about zach and tbz but i wasn’t really early allies with tbz in the merge and zach was more openly gunning for me - so im going to name individual moments

-on cyber, even after i fucked over his tribe on diplomats, brandon alerted me as soon as he could that Zoa was heavily considering putting me up for big brother and did his best to shut it down. this was something i could not have achieved if i wasn’t able to reconnect with him at that point after damaging him on an early tribe
-throughout cyber and separatists, i got close with ryo (and then i realized i needed to dissuade my game for other separatists would likely take credit moreso than prior) who alerted me about multiple alliances and groupings that would potentially form and dissuaded my fear of ranking 6th on that tribe originally. this would also lead him to leak important details such as a key VC that the S16 players used in separatists in order for me to realize what groupings i should expect and where to position myself on the onset of merge [and unrelated reassured me that i could push dyo + while i was very open about it to people such as brandon ryo and torin in the tribe other people seemed to want dyo anyway so it was irrelevant]
-torin, while we didn’t have the strongest relationship throughout the game, was able to reconcile for a few votes imo as we were realizing that we would be cut quite soon mid-late merge and keeping me around would be beneficial at that point.
-i was willing to vote w separatists on most early votes at merge, instead of flipping to the army alliance formed like 5 minutes in gg

of course not! so here’s a precursor you have to assume when reading their speeches and responses:

-separatists having a one number lead on loyalists was HUGE. this basically, and obviously, dictated the flow of the opening votes of merge and basically led to favorable situations for each of the separatists as boring shit happened constantly and pagonging happened yadda yadda. idt tbz is here currently (or might not even show up lol) but i would argue that in context of the early merge there was no reason for separatists to step out of their comfort box as the votes kept rolling in - especially for players such as ryo and tommy who had found nesting in a group and did not feel like they needed to think about the game more so than keeping people together in the early merge and going from there. the “shots” that anyone can claim from basically 15/14/12 were literally just set up by the tribe dynamics at the time, which is ridiculous to claim power for at the time.
but distinctly, i tried to take initiative by reaching out to set up for a later flip (as i think that not only the game would have been more interesting, but i was in a decent-good spot in seps but not exactly in the top where people with stronger connections would have immensely benefitted from especially with people growing concerned of me flipping to the other side bc they had approached me). this would lead me to get new, secure information and most importantly, options with the best information at hand, something neither of them had the pleasure to have
-what Tommy is doing at this FTC, and I’ll be answering that in Psy’s question later below!

The only major change to the status quo prior that could be made was the mat/clouds vote, because they wanted clouds but I wanted mat - and so i could literally go out there and say that tommy and ryo wanted clouds out as fuck at 12 whereas I wanted him in and that makes me the mastermind and they’re both my goats af (lol), but at the end of the day, nobody was even considering or rather being approached to flipping except for me, psy, and totter at any of these votes but one way or another (or bc 12 flopped) the status quo was what people felt best maintaining at the time. so like what shots are you even tying in as yours, cuz duh i was voting them too??

So for as much as they say “yeah I COULDVE taken out eli or did something to harm his game LOLLL” it’s kind of a ridiculous argument because I was the one getting approached to flip basically every fucking vote during the early merge and I stayed the course believing I made moves that best suited my game. There was no effort because people, plainly, didn’t try as hard as me to make a bridge between both tribes happen! Even if people were voting or making plans with Tommy or Ryo or whatever Sep on the other side they would always ask me first because I knew the information and I was always reaching out and correcting them if they were misled to believe someone else would flip early merge, because I knew where all the votes landed at pretty much every vote starting merge - and who exactly was lying about flipping, and who was flipping, and who was doing panic shit at the last minute that might’ve changed some votes such as “is it janzen or mat” at 14 and Psy/totter flipping/or if it’s mat or clouds/ last ditch efforts by others like Zoa/to save Torin at 12 in order to stay the course for votes I wanted. These were not agencies either Tommy or Ryo were entitled to, unless I would say it myself or the rare time either would be contacted for anything.

We also don’t really know how F11 goes due to Vooper quitting and it’s unfortunate, but I also don’t think both can really say that “eli’s social game was trashed!!” bc i ended up getting a pocket in loyalists anyway, learn about the advantages they hold to use for better so like that’s not the case right LOL like Tommy literally asked me “please can we work together before like nothing happened” and literallt everyone in 10 believed I was voting with them so i think i did a pretty good job of fixing that myself

F10 was my baby and call 100% and while tommy said he wanted to do it originally (as we both wanted to), he put no effort into making sure this happened other than saying he would, and that he wouldn’t vote with Ryo because that’s not ominous at all LMAO wtf as he claims Ryo was his ride or die. I made the alliance of Zoa voters and convinced them, I worked with clouds to make sure psy was never going and he flipped and the vote was a tie vote, and under the bs of the other side getting cagey, I convinced the other side, who thought I wasn’t flipping to not play their idol, and I convinced tommy to stop wavering and press the hammer on zoa. Even if Tommy argues he could have flipped - like okay LOL firstly he likely never ever did so as he thought it was a necessary evil, additionally the game changes to a point where the threats become different so it’s really hard to say how that would’ve impacted my game as survivor is a game of parallel universes - secondly if he was leading the vote zoa would likely have idoled because idt he had the quick thinking to realize zach was going insane that vote, which is why he was very insistent at taking totter out during the last hour but I kept saying “no, this vote will work listen to me”. guess what!! it did!!

if you want to talk about a vote such as 9, tommy initially wanted someone like zach or clouds (and i wanted Zach) but didn’t end up achieving this. Ryo somehow decides Totter is his best vote even after voting with him for like half the game so I’ll just leave that one for you guys to comment on. I don’t think the way it played out mattered (for reasons I will explain later) Unless clouds shows up and confirms otherwise (bc i did tell him that I was voting torin, which leads to maj on torin) I both do think flushing his idol was a group effort, nor do I think flushing his idol was exactly A BIG GAMECHANGING MOVE!!

because like literally, clouds had a known idol, and enough people wanted to vote him at the time so they could get away with splitting votes. I can’t say if I would’ve voted Clouds at the time of 8 or 7 currently but I could have considered it, and I believe everyone else barring Torin wanted him gone anyway so it’s not like they would have needed me regardless. So whether or not whoever wants to claim the idol flush for 9, the vote was kind of irrelevant when it came to the pace of the game and how much Ryo, Tommy, and TBZ wanted to stick together at that point to
make it to the end.

(I do admit that I was receiving major dental surgery an hour to deadline and this game decided to pick their votes an hour to deadline, so I was pretty ambivalent with the result but was OK with where I was voting at the time (especially because I was literally added to the chat where Tommy tbz and ryo were vcing and forming their F3 pact but could not call att))

additionally like, all these factors and more increased my threat level to the point where i arguably, really had just done more than either in merge at that point. i abused my connection to loyalists and separatists well to remain in good graces and people still like, trusted me LMAO when they probably really shouldn’t have?? I also ran an entire vote mostly by myself, which actually did have long term ramifications on the rest of the game while the only other major vote at the time was 9 which didn’t given the alternative situation that might have happened, based on what endgames most people were thinking of.

