Tournament OMPL XII - Player Signups (READ THE OP)

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User name: MZ

Tiers Preferred (not binding) SV AAA, SV Bo3 (AAA/STAB/MnM)

Tiers NOT Played (binding) (DID NOT ANSWER QUESTION)

Time Zone GMT-4

Forseeable inactivity No
User name: Slither Wing

Tiers Preferred (not binding) SV AAA, SV MnM, SV STAB, SV Bo3 (AAA/STAB/MnM)

Tiers NOT Played (binding) SV Inh, SV PiC

Time Zone GMT+2

Forseeable inactivity Will be less active first 2 weeks due to graduation, will potentially still be able to play/support
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