SV Ubers Icedancer: An SV Ubers Team (Peaked #25 / 1682 ELO / 85.6% GXE)

Screenshot 2024-01-22 104622.png

(Proof of peak)

Kyurem-B.pngGiratina O.pngKoraidon.pngZacian C.pngGroudon.pngMiraidon.png
(^ Click for paste)
Welcome to my first foray into the RMT section. I wanted to share this SV Ubers Kyurem-B offense team I've spent the past week refining and am now finally happy with, having obtained a decent peak on the ladder on a fresh alt exclusively using this team and its various prior drafts. The main strategy of this team is fast-paced Dragon spam, aiming to draw the most out of the unique toolkit Kyurem-B provides to cut through fatter teams and circumvent and outlast HO strategies. I've only been playing SV Ubers for about 2 weeks, and this is my first serious dive into both SV Ubers teambuilding and offense teambuilding as a whole, as I usually prefer balance teams. Therefore, any feedback from experienced players of the tier would be very much appreciated. I hope you enjoy.

Team Breakdown



Kyurem-Black @ Loaded Dice
Ability: Teravolt
Tera Type: Electric
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Icicle Spear
- Scale Shot
- Fusion Bolt
- Dragon Dance
Kyurem-B is the star of the show here, being the mon I decided to build this team around. Admittedly, I chose to make a Kyurem-B team primarily because it's my favourite legendary ever, but I do think it has numerous advantages in the current metagame, serving as a check and switch-in to the various Ground-types that perpetuate the tier such as Arceus-Ground and Ting-Lu, being able to exploit Choice and bulky CM Kyogre sets (especially with Scarf Koraidon support), serving as a Scale Shot sweeper that does not fear Skeledirge thanks to Teravolt, and allowing you to have both a game-ending Scale Shot sweeper and another Koraidon set on the same team. Thanks to its great physical bulk and capacity to threaten foes out, Kyurem-B can get a DD off at least once per game fairly consistently, and can use Scale Shot to snowball from there, being incredibly difficult to check if it has multiple speed boosts under its belt as it becomes faster than Scarf Koraidon. Kyurem-B also offers counterplay to Sash HO Deoxys-A leads, as it is not OHKOed by any of standard Deoxys-A's unboosted attacks and has multi-hit moves, forcing Deo-A to choose between getting a Spike up or chipping Kyurem-B. The set should be fairly self-explanatory; Loaded Dice is practically mandatory due to Icicle Spear being its only good physical STAB, and a Jolly nature is necessary to outrun Zacian-C at +1 and Scarf Koraidon and Miraidon at +2. Electric is the tera type of choice, not only giving you a tertiary STAB to help blow through foes like Ho-Oh, Zacian-C, Necrozma-DM, and Arceus-Water, but also giving you a Steel resistance, allowing Kyurem-B to potentially get off a second DD against a Zacian-C or a Necrozma-DM looking to OHKO it with Behemoth Blade or Sunsteel Strike and win the game.



Giratina-Origin @ Griseous Core
Ability: Levitate
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 252 HP / 212 SpA / 44 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Hex
- Draco Meteor
- Will-O-Wisp
- Defog
Given Kyurem-B's debilitating Stealth Rock weakness, it is virtually essential to use it with some kind of hazard removal unless you're using it on a screens team. Therefore, being by far the best hazard removal option in the tier, Giratina-O was a natural next choice. Aside from the hazard removal, Giratina-O is a great offensive support for Kyurem-B in general by serving as a Fighting and Ground immunity, helping to check problematic foes for Kyurem-B such as Extreme Killer Arceus and Necrozma-DM, and spreading burn around to give Kyurem-B more opportunities to set up. I opted for the special set here to give this team greater capacity to absorb burns, to better threaten Necrozma-DM, and to give the team a way to more easily break through Gliscor besides just relying on Kyurem-B. The Speed EVs are to outrun Gliscor. Tera Steel is probably one of the Teras you will be using the most on this team, giving Giratina-O an amazing defensive profile and allowing it to turn the tables on foes such as Arceus-Fairy, Calyrex-I, Koraidon, Miraidon, Eternatus, and more.



Koraidon @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Orichalcum Pulse
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Low Kick
- Outrage
- U-turn
- Flare Blitz​

Koraidon in the best mon in the tier by far, and it's my opinion that it should be included on every SV Ubers team that isn't hard stall. Choice Scarf Koraidon serves this team nicely by acting both as speed control and a wallbreaker, helping to prevent sweepers from going out of control, cleaning up weakened teams, and generating momentum and setup opportunities with a powerful U-turn. It also helps specifically check certain problem mons like Swift Swim Basculegion, Zacian-C, Miraidon, and Necrozma-DM. Tera Fire is of course to buff Flare Blitz, turn Koraidon's Ice and Fairy weaknesses into resists, and make Koraidon burn immune.



