Your weird and wacky dreams

My dream last night involved getting drafted in SPL for 8.5k. For some reason though that meant that, as a tryout for the team, I had to run 8.5 kilometers without stopping. I failed and was kicked off the team :(

You in good shape Mr. 39k ABR?

Completely serious when I say I had another one of these dreams, this time I was drafted for 10k, I somehow managed to run the 10k but was forced to play Gefährlicher Random immediately after with a penalty of 4 minutes on my timer because he had run the 10k 4 minutes faster than me
had a dream one time me and a crow/raven (i cant always tell difference love em both [down to having a comic growing up with a main character named Krow his gf, based off my own? Rayven LMAO] as my fav animals lol) --- anyway they lead me to a land of endless potato knishes and even flew me mustard over when we got there finally lol. so dumb but waking up from i was like damn, i wanna exist there, potato knishes are important lol.
Speaking of dreams with players, I had this dream where smogon was organizing a team tour trophy in Team Fortress 2, and not only did I get drafted, my team actually won the whole thing with my team, It was 9v9 highlander with 3 subs, the only person I remember that was on my team was Mcmeghan for some reason. I don't even know how the fuck the servers were running with no ping
So in my dream I was watching a competitive pokemon video of some sorts and what was being described was how due to power creep, a lotad will rather run a -def +sp atk nature than what it usually ran -sp atk +def nature. I just want to know if there is any truth to it lol. Also in the dream something was said about a farigiraf mirror match a +2 farigiraf that cant terrastilize would always be worse than a +1 farigiraf that can still terrastilize also want to know if there is some truth to that too lol i dont know too much about comp pokemon
i had a dream where ryan gosling walked up to me. every step he took the walls slowly crumpled away, leaving nothing but a blank void, filled with so much yet so little. as he arrived in front of me, he whispered into my ear "choice scarf ferrothorn." his eyes started glowing a bright blue and he put 2 fingers on my forehead and then i woke up.
A few nights ago I dreamt something weird yet oddly kinda comforting.

So basically, my sister and me were at a walmart and were tasked by our mother to get all the things she was going to buy for her. However, for some reason we had to do it under a time limit, and the whole store had gone through a MAJOR remodeling and everything had been changed. Therefore, my sister and me were rushing through the whole store trying to find everything on time. I can't remember specifically what we were getting except for this book my dream made up about an ant's epic journey to save his queen from a snake. By the time we got to the electronics section I woke up because I got the urgent need to go to the bathroom. After answering the call of nature I decided to sleep some more cuz I was still a little tired. Somehow I managed to resume the dream right were I left it off. But, as I asked my sister what was next on the list, she simply said that it didn't matter anymore. I asked what she meant by that, to which she answered that it was just a dream anyway. I apparently assimilated that pretty quickly and thought it made sense. So, we wished each other a good night and sweet dreams, and everything faded to black. Next thing I knew, I woke up again not tired!

I still don't know how I managed to resume my dream like that. I also don't know if I actually did go to the bathroom or if it was just another part of the dream. But anyway, I just hope my walmart dream sister is doing alright, wherever she is.
I was working on something? with a person I hadn't worked well with in a recent group project. It was time to take a break, so we were playing a nondescript TCG. I decided to take out my frustrations on this guy by making him just sit there watching me shuffle my deck. I would "accidentally" draw more cards then I should have for a starting hand, forcing me to put them back and reshuffle, after which I would call a mulligan repeatedly.
I had this dream where my science teacher started throwing chromebooks out the window (we were in the mountains in the dream) and then the whole class started singing lost in thoughts all alone and I utterly nailed it it was so realistic.
Screenshot 2024-04-11 at 11.06.47.png
I was scrolling through Youtube in a dream last night and on the sidebar I discovered that Ben Shapiro had just had a debate with Arale from Dr. Slump. This is my best attempt to reconstruct the thumbnail

It was that specific image of Shapiro but Arale had more of a neutral expression
Once had a dream where I saw a video of someone building a Yugioh deck that could win before the game even started. Like no one even drew cards.
Unrelated note is this deck even possible?
Once had a dream where I saw a video of someone building a Yugioh deck that could win before the game even started. Like no one even drew cards.
Unrelated note is this deck even possible?
more or less? There are what's called tier 0 decks, which are decks that will give you an auto win:

Once had a dream where I saw a video of someone building a Yugioh deck that could win before the game even started. Like no one even drew cards.
Unrelated note is this deck even possible?
There are FTKs, strategies that can win on the first turn like getting all 5 pieces of exodia, but getting a 0 turn kill isn't possible.
Dreamt that I got an email from an AI music mashup generator that my songs that i submitted a year or three ago had finally been processed. I listened and while I don't remember what the songs were, it had the lyrics from one song pitch-shifted to the melody of the other in extremely high quality. (The website also didn't exist but it looked similar to a stem splitter i used one time.)

Now I'm wondering that since it took so long if it was just made by a human lol
I had a dream in 2nd grade where I rescued some girl from something, I don't remember. The girl turned out to be someone in my actual 2nd grade class.
The thing is, we didn't talk or doing anything. She was just in it.
Plus she said something that I don't want to repeat.
Gus Fring walked into my bed room, removed the Drive poster I sleep under and replaced it with a smaller poster of John Wick 3, but instead of Keanu, Gus was in the middle of it

The poster fell off and cheese was under it
I was walking home lat at night from the airport, and I went to MoistCr1tikal's apartment because it was right by the airport. When I stepped in, there was a bedroom with a huge bed. Charles Cr1tikal was sleeping in it with his white shirt on. His friend Matt was sleeping next to him. I stole some clothes from big Moist and tried them on in the bathroom (which doesn't event make sense, I am at least twice as big as charlie and I am a dog)

Toph from Avatar was also there. I don't remember what her deal was