Smogon Forums

rufus drumknott
rufus drumknott
Yeah sure, any day that's not today. Too many trades to do today.
To trade or not to trade ;)
hey when you give me the vullaby, can i borrow a perfect female dream ball limber buneary too please ? I'll give you an egg with an active match when i'm done. It's kinda urgent thanks .
also, i did not know you have a perfect 4 egg moves pancham -.- ( i spent 4 hours starting from scratch )
rufus drumknott
rufus drumknott
You mean my shiny Vermillion? Yeah, sure. I'll get to you in a bit, I'm helping Xen out for a few minutes.
rufus drumknott
rufus drumknott
4 hours though? It's just a Pancham haha. You can always ask me if you want help with egg moves though. If I don't have them, I still love breeding egg moves.
no give me a 5 iv breedables stocks/parents if you have it .
rufus drumknott
rufus drumknott
Just checked, I don't have any in bank, sorry. My female is 6IV though, so I can just pop it into the daycare to get a 5IV spitback if you want?
that is fine thank you , i will use it to get 30 eggs and then i will trade it back to you .
oh and i am available now
rufus drumknott
rufus drumknott
You mean you want to borrow my 6IV parent? Alright then. Let me just take it out of bank, I'll tell you when I'm on. My internet is a bit slow right now.
rufus drumknott
rufus drumknott
Nickname for Vullaby?
let's hold to that trade for a few days , i'm out for New Year .
rufus drumknott
rufus drumknott
Okay then. Sorry about that, was doing a lot today and Pokebank only just let me in too.
sorry about it, i am available now to get the vullaby and the buneary parents ? Do you need the bird clone ?
nickname it Shadow ;)
rufus drumknott
rufus drumknott
Yeah I'll need the Vullaby cloned. Okay, give me about ten minutes and I'll get online.
rufus drumknott
rufus drumknott
A Vullaby named Shadow with the OT Shadow?? I don't even know what to say ...
thank you
rufus drumknott
rufus drumknott
Are you going to clone the Vullaby now or are you going to wait til you're finished with Buneary?
stay online ( i'll clone the bunny too since i'm cloning a bunch of stuffs :)