So here we reach the point where I get recognized as a big threat at the time - because clearly yes I’ve played a pretty killer game up to this point and people recognize I outplayed and set up 10 while also being able to convince people that I would work with them.

so of course when 8 rolls around people start thinking about their big threats right? im good with clouds, Tommy, maybe tbz by extension of ryo and tommy being close to each other, maybe Zach and psy, I just voted Torin and I think I’ve burned ryo enough to where he might not want me around.

firstly ryo certainly doesn’t want to make it to the end with me, and, well, for Tommy:

I’m going to take a segue to answer @Psypsypsypsypsythe’s question because I think it intrinsically ties to my response to Janzen’s question and it’s probably a good read regardless.

Tommy has a pretty solid game! I think that I would never say that the either had control over the other, because that would insinuate that there is blind willingness to follow each other and to trust in someone’s alllies no matter what. We both were fast allies on Separatists and tipped control a lot and worked together because he was in a spot that made it very convenient for us to become allies. Quite in fact, our biggest divot was when he felt after F12 I had abused his trust (and while he claims it’s because he was so generous and benevolent that I was in a good spot again, it is not that because literally everyone else in the game thought I was working with them the vote after LOLLLL)

From talking to Tommy he felt very unsafe in this game. It’s not that he wasn’t safe, but he kept parading that he hated making hard decisions and he was worried people would cut him, and that he felt way too loyal to people like Ryo, TBZ, and me to cut them. This of course, got out when he determined that his FTC of Ryo, Tommy, TBZ and me should reach the end - and people obviously started knowing about it because Ryo, Tommy, and TBZ were a very blatant trio starting F9/F8 (and all of them had individual connections that were good to each other that were known to the rest of the game).

This would then get sent into discussion that he was playing for someone in his F4 to win, which he would say multiple times to people and that would get out and people would recognize that he wasn’t playing for a him win, he was playing for someone else’s win. This would lead him to very likely making FTC because people assumed that he was just going to sleepwalk through this game and basically goat one of his allies for a W to be someone there. He’s expressed this multiple times in game.

But it’s not true. He wants to win. He’s just very okay with losing to any of us.

So as much as Tommy will tell you that this was his best shot and that I am his goat and parroted him or some shit (which I explained earlier) LOL this is not the case, and I think you can find it evident in what it seems like the other questions people are asking are.

Because here’s the thing about Tommy you should know: he’s pretty smart! He can do things that make sense. His positioning late game allowed him to make decisions that benefitted him and increased his shot in making the end, because if he shows up to some other FTC he likely gets the credit that I might

But again, Tommy is perfectly fine losing to any of us, because we were all pretty good to him and (knowing him personally) he really fucking hates making hard cuts, and in a game like Survivor He obviously wants to win, but you can just take a look and see ingame that Tommy’s easiest FTC becomes very quick and easy should he recognize to work with other floaters better such as Psy and Totter and Zach. This is obviously the angle he’s not playing up because it’s FTC, and he’s being heavily aggressive about it and claiming pregame or gaslighting or that I’ve done literally nothing or some shit because he’s trying to get people to not vote me as he figures that is his best shot and vote him because duh, who doesn’t want to win after 3 months of playing. Whereas ingame he never had the same reservations.

You also just get to that point where Tommy and I have literally talked about the fact that we might split votes because we were such a tight duo. Him being under the radar and pretending he didn’t care gave him a bit of agency because he was in a known trio of TBZ/Ryo and a duo in myself, yet some of that trio was basically guaranteed FTC at that point including him in the eyes of public perception. It makes sense for him to cut me at any point after 10 - 8 and 6 being particularly egregious, considering Ryo and TBZ wanted to take him to FTC and had an advantage to do so.

I do think we both had the opportunity to influence the another’s fate in the game. We were pretty good allies, and it’s really hard to cut someone like that. Additionally, it so ended up that we would likely make FTC together if we made it because my game basically around 10/9 was much flashier than his and I established more fiscal relationships with people that led them to approach me to flip at votes such as 15/14/12/9 and obtained tons of information, whereas he was comfortable sitting in the Separatists circle. The opportunities I had ended up having more instrumental decisions and result led my own fate and made sure I could decide my impact on a vote to vote basis. This is not inherently tied to his control in the game, because he was loyal to 3 people and was seen as someone people wanted at the end anyway.

So when u consider that yes, someone who is your ally but also a shield based on perceived resume, it’s also probably important to be thinking about how much they could beat u at FTC. Tommy and I felt that the others had votes that the other could siphon if the other was gone. And given his position of likelihood to make FTC he clearly could have cut me because I was more apparent at the time - but he didn’t want to.

Despite that, when you talk about votes such as 8 and 6, both Ryo and Tommy argue that their involvement in staying in the game was their own choice. Tommy insists he made the vote happen, but I don’t necessarily think that he made my survival happen. TBZ was more than willing to vote Torin both times, and Clouds and Torin recognized that it was likely that they would go next if I were to go at 8, no matter past history. The latter two could have flipped on me, entertaining my position in the game as a clear FTC threat and taking it to the end. This would’ve been the wrong choice for them, and I did my best to explain why letting me stay was the right one.

Ryo and Tommy keeping me - I feel at both times a was the wrong choice either way. You can’t really say they dictated my fate, but you’re already getting conflicting answers where Ryo owns up and says that my game wasn’t great so yeah me winning FIC is fine (despite this he didn’t want me at the end and openly thought he would lose to me), and Tommy says he convinced everyone to keep me so now I’m his goat or something (which isn’t true for reasons I’ve explained but also ??? What LOL). Because you have to either assume that one of them is just overplaying their game or flat out lying, and that if ANYONE flipped (TBZ, Clouds, or Torin included) yeah I was gone. I just did my best to convince them to keep me - and they all wanted me around. This is not a Tommy thing. This is a me thing.

Despite this, I think Tommy is going to start walking in with like “oh well I wanted you around because I could beat you” but like, if you cut me you probably just get votes that other people aren’t having to think of giving to me and you’ve played an utr either way but now at best we are splitting votes from your perspective?? At best we are a duo that do different things?? I cannot fathom for why the sake of Tommy’s ideal FTC it’s best to keep me, but I suppose I certainly convinced him to, because I set up my early-mid merge and position well to basically solo carry huge move at 10 and maintain a lot of relationships with the other tribe and be able to pitch myself to the other threats to stay. His insistence to keep this FTC (for what I really do gather is more personal reasons) and explain it as entirely game reasons in an effect to undermine my entire game and scream HES MY GOAT 20x over because he clearly didn’t have a bombass early-mid merge feels like, way more effort than if he just cut me earlier and takes one of the people he “decided he needed to vote earlier” bc people wanted him at the end to beat him and now he would only have to fight against Ryo, TBZ and probably someone else with a worse overall resume than I have.

