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Warped Worlds
Warped Worlds
Trying out Scaling Health and Scaling Magic Resist Glyphs with Movement Speed Quints. Good on Jungle Warwick/Maokai or AD vs AP with some sort of sustain or boots.

Great against passive AP guys or for dodging skillshots. + Warwick is unduelable vs AD and survives jungle anyway. Sick of getting kited and CC'd.
Warped Worlds
Warped Worlds
Scaling Health Seals also works with Ancient Golem and Maokai's passive.

I'd do it on Amumu, Shyvana, Irelia vs AP heavy stuff. Along with Movement Speed Quints / AS Marks.

Coming up with new stuff every day. NA players need to take notes, otherwise Koreans are going to keep on innovating.
Warped Worlds
Warped Worlds
AS Marks in lane aren't that bad with MS too. You dont have to waste your gap closer early and you can just auto attack them a bunch.

If you are using movement speed quints in lane, you should start an AD item anyway to set yourself up for a roam or a split push. Xin Zhao or Darius comes to mind although I'd use flat Armor and flat MR on them vs anything.

Going to have fun playing around.
Warped Worlds
Warped Worlds
AS Marks also help you duel the guys who don't take MS Quints. I won't be using MS Quints a lot though.

It isn't as if 9-21-0 guys ever had trouble last hitting in top lane, and I am primarily trying the lane thing on 21-9-0 guys or champs which didn't take AD marks anyway.

Pushing and attacking a lot works well with Teleport.
Warped Worlds
Warped Worlds
I forgot about Udyr. The Scaling Health/MR MS thing is really good on Udyr with Ancient Golem or Lizard Elder. Lets make his life of getting kited a little easier.
Warped Worlds
Warped Worlds
MS + AS is good when you need to leash blue too. You can give a better leash, get to lane faster, and shove the lane back so you don't get wrecked due to being behind.
Warped Worlds
Warped Worlds
Using 25+ in offense on Master Yi is cool for clear times, but more importantly build flexibility. Now I can make a defensive item earlier but my damage is still good. I like BT anyway so might as well.

I think i'd go 3 in MS in utility too. Since MS is more important than I anticipated for everything Yi does.
Warped Worlds
Warped Worlds
3 AS Quints with 9 AD Marks is rly scurry in top lane. Another reason why I like raw stats to outplay them with MS Quints.
Warped Worlds
Warped Worlds
I came up with a great strategy. Whenever I want to spend money, I have to watch an episode of anime.

Whenever I rage and get mad, I need to watch an episode of anime.
Warped Worlds
Warped Worlds

Q first with Ruined King seems really good with play making potential at top lane.

Mixed Damage isn't important imo unless they build tankier and I don't understand why maxing an auto reset first is cooler.
Warped Worlds
Warped Worlds
Maxing Q lets me not play like a crappy Irelia too.
Warped Worlds
Warped Worlds
Going to start running 2 Armor Quint, 1 AS Quint, 9 AD Marks, 5 Armor Seals, 4 Scaling or Flat HP Seals, 5 Magic Resist Glyphs, 4 Mana Regen Seals on a lot of ADCs. It would be boss on Tristana, Ashe, Sivir, or anything where my laning isn't 100 secure.

I think I would also run flat HP Seals, an Armor Quint, and Scaling Magic Resist Glyphs vs AP Heavy teams on lane bully ADCs like Caitlyn.