NOC JOAT 10 Game Thread [Completed, GG Mafia]

Smogon finish a mafia game with salty postgame posts challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)!

AG and pulsar played fairly well this game, town didn’t. Town didn’t read much they just liked or didn’t like each others personalities, which let AG skate through with very little logical consistency and pulsar skate through with one clearly coached isolated burst of content provision but not really any more than that. Skipper vote D2 was outlandish when I died I predicted in graveyard that he would be the N2 kill because he was highly town with good reads (and people on town said I scumread him when he was town in my reads list, I just had him as at the stage the least town of my townreads when both scum were in my 3 scumreads :P ). Haruno kill D1 is also very bad because it did not have an attitude to long term gameplay, the reason I had to pop the kill on Ehmcee was he never leaves the PoE for the rest of the game meaning he would always be a misvote at some point; Haruno did not occupy that space and so if Ehmcee had been voted I shoot AG or pulsar N1 instead as my two scumreads left.

Overall town didn’t play well again but primarily that is because of a lack of team coordination. Everyone scumread AG at various points but then dogpiled on skipper who was far less scummy than AG because there was momentum behind it. Momentum is generally a red flag on votes because mafia attempt to limit snowballs on mafia wagons. This is especially true D1 and gets less true the further into the game you get (as bussing is a better strategy the longer the game lasts without a mafia death).

LS and skipper played well and were obvtown, and had some of the best reads in the game. Everyone else’s reads were far off base and the game goes completely differently if people make the leap of “wow lots of us scumread AG and he was also flipped town Celever’s top scumread when he was alive, let’s just take the plunge”. A lot of people on Smogon are being shielded from getting voted because of reputation or veterancy and that’s sending town into an off-base spiral every game.

This isn’t salty it’s actual tips. Mafia always play as a team so since Smogon players aren’t playing as a team when they’re town right now it is making the mafia drastically win. I don’t buy into the “people will get better as town once meta reads become better” argument because the problem is this individualistic attitude. Particularly insofar as people not liking early game and so basically not trying; this game is proof that it’s possible (and not actually that difficult sometimes) to solve the game D1. It also gets easier the more people try to do it instead of sitting back and following the leader. Me, Zippy, LS and skipper were the only people who tried this D1, including the mafia really (because AG had so many consistency errors that the most benefit of the doubt explanation was he wasn’t really trying to solve).

Not pushing out your top scumread because game direction is going elsewhere is fine. Being annoyed that someone isn’t contributing or solving that much is fine, as long as you can accept it comes from a towny place and don’t try to vote them anyway. And also just being nicer to each other would be a good step, IK Zippy did not kick his first game off with the nicest mentality but I worked with him well D1 and other people on town did not properly respond to his improvement. I still think Zippy has a good head for the game but does need to develop his overall game strategy and team play, he’s also not the only person this applies to in this game.

Final note is in a smaller game like this where we had good subs, it would be good if Haruno actually gets subbed out N1 and that this would be known. 0 content posts in a day should be sufficient for being subbed out even if fluff posts were made.
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This was a very fun game, I wish I put more stock in the "mafia may not jump for a hammer" thought instead of developing some strange "is this a bastard game" theory.

I also wish that my level of investment continued past Day 1 but understandably seeing nearly a third of town die with nothing to get from it is quite sapping of motivation, but the game wasn't lost then and I probably should've done more. Unfortunate! AG is someone that every game I keep saying I'll stop just mentally townlocking him on the get-go, and every single game I fail to do that.

All of the new players who haven't already sworn to quit playing on this site and demanding bans of players (?) or thought this was a tournament (???), I hope you all return for a future game whenever it will be!
Oh. I figure some degree of just not caring enough. But yeah, that was weird. Until Neon went offline with the self-vote, zippy hovering over the thread spooked us from quick-hammering. But that was our guaranteed. Granted, we probably could have done it with zippy's vote, but there was that ever-present possibility of a trap while we were both online.
Hindsight analysis is so boring I mean respectfully I hope you are all saying this having not been spoiled which in that case, good job but maybe you could’ve helped out more eg by voting one of the two mafia or viging them especially since it was so “obvious”. Apparently it was only obvious once people died. That’s why I was going to swap my reads to whatever the consensus dead people had since then they can’t blame it all on you postgame (or they’re right! Win-win). I thought for sure I was being set up but I guess zippy was also a good frame target. I would’ve played it a little differently had I lived although I think the result probably would’ve been the same

I’m not salty at all it was a tough game and as I said we were extremely unlucky anyways. Nobody played even that “bad” it was just a hard game. The only thing I’m remotely mad about is self voting which didn’t matter since the mafia was slow rolling the first vote regardless
You guys are right. To be honest I felt attacked and lashed out. I'm sorry.
thanks for apologizing chief. imo you had a great game. sometimes things don't go our way.

if you'd like to play more serious mafia check out mafiauniverse or mafiascum (i guess i actually haven't heard much about them lately, meaning in like the last 6 years lol but i assume it's still high level)
yea i think mafiauniverse is the place to be for more tryhardy mafia. Altho they have pretty strict rules so j play nice while ur there
thanks for apologizing chief. imo you had a great game. sometimes things don't go our way.

if you'd like to play more serious mafia check out mafiauniverse or mafiascum (i guess i actually haven't heard much about them lately, meaning in like the last 6 years lol but i assume it's still high level)

mafia universe is more the place than mafiascum these days tbh, but there is large benefits to having a home community outside, even if you play on mu imo
Ftr, discussed this in graveyars but a lot of sites have a locked vote mechanic in lylo

Basically this means when you put a vote down in lylo, it can no longer be unvotes or changed. This has little effect on balance however it will make it so mafia don't stall out a lost game our of fear of a very small chance town happens to unvote when they do, it also means town doesn't continue playing a game they've already lost and puts them out of their misery after town votes town.

Support seemed to be there in gy, but feel free to hit me with your thoughts here (it's mostly for open and semi open setups)
ya the caveat to "play on mafia universe" is don't take mafia seriously because it's not worth it beyond being a fun(ish) hobby

anyways i'm against that lylo rule as i think it goes against the spirit of the "forum" aspect of mafia. i don't like to restrict what people can do and i think the mafia should have to put some effort in to coordinate, however small that effort may be
ftr I'm speaking with other circus mods a bit but I do think while smogon is not the overly pc mafia scene that mu can be seen as, we have in recent times got a few people being overly edgy and offensive for no reason

tilt and arguments are a nature of mafia, even though it's not desired in an ideal game, maliciousness and attacking the integrity of the game, hosts and most importantly other players is not tolerated

I am lenient as a mod (probably) because I mostly see myself as a game balancer and i don't really like clamping down on people. I ask people be respectful going forward (you'll likely see me say more in coming days), and not force me into making actions that make me feel like a child minder rather than a facilitator of a games the players should enjoy.