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  • Hello Nalaa, when will you be available for DLWC? My timezone is GMT +8, and I'll be available on Wednesday and during the weekend next week.
    Slowpoke Fan
    Slowpoke Fan
    Friday night also works for me :woop:
    My apologies, we scheduled for Sunday at 3 am BST. I can't do math. I do not think the following weekend would work for me as I'll be home. Wednesday might work but I'd have to let you know closer to. Does sunday at 3 am BST work for you?
    Slowpoke Fan
    Slowpoke Fan
    It does, just give me some leeway before requesting for another sub (I genuinely might not wake up at 10am assuming that your timezone is GMT :worrywhirl:). An hour later would be preferable though :woop:
    we play for the trio tour, free tomorrow and friday between 3-9PM GMT+1, free all day on sat and sun
    ok I'm GMT, so that would be 2-8 my time right? Saturday is probably busy but can I get back to you on the other three days?
    Hey so does Sunday still work? I don't really have anything planned as of right now so if you'd be down, I'd like to play in the morning/early afternoon so around 11-12 your time?
    uh yea let's do 11 on sunday
    draft league im gmt -5 and would have to get the game done by the 5th, can do most days and times until then though
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