CAP 32 - Part 16 - Pokedex Submissions

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You have one week to make your final submissions!


CAP 32 So Far


Legal Pokedex submissions must meet the following standards
  • Species Names cannot be over 13 characters.
  • Pokedex entries submitted must have flawless grammar. The CAP mod team will make an effort to correct all issues that are unambiguous when the thread is closed, but you should not rely on this.
  • Pokedex Entries cannot be longer than 30 words and cannot be over 153 characters (this includes spaces and punctuation).
  • Pokedex Entries can only contain the following characters:
    • Letters A-Z
    • Numbers 0-9
    • Dash (-)
    • Apostrophe (')
    • Double quote (")
    • Period (.)
    • Exclamation point (!)
    • Comma (,)
    • Colon (:)
    • Semi-colon (;)
    • Space
Work In Progress (WIP) Pokedex Entries can be posted at any time for comments from the community.

No more than three WIP Pokedex Entries can be posted by any individual person through the entire course of the submission thread. This limit applies to ALL posts made by a single person, even if previous posts are edited or deleted. This limit is intended to curb the tendency for some submitters to spam the thread repeatedly with multiple Pokedex Entries. This detracts from other submissions and makes it difficult for commenters to survey the submission thread.

Do not bump your WIP Pokedex Entries by posting them repeatedly, or making minor wording changes. Bumping will result in the disqualification of all Pokedex Entries by the offender. Editing or deleting bump posts will not prevent disqualification.

Only ONE Final Submission can be made per person.

Pokedex entries Final Submissions must posted exactly in the following format and in the following exact order:
  • The first line of the post must have the words "Final Submission" in bold on its own line. No other text may be included before the bold heading.
  • A blank line
  • "<Pokémon Name>, the <Species Name> Pokémon", with the Pokemon name and the Species Name in bold
  • A blank line
  • The Scarlet Pokedex Entry submission. Start with the letters "Scarlet" in bold, then a colon (:), and then the Pokedex entry.
  • A blank line
  • The Violet Pokedex Entry submission. Start with the letters "Violet" in bold, then a colon (:), and then the Pokedex entry.
Below the Final Submission you can post other comments, explanations, etc.

Example final submission:

Final Submission

, the Stealth Pokémon

Scarlet: Dragapult can make its whole body transparent by clearing its mind and focusing. Even the Dreepy in Dragapult’s horns become invisible.

Violet: The fastest Dragapult of the group is always surrounded by Dreepy that want to fly at sonic speed.

Any Final Submission that does not follow the proper format will be disqualified.
Final Submission

, the Hot-Blooded Pokémon

Scarlet: No amount of stress will tire its cells. The incredible pressure within its body is capable of launching flames the length of a Wailord.

Violet: Hemogoblin are very sensitive Pokémon, even if they seem alarming at first. They hate seeing others upset and will attempt to calm them no matter what.
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Final Submission

, the Big-Hearted Pokémon

Scarlet: This emotional Pokémon loses control of its fire when it gets very excited or upset. Only a very patient trainer can deal with Hemogoblin's outbursts.

Violet: This Pokémon is extremely gluttonous and will eat anything it can find. It particularly loves fatty and spicy foods, as they power up its fire attacks.
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, the Organ Pokémon

Scarlet: Hemogoblin's body pulsates at a regular interval to stabilize its temperature. When it's stressed, it spews flames and pulsates faster.

Violet: The organelle on the top of its head has ventilation to release gas. It evacuates the most flammable gas out at the end like a flamethrower.

, the Heart Throb Pokemon

Scarlet: Hemogoblin's body is filled with a viscous, flammable fluid. In battle, it expels this goo through tubes on its head, engulfing the opponent in flames.

Violet: Its body drums steadily to circulate its internal fluids. An excess of fatty foods makes the task much harder for Hemogoblin, causing immense pain.
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Final Submission

the Big-Hearted Pokémon

Scarlet: The beat of its pulsating body quickens when agitated. When meeting somebody for the first time, it beats so loud that the sound is almost deafening.

Violet: Red-hot life energy flows within it. It can transfer this energy to any weary Pokémon it finds, but it will become light-headed if it uses up too much.
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, the Inflamed Pokémon

Scarlet: Hemogoblin's body is constantly producing flames. These flames need to be released or else a painful sensation will grow across the Pokémon's whole body.

Violet: When stressed, this Pokémon enters a state of erratic pulsating. When in this state, Hemogoblin's body spews hot steam that scorches whatever touches it.

Scarlets is based off heartburn while Violets is based off palpation while the the species name is works on many levels, taking from the fire typing, inflamed muscle (such as an inflamed heart) and also inflamed in the emotional sense.
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, the Visceral Pokemon

Scarlet: Its kind nature and knowledge of Pokemon physiology makes it a great companion for nurses, but its hair-trigger temper makes its use controversial.

Violet: An easily stressed and flustered Pokemon. When Hemogoblin's emotions reach a fever pitch, its internal temperature rises to 2000 degrees Celsius.
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, the Pressure Cooker Pokemon.

Scarlet: It deliberately clogs its hollow tubes by sucking up soot, resulting in severe spikes of internal pressure and heat. It can vent this pressure with explosive force to ward off predators.

Violet: The extreme pressure it accumulates within its body causes debilitating headaches, which give rise to its cantankerous and volatile nature.
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Final Submission

the Big-Hearted Pokémon

Scarlet: Its muscle-packed body allows it to perform incredible physical feats. However, this can cause it to overheat, so it avoids exertion whenever possible.

