CAP 32 Prevos - Pokedex Submissions

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You have roughly one week (and then some due to my sleep schedule) to make your final submissions!

Rules for two-stage submissions:
  • You can make final submissions for either stage or for both stages.
  • You have three WIPs per stage.
  • If you make final submissions for both stages, use the final submission template twice, once for stage 1 and once for stage 2. Do not include the "Final Submission" header twice. Do not include any additional text between your stage 1 and stage 2 submissions.
  • Final submission entries for stage 1 will be polled first, followed by final submission entries for stage 2.
Hemogoblin Pokedex entries for reference:
Hemogoblin, the Warm-Hearted Pokémon

Scarlet: It absorbs stressful emotions and converts them into heat, which strengthens its muscular body. It's very popular among working adults.

Violet: When hugged, accumulated heat in its body causes it to throb with a dull beating sound. If hugged too tightly, it risks exploding violently from joy.


CAP 32 pre-evos so far:

Stage 1

Main design:


Typing: Fairy
Stats: 42 / 35 / 27 / 35 / 35 / 38
Name: Ababo



Stage 2

Main design:

Typing: Fairy
Stats: 75 / 74 / 87 / 62 / 90 / 63
Name: Scattervein




Legal Pokedex submissions must meet the following standards
  • Species Names cannot be over 13 characters.
  • Pokedex entries submitted must have flawless grammar. The CAP mod team will make an effort to correct all issues that are unambiguous when the thread is closed, but you should not rely on this.
  • Pokedex Entries cannot be longer than 30 words and cannot be over 153 characters (this includes spaces and punctuation).
  • Pokedex Entries can only contain the following characters:
    • Letters A-Z
    • Numbers 0-9
    • Dash (-)
    • Apostrophe (')
    • Double quote (")
    • Period (.)
    • Exclamation point (!)
    • Comma (,)
    • Colon (:)
    • Semi-colon (;)
    • Space
Work In Progress (WIP) Pokedex Entries can be posted at any time for comments from the community.

No more than three WIP Pokedex Entries can be posted by any individual person through the entire course of the submission thread. This limit applies to ALL posts made by a single person, even if previous posts are edited or deleted. This limit is intended to curb the tendency for some submitters to spam the thread repeatedly with multiple Pokedex Entries. This detracts from other submissions and makes it difficult for commenters to survey the submission thread.

Do not bump your WIP Pokedex Entries by posting them repeatedly, or making minor wording changes. Bumping will result in the disqualification of all Pokedex Entries by the offender. Editing or deleting bump posts will not prevent disqualification.

Only ONE Final Submission can be made per person.

Pokedex entries Final Submissions must posted exactly in the following format and in the following exact order:
  • The first line of the post must have the words "Final Submission" in bold on its own line. No other text may be included before the bold heading.
  • A blank line
  • "<Pokémon Name>, the <Species Name> Pokémon", with the Pokemon name and the Species Name in bold
  • A blank line
  • The Scarlet Pokedex Entry submission. Start with the letters "Scarlet" in bold, then a colon (:), and then the Pokedex entry.
  • A blank line
  • The Violet Pokedex Entry submission. Start with the letters "Violet" in bold, then a colon (:), and then the Pokedex entry.
Below the Final Submission you can post other comments, explanations, etc.

Example final submission:
Final Submission

, the Stealth Pokémon

Scarlet: Dragapult can make its whole body transparent by clearing its mind and focusing. Even the Dreepy in Dragapult’s horns become invisible.

Violet: The fastest Dragapult of the group is always surrounded by Dreepy that want to fly at sonic speed.

Any Final Submission that does not follow the proper format will be disqualified.
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Final Submission

the Worrywort Pokémon

Its body is weak, so it endlessly worries for its life. It can run for hours on end without tiring.
Violet: As its body flushes with worry, it becomes more malleable. This lets it hide in tight spaces when its fear reaches maximum capacity.

Scattervein, the Aimless Pokémon

Scarlet: This Pokémon is so incredibly dull that it can’t control its limbs. Sometimes, they get tangled in their own arms, causing evolution.
Violet: Its only instinct is to flail about as it runs. When its limbs trap someone, they’ll be drained of whatever energy they have.
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Final Submission

the Cell Pokémon

Scarlet: Ababo can be found living in large colonies; colonies as large as 5,000 Ababo have been discovered.

Violet: It is very shy and will flee from anything it sees. It does this regardless of if there is any actual danger.