Even in earlier parts of the game, I feel like I was a pretty key part in making sure he wasn’t an insta boot on separatists by grouping him with me to people on the outs like Psy and Blakers and also to others like Ryo who grew to love him. This made it easier for him to get integrated, and settle into a merge tribe where he stayed completely loyal to the Seps until I ended up pulling the Zoa vote myself and convincing him to not target Totter, who recently flipped off of seps LOL. At 9, Totter was an incidental play that was bad for Ryo and OK for Tommy, who was parading that he wanted to go to the end with me/Ryo/TBZ because he felt super bad cutting them, but the idol play didn’t really matter that much and wasn’t much as his as I personally felt as it was a bunch of pressure, which included from myself because to me it didn’t matter too much who went here given how the votes lied from my perspective (i was voting with TBZ and Psy again or i get to do what I did at 8)

With this lax, under the radar play in mind, and this visible trio sticking too loyal to themselves, Tommy was likely given FTC and as people who are likely given FTC do they have a certain amount of influence of taking people with them as the onus is on them to get the best fight for themselves. So I think I should’ve rightfully gone at 8 or 6, and Tommy was basically guaranteed FTC with that in mind. And now we have a more entertaining and probably harder FTC for him!

Distinctly, if you feel that is control that is on you, I think. I personally don’t see our relationship as tied to one upping the other, because the way we decided our votes and made our decisions did not intrinsically rely on the other goating for us. I do think Tommy had the luxury of being more likely to make FTC, but that is because he actively did less earlier in the game and downplayed his care in the game in order to be in such a spot. But if you’re in this position, I don’t get why for the sake of your FTC you don’t just cut the visible threats. I do think I was in a good spot and I actively convinced Tommy to do and say strong on things such as 10, where as the result of 9 was incidental, 8 was him deciding to keep me because he didn’t want to cut me, but also a factor of me pitching my ass off and so more people decided me around besides Zach and Psy (TBZ voted to save face) and 6 was due to more people wanting Torin anyway (but I had to personally pitch to TBZ and Ryo) - though they probably shouldn’t have because I would’ve been out at 5.

Despite it all, everybody but Tommy didn’t want me at FTC for whatever reasons you would like to believe and I likely would’ve been voted out if I didn’t win 5, whereas everyone past 8 basically recognized they would go with him and that they had a chance (or didn’t really care about who did, in the form of Clouds/Torin/myself)

(this ends my answer to psy)

I think I touched on F8/F6 already enough - F8 was a combination of me pitching and people individually deciding (Clouds and Torin knowing that we need each other as threats, Ryo and Tommy saying they kept me himself, and TBZ willing to vote Torin first beside me) they wanted to take other people out, then me first.

F7 I didn’t particularly mind who went as much as I wanted to keep clouds, and everyone in the game wanted Clouds gone, so, like yeah!

F5 was because Tommy and TBZ were loyal to Ryo. I did want Zach in, but I think Ryo blundered his game enough to where I felt that I had a good shot at the end anyway. But points to Ryo here I think!

Regardless, Ryo was in a good spot all things considered! He sat in a majority alliance with people ready to beckon him - but instead of siccing allies like zach and totter, who realized he was good enough to remain part of his game to get the votes they wanted he managed to sac them instead, and now finds himself at an FTC desperately telling people to vote Tommy over me because he’s better allies with Tommy and realized he made a bad choice by not fighting for a different last slot with the power he could have had. Ryo is a good player who had a good way of finding allies, but made bad choices, which ultimately led him to not getting what he wanted (me out)

(as an aside actually think Ryo and Tommy had more similar games and one is more likely to be the others goat because they linked up hella early into merge anyway, so consider that what you will!)

Meanwhile, I used all the hands I was dealt in a productive way that got me recognized as a large threat to remain in the end - and now I’m here when I really shouldn’t be despite me really should’ve being voted for two cycles.

and none of this is me saying either is MY goat because that’s… not true at all, i just think that with perception in mind it’s realistic that individual votes can’t be intrinsically tied to one personal player, and that my opportunities and seeds I had set for myself to SURVIVE were as a result of my actions in this game - nobody could individually carry me in this aspect
I disagree with so much of this…

1. you use separatists having a lead in players to try and discredit my leadership and Tommy’s position near to the inner core. Which I think is naive, while you weren’t part of the decision making on separatist- who got out and when made a huge difference, tribal lines staying apparent wasnt the natural conclusion of events

Brandon Tommy and myself tactically threw a challenge to come into merge with the right people to minimizing flipping, furthermore 8 people is a lot of people all with their own interests and keeping a group that big together is hard. A big part of early merge for me was making sure people didn’t flip, whenever I suspected people could flip I would tell them it was leaked to me and they would unflip showcased by Psy.

Also your claim that you had more information than either me or Tommy is wrong, you’d complain every single cycle about not having information and whether you were feigning it or not you relied on me or especially Tommy to tell you things important with core separatist-when Tommy cut you off after I realized you were leaking you were left cold and alone.

In terms of loyalist info, that doesn’t make you special. I had TBZ and Vooper tell me everything, I always knew who the vote was between, I voted the person who went out every time except for F10, and the only two votes that ever stayed on me were clouds votes with the intent of being strays to tank my “perfect game”.

As for f12 you claim it showcases “agency” that neither Tommy or I had; this is ironic because the f12 cycle is probably the best example of agency for me. I flipped original separatist votes on clouds to Matieu to avoid an idol play as Clouds would have played an idol on himself and I would’ve been booted had I not done that.

You also seem to include that neither Tommy or myself had the luxury to flip,

1. it is downright asinine to claim that Tommy couldn’t have flipped at any point

2. You played in your best interests, you only didn’t flip because of how Brandon and myself set up the separatist tribe. My way was the best way .

As for not wanting you at the end, we didnt want each other at the end and I’ve already

As for totter at f9, you and Tommy are still in that annoying mindset that totter was my goat. I love totter and I trusted totter not to vote me off (which is how I felt with everyone at f9 except for you Psy and clouds who couldn’t dream of it. However unlike the other people who I trusted not to vote me imo it was one of totter’s win conditions to vote me out of the game due to the “Ryo’s goat” status totter had. All this considered totter is one of a few votes the entire game that wasn’t pushed directly by me, and I didn’t label him “my ideal target”. That being said, the fact I was comfortable with Totter out of the game shows the extent of control I had over it.

I already went into great depth on f8 and f6 as well.

You claim I openly said I would lose to you and undermine yourself heavily pushing to vote me out [impossible ;)] and telling him openly that you felt you lost to me at FTC, something I agree with.

Eli’s relationship with Tommy was a one-way mirror and he’s very aware he was touchable and I wasn’t. I let Eli into FTC with the intention of showcasing that his game was over reliant on others. (Sorry Eli love you tho)

Letting Tommy baby you all the way to the end and not submitting a vote for me despite admittedly hard pushing me a lot throughout the cycles speak volumes imo
Just wanted to say congrats to all the finalists.

The fact that I'm currently on vacation and that I've been out of the game for basically a month now has sort of killed my enthusiasm here. Three of you all trying to claim credit for what basically feels like the same moves for 90% of merge is also making this a bit annoying, and I think this whole FTC being on this thread instead of discord is also making this FTC much dumber than it otherwise would be.

