Recent content by alexho92

  1. I have added you.

    I have added you.
  2. my fc is 0404-6978-6129. ign alex. Thanks

    my fc is 0404-6978-6129. ign alex. Thanks
  3. Hi, i have an egg that matches ur tsv 3857. Can you help me hatch it please? I'll give u a 5iv...

    Hi, i have an egg that matches ur tsv 3857. Can you help me hatch it please? I'll give u a 5iv charmander with outrage and dragon dance egg move. Thank you in advance :)
  4. My tsv is 21. I can help you hatch it if ur egg has a matching sv :)

    My tsv is 21. I can help you hatch it if ur egg has a matching sv :)