After skipping competitive VGC for 2 generations after Gen 6, I'm back in S/V catching up with learning and having fun along the way.
FRIEND SAFARI TYPE: NORMAL, POKEMON: Minccino, Lillipup and Chansey, interested?
MY FC: 4682-8894-0134 AZ-UK, PM ME YOUR FC!
DREAM WORLD SO FAR: Wailord was no longer Oblivious to this fact and decided to put Pressure on Spiritomb to Infiltrate the Arena trap that Dugtrio setup. But nidoking decided that Sheer Force was the best way to break through the Weak Armored omastar's who guarded the Iron Fist(ed) floating tree inhabited by Ledian's who began a Heavy Metal career with Aggron. Although some of the quieter inhabitants such as Scizor preferred Light Metal, others preferred his technician skills. A good ninja like Greninja always needs to take some Protean for muscle growth, speed is always the key but beware of Gooey Goodra, it may slow down your progress in training. Remember, though we are competitive, do not forget to be a good Friend Guardian, for they may assist you in times of trouble.