Project Monotype Interviews #3 - style.css

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Monotype Interviews #3 - style.css

:pmd/pawmi: royal :pmd/pawmi: | :pmd/celesteela: style.css :pmd/celesteela:

First of all thank you for taking the time to do this, I'm sure the community will be very interested in hearing from you. Would you mind telling us a bit about yourself? How did you get the name style.css?

Thanks for talking to me. I've been around for longer than I care to admit but have always liked Monotype before I even knew what it was. I've always loved computers, building them and creating stuff with them. I have a bunch of default file names as alts but I thought this one would be the most stylish

How long have you been a part of the monotype community? How did you first get involved?

Like I said, I've been around for a while but it wasn't until the start of last generation that I really started to get involved. I had some friends making their breakout performances and looking to help out the community more so I wanted to do the same. (If I'm honest, getting a custom avatar was a big driving factor at first, but now I want to do whatever I can to support the Monotype community and keep it growing/thriving).

Do you have a favorite monotype / ps moment that sticks out to you in particular?

Oooh, this is a hard one. I enjoy team tours the most and the best team I've been apart of is Wayward Wakes last MPL. Everyone was amazing and it was such a great experience compared to any other team I've been on (even though I had to put up with plunder's shenanigans)

If you were to be the tier leader for a day, what would you do? What about in National Dex Monotype?

If I was Tier Leader in Mono I probably wouldn't do much different at this moment. The changes in Tier Leaders/council lately are starting to really gain momentum and Monotype is quickly addressing the problems we've had for a while now. I'm super optimistic and appreciate all the hard work the Tier Leaders and council members have been doing.

Since I already am Tier Leader of NDM, I'd do what I'm always doing. Trying to build the tier up, get exposure and create a better relationship with Monotype. NDM has grown tremendously this gen and the format is so much fun. Being a partner tier with Monotype is the most logical next step in my eyes and I hope that in the future the two formats can work together to help each other grow even more.

Do you have any advice for new players? How to get better at the game, how to get more involved with the community?

Obviously the first thing has to be to just play as many games, tours, friendlies as possible. The more games you play, the more experience which lets you become more in tune with the meta and what plays make the most sense. To get involved start with helping out in the Mono room. Try to help others with their teams, answer questions and maybe try to start helping host tours like Tour Nights. Staff is really good at seeing who is putting in the work and it's only up from there (that's how I started).

Is there a team that you think encapsulates your style of play best that you wouldn't mind sharing with us?

Generation 8 Monotype Dragon -

I've always like Dragon in any gen. It's not an SV team, but this team from Gen 8 is a good example. When I build I love to keep things mostly standard with one or two kind of weird techs. In this case, Belch Hydreigon which is amazing in checking Fairy types which Dragalge can't handle on it's own. I'm sure many people who have played with me know that I am a madman for trying to find the "perfect" EV spreads.

Thank you so much for your time! Is there anybody you would like to give a shoutout to?

First off you for taking the time to interview me. The whole Monotype community deserves a shoutout for being amazing. and I definitely don't want to shout out the two people who have never been there for me for years now plunder and Leafium Z (to be clear for those who don't know, these two are some of the greatest people you'll ever meet).


This thread will remain open in case anyone would like to ask style.css any further questions. If you have an idea for who you would like to be interviewed next, please don't hesitate to let me know!​
style.css will Nagandel and Celesteela be balanced in Scarlet and Violet Monotype considering the considerable power creep of this gen?

How do you build/think about spreads (EV and Sandwich spreads)?

What is the first Pokemon game you played?

And also what do you think are common things frequently overlooked when building and creating teams?

Thank you in advance Mister RObotto :blobnom:
Hi! style.css huge fan of yours and so I had a few questions :D

1) What would be your top 5 types post chien pao ban?
2) What mons do you think rise in usage post chien pao ban?
3) If you were council, would there be a mon you’d push to suspect test?

(This is definitely not for mpl prep when we play you )
  1. I think it's a bit too early to say but Dragon and Flying look like they should do really well. I'm excited to explore what types could potentially rise with Chien-Pao's ban
  2. Most obvious would be Psychic and Ghost but like I said it'll be cool to see what Grass/Ground/Flying types might rise in usage
  3. I'm not sure if these Pokemon are actually broken or not yet, especially with the major shifts recently but stuff that seems worth looking closely at would be (in no specific order) Gouging Fire again, Flutter Mane and Kingambit. They are consistently mentioned in the community as problems but suspect tests could be good to really examine where these Pokemon stand and their effect on the meta.

HIII style.css i think you are really cool and charismatic <3 I also have a few questions for you:

1) What is your favorite pokémon and why?
2) Do you have a favorite game?
3) Outside Pokémon, do you have any other franchises or games that you really like?
  1. I don't think I have a single favorite since it depends on the situation but obviously I like Naganadel and Celesteela
  2. Might be cheesy but it might be Pokemon. The regular games, some of the spinoffs and competitive on PS make it fun to play in all different ways
  3. Nothing specific but like everyone I like shooters and fighting games

Who are your favorite people in the Monotype community?

Are you trying to get me in trouble here? I can tell you my least favorite two and it's plunder and Leafium Z

Where did your reflexive ability to immediately say "Scrub" to anyone as an insult develop?

When I met you I needed a term that would properly describe you and the term stuck

why did you have a shitty ass CA as ur 1st CA?
do you enjoy my daily question of the day?
  1. If the first one wasn't shitty, the second one wouldn't look so much better!
  2. Your daily questions are the reason I wake up in the morning

style.css will Nagandel and Celesteela be balanced in Scarlet and Violet Monotype considering the considerable power creep of this gen?

How do you build/think about spreads (EV and Sandwich spreads)?

What is the first Pokemon game you played?

And also what do you think are common things frequently overlooked when building and creating teams?

Thank you in advance Mister RObotto :blobnom:
  1. Celesteela has never been a problem so if that ever comes back I know it'll be fine. Naganadel is interesting. It won't have Z moves and who knows what it's movepool would even be should it come back. It's once solid speed tier is kind of mediocre now too so I'd be interested in seeing if it was balanced enough now to say legal (#DragonCouncil)
  2. First I think about what the point of the spread is and what role it's supposed to be serving. Honestly building EV spreads are a long process that takes tons of games to really refine. You play, check calcs as you play and that presents opportunities to tweak the spreads. Sometimes it only takes 12 EVs to live something specific that would make or break your match.
  3. Blue
  4. The main thing that a lot of people miss is the way to invest EVs defensively. Knowing when to go max HP vs directly in to Def/SpD or how to split them to get the most use from the EVs. The other is just HP in general. With HDB everyone just clicks 252 HP, but you should still be conscious of hazard damage since Knock Off is always going to be spammed where possible. These are usually pretty small differences but they can and have made huge differences in games.
1. Favorite food?
2. Favorite shiny form of a pokemon?
3. Favorite era of Monotype (from any generation)?
4. Favorite town/city in a pokemon game?
5. Favorite Monotype replay?

Thanks for doing this player interview :)
  1. Motor oil
  2. There are a lot of cool ones but I have a nostalgic attachment to shiny Metagross
  3. Diamond / Pearl or Fire Red / Leaf Green
  4. Fortree City
  5. The infamous Dethroner reverse sweep with Steel v Ground in some ULC final that mysteriously disappeared