Smogon Forums

EST over here. I have to adjust my sleep schedule this week, so I WANT to be on from like 11 am EST to 10 pm EST but it looks like 1 pm EST to sometime very late is about it (I have college classes that I'm trying to adjust for).
Metal Sonic
Metal Sonic
Umm I don't get you. How did you manage to see the farm league thread yesterday at 3 am?
Anyway , I can play Friday or Saturday night, 9am-midnight, please choose
I'm completely free both days and will be on either day. Doesn't really matter to me, but probably Friday just to have it done a bit earlier.

As for having seen the thread, I saw it because McBarrett mentioned to look at it before going to bed (He had mentioned it hours earlier and I saw it in my PS! private message group... had been watching Evangelion).
Metal Sonic
Metal Sonic
Ok, then please make arrangements to be online on Friday and Saturday both nights, in case I miss you on Friday
Metal Sonic
Metal Sonic
If you want to get it done earlier I am also online at 5-9 am EST but that might be a stretch for you
Metal Sonic
Metal Sonic
Hi, please remember to log on tonight for the battle

IF you are online now we can also get ready! I'll be ready in 3 hours!
Give me a time from your next post that is technical "tonight" for you. Is it EST? (Like, for me, 16 hours from now would be 8 p.m., and what I would start to call 'night')

And I won't be on in 3 hours, unfortunately. I'll be asleep for a few hours catching up on some rest.
Metal Sonic
Metal Sonic
Aye. 15 - 18 hours from now would be perfect.
Metal Sonic
Metal Sonic
if we want a specific time, 16 hours from now. Otherwise, we can just be online at those hours and VM each other when we're both ready
I'm on whenever.
Metal Sonic
Metal Sonic
give me about 15 - 30 mins to eat breakfast