Anyway none of that is any of your faults, just me being annoyed. I've went ahead and read all your speeches and as many of your questions as I could because after playing for more than 2 months you all deserve that much, making it here is really an impressive achievement regardless of how the vote breaks down.

I'm hoping this hasn't been asked before but its not easy to search and find out so xd my only question is this:

Who in the merge did you have the most fun talking to? If it's somebody at FTC, point that out and then name a juror you had the most fun talking to after that. Thanks
Just wanted to say congrats to all the finalists.

The fact that I'm currently on vacation and that I've been out of the game for basically a month now has sort of killed my enthusiasm here. Three of you all trying to claim credit for what basically feels like the same moves for 90% of merge is also making this a bit annoying, and I think this whole FTC being on this thread instead of discord is also making this FTC much dumber than it otherwise would be.

Anyway none of that is any of your faults, just me being annoyed. I've went ahead and read all your speeches and as many of your questions as I could because after playing for more than 2 months you all deserve that much, making it here is really an impressive achievement regardless of how the vote breaks down.

I'm hoping this hasn't been asked before but its not easy to search and find out so xd my only question is this:

Who in the merge did you have the most fun talking to? If it's somebody at FTC, point that out and then name a juror you had the most fun talking to after that. Thanks
This won’t get me any votes because I’m well aware they already know this- but Ryo-Brandon-Zoa-Torin vcs were far and away my favorite part of the game. I had a lot of fun talking to everyone but Brandon and I have great chemistry together, especially when Zoa is thrown in the mix. A lot of our conversations were together as a trio before torin was added with us (which ofc naturally just added to the bigvivor experience).

If I had to choose a singular juror it would be Brandon because I feel we have a similar pace of play meaning it was also easy for us to go from jokes about life->jokes about the game and it’s state. I definitely felt it the most when Brandon went out of the game, with Zoa and Torin’s evictions (especially Torin’s due to my personal stake in it) being very painful.

that being said my dynamic with Clouds was my favorite in the merge, if I met Vooper instead of Brandon he wouldve been the answer to this question, and ofc I love totter
think one of the best takeaways for me from this game is that i got to ally with you post-byz, when i wasn't sure you'd want to speak to me much less ally me once we met up, so that was really cool. and i appreciate all the kind words, you're a good guy too. i mentioned it in ponderosa but yeah, i believe your influence throughout the merge is understated, for sure. despite hanging on by a thread on separatists, you bounced back to a virtually untouchable position. and sure, existing connections may factor in, but i think it's unfair to say they were the backbone of your success and making it to the end when there's much more depth to it than this.

- i'm sure you're sick of hearing questions about your decision to go to the end with eli, so i'm gonna dodge asking any questions related to that. instead i want to ask where you really stood with me early merge? i remember coming into merge and that trust from us allying on past tribes hadn't faded, but it felt like it wasn't mutual & you would've gone along with a vote on me. is this accurate or is there more to the story? (it's totally fine either way, if your answer to this is that yeah, you would've ditched me at f15, that has zero negative impact in relation to my ftc vote. just wanna know where your loyalties stood here)

Hi clouds, so our relationship grew like astronomically throughout this game. When we first ended up on a tribe together, it was clear that there was a tension, at least for me. Honestly, at this point oog wise I was at a point where I had asked some people to stop mentioning your name in conversation with me, because the actual thought of you just made me miserable. I know this is dramatic but that is just where my mental was at.

Obviously the swap therefore was a very mixed bag, it was clear that I was throwing if I didn't work with you at this point when realiti made the eimm alliance here. I was begrudgingly accepting that it was still early game and after a short while of easy votes we would be swapped out and I could hope you would kind of disappear. You weren't someone I wanted revenge on or anything, I honestly just wanted to forget you existed. I did recognise you were obviously helping me and trying your best for me in the game and being a good ally.

Then we swapped together again! This time, due to forced exposure I didn't feel so bad and even thought "well clouds was a good ally who helped me, I will take it". I think forcing me to interact with you definitely had helped stopped the emotional reaction to knowing you were here, and honestly throughout this tribe you stood by me and hannah even when I did things that hindered pisx. By the end of this tribe I really did consider you a strong ally, and someone I would have been glad to be on the next swap with should it happen again. By here you were just a good ally and you and vizh were both people I wanted to work with going forward.

That being said while I was watching the votes from separatist, people were always telling me janzen and vish go first for being s16. I disputed this and believed you would help save vizh, and you definitely would have power on loyalist as you had a lot of strong allies. I trusted you to protect vizh. As mentioned in my ftc speech, I believed that by allying ryo, who was close to vizh I could set up a cross tribe dynamic with them, which didn't entirely rely on pregame. If vizh had made merge, you me and him probably also would have had our alliance reconnect from army. With ryo on board, close with me and vizh I was very down to make this a foursome.

But then vizh went and I was sad, and although I know you would have preferred for him to stay in and the tie vote agreement happened, I think openly bargaining your allies life says a lot about how you valued him. This was my perception at least, sure you had promised to vote him next due to the tie, but you didn't really have to if you didn't want to and could have tried to protect him, especially as I believe you probably had the power to keep vizh in. This could be wrong, I was not on loyalist of course but it is how I felt.

That being said, after coming merge and learning all this, I was forced to ask myself: how does clouds value me, in my view you sacrificed me for a close oog friend to win before in byz, despite me doing everything to make us win together. If I can't trust you to not back me over the pregame in f3, can I trust you again in f1? You had apparently just bartered off your probably closest non pregame ally for another non eimmer in an eimm trade war on loyalist. This shows pretty big pregame signs to me.

So, instead of the army + ryo dynamic I was playing into on separatist, I was met at merge with pisx attacking me for my army play. Clearly this was a vote you didn't want, though you probably understood why I would do it. I had no real reason to include you here, pisx was my number 1 ideal vote and obviously had been your hard ally for a while.

You weren't the person I wanted out at f15, pisx was. Sure I didn't boss everyone around, I still think brandon had biggest say on separatist at this point. But in a moment when everyone was afraid of suggesting a merge boot and getting leaked, I stepped up and confidently said my preferred boot. Both eli and ryo were taking back seats, and while we can debate if that is optimal at the end of the day, I think the ability to step up and put myself out, while they were sitting back got me ahead early. Any of 8 people in ftc and jury can search bad business for "pisx" and see me doing this while everyone else was unsure. Everyone else was happy to go along with my preferred, it didn't take much convincing but I do think being able to speak up for myself helped me a lot in this. So no, you weren't the person I wanted gone at f15, though you also weren't someone I felt like I could back to the end of the game to always have me covered.

In the end I had already made strong connections and important promises on separatist. You were a good ally to me early game, as you were in byz, but how could I fully trust you again, when to me you showed signs of returning to your pregame in loyalist. At the end of the day I think I turned away from you because I felt like, although I had forgiven you emotionally, gameplay wise if I gave you the chance to put me ahead of a pregame friend, I did not feel like I could fully trust you. Your redemption later game for me when you played your idol at f9.