Scattervein, the Circulation Pokémon

Scarlet: Scattervein is very lightweight, so it has a tendency to fall over. It will always try to fix whatever damage it causes.

Violet: This Pokémon is not very smart, but what it lacks in intelligence it makes up for in empathy. It will give hugs to any person in distress.

For scarlet's entry I had the basic idea of large amounts of ababo living in a group because of the nature of red blood cells, being a bunch of tiny things that exist in large quantities, I got 5000 from a heavy scaled down estimate of how many red blood cells are in a drop of blood (about 5 million), but in addition I thought this could be a good way to inject a bit of flavor that resent 'mons have that cap can't really replicate being how the pokemon exist within the game world, how they spawn, in this case the ababo would spawn in groups and I reflected this by having the entire be about them living in groups (also if 5000 seems too big the largest recorded colony of mammals was a colony of 20 million bats, 5000 seems possible to me, especilly considering the pokedex has a bit of a tendency to be absurd at time such as magacargo being hotter than the surface of the earth), then for violet's I wanted to make ababo more "baby", I also like how it pairs with hemo's violet entry to show growth in it's personality going from a shy little guy to a more compassionate creature, I continued this in scattervein's violet entry to have a sort of theme of emotional growth, and I got the hugs in scatter's violet entry from hemo's violet entry, thing of it as a through line connecting the two. Then for Scatter's scarlet entry I wanted to go with it being clumsy because that's simply the vibe it gives off, this led me to come up with it simply being very light, which would technically be accurate to real veins and arteries give how small they are.

Modedit: Making autocorrections. Originals:
  • Ababo can be found living in large colonies, colonies as large as 5,000 Ababo have been discovered.
  • It is very shy and will flee from anything it sees, it does this regardless of if there is any actual danger.
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Final Submission

, the Platelet Pokémon

Scarlet: Easily flustered, Ababo takes up residence in the homes of the melancholy to give them a warm atmosphere.

Violet: When agitated, it radiates cleansing embers that can alleviate minor wounds. Groups of Ababo - known as clots - huddle together for warmth and safety.

Scattervein, the Circulatory Pokémon

Scarlet: It flails about aimlessly in an attempt to look friendly, but even laughing children will burst into tears when they meet Scattervein for the first time.

Violet: Scattervein's plasma contains electrolytes and is sometimes used for transfusions. Capsakid is its preferred prey due to the spicy chemicals it produces.

Ababo - Scarlet's invokes the idea of a house entity, akin to the western hobgoblin or the Japanese zashiki-warashi; it's here to cheer up depressed people, you are not alone.
Ababo - Violet's throws in slight fiery elements for a hot-blooded pun and allusion to Hemogoblin's Fire type, as well as the idea of clots forming and the associated fever when we're injured.
Scattervein - Scarlet's assumes that we keep Intimidate as our true flavour Ability, so it's experiencing the opposite of Maschiff's problem.
Scattervein - Violet's reuses my Hemogoblin sub as well as making the Heartburn connection to Hemogoblin: one way to get it is by eating spicy foods, and since Glowpoke aren't exactly native...
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, the Excitement Pokémon

Scarlet: In battle, it picks up on its Trainer's competitive spirit and radiates a powerful energy that causes it to run around uncontrollably.

Violet: Ababo absorbs intense emotions for energy. It often absorbs too much and becomes compelled to run around until it tires itself out.

Scattervein, the Vasodilation Pokémon

Scarlet: It's drawn to stressful emotions, so It chases after worrisome people to absorb their anxiety. This often ends up scaring them away.

Violet: It sticks its body tubes on targets and feeds off emotions such as pain and worry. When full, it runs off while undulating wildly.

Could I go for 2/3 or 3 for dex entry submissions? Not much else to say here. These guys absorb intense emotions as a power source.
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Final Submission

, the Defender Pokémon

Scarlet: All humans, regardless of blood type, can receive Ababo's blood.

Violet: Ababo are incredibly loyal to their trainers and will protect them from harm at all costs.

Short and sweet. Probably won't do one for Scattervein because I don't have any ideas for it.

Modedit: Normalizing smart quotes.
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the Cell Pokémon

Scarlet: Ababo may look defenseless, but when threatened, it emits a strong metallic smell that drives even the most determined of predators away.

Violet: An ancient Paldean folktale states Ababo is constantly stressed because it can sense when others are about to die. It's a common companion of surgeons for this very reason.

