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Warped Worlds
Warped Worlds
Meanwhile im having net issues again and lost 2 ranked because of it... ones which I would have won. GG comcast is shit.

Oh I lost a normal because of it too.
Warped Worlds
Warped Worlds
Went to sleep at 6 PM yesterday and slept until 9 AM the next day. Skipped dinner. Was really tired lol.
Warped Worlds
Warped Worlds
lost ranked to a first time yasuo and a fizz top. 4-35 score
Warped Worlds
Warped Worlds
Reported him for griefing since he admitted he was first time and instalocked. I flamed my team so harshly since they deserved it. Go ahead report me. etc etc
Warped Worlds
Warped Worlds
Good news is I go Darius mid and get first blood on Yasuo then procede to shit on him. Then I solo the dragon and get my team to group and we win.
Warped Worlds
Warped Worlds
meanwhile I win lane with Nasus without dying, getting 4 kills, and 627 q stacks. Although both other lanes lost and I couldnt win. Lucian and Brand lost lane. Syndra carried them.
Warped Worlds
Warped Worlds
2-1 KDA ratio. Still cant carry as Xin Zhao. All 3 losses in ranked today were not my fault. Story of my life. Yet people don't want to duo with me since they want me to learn from it. Although im x2 as good as some of the people in silver and I just cant do it.
Warped Worlds
Warped Worlds
Due note that I had 161 CS by 20 minutes as Nasus. Pretty much gave my team a free win. ^^
Warped Worlds
Warped Worlds
I can promise you that I am going down in rank because of the aids and cancer I am getting.
Warped Worlds
Warped Worlds
then i lost to 4-10 lee sin who didnt build armor vs a full AD team. he went afk and we lost. can we duo? this is pretty stupid.
Warped Worlds
Warped Worlds
Then I first time Akali (yolo!) then top feeds, bot lane feeds. I lose mid since im not good with my champ and I fought a champ which counters me.

Meanwhile I lagged non stop in that game. DW Florie I promised myself that I will get Gold by the end of the season. I just need internet.
Warped Worlds
Warped Worlds
I did some more LizardMan maintenance since nobody knows what to do. I made my FPS 100 on league. My ping is staying 92 most of the time. Lets hope it stays that way so I can play after my nap.
Warped Worlds
Warped Worlds
I love EVs and building teams in pokemon. I love masteries and runes. I love customization and that kind of technical stuff in general. No wonder why im not so bad at computers anymore. I think its fun to tinker with them.
Warped Worlds
Warped Worlds
So many innuendo's from Trucy.
Warped Worlds
Warped Worlds
I am doing good in silver 2. I just went 11-5-7 as Jungle Jax and I carried against silver 1s and Gold Vs. My teammates were Silver 3. I was like 4-1-1 early game and got Wriggles not even 6 minutes in the game.

Then I played as Yi Mid and destroyed 7 turrets and 3 inhibitors.