I think if we met again in an org, my doubts/trauma would now be gone.
- a favorite memory of mine from this game was reading your "survivor luck theory" spiel - without going into too much detail (unless you have the time and want to), how do you think that factors into the way this ftc is going so far?

If any of the jury would like me to elaborate further I can. Clouds you are asking the question so I will assume you know my thought process.

Basically survivor is a game in my opinion that loses itself in what it asks for. There are obviously heavy biases, it can never be clear what a jury will look for in the end reliably, and people tend to always argue "a winner deserves the in if they win". This is absolutely not self fulfilling and I believe ironically survivor is a game that encompasses the survivorship bias, by virtue of someone winning they played the best: that certainly isn't true for me. I could literally rant on this for so long, I spoke to psy about it too before and ryo!

Anyways how does survivorship luck play into this: in survivor, the perceived strongest players rarely win because they will be booted. This is why you are out, of course. I am sure most of the jury would agree you certainly played better than at least some people on this ftc, personally I would say you and torin are the only two in the game who really could make an argument against my game on an objective level.

That being said you guys aren't here because you were too strong players, personally I believe I was also in the upper tier along with you two, and pipped you a bit, but I think it is a much closer argument, if I remain objective.

Why am I mentioning this? Survivor is a game where a lot of jurors believe that to have had a good game you must have been threatened. Sometimes you can be so well positioned that it becomes more difficult for jury to see how dominant your game is. For example, if anyone had ever pushed me by mid merge they would pretty much certainly have been the boot. No one ever really suggested by name post viper leaving, it was so beyond a feasible boot that people just ignored it and went for my allies instead. I think this should demonstrate how utterly dominate I was this game that no one ever suggested me.

Eli gets credit this game for surviving, but the only reason he had to survive (in which I dragged him anyways), is because his game was directly weaker than mine. People suggested him as a vote because they felt he was against them but also they could get him through. Should anyone have ever suggested me I wouldn't have struggled at all, because literally everyone knew how strong my position in the game was, yet they could do nothing. My f4 was no secret but still people worked with me, knowing they weren't in it; to go against me is a death sentence.

The luck here is this: eli at f8 had no real resume at all beyond the zoa thing which probably has been done into the moon, I will be addressing this again in a later post anyways. The luck in this game is that when I am picking who makes it to f4, I picked him and because of that he gets to argue his survival as being good play. It really isn't, he can't speak up on any moves he made to make his survival good play either, he just has to talk about how me or ryo throw, showing it was never his call.

Now let us look at this from another perspecitve: had either torin, clouds or zach made it to this f4, does anyone think they would not be making this argument that eli is now. "Oh I survived because I am so powerful, I was a big threat tommy and ryo threw". Of course every single one of them would be making this call.

Eli is lucky that he happened to have the weakest game of all 4 of these players, when compared to mine. I do think zach would have been a better person to have here for ryo, but that is another point. Eli is lucky he gets to make this survivorship argument and that zach, torin or clouds don't because I made the call he is the one who gets to make it.

And I did that because all the other 3 played games that I did not eclipse.
my one final question, for all of you, is:
- if, hypothetically, jurors had spent hours making tierlists based on the merge players in the ponderosa chat – for example, best cross country road trip partner – upon which juror would you bestow the title of "official tierlist creator", and trust to make the most accurate tierlists? (someone other than myself)

Probably Brandon because he is both funny + pretty objective/critical thinking. All round good tierlist creator skills...
If any of the jury would like me to elaborate further I can. Clouds you are asking the question so I will assume you know my thought process.

Basically survivor is a game in my opinion that loses itself in what it asks for. There are obviously heavy biases, it can never be clear what a jury will look for in the end reliably, and people tend to always argue "a winner deserves the in if they win". This is absolutely not self fulfilling and I believe ironically survivor is a game that encompasses the survivorship bias, by virtue of someone winning they played the best: that certainly isn't true for me. I could literally rant on this for so long, I spoke to psy about it too before and ryo!

Anyways how does survivorship luck play into this: in survivor, the perceived strongest players rarely win because they will be booted. This is why you are out, of course. I am sure most of the jury would agree you certainly played better than at least some people on this ftc, personally I would say you and torin are the only two in the game who really could make an argument against my game on an objective level.

That being said you guys aren't here because you were too strong players, personally I believe I was also in the upper tier along with you two, and pipped you a bit, but I think it is a much closer argument, if I remain objective.

Why am I mentioning this? Survivor is a game where a lot of jurors believe that to have had a good game you must have been threatened. Sometimes you can be so well positioned that it becomes more difficult for jury to see how dominant your game is. For example, if anyone had ever pushed me by mid merge they would pretty much certainly have been the boot. No one ever really suggested by name post viper leaving, it was so beyond a feasible boot that people just ignored it and went for my allies instead. I think this should demonstrate how utterly dominate I was this game that no one ever suggested me.

Eli gets credit this game for surviving, but the only reason he had to survive (in which I dragged him anyways), is because his game was directly weaker than mine. People suggested him as a vote because they felt he was against them but also they could get him through. Should anyone have ever suggested me I wouldn't have struggled at all, because literally everyone knew how strong my position in the game was, yet they could do nothing. My f4 was no secret but still people worked with me, knowing they weren't in it; to go against me is a death sentence.

The luck here is this: eli at f8 had no real resume at all beyond the zoa thing which probably has been done into the moon, I will be addressing this again in a later post anyways. The luck in this game is that when I am picking who makes it to f4, I picked him and because of that he gets to argue his survival as being good play. It really isn't, he can't speak up on any moves he made to make his survival good play either, he just has to talk about how me or ryo throw, showing it was never his call.

Now let us look at this from another perspecitve: had either torin, clouds or zach made it to this f4, does anyone think they would not be making this argument that eli is now. "Oh I survived because I am so powerful, I was a big threat tommy and ryo threw". Of course every single one of them would be making this call.

Eli is lucky that he happened to have the weakest game of all 4 of these players, when compared to mine. I do think zach would have been a better person to have here for ryo, but that is another point. Eli is lucky he gets to make this survivorship argument and that zach, torin or clouds don't because I made the call he is the one who gets to make it.

And I did that because all the other 3 played games that I did not eclipse.
If any of the jury would like me to elaborate further I can. Clouds you are asking the question so I will assume you know my thought process.

Basically survivor is a game in my opinion that loses itself in what it asks for. There are obviously heavy biases, it can never be clear what a jury will look for in the end reliably, and people tend to always argue "a winner deserves the in if they win". This is absolutely not self fulfilling and I believe ironically survivor is a game that encompasses the survivorship bias, by virtue of someone winning they played the best: that certainly isn't true for me. I could literally rant on this for so long, I spoke to psy about it too before and ryo!

Anyways how does survivorship luck play into this: in survivor, the perceived strongest players rarely win because they will be booted. This is why you are out, of course. I am sure most of the jury would agree you certainly played better than at least some people on this ftc, personally I would say you and torin are the only two in the game who really could make an argument against my game on an objective level.

