Recent content by kakarotosama123321

  1. kakarotosama123321
  2. kakarotosama123321


  3. kakarotosama123321

    Sure! Let's meet at 17:00. My Telegram is @gentetonta if you want to ping me

    Sure! Let's meet at 17:00. My Telegram is @gentetonta if you want to ping me
  4. kakarotosama123321

    Friday evening at 17:00 is OK for you?

    Friday evening at 17:00 is OK for you?
  5. kakarotosama123321

    Sure. I'm free in the evening

    Sure. I'm free in the evening
  6. kakarotosama123321

    Today, it cannot be sooner than 11 o'clock. Maybe Friday evening?

    Today, it cannot be sooner than 11 o'clock. Maybe Friday evening?
  7. kakarotosama123321

    But maybe I'm not 100% available? Until when do we have time to have the matches?

    But maybe I'm not 100% available? Until when do we have time to have the matches?
  8. kakarotosama123321

    Hi there! I'm free today (13 of may) at 23:15 (GMT+2)

    Hi there! I'm free today (13 of may) at 23:15 (GMT+2)