Violet: Timid and prone to stress, Hemogoblin creates raging flames and booming vocalizations in order to protect itself. When calm, its cry calms any listeners.
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the Warm-Hearted Pokémon

Scarlet: It absorbs stressful emotions and converts them to heat, which strengthens its muscular body. It's very popular among working adults.

Violet: When hugged, accumulated heat in its body causes it to throb with a dull beating sound. If hugged too tightly, it risks exploding violently from joy!
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, the Blush Pokemon

Scarlet: The large sac protruding from Hemogoblins backside produces flames required for it to stay alive. This allows Hemogoblin to thrive in almost any environment.

Violet: It is, by nature, a very sensitive Pokemon. Its fire gets hotter whenever it experiences certain strong emotions.

, the Heartwarming Pokémon

Scarlet: Whatever Hemogoblin eats is burned as fuel to heat up the plasma coursing through its body. A high-fat diet can increase resilience but causes lethargy.

Violet: Hemogoblin's plasma is rich in electrolytes and known to have medicinal properties. It pulsates ultrasonic waves from its body that soothes the mind.

Scarlet's structure is inspired by Pignite and Heatran - as well as an idea relating to cholestrol from Drifbloon on discord, which I've interpeted as "the vessels are clogged with fats that reduce damage and increase firepower, but, like a person with heart diease, they get fatigued more easily"; Violet's is modified from three biological facts taken from Bulbapedia, respectively from Garganacl - being a play on the term plasma, as in the one used for welding as well as blood plasma; Swoobat - relating to heart beats; and Mega Audino - relating to a potential medic role.
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Final Submission

the Big Heart Pokémon

Scarlet: The flames on its body can reach up to 10,000 degrees F. However, its flames will never hurt someone it loves.

Violet: It is said that being near a Hemogoblin will ease one's heartburn. It has a gentle, caring personality.
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the Mood Swing Pokemon

Scarlet: Within Hemogoblin courses an extremely volatile liquid. Its energy is mostly spent on keeping this liquid under control, so it comes across and dopey and distant.

Violet: The volatile fluids within Hemogoblin make it liable to bursts of uncharacteristic speed and power. If you see one begin to pulsate, give it some space.

the Fiery Fairy Pokémon

Scarlet: Hemogoblin's body beats at a steady rhythm. It stokes an inner fire hot enough to melt through stone and metal.

Violet: A single Hemogoblin can produce enough heat to fully roast an Indian elephant. They are the favorite Pokémon of chefs and arsonists alike.

the Cardiac Pokémon

Scarlet: Prone to bouts of extreme stress, Hemogoblin vents exceedingly hot flames to calm itself down. It is not uncommon for one to accidentally start a wildfire.

Violet: Hemogoblin maintains a constant temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit, making it an excellent travelling partner in cold weather.

Scarlet entry is a generic entry about how Hemo is stressed during battle, and Violet entry is simultaneously a reference to what was originally thought to be the temperature of the human body (before more precise measurements were made) and to the temperature that signifies a fever in humans.

, the Hot Tempered Pokémon

Scarlet: When this Pokémon pulsates, it releases gases at extreme speed, that reach a temperature of 1074K.

Violet: Everyone around Hemogoblin has their emotions taken to the extreme, so it is considered an undesirable presence.
Final Submission

, the Warm Heart Pokemon

Scarlet: Hemogoblin have brought joy to Paldea for centuries. Legends tell of Hemogoblin coming to the homes of the sick and needy to bring them happiness.

Violet: A complex system of muscles in Hemogoblin's body contracts to expel fire hot enough to melt gold. It is believed that this is how Hemogoblin breathes.
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Final Submission

, the Circulatory Pokémon

Scarlet: It appears to be under a constant state of nausea, but in reality that is how its flames flow, which are driven from its own blood.

Violet: This Pokémon’s whole body is its heart. As it beats, it becomes more feistier. As such, doctors use them as blueprints for artificial hearts.

the Heartbeat Pokemon

Scarlet: The vessels around Hemogoblin's body circulate life-sustaining flames through its system. It pulsates regularly to keep the flames moving, including when using them for attack.

Violet: Docile and very friendly, Hemogoblin is happy to share its warmth with sick people and Pokémon. It's perfect for therapy – as long as its loud pulsing doesn't startle the patient.
Final Submission

the Pyrosis Pokemon

Scarlet: Contrary to appearances, most of its body is a fairly sensitive stomach. Periodically, it must literally burn off the byproducts of digestion.

Violet: Hemogoblin can't handle eating anything fatty, yet has a taste for greasy food. Whenever it indulges in something too heavy, it overheats and spews flammable gas.
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Final Submission

, the Visceral Pokémon

Scarlet: Its incredible knowledge of wound care makes it a great companion for nurses, but it's difficult to partner with due to its volatile temperament.

Violet: It is easily stressed and flustered. When Hemogoblin's emotions reach a fever pitch, its internal temperature rises to 3,600 degrees Fahrenheit.

Thanks to Quanyails, Tommanical, Mova, and Palosaks for helping me refine the Scarlet entry, and Gloopy for helping with the Violet entry!
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Final Submission

the Warm-Hearted Pokémon

Scarlet: It absorbs stressful emotions and converts them into heat, which strengthens its muscular body. It's very popular among working adults.

Violet: When hugged, accumulated heat in its body causes it to throb with a dull beating sound. If hugged too tightly, it risks exploding violently from joy.
Final Submission

, the Inflamed Pokémon

Scarlet: Hemogoblin's body is constantly producing flames. These flames need to be released or else a painful sensation will grow across the Pokémon's whole body.

Violet: When stressed, this Pokémon's body pulses at an inconsistent rate. With each pulse, its body releases a scorching steam that burns to the touch.
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