Tournament MPL X - Commencement

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is a Tournament Directoris a Battle Simulator Administratoris a Member of Senior Staffis a Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributoris a Top Contributoris a Top Dedicated Tournament Host
Monotype Leader
Welcome to Monotype Premier League X, the one and only team tournament where you legally can't bring an Eeveelutions team to the battle!

This thread may be used for tournament discussion. A bit of humor and memes are fine, but Vertigo and I, as well as the Forum Mods, will make sure anything nasty or in poor taste is dealt with. Having fun doesn't have to mean making others feel unwelcomed.

The format for MPL X is the following:
  • SV Monotype
  • SV Monotype
  • SV Monotype
  • SV Monotype
  • SS Monotype
  • SM Monotype
  • ORAS Monotype
  • BW Monotype
The managers and teams for this year's Monotype Premier League are:
All battles MUST be played either on Pokémon Showdown! or Smogtours ( No exceptions will be granted if another server is used.

Regular Season:

The regular season will consist of 7 round robin weeks where each team will play the other 7 teams one at a time. There are 8 matches each round, so ties are a possibility. Each week win is 2 points, a tie is 1 point, and a loss is 0 and will be recorded on the spreadsheet.

Manager pricing:
Teams may purchase/retain a total of 2 managers/players prior to the draft, with any combination of manager selfbuys and retains allowed.

As we previously did not use a 100k budget, prices from MPL IX will be scaled accordingly prior to being used in the equation, being rounded down to the nearest multiple of 500.

Manager price = (M-1) * 500 * # of wins last MPL + (P + 3000) + 750 * # of wins last MPL - 1000 * # of losses last MPL
M being the number of selfbuys performed by the team (1 or 2).
P being the price of said player in their last MPL capped at 17000.
If they never played MPL or if their price was lower than 10000, it defaults to 10000. The result is rounded up.

Teams may purchase/retain a total of 2 managers/players prior to the draft, with any combination of manager selfbuys and retains allowed. Retains will be tierlocked to their signup from MPL IX.

As we previously did not use a 100k budget, prices from MPL IX will be scaled accordingly prior to being used in the equation, being rounded down to the nearest multiple of 500.

Retain price = P + (3000 x Y)
P being the scaled price from MPL IX
Y being the number of years retained (for MPL X it will default to 1 for everyone)

Minimum price for those who don't meet the threshold is 10k.

The top 4 teams with the best records will move on into the playoff bracket where the #1 seed will play the #4 seed and the #2 will play the #3. The two victors will move on to the finals, with the victor of that week ultimately crowned the MPL X Champion!

Playoff requirements will mirror that of MPL IX where your overall score will be comprised of week wins and total wins. Each week win is 2 points, a tie is 1 point, and a loss is 0 and will be recorded on the spreadsheet. Playoffs will come down to week wins, total wins, and then a bo3 tiebreaker.

The tiebreaker will consist of 3 games: 1 SV Mono, the other 2 each being chosen by the participating teams. The lower seed chooses the first format followed by the higher seed. If both teams have the same seed, it'll come down to the head-to-head during the regular season.

If a captain wishes to substitute a player for an inactive one in the lineup, you must post in the week's thread who is subbing in for who. In addition, please make the post highlight the opponent and their Captain so everyone is aware of the substitution that has occurred. If Vertigo and I feel that you are trying to gain an unfair advantage with your substitute, we hold the right to veto it.

Pre-Week Battling:
Because there is a set schedule generated at the beginning of the season, it is possible to accurately guess what players you will be facing in any given week. However, because the next week’s rosters are not set in stone until the day before the next week, there is no telling what a manager will do with regards to who they slot in one spot… especially if they have more than one player in any given tier. Asking to battle early for future weeks is essentially asking the opposing manager to short themselves options and forces them to make their roster early, perhaps without all of the knowledge they might have gleaned over the course of the week. Due to this, battling early for future weeks is not allowed. Do not ask to battle early for a future week. You will be denied. No exceptions. This is what you have substitutes for.

Activity Decisions:
There will be times when a game is not completed. In these instances, Vertigo and I will undertake our duty as hosts to make a thorough investigation. If both sides made no effort or have tried to make every effort but could still not make the match happen, the match will simply result in a no contest. If one side made considerably more of an effort to get the match scheduled and done, that player will be awarded a win. Here are some things you can do to ensure that you do not lose your match via activity: Immediately leave your opponent a VM on their profile after you receive the highlight, do not miss you and your opponent’s schedule time, provide your opponent with concrete times (and your timezone) when you can be reached and reply to your opponent’s VM if they contacted you before you were able to contact them. We highly recommend scheduling via Smogon profile walls only as this is public information and strengthens our ability to make accurate activity calls. Scheduling via Discord or Smogon private messages is not public to the hosts.

