Recent content by Quegg

  1. np: OU Suspect Testing Round 4 - Blaze of Glory

    Broken, maybe not. But hey, it's still fucking Latios. You know, that thing with 130 base special attack with what might be the best possible STAB in the game? And can outspeed a fair chunk of the metagame? That thing that can liquify anything that isn't SpDef T-Tar, Steel-typed or a member of...
  2. np: OU Suspect Testing Round 4 - Blaze of Glory

    The fact that Latios can evade the banning requirement by such a wide margin time and time again is driving me to alcoholism. I hope you're all happy. On the bright side, maybe Escavalier will see some more use as a Latios check.
  3. Creative (and good) Movesets (READ THE OP FIRST)

    It's pretty interesting, but I think you should run Volt Switch as his main STAB, as it would synch up very well with Acid Spray. If you predict a switch, you yourself can get a switch advantage, and if they don't, they'll take a nice chunk of damage after Acid Spray. It'd be a pretty nice...
  4. What aren't we writing about? (Pokemon unfit for OU Analyses)

    Medicham is certainly not without flaws, but I don't think being hard to use should completely relegate it to the lower tiers. Though it will likely be a star in UU, it is perfectly usable in standard.
  5. What aren't we writing about? (Pokemon unfit for OU Analyses)

    What about Medicham? It has very nice offensive movepool, access to some useful tools in Magic Coat and a strong Fake Out, and an obscenely powerful HJK. Scarfcham can 2HKO bulky Latias on the switch with Ice Punch after rocks, as well as a Max HP/Def Gliscor (the latter is OHKO'd by CB Ice...
  6. Creative (and good) Movesets (READ THE OP FIRST)

    Okay yeah, running Sleep Talk carries with it all the risks of that kind of set, but that isn't really the point here. At +2 CMs your defensive stats are roughly even, and Relicanth already has some pretty nice natural physical bulk to fall back on. Scald just makes dealing with physical...
  7. Creative (and good) Movesets (READ THE OP FIRST)

    I saw a friend of mine use this as a joke and it wound up being surprisingly effective. Relicanth @ Leftovers Impish 252 HP/4 SpAtk/252 SpDef -Calm Mind -Rest -Sleep Talk -Scald Ferrothorn kind of hard counters you but holy shit this thing his hard to take down.
  8. Bisharp (Analysis)

    It was originally designed for dealing with Mienshao, yes, but it still functions fairly well as a general offensive lead. You mean after he's done saying hi to every other set Bisharp can run, right?
  9. Bisharp (Analysis)

    A few friends and I have been running this set for a while, and we've all seen great success with it, so I'd like to submit it for consideration. Bisharp @ Focus Sash Trait: Inner Focus/Defiant EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk) - Low Sweep - Iron Head - Sucker...
  10. What aren't we writing about? (Pokemon unfit for OU Analyses)

    Fair enough on Hitmonlee, but Klinklang keeping an OU analysis because it slipped in before the thread was made doesn't really gel with me. I totally understand trying to set some standards, and I support it 100%. Some Pokemon shouldn't be analyzed for OU because they can't compete in that...
  11. What aren't we writing about? (Pokemon unfit for OU Analyses)

    I find it funny that with all the things getting denied (for good reason, don't get me wrong), Klinklang, the poster boy of wasted potential, has an analysis. If anyone has a convincing argument as to why Klinklang deserves OU analysis, I'd love to hear it. Why exactly is Hitmonlee getting the...
  12. Kirikizan

    I think it's worth mentioning that Kirikizan can also serve as a competent lead. A friend of mine and I both run a relatively successful 4-attack lead set that looks something like this: -Ankle Sweep -Sucker Punch -Iron Head -Stone Edge item: Focus Sash nature: Adamant ability: Inner Focus...
  13. Sigilyph

    I've been having a great deal of success using a take on an old Claydol spread. Shinboraa @ Leftovers Magic Guard Calm, 156 HP/176 DEF/180 SPATK Calm Mind Roost Air Slash filler The spread and nature helps it come in more easily and set up. The filler move can be whatever you want; I run Ice...
  14. Trick Room in the 5th Generation

    Herbivore Baffuron and Abagoora seem to work quite well together. Paired with, perhaps, a Volt Absorb Lanturn (unfortunately there's nothing really slow enough to take advantage of LightningRod in Trick Room), I can see them being quite a formidable team.
  15. Sigilyph

    I'm really excited about Shinboraa, and will definitely be looking to use it as a supporter. My only real beef with it is that it's pretty much usurped Xatu, a long time favorite of mine.