Recent content by SFNR

  1. Resource Simple Questions, Simple Answers Thread

    Ok thank all of you for the quick responses! I think Cresselia was the First mon in the match and used Lunar Dance very early, Ursaluna came in and received massive damage and switched Out, other mon came in and faded and then Luna came back and got healed good to know now that the healing is...
  2. Resource Simple Questions, Simple Answers Thread

    I just lost to a TR team, the turning point in the match was his Ursaluna recovering to full health out of nowhere. His Cresselia used Lunar Dance around 5 rounds before that it must have somerhing to do with that… In the round before the recovery I Made the first kill of the Match… came...
  3. Resource Simple Questions, Simple Answers Thread

    Thank for your feedback! The reason I am asking is: I started with compeditive pokemon many moons ago but only played Ubers in I think it was Gen5. There I only played a pretty onedimensional playstyle and had good success with it for what it was, but usually did not stand a chance versus...
  4. Resource Simple Questions, Simple Answers Thread

    At what ELO in the ladder is someone a „Good“ player in Showdown? I know that „Good“ is not really definable, but to me it feels like a good player has established knowledge about the Tiers sets, knows the strategies, makes good predictions etc. what do you think?
  5. Resource Simple Questions, Simple Answers Thread

    Thank you very much for your answer! what I feel I fail to understand is, how it can be that succesfull when a) you start with a suicide lead to set hazards, but when the hazards get removed by spin/ defog, you can Not reset them again when your frail hazardsetter is gone b) how can...
  6. Resource Simple Questions, Simple Answers Thread

    Hey guys, I need some help with teambuilding. I read that the hyperoffensive style seems to be most peoples favourite in the current meta. Why do you think it is? I usually prefer teams with a mix of offense and defense, where you do not have the one centerpiece you rely on in oder to win but...
  7. Resource Simple Questions, Simple Answers Thread

    It seems everyone is using Pokémon Showdown for compeditive ranked online battles. Are there any alternatives? What makes Pokémon Showdown the best platform?