Recent content by ray

  1. My latest Photoshop work

    Your style is awesome. Love the shading style. Lemme check your DA page. Oh and your avatar is superb. You make it yourself?
  2. How is competitive Pokemon doing internationally?

    <_< I went a games store, and bought it... When was the last time you came to India/ Pakistan man...
  3. coolest bad guy in a video game?

    Nelo Angelo from Devil May Cry. Pure Awesome sauce.
  4. What is the hardest Video Game you have ever played?

    Seriously, that game was hard. I couldn't get past the first level. Ninja Gaiden (Xbox) and Trauma Centre were kinda easy...
  5. How is competitive Pokemon doing internationally?

    I live in Pakistan, and I think there might be like ten people in this whole country who play competitively.