Zacian-Crowned @ Rusted Sword
Ability: Intrepid Sword
Shiny: Yes
Tera Type: Fighting
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Behemoth Blade
- Play Rough
- Close Combat
- Swords Dance
Looking at what we have built so far, we've made a team that has a pretty glaring weakness to opposing Koraidon and nothing to soak up Dragon hits in general. Zacian-C helps to resolve these issues while mainitaining the team's momentum and offensive pressure, deterring foes from spamming their Dragon moves, capitalizing on Choice-locked Koraidon and Miraidon if they are foolish enough to click a Dragon move early, and serving as an excellent revenge killer against Koraidon and Miraidon. Zacian-C also provides the team with a Fairy resist, a way to threaten Flutter Mane and Arceus-Fairy, a Toxic immunity, and another safety net against Extreme Killer Arceus. For the moveset, I opted for a simple dual STABs + CC set due to this team's need to threaten both Fairy-types and Koraidon and Miraidon, and because Zacian-C will generally not want to use its Tera on this squad. This unfortunately does mean Zacian-C gets walled by Ho-Oh, but I think this team has enough ways to take it down between Kyurem-B, Stone Edge Groudon, and Miraidon.



Groudon @ Leftovers
Ability: Drought
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 252 HP / 228 Def / 28 Spe
Impish Nature
- Precipice Blades
- Stone Edge
- Will-O-Wisp
- Spikes​

Our current squad is fairly weak to opposing Zacian-C, could do with another way to check Necrozma-DM, and could use some entry hazard support to facilitate its offensive breakers and sweepers. Moreover, any serious SV Ubers team needs a Ground-type to prevent Miraidon from clicking Electro Drift and Volt Switch with impunity. Although a fairly niche pick in the current metagame, Groudon consequently ends up fitting the needs of this team well, giving this team some backbone, serving as a defensive check to the aforementioned threats, spreading burn around to create setup opportunities and buff Giratina-O's Hex, and providing the team with an Electric immunity and Spikes support. I considered and tried using a bulky Arceus-Ground in this slot, which is a bit more conventional, but I think Groudon ends up fitting better here due to its better physical bulk, more threatening offensive presence, and Spikes helping to chip down the various Steel-types in the tier far better than Stealth Rock. For its set, I employed Stone Edge with some Speed investment to outrun and threaten defensive Ho-Oh. Tera Fairy is the Tera of choice to soak up Miraidon's Draco Meteor and OHKO it in return and to provide extra insurance against Koraidon if needed.



Miraidon @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Hadron Engine
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Electro Drift
- Draco Meteor
- U-turn
- Taunt​

Miraidon may seem like a somewhat questionable choice for a last due to it exacerbating this team's Fairy weakness, but I feel it actually ends up rounding out this team nicely. It can switch into and check Ho-Oh, maintains momentum for the team with U-turn, can prevent Trick Room shenanigans and stallbreak with Taunt, offers counterplay to Sticky Web and hazard stack HO, and is great for wearing down bulky Arceus formes. Miraidon also has great offensive synergy with Kyurem-B and Koraidon, forming a pivot core with Koraidon and helping to overwhelm bulkier teams that rely on Necrozma-DM to check Dragon-types. It can pivot out of incoming Ground-types with U-turn to go into Kyurem-B and let it either set up or get off a powerful attack, and Kyurem-B further appreciates Electric Terrain support to help break through certain foes:

+1 252 Atk Teravolt Tera Electric Kyurem-Black Fusion Bolt vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Zacian-Crowned in Electric Terrain: 346-408 (106.4 - 125.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO
+1 252 Atk Tera Electric Kyurem-Black Fusion Bolt vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Necrozma-Dusk-Mane in Electric Terrain: 237-280 (59.5 - 70.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
+1 252 Atk Teravolt Kyurem-Black Fusion Bolt vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Ho-Oh in Electric Terrain: 400-472 (96.1 - 113.4%) -- 75% chance to OHKO

Tera Fairy is used to allow Miraidon to check Koraidon and opposing Miraidon in a pinch.

I unfortunately forgot to save any replays of the current iteration of this team performing at a high level, but if you're on the fence about it, I urge you to try it for yourself. Overall, I feel this team is pretty solid against most of the metagame besides Will-O-Wisp Arceus-Fairy and Earthquake Ho-Oh, but I think this team does have the tools necessary to outplay those threats if encountered. Thank you for reading and please let me know your thoughts :sphearical:
Howdy! Congratulations on the Top 25 peak. This team looks quite fire and I only have a few changes that will help you peak #1 on ladder.

