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  • Hi, it would be awesome if you could add me to your Ditto Safari. My FC is 3308-4548-1261. Thank you in advance :)
    Hey, I saw you have ditto in your friend safari. Can you add me?
    My friend code is 3711-8294-3788
    Could you please add me? I really would like a ditto safari... My FC is 4012-3917-6089
    Could I ask/beg you to add me? I'm in desperate need of a Ditto Safari...Psychic safari w/ Grumpig, Espurr, and Gothorita. FC is 2020-0631-4167, IGN is Claytonius.. Thanks for you consideration.
    Hello, please add me. I have ground type with camerupt, diggersby and phanpy. 3754-6949-6175
    Hey dude wanna exchange FC: 3463625-8648-3577 I have fighting type with Re-generator Mienfoo, Sawk , Hariyama
    Hey there mate would you mind adding my friend code? It is 2079-7334-0130. I am a dragon type and have Fraxure, Dragonair and Sliggoo. Thanks!
    Hello everybody, i looking for Ditto for my Friend Safari so please add me! :D
    Friend Code: 3067 - 5398 - 8959 I have Nincada - Palpitoad - Phanpy
    Hi metalrush. would you mind add me as a friend? I have a ICE TYPE with Bergmite, Spheal and Cloyster. tks^^ (0087 3253 0717)
    please add my fc! you can remove me after a day. I really need a few good dittos, thanks!! 2964-8858-8160
    Hey metalrush, could you please add me to your friends list? I really need a ditto safari. I have growlithe, larvesta, and fletchinder. 4957-3622-8609
    Hello metalrush! How are you? I would like to know if you could be oh so kind to give me your FC! I would love to have your Dittos because I need them for breeding purposes! My friend code is 1805-2655-0370
    could you also add me please? I really need a ditto safari. I have Charmeleon, Braixen, and Growlithe. 2852 7739 1125
    Could you please add me to you friend list so I can get ditto in my friend safari. My FC is 4742 5685 6833 thank you.
    Hello metalrush, can you add me? My FC is 3024-5863-9761, I have Slugma, Magmar, and Ninetales. Thanks.
    Can I please get an add? I've been looking for a ditto safari forever T-T I have sandile, vullaby, and Absol. FC is 1848-2001-7506
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