Tournament Tours Plaza Fall Seasonal - Round 1

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Tours Plaza Fall Seasonal

Round 1

Welcome to Tours Plaza Fall Seasonal! The tier for this seasonal is National Dex Anything Goes, but every Legendary Pokemon is banned. Here is a list of all the Pokemon that are disallowed:

  • This is a standard National Dex Anything Goes minus Legendary Pokemon Tournament.
    • Mega Pokemon are NOT Legendaries
  • Best of three, double elimination.
  • All rounds will be first to 2 Wins. You may switch teams in between battles of the same set.
  • Matches are to be played on Pokemon Showdown!
  • Replays are required.
  • Battles where a Legendary is used will count as a loss for the person who brings it. In a case where both users bring a Legendary, then both of them will get a win added to their score (e.g. If the set score is 2-1 and you both bring a Legendary, now it's 3-2 and the person with 3 wins, wins). Players are also allowed to agree to replay without a Legendary if they so wish, but there's no penalty for just taking the forced win/loss and moving on.
Ruleset - Standard NatDex
Bans - Legendary, Restricted Legendary, Mythical

/Challenge National Dex AG @@@ -Restricted Legendary,-Sub-Legendary,-Mythical

Mack Knife  vs  1729is56time
MustardNischal  vs  Crunchman
Mandibuladel5555  vs  FiboDoesPokemon
ADF Test  vs  uhBella
robotsnivy  vs  2448a
King Griffin  vs  Clastia
TaxFraud  vs  hidingflames
Da Pizza Man  vs  RobDog747
Go greeninja  vs  memedose46
KeshBa54  vs  Nhanttt
Oozir  vs  polt
romanji  vs  StreagZach
diego_yuhhi  vs  ICE 3M
thebestever543  vs  Liimpy
Cobykalinka  vs  Turtlek
Concept Everything  vs  jay.genjiro
Mr.Bossaru  vs  Kayzn
BlenderUpMyAss  vs  Krystal Ninja
Farce Of The Death  vs  Siegfried
Cynda Of The Quils  vs  Spcplayzz
martinvtran  vs  Riku Sakuraba
txitxas  vs  Milo
Towtal  vs  SwordIsBored
Rafadude  vs  Shandeur
Latias  vs  Dddddsf GarchompFan1512
metagross does architectu  vs  Cinderace123456
ANI_XD  vs  GlalieGoesBoom
Frixel  vs  Grandmaster7890
RoyalReloaded  vs  freezai
Jonbot  vs  thebiggestfatnoob
Opnoob 598  vs  shadowmaster6789
Manil_pro  vs  Velcroc K3ppr
pppppp  vs  MultiPokemon
Azzle  vs  Mattorr Is Cute
YeetedByGrandma  vs  LocalMetagross
Tarah204  vs  Tahz
Marshme1to  vs  fpj
The one and only buck  vs  MiNi Charizard-x
KeldeoCrowned  vs  Pikaslayer2022
Comedier  vs  mazzy7887
Mirageuuuuh  vs  smoolic
Goro Yagami  vs  Dorron
FightingStorm  vs  Wooper Person
saba  vs  Kobeduel
TheSerotoninVibes  vs  Undefeated Alt
The Dragon Master  vs  Eve
Aikotoba  vs  yuykoko
Bread Sandwich  vs  dillanplay
MTB  vs  hunternoooob
chechnya6  vs  Thimo
Rex15808  vs  Sandman719
Tranquility  vs  Shadow06
iKiQ  vs  Fancy1
Uta The Clown  vs  EliasOrSo
TrainerPla  vs  lochdaddy
PociekMociek  vs  LocalMarshadow
Fluore  vs  Giga-Chandélure
Maylee  vs  aisle armor
Some Thug  vs  Alpha1013
shadowtime2000  vs  sxid
GoatNoir  vs  Runoisch
Loading0987  vs  kingbura
R8  vs  Ducky
rarre  vs  Sificon


Relevant Clauses:
  • Endless Battle Clause: Players cannot intentionally prevent an opponent from being able to end the game without forfeiting.
General Tournament Rules:
  • Identity: I expect many battles to be completed under alts. This can be bad for tournament security, and thus I will make this clear: If I hear any whispers of identity theft (battling as someone you are not) or proxy battling (helping someone else battle through pm) I will not be pleased and I will take severe actions.
  • Timer Clause: As for taking long between moves, if your opponent asks you to hurry up, please oblige. If you are doing a damage calc for a key turn that is one thing, but prolonging every move is suspicious and annoying. Don't do it. Furthermore, Battle Timeout is a rule for a reason. If you run out of time, you lose, simple as that. It does not matter what your opponent says. Do not battle if you think you will have to leave mid battle, and instead reschedule for a better time.
  • Disconnections: Finally, in the case of a disconnect, the decision is in the hands of the player who did not disconnect. The options are: redo the battle move for move, redo the battle with the same teams but different moves, or redo the battle with completely different teams. If the battle was without a doubt over, they may also take the win. Any suspicion that a disconnect was committed on purpose to redo a match may be appealed to me, and if I feel this happened there will be severe consequences, so don't do it.

Deadline is November 6th, 10:00 PM GMT -4. Have fun!
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  • All rounds will be first to 2 Wins. You may switch teams in between battles of the same set.
  • Battles where a Legendary is used will count as a loss for the person who brings it. In a case where both users bring a Legendary, then both of them will get a win added to their score (e.g. If the set score is 2-1 and you both bring a Legendary, now it's 3-2 and the person with 3 wins, wins). Players are also allowed to agree to replay without a Legendary if they so wish, but there's no penalty for just taking the forced win/loss and moving on.

Is it Bo3 or Bo5 boss, also contacted


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