Your team is structurally sound, but would benefit from the inclusion of a better :Miraidon: + :Kyogre: check. I would recommend switching :Groudon: for either Water Absorb :Clodsire: or Tera Water :Ting-Lu:

As for minor changes, :Zacian-Crowned: would benefit more from Wild Charge over Behemoth Blade. I think Play Rough, Wild Charge, and Close Combat cover everything you realistically want to hit. You could even run Tera Flying to beat EQ users like :Necrozma-Dusk-Mane: 1v1. Since you’re relying on Electric Terrain, :Zacian-Crowned: can easily power through would-be defensive checks like :Ho-Oh: + :Kyogre:

Other than that, I think this team is an optimal composition. Usually, I would try to fit an :Arceus: somewhere on Ubers builds, but I think you covered all your bases pretty well. Let me know how these changes do.

Edit: One final change would be running Dragon Claw over Outrage on :Choice Scarf: :Koraidon:, to avoid getting locked in. But that’s an optional change, since the damage output Outrage provides is far more conducive to breaking fatter teams.
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Howdy! Congratulations on the Top 25 peak. This team looks quite fire and I only have a few changes that will help you peak #1 on ladder.

Your team is structurally sound, but would benefit from the inclusion of a better :Miraidon: + :Kyogre: check. I would recommend switching :Groudon: for either Water Absorb :Clodsire: or Tera Water :Ting-Lu:

As for minor changes, :Zacian-Crowned: would benefit more from Wild Charge over Behemoth Blade. I think Play Rough, Wild Charge, and Close Combat cover everything you realistically want to hit. You could even run Tera Flying to beat EQ users like :Necrozma-Dusk-Mane: 1v1. Since you’re relying on Electric Terrain, :Zacian-Crowned: can easily power through would-be defensive checks like :Ho-Oh: + :Kyogre:

Other than that, I think this team is an optimal composition. Usually, I would try to fit an :Arceus: somewhere on Ubers builds, but I think you covered all your bases pretty well. Let me know how these changes do.
Thank you for this feedback. With regards to Clodsire or Ting-Lu over Groudon, the issue these mons have is that neither can stand up to Zacian-C, so I would be forced to exhaust the Tera of one of my mons at preview to be able to effectively switch around against it. In my experience neither Miraidon or Kyogre tend to be too big an issue for this team; for non-Overheat Miraidon variants, you can force the opponent into mind games using Groudon, Zacian-C, and your Tera Fairy mons, while Overheat variants will almost always be Choice-locked and thus exploitable in a different way. As for Kyogre, honestly I think between Koraidon, Miraidon, and Kyurem-B, you are plenty well equipped to deal with it as is. I do think Arceus-Ground is a valid option over Groudon for more security against Miraidon though, as that can also somewhat handle Zacian-C (however you do miss the Spikes and Wisp support); you could also opt for Tera Water on it as extra Kyogre insurance if desired. Zacian-C slotting Wild Charge in over Behemoth Blade and opting for Tera Flying are for sure valid choices, although you do certainly miss the immediate damage capability vs Arceus-Fairy.
Thank you for this feedback. With regards to Clodsire or Ting-Lu over Groudon, the issue these mons have is that neither can stand up to Zacian-C, so I would be forced to exhaust the Tera of one of my mons at preview to be able to effectively switch around against it. In my experience neither Miraidon or Kyogre tend to be too big an issue for this team; for non-Overheat Miraidon variants, you can force the opponent into mind games using Groudon, Zacian-C, and your Tera Fairy mons, while Overheat variants will almost always be Choice-locked and thus exploitable in a different way. As for Kyogre, honestly I think between Koraidon, Miraidon, and Kyurem-B, you are plenty well equipped to deal with it as is. I do think Arceus-Ground is a valid option over Groudon for more security against Miraidon though, as that can also somewhat handle Zacian-C (however you do miss the Spikes and Wisp support); you could also opt for Tera Water on it as extra Kyogre insurance if desired. Zacian-C slotting Wild Charge in over Behemoth Blade and opting for Tera Flying are for sure valid choices, although you do certainly miss the immediate damage capability vs Arceus-Fairy.

I'd say :Arceus-Fairy: usage isn't as high as it used to be pre-DLC2 thanks to the inclusion of :Ho-Oh: + :Necrozma-Dusk-Mane: so it's fine to drop Behemoth Blade on :Zacian-Crowned:

The rest of the points you make are valid, as I was thinking of a more balanced approach, while your team functions more as a Bulky Offense. If you were to go the Balance route, I would suggest running :Necrozma-Dusk-Mane: + :Ho-Oh: + :Ting-Lu: over :Koraidon:, :Zacian-Crowned:, and :Groudon: respectively. You could also experiment with things like Magic Bounce :Hatterene: over :Giratina-Origin:, which can synergize well with stuff like :Necrozma-Dusk-Mane: + provide Healing Wish support so :Kyurem-Black: gets a second chance to potentially sweep.

Edit: Here's a Balanced variation of your team:
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