That being said you guys aren't here because you were too strong players, personally I believe I was also in the upper tier along with you two, and pipped you a bit, but I think it is a much closer argument, if I remain objective.

Why am I mentioning this? Survivor is a game where a lot of jurors believe that to have had a good game you must have been threatened. Sometimes you can be so well positioned that it becomes more difficult for jury to see how dominant your game is. For example, if anyone had ever pushed me by mid merge they would pretty much certainly have been the boot. No one ever really suggested by name post viper leaving, it was so beyond a feasible boot that people just ignored it and went for my allies instead. I think this should demonstrate how utterly dominate I was this game that no one ever suggested me.

Eli gets credit this game for surviving, but the only reason he had to survive (in which I dragged him anyways), is because his game was directly weaker than mine. People suggested him as a vote because they felt he was against them but also they could get him through. Should anyone have ever suggested me I wouldn't have struggled at all, because literally everyone knew how strong my position in the game was, yet they could do nothing. My f4 was no secret but still people worked with me, knowing they weren't in it; to go against me is a death sentence.

The luck here is this: eli at f8 had no real resume at all beyond the zoa thing which probably has been done into the moon, I will be addressing this again in a later post anyways. The luck in this game is that when I am picking who makes it to f4, I picked him and because of that he gets to argue his survival as being good play. It really isn't, he can't speak up on any moves he made to make his survival good play either, he just has to talk about how me or ryo throw, showing it was never his call.

Now let us look at this from another perspecitve: had either torin, clouds or zach made it to this f4, does anyone think they would not be making this argument that eli is now. "Oh I survived because I am so powerful, I was a big threat tommy and ryo threw". Of course every single one of them would be making this call.

Eli is lucky that he happened to have the weakest game of all 4 of these players, when compared to mine. I do think zach would have been a better person to have here for ryo, but that is another point. Eli is lucky he gets to make this survivorship argument and that zach, torin or clouds don't because I made the call he is the one who gets to make it.

And I did that because all the other 3 played games that I did not eclipse.
I did indeed love the survivor luck theory talk,

“Why am I mentioning this? Survivor is a game where a lot of jurors believe that to have had a good game you must have been threatened. Sometimes you can be so well positioned that it becomes more difficult for jury to see how dominant your game is. For example, if anyone had ever pushed me by mid merge they would pretty much certainly have been the boot. No one ever really suggested by name post viper leaving, it was so beyond a feasible boot that people just ignored it and went for my allies instead. I think this should demonstrate how utterly dominate I was this game that no one ever suggested me.”

If only clouds let me have a perfect game :BOOHOO:

As a serious response to this though, as a fellow “untouchable”, you let Eli soak up the votes that you knew could have been meant for you effectively “making him a shield” in the eyes of the jury and then took him. I’m glad you outlined the process here and in turn showcased the duality of torin-Eli

I feel very similarly about myself to how you describe yourself in your comment so I’m replying as likely one of my final elaborations on f6.

What Eli is to Tommy is what Torin is to Me (except I stand by that torin was still better than Eli). When I realized bringing torin to the end could add a veil that torin was my shield on top of Torin’s amazing game I cut him over booting Eli which was the most painful thing for me.

If torin was here he would be flexing his survival but also have his wittiness and hard play from day 1 alongside his achievements.

That all being said, I took the person who at FTC may be perceived as my shield before FTC started, that should also showcase a level of awareness
Just wanted to say congrats to all the finalists.

The fact that I'm currently on vacation and that I've been out of the game for basically a month now has sort of killed my enthusiasm here. Three of you all trying to claim credit for what basically feels like the same moves for 90% of merge is also making this a bit annoying, and I think this whole FTC being on this thread instead of discord is also making this FTC much dumber than it otherwise would be.

Anyway none of that is any of your faults, just me being annoyed. I've went ahead and read all your speeches and as many of your questions as I could because after playing for more than 2 months you all deserve that much, making it here is really an impressive achievement regardless of how the vote breaks down.

I'm hoping this hasn't been asked before but its not easy to search and find out so xd my only question is this:

Who in the merge did you have the most fun talking to? If it's somebody at FTC, point that out and then name a juror you had the most fun talking to after that. Thanks

Yeah it is probably the least annoying for me and eli who are used to forum mafia/noc on the forums. I do think that this actually put ryo at a slight disadvantage in ftc. This whole type of setup is very familiar to us, even if ftc isn't a regular thing for anyone, myself and eli have thousands of posts arguing and debating in mafia on this forum.

I realise this question can be used to brown up to jury members but honestly, the person I enjoyed most was ryo. I think we formed a strong bond over the course of the late game and we became very good and friends. He is a great guy and even though I have shit on him a bit in game I hope we stay good friends going forward.

The juror I enjoyed the most was zach, he was a person I genuinely thought disliked me and when I discovered this wasn't through we definitely developed a stronger relationship and became actual friends despite my previous misunderstanding on his opinion of me. I found some of the conversations I had with him incredibly cathartic as well as just enjoyable to talk to. It is regrettable to me he went the way he did and I had to turn him down being saved at f5 (though I don't think he expected me to actually vote ryo).
-separatists having a one number lead on loyalists was HUGE. this basically, and obviously, dictated the flow of the opening votes of merge and basically led to favorable situations for each of the separatists as boring shit happened constantly and pagonging happened yadda yadda. idt tbz is here currently (or might not even show up lol) but i would argue that in context of the early merge there was no reason for separatists to step out of their comfort box as the votes kept rolling in - especially for players such as ryo and tommy who had found nesting in a group and did not feel like they needed to think about the game more so than keeping people together in the early merge and going from there. the “shots” that anyone can claim from basically 15/14/12 were literally just set up by the tribe dynamics at the time, which is ridiculous to claim power for at the time.
but distinctly, i tried to take initiative by reaching out to set up for a later flip (as i think that not only the game would have been more interesting, but i was in a decent-good spot in seps but not exactly in the top where people with stronger connections would have immensely benefitted from especially with people growing concerned of me flipping to the other side bc they had approached me). this would lead me to get new, secure information and most importantly, options with the best information at hand, something neither of them had the pleasure to have

I have discussed f15 stuff previously - I don't think I was the leader of separatist really at this point, Brandon was the strongest voice.

As mentioned in previous posts pisx was my favoured vote and I was the one who suggested her - this is not incredibly game breaking but it definitely shows I was doing more to forward my game at this point. Ryo mentions this as his ideal vote as a loyalist not named tbz or zach - that is 5 differently people who are his "ideal" vote, you mention pisx as not your ideal. Sure you felt it was best to sit back and let stuff happen for your game, and that is your call. But while you were letting your allies die for the sake of under the radar and ryo was settling for just about any loyalist going as his ideal vote, I was pushing through my absolute priorities.

This is a major difference in our games, you got votes through in your favour when oppurtunities arose, but I got them through consistently and I had a far more proactive game than you. This is I assume why multiple jurors (brandon/janzen) asked questions wondering if you were even trying.