Reverse Rulings:
Rulings will not be reversed unless it is immediately appealed and hosts overlooked a critical piece of evidence. After it is posted in the Administration thread, we reserve the right to reverse the judgment within 12 hours of the decision going public in order to get the best outcome of each situation.

Other general Smogon tournament rules apply, and any evidence of violating them will result in an immediate ban.
Draft date and order, as well as the schedule, will be officially announced soon™!

The winning team will receive a custom avatar as a prize!

Good luck to the managers, players, and spectators for this year's iteration of MPL!
hey everyone, since it's the 10th edition of MPL and i myself have played in quite a few of these now i'd like to share some of my favorite moments that i've seen or been apart of. unfortunately since a bunch of replays are still nuked i won't be able to post everything, but still some funny moments.

Screenshot 2024-04-09 225639.png

Screenshot 2024-04-09 230310.png

Screenshot 2024-04-09 230451.png

Screenshot 2024-04-09 231548.png

Screenshot 2024-04-09 232638.png

Screenshot 2024-04-09 233007.png


these are just a few of everything that i'd compiled and that i'd like to share. perhaps i will do a part 2 or MWP edition of this since there's still plenty to share. i'd like to see some other's favorite moments too though. here's to a great tour!

MPL Bingo cards generated
Screenshot 2024-05-06 174823.png
Screenshot 2024-05-06 174819.png
Screenshot 2024-05-06 174813.png
Screenshot 2024-05-06 174809.png
Bingo card generator->
7-0 Player
3k Player gets 3-0 or better
15k+ Player gets 0-3 or worse
3 20k+ Players in one team (including self buys)
4 15k+ Players in one team (including self buys)
30k Player
10k+ Player gets tourbanned
Player gets banned from Smogon mid tourney
Player renames themselves and reverts back within the duration of MPL
Tour player comes to love monotype
More than 14 players in one team
Game played an hour before deadline
Game played 24 hours from posting LUs
A team matchup where their Week is "won" before weekend
Dragon getting 40%+ usage in SV
Flying getting 40%+ usage in SS
Flying getting 40%+ usage in USUM
Water getting 40%+ usage in ORAS
Psychic getting 40%+ usage in BW
Both managers self buy in one team
A tier list
Freshly made beef from PRs
#8 in PR gets top 3 in terms of wins (oldgens)
#24-32 in PR gets top 8 in terms of wins (SV)
Act call on important week
Team out of playoffs by Week 4
Team guaranteed for playoffs by Week 4
Team gets 8-0 in one week
Team gets more than three ties in season
Finals tiebreaks ends up in sub
Suspect test during MPL
A key mon gets banned on or a week before playoffs
A good matchup gets botched by luck
A bad matchup won in a grueling match
Espathra moment in SV (or a similar mon)
Manager beef because of scheduling
lmk if you want to add more options/change the free slot.

I hope everyone haves fun this MPL, good luck to everyone :blobnom:
View attachment 630991
MPL Bingo cards generated
Bingo card generator->
7-0 Player
3k Player gets 3-0 or better
15k+ Player gets 0-3 or worse
3 20k+ Players in one team (including self buys)
4 15k+ Players in one team (including self buys)
30k Player
10k+ Player gets tourbanned
Player gets banned from Smogon mid tourney
Player renames themselves and reverts back within the duration of MPL
Tour player comes to love monotype
More than 14 players in one team
Game played an hour before deadline
Game played 24 hours from posting LUs
A team matchup where their Week is "won" before weekend
Dragon getting 40%+ usage in SV
Flying getting 40%+ usage in SS
Flying getting 40%+ usage in USUM
Water getting 40%+ usage in ORAS
Psychic getting 40%+ usage in BW
Both managers self buy in one team
A tier list
Freshly made beef from PRs
#8 in PR gets top 3 in terms of wins (oldgens)
#24-32 in PR gets top 8 in terms of wins (SV)
Act call on important week
Team out of playoffs by Week 4
Team guaranteed for playoffs by Week 4
Team gets 8-0 in one week
Team gets more than three ties in season
Finals tiebreaks ends up in sub
Suspect test during MPL
A key mon gets banned on or a week before playoffs
A good matchup gets botched by luck
A bad matchup won in a grueling match
Espathra moment in SV (or a similar mon)
Manager beef because of scheduling
lmk if you want to add more options/change the free slot.

I hope everyone haves fun this MPL, good luck to everyone :blobnom:
you forgot Keld ban in Oras didn't you
After 2 long years the Treeckos are back and gunning for the title. If you think you should be on this team, shoot me a pm on discord crashy_ with your best replays, builds, motivation, hell just let me know you wanna win this bad boy just as bad as we do and you’ll be considered for this team.

Here’s to a fun MPL season, goodluck everyone!
Last edited:

please don't take this 100% seriously...


