Smogon Forums

rufus drumknott
rufus drumknott
It's fine, you're allowed to post, you're just not allowed to ask for stuff that I will have to breed. Asking for something I already have (stuff in my shinies, events, and legendaries list) is fine.
I'll just post sometime, rufus. I'm really sorry for posting earlier.
If ever you want me to breed stuff for you, just hit me up since I want to do stuff before I get back into the university in a few days, and because I don't have an internet connection there to actually trade with people when I'm away from home XD but if you want you can send me a list of pokemons you want to be bred, and I'll do my best to breed them. I'll just ask a mon or two you have when I come back.
Goodluck SRing Cresselia though!