Search results for query: *

  1. pika pal

    Pokémon Presents - Pokémon Day 2025 - Pokemon ZA Info & Pokemon Champions Announced

    So I would agree if Dusk Lycanroc didn't exist. At that point they could just fit Battle Bond Greninja by mixing in Battle Bond Froakie among spawns/separate form to breed from (if not just making it an ability for Froakie) like Own Tempo Rockruff. There's no reason besides arbitration or...
  2. pika pal

    Pokémon Day 7* Tera Raids (Paldea Starters and Pseudos)

    Also tangentially related, what Pokeballs are people using for the Starters? I'm spamming Item Printer for a Friend Ball on Meowscarada, then Lure for Quaquaval and undecided for Skeledirge
  3. pika pal

    Unpopular opinions

    So the problem the friction argument runs into for me is that it continues a trend I've felt since branching out from Pokemon into other RPG's when I was a Teenager: Pokemon teaches bad habits if you play it as an RPG or try to transplant habits from one to the other. The most famous example of...
  4. pika pal

    Pokémon Day 7* Tera Raids (Paldea Starters and Pseudos)

    If the last slot goes unused, any reason Focus Energy can't be used, since the main goal is just "don't die" and thus won't wear off anyway? Gonna build this for a Solo so figure anything to make it a little faster
  5. pika pal

    Little things you like about Pokémon

    While true geographically, Lumiose Tower specifically felt a lot less integral to XY to me than something like Mt. Coronet and Spear Pillar did to Sinnoh, probably in large part because very few significant moments took place at the former (like the final villain team confrontation and Legendary...
  6. pika pal

    Unpopular opinions

    I think the main thing HMs needed was designing them around puzzles and any obstacle removal being one-and-done like a lot of strength shortcuts in later games. Don't make me fish out an HM user every time I have to go back through an area. An added bonus to this would have been the ability to...
  7. pika pal

    Pokémon Presents - Pokémon Day 2025 - Pokemon ZA Info & Pokemon Champions Announced

    On the Starter form debate, the point of "they couldn't in X/Y Kalos" could be handwaved by the fact that those starters weren't naturally occurring in Kalos, as compared to the Hisui starters having wild appearances via Mass Outbreaks (excluding the explicitly non-native Distortions). SO on...
  8. pika pal

    (Little) Things that annoy you in Pokémon

    In light of the Legends Z-A starter reveal, people have speculated about the starters getting Megas, Regional variants, or both, and it dawns on me that regardless of what option they go with, some Starter trio is just going to have a single odd-duck out unless they throw them in for the extra...
  9. pika pal

    Pokémon Presents - Pokémon Day 2025 - Pokemon ZA Info & Pokemon Champions Announced

    Everyone assuming Jett is going to be the twist villain because she's in charge of the company doing the Reconstruction for Lumiose, but is that any less likely than her just actually being a reasonable authority figure? Cyllene and Kamado were both in a similar "authority of the entire place"...
  10. pika pal

    Pokémon Presents - Pokémon Day 2025 - Pokemon ZA Info & Pokemon Champions Announced

    I don't think Showdown's playerbase elitism (correct or otherwise) factors into how it competes with what Champions looks to be, as Showdown also has the use case of "I already have a team I want to try out/a separate event, here is a simple platform to build and do Scrims with" by things like...
  11. pika pal

    Pokémon Presents - Pokémon Day 2025 - Pokemon ZA Info & Pokemon Champions Announced

    I'm going to guess with Pokemon Go Tour Global happening this weekend and a "Road to Unova" event leading up to it, that no particularly unexpected info will be on the stream. NEW stuff like maybe the next season preview is possible, but at most enlightening on a known schedule rather than...
  12. pika pal

    Unpopular opinions

    I think what makes Evasion feel so much cheaper than Sleep or Paralyze is two factors: you are much less likely to have an explicit countermeasure to Evasion (status healing items or berries are common loot to find vs X Accuracy relative to how often you use them); you have more direct control...
  13. pika pal

    Pokemon Scarlet & Violet - 18th Nov 2022! **OFFICIAL INFO ONLY**

    I really hope Wake and Leaves don't stay event exclusive in any subsequent Paradox appearance games. It kind of reminds me of how Gen 3 bizarrely made Ho-oh and Lugia from "normal" cover legendaries into fake-Mythicals for a while, limiting them to Event distributions or linking with the...
  14. pika pal

    Unpopular opinions

    This is nothing to me after Justy's Sand Veil-Storm + Double Team spamming Ground/Grass mons (in games with limited access to Shock Wave or Aerial Ace) coupled with things like Ingrain and the mentioned Sandstorm to win/recover by Chip
  15. pika pal

    Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion v4

    I think I will put it simply that if people want to have a potential retest, remember to write-in instead of waiting for it to come up in discussion independent of you. As controversial as the specific course of action was, Volcarona shows that decent write-in results are the most likely way to...
  16. pika pal

    Pokémon Movepool Oddities & Explanations

    I also want to voice some annoyance at the weird "3 and 1" pattern to a lot of moves across the group now, some of which only become odd with Enamorus but others (like Thundurus's Discharge vs the other 2 Extrasensory) existing even in the initial trio. Part of this feels like it falls on GF...
  17. pika pal

    Unpopular opinions

    As I see it, pop culture has two extremes for the existence of themes in their media. I specify pop-culture as in works made to entertain and be commercialized as at least one primary goal, compared to "Cinema" films or literature where they exist to depict artistic meaning or material...
  18. pika pal

    Unpopular opinions

    So my thing with the Azure Flute is that following this logic, they elected to simply... not have the puzzle either, rather than put the rest of the information in the game. Shaymin's about as out of the way since there's no reason to visit its route besides said event, and they could have had...
  19. pika pal

    (Little) Things that annoy you in Pokémon

    Something for Galar: Why is Zamazenta a Fighting Type? Like thematically what does that have to do with the concept of Armor and Protection? It feels like they just threw darts at a board when Steel was made the shared typing for the Crowned forms and they then needed distinct base typings...
  20. pika pal

    Unpopular opinions

    I swear if I ever meet you I'm going to be looking at myself with the evil-mirror-universe Mustache.