National Dex Spotlight Ladder of the Month - Voting Stage (March)

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is a Member of Senior Staffis a Community Contributoris a Smogon Discord Contributoris a Tiering Contributoris a member of the Battle Simulator Staffis a Top Contributor Alumnus
National Dex Leader
- Vote for a metagame by liking or loving the post (in this thread) that has its name on it. No other reaction will be counted.
- You may vote for as many metagames as you want.
- In order for your vote to count, you must have at least FIVE forum posts.
- If your account is less than one week old, your vote will NOT be counted.
- Votes may not be counted if your account's forum posts have a clear ulterior motive for being made, such as being eligible to vote.
- Do not promote a metagame over another or voting in any way.
- Do not bash nominated metagame.
- The metagame with the most votes will receive a ladder on the main server of Pokemon Showdown for the month.

Voting ends the 1st March
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