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Joker 1v1
Joker 1v1
My time zone is -7 gmt. Us west. I can't play today as I'm beyond tired. So we can look into Friday-onwards. We can get an extension if needed
Just send me ur full availability
Joker 1v1
Joker 1v1
I can play anytime before 3pm -7gmt with expectations of waking up at 4am ex.
can you do like 5am your time monday , you say that you wake up at like 4am so thats why
Joker 1v1
Joker 1v1
I was saying I dont wake up in the middle of the night
Joker 1v1
Joker 1v1
Is there a time for you later in the night that works? That will be my morning?
then why did you say anytime before 3pm , and you said you will wake up at 4am anyways, 5am isnt in the middle of the night , and no
can you do like 7pm my time monday?
oh I think you misspelled "expectations" over "exeptions" , again not my fault
Joker 1v1
Joker 1v1
I was saying I can do anything before 3pm my time, exceptions being like for 4am for ex. Think auto correct messed with one word, basically I'm saying I'm not waking up in the middle of the night. i get home at the ass of the night and am not playing, I'm sleeping. can you do something like 11am GMT -7 or something close to that for Monday?

that would be like 11:30pm ish your time on monday
no I cant it's your fault for spelling it wrong and make me have opposite expectations deadline is here and I cant do past 6 30pm anyday
I am on ps as Arvinraj K III C rn if you cant do rfn lets figure out a time
Joker 1v1
Joker 1v1
You need to stop with the whole freak out mode, I've offered a time and you're asking me to play in the middle of the night when I told you at the start of our conversation, I will not play during the middle of the night
Joker 1v1
Joker 1v1
So please stop with the rfn during the middle of the night when I'm asleep and acting like that works
Joker 1v1
Joker 1v1
Also the whole, "i cant play do past 6 30 pm any day" yet you off a time past that time. in "can you do like 7pm my time Monday?" again I'm at work.
Joker 1v1
Joker 1v1
We have a 11.5hr time difference. If you can't do anything late your nights, I'll try and player later in my night. I can try and play tonight around 11pm. But this depends on me getting out of work and home early. So, if that's something that can work for you. Since you offered the time earlier in the week, let me know if it will work today/tmrw (basically in 13.5hrs)
Joker 1v1
Joker 1v1
well work has asked me to do a double, so that wont be possible probably. ill msg you as soon as I get back, and see what we can do. biding I'm not exhausted beyond hell :)
Joker 1v1
Also the whole, "i cant play do past 6 30 pm any day" yet you off a time past that time. in "can you do like 7pm my time Monday?" again I'm at work.
Yesterday at 9:53 PM Report
Joker 1v1   
Joker 1v1
that was my showing pity on our schedueling
and I cant do late nights
Joker 1v1
You need to stop with the whole freak out mode, I've offered a time and you're asking me to play in the middle of the night when I told you at the start of our conversation, I will not play during the middle of the night
Yesterday at 9:49 PM Report
you put expectations instead of exeptions , not my fault bro
why do you expect me to play my late nights when you can"t and when do you get home from work sheesh