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  • "knock knock." "who's there" "252+ Atk Choice Band Kingler Superpower vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Cloyster: 258-304 (107 - 126.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO"
    im your opponent, when you good for the battle?
    I have to cover for a guy at work so I'll be leaving in a bit under an hour, I'm not sure if you can be on any earlier than you have been, but if not I can play at the same time monday or tuesday
    hmm cant do same time today as monday, whats your gmt?
    Gmt -7, I should be on comp in a little over half an hour though so maybe it can happen
    o i thought this was a lunatone :o
    also I like triple edited my post so not sure if u got tagged, am i cool for ogre analysis
    actually why tf would you reject a qc member lol, I'll post it in a bit
    i still approve to flex e-peen of course
    -7 Is about two hours behind where I am (EST, -5), so maybe sometime around 5:00 your time would be good to play?
    On Friday, your life is about to change forever. I have arranged a ride for you to pick you up outside your house. There you will be transported to a training facility we have in Brisbane for people like you.

    I know this comes as a huge shock, but I am deadly serious here. You will soon learn to enjoy your new life. Don’t worry.
    I won't n_n
    these are out of order btw so read from bottom to top
    Eventually, you will be able to identify people who are criminals and psycopaths from people who are not. You may not know that you have these abilities, but they can be coaxed from your instinctual memory with the help of specialists at MIAE. You will learn how to use your abilities for the force of good.
    You are one of 98 individuals who possess a unique talent. You are able to detect signals from the brains of others. You are able to analyze their brains for enlarged areas or swathes of gray matter near the orbifrontal cortex.
    Everything in your life until this point was a lie. Your school was chosen for you as a place where several individuals of the organization MIAE (Myoglyceride Individuals Against Evil) could pose as your teachers and watch you.
    Megazard, you are one of those people. You were grown in a test tube until you were a full grown child, and then sent to an adoptive agency. Your parents are not your real biological parents- they only look like you because they were carefully selected out of thousands of individuals by the government.
    The experiments were mostly conducted on frogs but they were also secretly tested on humans. There were a number of babies produced from these genetic experiments, which lasted for 5 years.
    You are special. In 1986, the United States and Australian government collaborated on a joint research program. The goal was to find out how accelerated levels of the artificial hormone myogliceride could affect brain development in zygotes.
    I have been watching you ever since you joined Showdown. I was assigned to monitor your progress. Why? Because, you are not a normal person.

    I have been meaning to tell you this for a while, but I didn’t want to destroy your innocence.
    Dont read this cause it actually works. You will be kissed on the nearest possible friday by the love of your life. Tomorrow will be the best day of your life. However if you dont post this in the next143 minutes you will die in 2days. Now you started reading this dont stop. This is scary but put this on at least 5 smogon profiles in 143 minutes.
    Let's fight swiss tour ru gmt +6
    Lol I'm -7 how do we ever see each other online, let alone consistently. Should see u over the weekend but I can be on in about 20 min
    lets do this
    ill be on ct
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