Smogon Forums

rufus drumknott
rufus drumknott
Do you know how KeyBV works or would you like me to explain it? And no it doesn't matter, I'll just check them on my X so I can add your friend safari ^^
Nelson Tangela
Nelson Tangela
Actually, I don't know. I used to know how this whole thing worked back when Instacheck was the thing, but no idea what changed... ^^
rufus drumknott
rufus drumknott
1. Turn off forced saves in settings.

2. Hatch the egg(s).

3. Battle me with the hatched eggs in your party. Forfeit on the first turn.

4. I will save the battle video and go offline. Then I can tell you the ESVs.

5. Soft-reset to get your Pokemon back as eggs.

So just let me know when you've added me and you've hatched your eggs.
Nelson Tangela
Nelson Tangela
Turned off auto-save, added your FC and hatched the 3 eggs. I'm ready. ^^
rufus drumknott
rufus drumknott
Alright, I'll be online in a minute.