Smogon Forums

Anytime would work for me!
Quantum Tesseract
Quantum Tesseract
Oops, my apologies. Unless you mean youre always on PS with some other account, which seems somewhat unlikely but if so I retract this, there has to be some specific time we meet up; Picking random times and hoping the other is on is not a reliabke strategy
I could play anytime you want
Doesn't really matter to me
Quantum Tesseract
Quantum Tesseract
Alright, how does tommorow sound? 10:00 am est?
Quantum Tesseract
Quantum Tesseract
? I can't find you online.
Quantum Tesseract
Quantum Tesseract
Ill stay on for 10 more mins
Quantum Tesseract
Quantum Tesseract
Alright, what other days work for you? Perhaps you pick this time, since my pick didnt work?