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Warped Worlds
Warped Worlds
Going with Flat HP Seals and 3 Armor Quints as my default Nasus page. Only way to survive vs most kinds of guys.

I never get tanky enough anyway so i'd rather maximize my laning power, and have another rune page w/o cd reduction but with magic resist to pump me up.
Warped Worlds
Warped Worlds
Vladimir is really cool because he can run so many viable rune pages. He can run that same default Nasus page to survive lane with CD Reduction. He can run all the AP pages that other AP guys do.

Then there is Spell-vamp Quints. He scales hard off HP seals and Scaling AP Glyphs. CD Reduction makes his laning too easy it seems. He deserved to get nerfed. His design is really gay.
Warped Worlds
Warped Worlds
"He can run CD Reduction, while having no mana, while using HP seals to lane vs AP or AD guys."

A lot of potential in him I think.
Warped Worlds
Warped Worlds
The juggernaut mastery was a buff to him in season 4. Hybrid Penetration works ok on him with his short spell range. He also gets that from masteries so that is another stealth buff for Vladimir.
Vladimir hasn't been nerfed since at least year so what do you mean lol. Vlad is fab as fuck btw.
Warped Worlds
Warped Worlds
He is the only champion of his specific design since riot doesn't want to create more champions like him. They think he is an anti fun toxic champion.

A manaless mage which heals themselves, then hides. A champion who can run CD reduction glyphs without mana problems. Free defensive stats for building damage. That is all stuff riot doesn't like because they like to promote counterplay.
Warped Worlds
Warped Worlds
He promotes farm lanes until he just stomps hard, or just stays alive while guys who can't bully him go oom. Then he outscales. Riot likes people fighting each other in lane and Riot doesn't like free stats. The health rescource champion was never done properly. All of the health rescource champions suffered harsh nerfs. Another problem with this design is Ignite so they have trouble balancing this genre of champion.

That is why Vlad got nerfed last year. He's good though, don't get me wrong.
Warped Worlds
Warped Worlds
Another problem with the health resource genre of champion is if your heal is too strong, you never die. If your heal is too weak, you die too much.

Manaless champions have always been difficult to balance because they snowball less hard without amounts of CD reduction, low cooldowns, or you auto attack a lot. A lot of them were designed with low cooldowns, toolbox kits, and auto attack a lot since they don't want to create a manaless ADC or caster due to design problems.
Gnar is actually pretty balanced which I think is nice. I agree though, manaless champs are indeed hard to balance and Vlad was OP earlier but you sounded like he got nerfed recently lol.
Warped Worlds
Warped Worlds
Since they don't want to create Garen clones, and stuff like Rengar, Tryndamere, and Vladimir they have been trying to find loopholes to create a perfectly balanced manaless champion. That is what they tried to do with Gnar. Not an ADC, caster, but still having powerful stuff to do in mega form on a timer, and unpredictable wield.

Transforming champs are another problem riot has had. Point and click champs/balls of stat champs are also another problem they had trouble balancing.
Warped Worlds
Warped Worlds
It was more me hyping Vladimir since he was strong, then got nerfed, then people forgot about him, then I realized how he can still work with the rune changes + stealth buffs from the masteries, metagame changes, the new will of the ancients, and summoner spell changes.

It feels good to see less Riven and Garen if you are playing Vladimir! Yeah Gnar is balanced. I think he causes fighter health problems for immobile melees. Gnar too mobile and free harass. If you use a gap closer, he survives, then jumps away he just kites you until your dead just like Vayne.
Warped Worlds
Warped Worlds
I meant they don't like manaless champions with low cooldowns since they have trouble giving those champions an identity and a meaningful weakness, and they end up too strong for too big amount of the game.

"Lets just have Tryndamere auto attack a lot, never die, get a free exhaust, get a free wall jump gap closer, and infinite sustain. free 35% crit chance and AD. No mana too."

Riot likes to troll.
Warped Worlds
Warped Worlds
Riot really really hates Lee Sin the most though and they have no idea what to do with him. They said they don't want to make any changes to him until they have a good idea for him and because they don't want to upset his playerbase.

They tried to make him too much like Monk from final fantasy. a gazillion damage without any items