Scattervein, the Entangled Pokémon

Scarlet: Scattervein are incredibly friendly, empathetic, and sensitive Pokémon, but their offputting appearance and loping gait drive any potential friends away.

Violet: Scattervein love Tamato Berries, and they compete with each other to see who can eat the most. Scientists theorize these competitions prepare it for evolution.

Ababo's Scarlet Dex entry refers to how the blood contains most of the human body's iron, while its Violet Dex entry explains why it looks so stressed all the time while also connecting it to Hemogoblin being used by office workers. Scattervein's Scarlet Dex entry explains Intimidate and ties into Hemo's dex entries (it's so happy it finally has friends as a Hemogoblin! it's going to explode!), while the Violet Dex entry alludes to its future Fire typing, mentioning Tamato berries specifically because they're some of the spiciest Berries out there.
Final Submission

, the Miniscule Pokémon

Scarlet: Ababo has a semi-solid body, allowing it to easily squeeze into narrow spaces. There are unverified cases of flat, irregularly-shaped Ababo.

Violet: Ababo may congregate en masse towards anything that's warm. It's not unheard of for people to be suddenly surrounded by a sea of Ababo.

Scattervein, the Loopy Pokémon

Scarlet: Scattervein feeds by constricting its foes, or sometimes its friends, and sapping away their life force. It prefers the taste of Fire-type Pokémon.

Violet: Using Scattervein to drain a patient's energy was once a popular medical practice. This is now known to cause fever and bouts of limb-flailing.

Modedit: Normalizing smart quotes and making autocorrections. Original:
  • Ababo has a semi-solid body, allowing it to easily squeeze into narrow spaces. There are unverified cases of flat, irregularly shaped Ababo.
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Final Submission

, the Tiny Cell Pokémon

Scarlet: Small yet passionate, Ababo will willingly act as a living shield for its injured friends.

Violet: These shy Pokémon live in large groups. To protect against predators, they huddle together to form an impenetrable barrier.

Scattervein, the Loopy Pokemon

Scarlet: This empathetic Pokemon tries to seek out sad people in order to cheer them up, but its unsettling appearance traumatizes them instead.

Violet: Scattervein uses its ditzy demeanor in order to get its prey to let down its guard. It uses the four tubes in its mouth to suck its prey's warm blood.

Modedit: Autocorrecting "Pokemon" -> "Pokémon".
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Final Submission

, the Excitement Pokémon

Scarlet: In battle, it picks up on its Trainer's competitive spirit and radiates a powerful energy that causes it to run around uncontrollably.

Violet: Ababo absorbs intense emotions for energy. It often absorbs too much and becomes compelled to run around until it tires itself out.

Scattervein, the Mood Swing Pokémon

Scarlet: It's drawn to stressful emotions, so it chases after worrisome people to absorb their anxiety. This often ends up scaring them away.

Violet: It sticks its body tubes on targets and feeds off emotions such as pain and worry. When full, it runs off while undulating wildly.
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Final Submission

, the Cellula Pokémon

Scarlet: Even though Ababo is easily scared, if it senses that someone is suffering, it will venture into even the most dangerous places to alleviate their pain.

Violet: Ababo are loved by teachers and parents, as they have limitless energy and help tire out little children by playing with them as much as necessary.

Scattervein, the Sanguineum Pokémon

Scarlet: Scattervein are often seen in pediatric hospitals due to their knowledge and silly appearance, which helps to calm children while they are being healed.

Violet: Scattervein's intelligence is usually underestimated solely due to its appearance. It can perform the most challenging medical procedures with ease.
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Final Submission

the Cell Pokémon

Scarlet: Ababo may look defenseless, but when threatened, it emits a strong acrid smell that drives even the most determined of predators away.

Violet: Ababo can absorb negative emotions, which is why it looks so stressed all the time. Surgeons always have an Ababo on hand to calm down anxious patients.

Scattervein, the Entangled Pokémon

Scarlet: Scattervein are incredibly friendly and caring Pokémon, but their offputting appearance and loping gait drive any potential friends away.

Violet: Scattervein love Tamato Berries, eating as many as fifty in a single day. Scientists theorize that this may help prepare it for evolution.

HUGE thanks to Palosaks and Ayecrusher King for providing feedback!
Autocorrections have been applied to people's final submissions! See each post for more info.

  • Binacle Pinnacle: "Worrywart" is misspelled, "Pokémon" is in bold when it shouldn't be, missing empty line between entries, unclear pronoun use in Scattervein's Violet entry.
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