Recent content by Dacooler

  1. Nikke's X/Y Trading Zone (Updated 11/19/13)

    since your looking for Charzite X and willing to trade 3 mons for it - Im interested. Id like one of your mareeps, mawile and calm tentacool. Id be up for trade this evening (bout 4-5hrs later since im going off now). Im leaving here my FC also - 0533 5135 1597. Your FC has been added too :)...
  2. Nikke's X/Y Trading Zone (Updated 11/19/13)

    Hello. Id like to trade my Timid (Flame Body) Larvesta for your Modest Mareep. The only problem is that it has 4 max IV (prolly without HP, have to check tho). I could try breeding for 5 stats if you want to.