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  • when pl gmt -0
    Gmt-7 here , I'm available tomorrow or on the weekend. You can choose, as long as it isn't ridiculous time for me.
    saturday 9pm my time sound good?
    Sounds good, see you on saturday.
    there are only 2 mons left for me on the 202 and like 1-2 rounds.

    You sure you want to forfeit it? Your choice, but I want to be sure you are making a based call.
    I'll try to finish it for now; if it becomes too much I'll drop it later I guess. In the meantime requesting patience etc.
    AOPS, I think you mean Damaging Evasive move in your tourney battle?
    Gale Wing Srock
    Gale Wing Srock
    Hey AOPS, I accidentally closed the PM I sent you for "vs YAS".

    Could you please reply in that, so that I can post my team in it?
    Gale Wing Srock
    Gale Wing Srock
    I don't want to start another pm, sorry for bothering you -_-'
    Gale Wing Srock
    Gale Wing Srock
    Hey AOPS, I screwed up again >.<

    Can you reply in that convo again, please? I some how managed to lose it two times in a row of clean up 9.9

    Was checking back some pms, and I don't remember clicking on that pm fsr *smh*

    Anyways, thanks for reffing the round so soon <3
    Will order sometime tomorrow, Advance New Years wishes!

    Oh also, I am getting 53 HP remaining on Ninja.
    Bad copy/paste from reffing two of your matches at once while being sick, consider it fixed now
    Whimsicott actually has Power Belt instead of Wide Lens (it has Wide Lens as a trap, but drops Power Belt. Blame IAR). If you want to change items, do so in your next post. I will post the next encounter regardless now.
    actually I want vigoroth to evolve into slaking, so can I ignore the solo Norman's entire gym? or can I make that so I don't have to solo norman, but I have to solo the rest of the gym?
    Sure, go for it.

    Make sure you go through all of the rooms though.
    AOPS, in your match vs ED, he used roost, removing flying type so rock blast is only 1.5x effective
    Beat me to it. I doubt this changes your orders, but if it effects them you're welcome to edit.
    I'm a derp. :P And no it doesn't change anything.
    AOPS, Sunny Day is active and Hoppip would be faster. I wouldn't be reffing for a couple of days, so feel free to edit your orders if it changes anything. Also sorry for the two turn sleeps.
    Gale Wing Srock
    Gale Wing Srock
    AOPS, in your Tourney battle. Poseidon is using Surf instead of Hydro Pump. But you have Hydro Pump mentioned in the sub.
    Just a reminder that by default Sheer Force has its in-game effect, by turning it on you disabled it. Saying as you said on "just to be sure," pretty sure you mean that you want it off
    Yo can you send me your LLAMA team in the event that Leethoof does not get your match up on time so I can seamlessly sub-ref the match without delay? Thanks in advance.
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