SS SS OU Cup I Round 1 (Not Accepting Substitutes Anymore)

SS CUp.png

Art by Gaboswampert
Entering this cup earns you points in qualifying for the SS OU Championship

Winning this tournament will allow you to display
in your signature.

Tournament Rules:
  • General tournament rules and regulations can be found here.
  • Standard SS OU
  • Best of three, single elimination.
  • Battles should take place on Pokemon Showdown! or on Smogtours.
  • Do not make baseless activity posts, get in contact with your opponent and report missed times / scheduling issues only.

Battle Clauses:
  • Sleep Clause: If a player has already put an opposing Pokémon to sleep using a sleep inducing move and that Pokémon is still sleeping due to that sleep inducing move, the player cannot put another opposing Pokémon to sleep using a sleep inducing move.
  • Species Clause: A player cannot have two of the same species of Pokémon on their team, based on the National Pokedex Number. For example, a player cannot have two Volcaronas on their team.
  • Evasion Clause: Players cannot use Double Team or Minimize in any of their Pokémon's movesets.
  • OHKO Clause: Players cannot use Horn Drill, Guillotine, Sheer Cold, or Fissure in any of their Pokémon's movesets.
  • Timer Clause: If a player exhausts the timer, he/she loses.
  • Endless Battle Clause: Any moveset on any Pokémon that is capable of intentionally causing an endless battle is banned from competitive play. Check this thread for more information.
  • Uber Clause: Players may not use any items, moves, abilities, or Pokemon that appear on Smogon's SS OU Ban List. If the tiers change in the middle of a round, the changes will take effect in the following round. There will be an announcement in the relevant round if this occurs.
  • Dynamax Clause: Player can not Dynamax.

Darkcosmicland  vs  Nick
HikozaruGG  vs  Always!
egalvanc  vs  Liquidocelot
Nael222  vs  Albret
devin  vs  AtraX Madara
MisterWN  vs  MGdos16
Surfy  vs  cyberacc
PANNAMAA  vs  realaccountami?
Tenebricite  vs  StepC
Javi  vs  Smashburn
dunoks  vs  GeniusX
DugZa  vs  TDR
Delibird Heart  vs  monchooo
giove97  vs  jetou
Vladimir Capuchin  vs  Leo
Joya  vs  skimmythegod
Drachenkeule  vs  Strat8246
Airi  vs  Fabriisse
Athena's Myth  vs  leoperi99
ibleachyourskin  vs  Leavers
Herv  vs  Coolcodename
Feen  vs  SpaceSpeakers
Laurel  vs  Alpha1013
ChrisPBa0on  vs  Mimikyu Stardust
JustFranco  vs  frickEDmt
Chaitanya  vs  Aurella
AquaticCarlie  vs  Saurav the great
Shaad Skyel  vs  Career Ended
robjr  vs  wangyu
Longestbanana  vs  velvet
HANTSUKI  vs  Crmpt
Mario34  vs  Slowpoke Fan
maki  vs  Splash
Rubyblood  vs  Killersquid05
Micciu  vs  MTB
Bka Onon  vs  Feaniix
What should by name be?  vs  jawabarat
hashtag_gaymer  vs  Azery
airfare  vs  cyberas
YasuKe  vs  curiosity
dex  vs  NeonJolteonWasUsed
GasaiYunoSan  vs  Churielix
SOMALIA  vs  Hockey1
Nauts  vs  the pharoah
Miyoko  vs  Yves Stone
Mister McLovin  vs  Vermillion Gangsta
RL  vs  patboiii
ToasterBoi420  vs  Juseth sepulveda
Xrn  vs  Huargensy
jay  vs  So Noisy
damien the genius  vs  memedose46
Waci  vs  C0nfiden1 0yster
Zaza  vs  Sificon
Theia  vs  Potatoboybob
Vkhss  vs  XelloW
pratik2007  vs  shadowtime2000
Prof.Otaku  vs  pulsar512b
BaddyGames  vs  it's tago!
clean  vs  Elyoss
tofa  vs  Bye 3
jackuzzler  vs  lolebruh
BrunnoGreen  vs  Ash KetchumGamer
TPP  vs  Bye 6
sychillz  vs  boris69
awyp  vs  Lialiabeast
Yippie  vs  Bye 9
hunternoooob  vs  Trogba Trogba
Irene-2002  vs  Bye 11
Tinii  vs  Bye 12
yogo896  vs  Phantom0rion
DKM  vs  Bye 14
Arvinraj K III C  vs  Bye 15
Dababy2  vs  Zoyotte
Liimpy  vs  swag god
valuez  vs  3d
Lostmemories  vs  Bye 19
Greentea570  vs  Bye 20
CaesarzeppeliXD  vs  Bye 21
TBIC106  vs  Bye 22
NoName6293  vs  Faker100
Eulelp  vs  Hollow Soul
Sheik :  vs  Bye 25
Ado  vs  Concept Everything
false  vs  We Three Kings
Tav72  vs  Bye 28
Bluecliqse  vs  Bye 29
Siddakid  vs  tMoi
PikachuZappyZap  vs  Bye 31
Exotic64  vs  Bye 32
Mysticwind  vs  Bye 33
Mr.Bossaru  vs  Fc
BIG loven  vs  Some Thug
Mirbro  vs  fatBatman
paolode99  vs  Bye 37
Ferenia  vs  Bye 38
Xufactor  vs  Majorjetlag

Matches should be done by 30th July, 11:59 GMT -4
Last edited:
in as sub

New Matchup: hunternoooob vs Trogba Trogba

in as sub

New Matchup: jackuzzler vs lolebruh

In as sub
New Matchup: Siddakid vs tMoi

in as sub

New Matchup: valuez vs 3d

In as a sub

New Matchup: Mirbro vs fatBatman

New Matchup: Liimpy vs swag god

In as sub

New Matchup: awyp vs Lialiabeast

In as sub

Let me know if you need an extension!

New Matchup: Ado vs Concept Everything

