Smogon Forums

Fogbound Lake
Fogbound Lake
+1 here, want to do sunday 6pm my time?
Blue YM
Blue YM
I can do sunday but late evening?
Blue YM
Blue YM
more like 10 pm my time?
Fogbound Lake
Fogbound Lake
yh that works cya then
Blue YM
Blue YM
Yo bro Sunday 10 PM doesnt work for me anymore. Can we do 2 hours later? Smth came up
Fogbound Lake
Blue YM
Blue YM
yo bro, can I ask for another date. My country’s train connections suck so hard, I don’t think I can make it today home lol. Can we do another day?
Fogbound Lake
Fogbound Lake
yeah np we have time, just lmk what days would work
Blue YM
Blue YM
can we do like saturday sunday any time u like?