NOC Two Mafias Mafia - Won by The Pack

I think the game ends in a tie, I asked AG and he said mafia teams cant win together
The game is a stalemate
I’ve literally never seen a stalemate before so really don’t know the mechanics behind it, though I know they’re possible since I think I’ve rarely seen them in titles of old games I haven’t played.

Are you sure 1-1 left alive results in a stalemate instead of a coinflip for either the kill or the vote? I guess both options kinda suck.

Was a fun game regardless and this really is an iconic final 4 lol, most of us rarely make endgame because we get shot at some point lol
I’m predisposed to disliking no voting, I’ll do it if there’s a real case for it but especially this late on it feels kinda cheap

Most games I’ve played no voting wasn’t even an option, and/or it was an option only if the votes tied during the day lol
You’ve never voted a fairy all game, frankly this is a 2v2 in practice I don’t think you or a fairy ends on each other today and I don’t think me or realiti end on each other either. I think that also applies to final 3 if we happen to get there off a no vote. So whoever the mafia are, unless they are one from each across this aisle (I could genuinely see realiti / fairy) 9 times out of 10 whoever’s left from their respective duo ends up picking between the 2.

Whereas I could be swayed to vote realiti today, maybe, I genuinely didn’t like bits of their play yesterday but did like others, I’m beginning to think fairy / realiti is the solve.
I guess in final 3 off a no vote the town literally is voting scum regardless so maybe this doesn’t matter

I really don’t have multifac experience I’m out of my depth rn