Recent content by My Excuse is I'm Young

  1. My Excuse is I'm Young

    Official Smogon Tournament XIV - Round 1

    I got confused bw est and pst. Oppo also changed the time like 3 times and once last minute. Let's play this week.
  2. My Excuse is I'm Young

    hi i got confused bw est vs pst can we play this week? thanks

    hi i got confused bw est vs pst can we play this week? thanks
  3. My Excuse is I'm Young

    Can you play wednesday?

    Can you play wednesday?
  4. My Excuse is I'm Young

    whats that?

    whats that?
  5. My Excuse is I'm Young

    6:30 is fine

    6:30 is fine
  6. My Excuse is I'm Young

    Yeah sounds good

    Yeah sounds good
  7. My Excuse is I'm Young

    You down to play tomorrow?

    You down to play tomorrow?
  8. My Excuse is I'm Young

    np sorry about that. lemme know when works for you

    np sorry about that. lemme know when works for you
  9. My Excuse is I'm Young

    I can play at 9 if that works for you. I'm cali time, so 3 hours behind you

    I can play at 9 if that works for you. I'm cali time, so 3 hours behind you
  10. My Excuse is I'm Young

    okay sounds good

    okay sounds good
  11. My Excuse is I'm Young

    We could also do Wednesday after your class

    We could also do Wednesday after your class
  12. My Excuse is I'm Young

    Sorry I'm busy then.. Thursday or Friday works for me though

    Sorry I'm busy then.. Thursday or Friday works for me though
  13. My Excuse is I'm Young

    Same, I'm usually free around 4 pm this week. Wanna do wednesday?

    Same, I'm usually free around 4 pm this week. Wanna do wednesday?