Lineups (if received, pm me to get yours added in):
SV: Neko
SV: Quinn
SV: TheWyvernKing
SV: schwipper
SS: Jojo8868
SM: LuckyPiper
ORAS: Prosaic
BW: crashy
subs: pas_touchao, PrinceofAllTacos
SV: Firnen
SV: Xiri
SV: ClasSV: Mateeus
SS: Hurtadoo
SM: Trouser Snakes
ORAS: Ina Fable
BW: Meta
Subs: Bouki, style.css, Soma, boomp, Tarre25, RoyalReloaded, tier
sv: ethereal sword
sv: dunkos
sv: batzisv: velvet
ss: maki
sm: dugza
oras: isza
bw: sabella
SV: Scarfire
SV: Tenebricite
SV: Thiago Nunes
SV: Floss
SS: Shiraiki
SM: Adjustments
ORAS: Gondra
BW: Vid
Here's the logo for the Zoroarks!


MASSIVE shoutout to style.css for doing an amazing job as always

While the zoroarks won't be doing tryouts this year, feel free to dm me on discord @ plunderrr and send me a message with any of your achievements / replays / builds / motivations for this mpl / any other reasons for why we should draft you.

Good luck to everyone for the draft! :tyke:
roxie while I can't comment on everything else you mentioned in this thread/youtube, me and many others knows how it feels to be snubbed in a tournament you care about. You're entitled to feel the way you feel like everyone else.

For people that have been clowning him, you don't always know what's going on in someone life. Doesn't excuse everything however give him some grace, some of us have been there.

And most importantly feel better bro.
The official Power Rankings for MPL X are up!

Massive thank you to Lumari for approving the article and for all their support in getting the article up in a timely manner. Thank you to Kev, Leafium Z, Neko, Ethereal Sword and RoyalReloaded for all their help with the write ups, especially to Kev for coming out of retirement to help with the article upon request. Thank you to everyone who helped with the rankings as well. Shout-out to style.css for providing all the artwork for the article and to Ethereal Sword again for providing the sheet used for ranking in addition to helping with write-ups. Hope you all have a good read, enjoy!
A bit unfortunate that our season ended this early, but I'd like to make some shoutouts regardless to what was one of the most entertaining bunch of ppl I've teamed with; while we didn't win as much as we expected (ofc winning is fun and losing is not) I think there were very enjoyable moments throughout this season and I'd be lying if I said it was a complete waste of my time (I probably had more lines than in the previous MPLs I've managed - most of which were prob shitpost but still I think thats something). Thank all you guys Xiri Mihowk Feaniix Fírnen Trouser Snakes Tenebricite sapphiree RoyalReloaded avarice Jojo8868 hellom pas_touchao for playing and committing to this tour, unlucky finish overall but that's the game we play, and I gotta respect that.

Tenebricite you absolutely killed it in the cups and it was no different this mpl. Ty for taking over the SM slot and getting involved with the tier, we really need you to play more monotype!!

hellom Jojo8868 since u guys are a package duo i might as well blend u guys together (even tho you may disapprove it LOL). You were super hardworking prep-wise and fun guys to hang around with overall. unfort hellom didnt have an amazing tour but hes still braves goat fs

Fírnen the mighty sv cup winner. Your wins on the early weeks were superb; unfortunate timing for what has happened, and I really hope you get well soon and return to normal life as early as possible :heart:

Xiri Mihowk Trouser Snakes pas_touchao glad to team up with you guys once again, and to no surprise, all of you delivered both in team chat and on the games played. while that wasn't the best outcome I still appreciate the fact we always get along well when we team, and I def look forward to more tours together in the future!

RoyalReloaded sapphiree first off thanks a LOT for carrying sv building thruout the tour, which is a gen I had little to no experience at myself. It felt like you guys managed the first four slots w/ crossheart, and that was a job well-done in my eyes if not for some unlucky moments. best of luck w/ the glorps in mfpl, and I think you two got it when it comes to managing team tournaments

Feaniix didnt know you prior to this tour, but I appreciated your early season bw wins against established players. unfort momentum was hard to get by but I think you adapted well into bw mono all things considered. gl in future tours, and like tenebricite, def come back to play mono!

avarice first off I'm sorry for not having slotted you more often but you didn't calc draco :x. despite that I think we made a mistake by not slotting you in the later weeks where experience could be key; I apologize myself for that. have nothing personal against you, and gl in future tours!

CrossHeart Thank you for accepting to manage Braves with me this season; ever since last year we've been talking to each other a lot and bringing this franchise to this mpl (which I definitely didn't want to miss as it's mpl ten) with you was something I wanted to do eventually since you're a friend. I think you were really good at managing despite what people could say; you were participative and made sure slots were all properly prepared before the games - I think I was the one who kinda fumbled it by not being very active or involved in SV, and I apologize for disappointing in that regard. Best of luck in whichever tier / game you land in if you leave Monotype :heart:

boomp ty for agreeing to help us, and goddamn you were a test game machine LOL. Same for adjustments Neko Elvira and others who I might have forgotten

peace out o/
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