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  • hey man, i was hoping you could help me hatch a shiny ralts it has the shiny value 859, if you could id defiantly appreciate it :)
    I'm free most of today, what's you availability/FC/IGN? Also, do you have instacheck? I'd appreciate you checking a few eggs for me if possible.
    Hey, i dont know if its to late, i do have instacheck though and wouldnt mind helping you out IGN is Rose and FC: is 0473-7998-7931
    whats ur IGN?
    I'll be online randomly most of today so just shoot me a PM. I won't have eggs to check just whatever I happen to be hatching a dozen tops.
    Hi, I didn't want to crowd the thread so I already added your code. I'll wait for you to send the request incase you have to get to someone else before.
    Thanks alot man. You really helped me here. I owe you one.
    Not a problem at all.
    Froakie (M) - Timid, Protean, 31\26\31\30\31\30 [420]

    Took a while but I managed to produce a HP Fire Froakie for you. If you're still interested I can hatch it for you.
    Redjar my friend... never saw anything of that Sneasel! =P However, that Archen is looking very nice... any chance you have a female somewhere? ;D Maybe there's something in my thread that is catching your fancy.. or will be soon!?
    I have the sneasel, been in reserves for a few weeks lol. I just either never see you online. I'll take a peek at your thread though. :D
    Hehe it's alright .. ^^ No worries! I'm working on some Jolly Charmanders right now, take quite a while to breed them little buggers! But if you can't find anything now I'm sure I'll get something in the near future soon as I'm done with the fire lizards..
    Helioptile - #694 (Timid) Female (♀) : 31 / 24 / 30 / 31 / 31 / 31 (Dry Skin)

    Took awhile but I finally produce a HP Helioptile. if you still interested in it contact me when you're able to trade
    hi! sorry for not posting in your thread for I don't know the reason...
    im interested on your chespin (xx/31/31/xx/31/31 1 Bulletproof Female)
    can trade that for 1 6iv pumpkaboo impish nature frisk ability female
    thanks a lot!
    Size of the Pumpkaboo?
    I actually have a 5 IV Female Snorlax that's already EV trained. I was going to use it myself for battlings, but it isn't as bulky as I hoped. Will you trade me the female Squirtle for it? (Not right now though, I have to go eat).
    Yes. My squirtles are perfect so I expect the same in return, also I'm trying to get rid of everything bc I don't have time to breed right now.
    I should've known. (Well, would've known if you hadn't asked for Scatterbug. I assumed you just wanted the Vivilion patterns).

    I do have a 5 IV Adamant Kangaskhan if you're interested in that? Or a 5 IV Adamant Larvitar w/ Dragon Dance (female).
    No thanks, I have those
    hey I seen your post abut the spitbacks you have for trade and was wondering what you want for a corphish? its the main thing im looking for right now
    Hey Redjar. We have encountered a small problem with the Litwicks. The timid nature is really giving us trouble and it would take entirely too long to complete the job. I appreciate your interest in our thread. We're sorry. Happy breeding.
    No problem, thanks for the heads up.
    I've got your mons ready, got time to trade now? =)
    Hehe enjoy. ;) Thanks for the Tyrunt! I'm a real sucker for dinosaurs..
    Haha, if I see anything else in your thread I want I'll make sure to start breeding Amaura.
    Amaura is actually on my list yeah! =P
    Hmmmm........ Interesting. The anime/cartoon style kind of reminds of something that I've seen before. Thank you for sharing it with me. :)
    No problem. I don't mind spreading the Scott Pilgrim love. It's a great series.
    I bet it is.
    I gave you an extension on your NU Open match. Please get it done in the next two days, thanks!
    If you're on after 10pm we can play tonight, other than that we'll need to wait until Monday because my family is gone this weekend and can't guarantee internet.
    I'm in eastern time zone. EDT.
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