Your talk about options and being able to flip on separatist at any point is ?? to me. Like obviously anyone in majority can flip to the minority, in this game or any game of survivor either. This isn't a flex or a brag at all, being able to flip from majority from minority is just a survivor stable for anyone in the majority ever. Clouds has already spoke about how he was looking to form with me early coming into merge, and viper literally had a whole scandal with me over trying to gaslight me into flipping. Your ability to flip was far from a special privilege - I think totters and psy would agree with this.
The only major change to the status quo prior that could be made was the mat/clouds vote, because they wanted clouds but I wanted mat - and so i could literally go out there and say that tommy and ryo wanted clouds out as fuck at 12 whereas I wanted him in and that makes me the mastermind and they’re both my goats af (lol), but at the end of the day, nobody was even considering or rather being approached to flipping except for me, psy, and totter at any of these votes but one way or another (or bc 12 flopped) the status quo was what people felt best maintaining at the time. so like what shots are you even tying in as yours, cuz duh i was voting them too??

We literally had a straw poll in our chat because no one had strong feelings over this vote. This was the most public and clouds saved himself with his idol threat, everyone wanted mat by the end.

I am sure you leaked to clouds, among with others leaking but your play here started and finished with allowing clouds to save himself, as one of multiple people leaking a chat. We fell back on the other vote we were so on a coinflip about that we made a literal strawpoll since no one was too pushed either way.

This is anyways not comparable. You leaked a 50/50 vote that everyone was happy with either, were one of a number of people to do so, and ended up on a vote that both myself and ryo were completely happy with. As was everyone on separatist.

Comparing this to me taking out a player who was in both your ideals f4s is obviously a massive reach, even if you pretend you were fine with totters going your vote placement says otherwise. I am right now looking at two set of logs, one saying you want torin gone over totters and the other talking about him being in your ideal f4. You can lie but your vote placement can not.
I disagree with so much of this…

1. you use separatists having a lead in players to try and discredit my leadership and Tommy’s position near to the inner core. Which I think is naive, while you weren’t part of the decision making on separatist- who got out and when made a huge difference, tribal lines staying apparent wasnt the natural conclusion of events

Brandon Tommy and myself tactically threw a challenge to come into merge with the right people to minimizing flipping, furthermore 8 people is a lot of people all with their own interests and keeping a group that big together is hard. A big part of early merge for me was making sure people didn’t flip, whenever I suspected people could flip I would tell them it was leaked to me and they would unflip showcased by Psy.

Also your claim that you had more information than either me or Tommy is wrong, you’d complain every single cycle about not having information and whether you were feigning it or not you relied on me or especially Tommy to tell you things important with core separatist-when Tommy cut you off after I realized you were leaking you were left cold and alone.

In terms of loyalist info, that doesn’t make you special. I had TBZ and Vooper tell me everything, I always knew who the vote was between, I voted the person who went out every time except for F10, and the only two votes that ever stayed on me were clouds votes with the intent of being strays to tank my “perfect game”.

As for f12 you claim it showcases “agency” that neither Tommy or I had; this is ironic because the f12 cycle is probably the best example of agency for me. I flipped original separatist votes on clouds to Matieu to avoid an idol play as Clouds would have played an idol on himself and I would’ve been booted had I not done that.

You also seem to include that neither Tommy or myself had the luxury to flip,

1. it is downright asinine to claim that Tommy couldn’t have flipped at any point

2. You played in your best interests, you only didn’t flip because of how Brandon and myself set up the separatist tribe. My way was the best way .

As for not wanting you at the end, we didnt want each other at the end and I’ve already

As for totter at f9, you and Tommy are still in that annoying mindset that totter was my goat. I love totter and I trusted totter not to vote me off (which is how I felt with everyone at f9 except for you Psy and clouds who couldn’t dream of it. However unlike the other people who I trusted not to vote me imo it was one of totter’s win conditions to vote me out of the game due to the “Ryo’s goat” status totter had. All this considered totter is one of a few votes the entire game that wasn’t pushed directly by me, and I didn’t label him “my ideal target”. That being said, the fact I was comfortable with Totter out of the game shows the extent of control I had over it.

I already went into great depth on f8 and f6 as well.

You claim I openly said I would lose to you and undermine yourself heavily pushing to vote me out [impossible ;)] and telling him openly that you felt you lost to me at FTC, something I agree with.

Eli’s relationship with Tommy was a one-way mirror and he’s very aware he was touchable and I wasn’t. I let Eli into FTC with the intention of showcasing that his game was over reliant on others. (Sorry Eli love you tho)

Letting Tommy baby you all the way to the end and not submitting a vote for me despite admittedly hard pushing me a lot throughout the cycles speak volumes imo

When u read the following post by ryo please recognize that he is arguing that Tommy had my game, and is trying to accredit moves that are made by both of them. he is defending Tommy and himself with this post which makes sense in context with their intended FTC goals (ryo doesn’t want me to win but he wants Tommy to win)

Ryo states things like “Tommy left you out cold, Tommy left you out to dry, and Tommy carried your game.” This doesn’t sound like an argument for me that he cares about his own game more LOL

Just quick responses cuz I’m not too interested in a screaming match

- @ Dyo throw literally everyone wanted Dyo out and it was something that was universally discussed, i also literally went to everyone and asked them to compare notes to show my initiative to get Dyo out too and was super down to throw as well LOL wdym this was something that basically everyone discussed and it wasn’t a revelational move

Separatists sticking together is something that makes sense with tribal lines at merge and is entirely independent in context and isn’t something u can attribute to 3 people LOL that’s just how early merge works especially when people need to find paths to the end and don’t want to blow up so early right

In addition most separatists were basically semi close anyway between each other so I don’t get the point because nobody would’ve immediately flipped on a tribe that they were on for like 2 weeks LMAO what are u on

I’m still confused on what you mean about “Tommy left me out to dry” because… this isn’t even true? Even if u want to make it in context of F12, Clouds would’ve voted Zoa, and so it would’ve worked if you exchanged Tommy for Clouds too, and also literally every separatist INDEPENDENT of Tommy thought I was voting with them so I’m confused

And wrt “i desperately wanted Ryo out!!” at lategame - tbz and Tommy had already enlisted to taking him at the end earlier in the game to me and I just wanted to see if tbz/Tommy would consider it lmao. I assumed it would be a hard call for me to make FTC regardless based on everyone who wanted me out, so I was certain I figured that if I made the end it was through multiple people gifting me a few more rounds than I deserved through pitches and making sure the endgame progressed in my favor by making others think that they could let me go an extra round

Also ftr if Ryo claims Tommy babied me in votes where does that leave his involvement LOL, because other people also wanted to keep me at both 8/6 so I’m really confused on why this is intrinsically just Tommy’s issue according to Ryo

finally someone please tell me how Ryo’s “axshualy I wanted Eli at the end cuz his game SUCKED” argument makes sense from context of this game where he, in game, and did not want me sitting at FTC, and also had multiple people willing to take to FTC because they didn’t think he had the strongest game there or otherwise had multiple people willing to vote in front of him regardless, which kind of begets the question because I know for a fact at 5 I would have gone if I lost immunity bc of my game at that point
F10 was my baby and call 100% and while tommy said he wanted to do it originally (as we both wanted to), he put no effort into making sure this happened other than saying he would, and that he wouldn’t vote with Ryo because that’s not ominous at all LMAO wtf as he claims Ryo was his ride or die. I made the alliance of Zoa voters and convinced them, I worked with clouds to make sure psy was never going and he flipped and the vote was a tie vote, and under the bs of the other side getting cagey, I convinced the other side, who thought I wasn’t flipping to not play their idol, and I convinced tommy to stop wavering and press the hammer on zoa. Even if Tommy argues he could have flipped - like okay LOL firstly he likely never ever did so as he thought it was a necessary evil, additionally the game changes to a point where the threats become different so it’s really hard to say how that would’ve impacted my game as survivor is a game of parallel universes - secondly if he was leading the vote zoa would likely have idoled because idt he had the quick thinking to realize zach was going insane that vote, which is why he was very insistent at taking totter out during the last hour but I kept saying “no, this vote will work listen to me”. guess what!! it did!!

Your call - but you say we both wanted to do it as a contradiction. You just spent the last forever talking and bragging about how you were the flip. But this vote literally invalidates everything in that. When you needed a vote pushed through and the one thing youre bragging about in your game, I was literally the flip. You wanted a vote, cool, lots of other people wanted a s16 gone for ages. This is not news. But considering your whole argument from f15-f11 was you were the flip and decided to backseat until the time was right, I find it interesting when you thought the time was finally right, I was the flip.

You only had the power to flip when there was a strong majority and minority, beyond that your power was gone and when the game broke down into separate dynamics and wasnt pangong, in the moments when no literally any separatist could be the flip, I was the one person who always remained the flip. So you can decide yourself whether being the flip early for the minority is your big brag, despite it being a spot everyone occupied. But when you actually wanted to use your position as a flip, you were not a flip. I held the power, I decided when it happened and you did no more than talk with clouds, who was also in minority about his wet dream of taking a s16. I told you to make the chat because I didn't want to attract the initial blame, but the flip was always me and the final call was always me.

Your argument is just full of hypocrasy, you brag about being a flip early game when it didn't matter and how it was best to backseat, then when you lose your power through bad reactive play, you claim my power didn't matter because I didn't make plays. You can't really have it both way, being the flip is either a position of power and control or it is not. So which is it?
if you want to talk about a vote such as 9, tommy initially wanted someone like zach or clouds (and i wanted Zach) but didn’t end up achieving this. Ryo somehow decides Totter is his best vote even after voting with him for like half the game so I’ll just leave that one for you guys to comment on. I don’t think the way it played out mattered (for reasons I will explain later) Unless clouds shows up and confirms otherwise (bc i did tell him that I was voting torin, which leads to maj on torin) I both do think flushing his idol was a group effort, nor do I think flushing his idol was exactly A BIG GAMECHANGING MOVE!!

No totters was my ideal lol, but pop off kingie.

The idol flush being a group effort is ridiculous thing to say considering I was the one who was speaking to torin solo about it, and before this the vote was maj on torin and torin and clouds were aware of this. Just saying something is a group effort as a hand wave with absolutely nothing supporting it is a bit silly, no?
because like literally, clouds had a known idol, and enough people wanted to vote him at the time so they could get away with splitting votes. I can’t say if I would’ve voted Clouds at the time of 8 or 7 currently but I could have considered it, and I believe everyone else barring Torin wanted him gone anyway so it’s not like they would have needed me regardless. So whether or not whoever wants to claim the idol flush for 9, the vote was kind of irrelevant when it came to the pace of the game and how much Ryo, Tommy, and TBZ wanted to stick together at that point to
make it to the end.

Well you tried to talk me out of voting clouds at f7 and wanted me to save him for f6 because you didn't like your position with clouds gone, and wanted his vote to help you longer. So I think it is pretty fair to say you would not have been voting him or splitting on him if he had an idol!
I have discussed f15 stuff previously - I don't think I was the leader of separatist really at this point, Brandon was the strongest voice.

As mentioned in previous posts pisx was my favoured vote and I was the one who suggested her - this is not incredibly game breaking but it definitely shows I was doing more to forward my game at this point. Ryo mentions this as his ideal vote as a loyalist not named tbz or zach - that is 5 differently people who are his "ideal" vote, you mention pisx as not your ideal. Sure you felt it was best to sit back and let stuff happen for your game, and that is your call. But while you were letting your allies die for the sake of under the radar and ryo was settling for just about any loyalist going as his ideal vote, I was pushing through my absolute priorities.

This is a major difference in our games, you got votes through in your favour when oppurtunities arose, but I got them through consistently and I had a far more proactive game than you. This is I assume why multiple jurors (brandon/janzen) asked questions wondering if you were even trying.

Your talk about options and being able to flip on separatist at any point is ?? to me. Like obviously anyone in majority can flip to the minority, in this game or any game of survivor either. This isn't a flex or a brag at all, being able to flip from majority from minority is just a survivor stable for anyone in the majority ever. Clouds has already spoke about how he was looking to form with me early coming into merge, and viper literally had a whole scandal with me over trying to gaslight me into flipping. Your ability to flip was far from a special privilege - I think totters and psy would agree with this.

I have no idea where you think pisx was my ally. Are you assuming it’s because we know each other out of game or something? Because while I didn’t feel the greatest about voting out Pisx bc of the former I don’t think it was like, less of an ideal vote for me LOL which is why I wasn’t going to flip to begin with

multiple jurors asked me questions if I was trying because i played so well and also was incredibly busy with school/work, this is kind of a deceptive way to turn my game, where i legitimately was trying but some days i couldn’t invoke as much effort into “lazy bitch u did nothing lol”

at the point of merge/a few votes in i set up roads where i was legitimately being attempted to be included in loyalist votes or countermeasures at the time, 15/11 for a key eyeball which allowed me as the person with the most incentive to pick either way, bc they kept running back to me w info as someone who had the most direct option in the middle. it’s different from “anyone can flip at any time” bc i was the reach out
From talking to Tommy he felt very unsafe in this game. It’s not that he wasn’t safe, but he kept parading that he hated making hard decisions and he was worried people would cut him, and that he felt way too loyal to people like Ryo, TBZ, and me to cut them. This of course, got out when he determined that his FTC of Ryo, Tommy, TBZ and me should reach the end - and people obviously started knowing about it because Ryo, Tommy, and TBZ were a very blatant trio starting F9/F8 (and all of them had individual connections that were good to each other that were known to the rest of the game).

I was definitely most safe player this game late merge - I doubt anyone even on jury would dispute this. I will say I do have a problem making hard decisions (this is called empathy btw). That is not to say I didn't make them and I made the cuts I felt I needed to. I took the f4 I felt I could beat easiest, and had the strongest argument against. Weakness is not the existence of emotions, especially if you don't let them control your judgement. I just felt bad for people who I was cutting. Really disagree that showing morality and finding it sad to betray friends is a bad thing.